HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-30, Page 3i A ROY 11 DR.AWI O -R01 110W IT FEELS TO 141E PRE.. SL11TItsID AiT COURT. Debilti6llt Tells of liege leEx peels eaves Mi the Interesting OccaslOn.. A dream—a beautiful' dream l" exclaimed a charming'young debu- nte to a 'writer in Landoll . An- ewers, when be Risked "her to de- seribe her sensations on being .pre- een ed at Court.- "It was quite the Most gliorvows slay of my life ; but I was glad when it Was ,ail over, icor, to tell the truth, I, was horribly nervous.. "It all began, as . probably you know, with tho •arrival of a large, oblong, gilt-edged card, with the words, "The .Lord. Chaanberlain ,s 'comananded by their- Majesties to invite to a Court,' for be held at Buckingham. Palace,„ • Dna, a oertaimn day, at 10 o'olrocie; and 'With the card were,gluinulte*tractions as to the (trees to be worn—the pre�oia,e l(trees� arrangement of the t)bxee white'' fee,- thers, the, length sad' width of the train, and eo Au. • 1) ays of Delight. - ' "You may imagine the flutter of, prjrdeevittti which I received this, my first, invitation to Court—a pride whidi, of course, vas shared by my !mother,who was to .pres,ent ma• Then 'followed days of'delig+hbful ex- citement—the chop ng of my gown, the. visits to the 'Court dressmaker, .the repeated tlyisvgvs-on, and., final- ly, the arrival of my finery and the full-dress rehearsal, when thes whole household gathered to ad- mire me. "The week—kr only a week in- tervened between the invitation and the fateful e+venieg—passed in a whirl of emotkaus and delighted expectation, tinged with nervous- ness, as the day drew near. Then came the final dressing, and a last rehesesal, with currtssyin:a to my brother and sister, who 'represented their Maj esti' s with much mock dignity, before I was whirled away , in the motor by my mother's side. `From this stage it all seaxnacl a dream to me. . From the outside darkness I foand myself whored fairyland— 'e flood of light into 1 d, n .,tea :hoz 4 d *a- re xe m '. le the n rte.. �nm to r ed .,g t9 a%r , Eteryw PnLKi th'ere was, a blaze and riorb of caret: the Ted and gold of the Yeomen ,of the Guardtal- wart Guardsmen from the "Blues,” towering motironlees as statues; gorgeaus flunkeys, in Royal scarlet; the glimmer of silk, the $ash of gems; the banks of na,a•ny-hued flowers, all mingling in a kaleidos- cope of beauty. "At last we foil d ourselves in the State Drawing -Doom, and here we remained for half an hour or ix) in company with a brilliant gathering of ladies, whose laughter' etas chat- ter reassured Was fa, little --for by this time ray, heart was beating 'twenty to the dozen.' Across the Throne Room. "While waiting, I removed my right-handglove; and, after what seemed to mo an eternity, wo moved to the Picture. Gallery, ` where ol1•r'brains 'were carefully ar- ran'g.ed by officials, who spread them out with their hand's to e+how their shimmering bieauty to perfec- tion." erfec- ti n." "Die ordeal was now near, and I felt a. strong impuls`e to run away from ib. Suddenly I heard our names t nouhoed ; a splendid and courtly official took the ca,rdcl from nay mother ; art was passed from hand to hanks until it reached the Lord. Chalnabe,rlain, who amnouneed us to their Majesties ; and, before I ' knew it, 1 was crossing the gor- geous Throne Room towards a brilliant galleaay at the opposite e¢id, in the centre of which steed e the King, in field marshal's uni- form, and the Queen, wearing the ribbon of the Garber. "A low curtsey to one and than the other ,, a glimpse of two gra.- ciously-bowed heads and .slnil;ing faces, and a comprehensive e rthaoy to the rest of the Royal Family; and .somehow ,I .foland myself, with ',Iffy mother, in an ante -iv -pea, where a polite ,official was placing our trains over our arms. "It was all over, and axly mother was smilingly whispering to me : 'You went through it beautifully, my dear .1' ' Doctor ,•Said He Had Diabetes D OD lir' S RIDIsv PILLS MESA- ',ED LE ',ED OUT EVERY ITACE OF IT. That's Why 31r. 'David neon, of Nielolot: Co., Qtellec, Is Recons lnendip.g the'Great Canadian nay Remedy 'To Hip Neighbors. • St. Weneeslas, Nieolet Co.,'Que- bec., May :se (Special).—"I started to take Dodd's IIiclaxey Pills because the doctortol zizeal ,was thremtened with diabetes. ': A`fter. taking ten boxes I wasagain examined 'by the doctor, and he told me that all `trace f diabetes had'disappeared." This is the statement of Mr.:Da- vid Hean, well-known, and highly respected here, and he. is only one of. many ie. this neiglsborhood who have found a new lease of lite in. 1 'an i Kidney Rem- edy. "great Canadian It is. Duras such as this that .have given Dodd's Kidney Pills' their reputation, They are nevi . known from the AtlaTitio to the Pacific as the remedy that •neeer'fails to cure kidney disease, no matter where or in what form it is found. Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They simply tura diseased kid- neys. The reason they •curs back- ache, dropsy, rheumatism" neural- gia,, • diabetes, urinary troubles and Bright's disease is that all of 'these are either diseases of the kidneys or are -calmed by disordered kidneys failing to do their work.. Hon. ,.a. R. Flemming. Premier oft New Brunswick. Lady.Like Efforts. ,A. lady came ,down from upstairs t l and asked the manager of the 116 6 if .she Would get a glass of- wales" "Why, certainly,, madame;" 513,141 the manager, filling up a glass: Two minutes later "she was back in the office again. "I don't like to trouble y,ou,'r 'she said, "hut' could I :•get. , another .glass of water 1" "No trouble at all, madame," said the affable manager, handing her another glass. Two 'minutes later she appeared again. "Certainly, madame," said the affable manager, "but could I:en- quire what you are doing with so much water V' "I know ydu'11 just scream I lien I tell you," said the lady. am trydng to put out a fire in my froom.,' ' . WELL. SATISFIED WITH BABY'S OWN- TABLETS Never There. She—Anyhow, you must admit he is a well-bred man. Did you no- tice his knowledge of Aristotle? He --I did, and if you want my candid opinion, I don'jtbelieve •he's evee been there. 41. KIN 1TCIIED M'ItEBURNEU PirK]'j loson Legsand Arms. Scratched. and Made Sores,- Kept from Sleep- itgt first Application of Cuticura *lap and Ointment. Gave Great Relief, Cured hi a Few Weeks, tllnard's Liniment Cures piphtherla. • An Exception. "In the nature of things, every- body ought to be delighted to see n oculist. 'a "Why should they?"' "Because to see' hire is good for sore 'eyes." ' 'Lachine Locks, Quebec.—" j, had itching conunencing with my legs and increasing Cradiially until it reached all parts of my body. There were small pimples on any legs and arms and the skin was red and in- flamed all over tliebody and itched and burned so badly that I scratched and made sores. It caused me so much pain that it kept one from sleeping during entire e nights. I was troubled with . lifer about two years. "After having tried several remedies without success I used Outicura Soap and Ointment and from the first application 1 felt a great relief. I continued the treatment' taking warm baths with Outicura Soap fol- Iowed by the application of Cuticura Oint- ment, and at the end of a few wfeeks the trouble had ditappeared completely and I' was cured.', (Signed) zr. C. Boulet, 1V4ay 27,,1412. ver red; rough, chapped and bleeding Bands, itching, burning palms, shapeless flails and painful finger -ends, a one-night Cuticura treatment works wonders. Seale hands, on retiring; in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticure Ointment, anal wear old, loose gloves during the night. Cotieura Soap and Outicura Ointment are sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p, Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug & Chem, Corp., Dept. 42D, Boston, U. S. B., PILES, CURED IN (I -YO I4 DAYS. I d gar (AIM of Itch. golds expel 'worms and xnoke OINTMENT fails. to Dore any' ,tlp,�, : , 11O111YETS A.S PETS. "Gentle, J tbfensive Creator KO That gill Stinging Flies. The public has, hoard of wasps as pests, but: ib 'hbeen, ,r, ea Major: hurl toasne Hardy, ofeservedEnfgr. land, to tell Ifs that the hornet is, "a gentle, inoffensive oreature very. suitable as a'pet.�" Writing in Knowledge he; states that when Walking down Chiswick lane many Mrs. John Kenny, St. Norbert, Man., says.: "1 shave used Baby's Own Tablets and pan well satisfied with them." Thouwane s of other years 'ago he discovered' hornets busy around four etraw hives in, the front garden of a cottage. "I entered," he says, `rand asked the proprietor to let me observe them. I found that he kept these hornets, for pets and that he had no -bees. He lifted up a hive and let • me observe the queen at work. ge' said that he felt no danger whatever." Major Hardy, adds that he :personally has "no fear whatever of these innocent and use- ful creatures, who seem quite will- ing to share our dwelling with us if encouraged to do eo." It will be, remembered that Mr, Bates':an his aecoualt of his experi- ences on the Amazon states that at first he killed hornets which flew near his face. But having observed them closely and noted that they killed stinging flies, pouncing upon them as the flies attempted to bite him, he left them alone and was rather glad of their company. The tisiio may yet come when every well regulated household will keep its hornet to deal with flies, as it new keeps its dog to guard against burglars. Do You Feel Doody, Irritable, Depressed ? A.3LPU'1' !TES RIVAL'S Operation'Was Needless --Damage Suit to Follow. LEG. • The easy way. . An apps. tising dish ready to' serve, "Deliciously peek ell sad economical. —Insist on f - Clark's. 5 21 .512, t1'fr, Montreal. ill?• Gomez Lopez del Navarette,, a well-known diplomat of Barcelona, Spain, was in love with en actress, folerez Riverode Ramanones, o is ,the daughter of an aristocratic S1aanish faanily, whose name she brought into great notoriety by go- ing on the stage. A young but al - rawly famous surgeon, Dr. Dorado del Pozo, was also a suitor for Do- lorez, and her affections wavered so uncertainly' as to cause a duel between the young men in which mthel�s say rthet .same thing simply 'the diplomat was wounded in the becrxuse' there is no medicine for lelmmecliately Dolorex vas at his little ones to equal the Tablet's laxative` re u' . side and nursed him devoutly. Sev- late set o a s. and , ry but the te.'tlle bo'we'ls eind.sfem .h, bvviI: *1,c aa3 a we're canr�att. t , last kg only became worse. A Dolorex persuaded her lover 'teem - salt his .rival, the brilliant young sargeon." He did so and ] r..Dor- ado del Poco said that aanputa,tion would alone save his life, as gan- grene had, set in. More persuasion by the actress, who assured him that her affections were now fixed, was needed before the young diplomat would consent Ito the operation. The operation was eventually performed and Se- nor Navarette provided with an artificial leg. In. spite of her previous protege, - tions Dolorez had.now to confess that she could never marry a man With one leg. Not long after she married ;the young surgeon. This aroused Navarette's suspicions and When That Languid, Leggy, Easily - Tired Feeling Comes, Your Liver'Is Slow. uh ru ist willlrefond money'. if- PA2OIng. ld. n ?Reale ar i3o trndi r o'Pets a BrTablets in �T 141 4 Bleedingi Blind. Bea B -n thI et y 14 dale. 60e. by'medicine 'deale,rs or by Inail at 'From habit." "Why did she want' to set her husband's will aside V' "Merely because, it was her hus- band's, and she had not In the habit-bf setting it aside." Mdaard's Liniment Co, Limi ed, N. S.y Gentlemon,—Iii January last, Francis Declare, one of the men employed by me, working him the crush ng h mdfe rfu ly tIhfi, was, when found, placed on a sledand en- ter forainedmen iso re reeovery, his hips rave fearsrbeing from his'ribsto his feand his body t d Wer used MIN A1tD'S LINIMENT ono him freely to deaden the tho pain and with use bf three bottles be was oompletely cured and able. to re- turn to his work. SAI7VEUR DtJVAL. Elgin Road. L'Islet Co., Que. Literally. - "A dressmaker can soon tie an extravagant woman up." "Yes, especially with the hobble skirts." !'We did not wart, as. so many others did, for refreshments, or to •see the Royal procession to tike supper -roam. A. few minutes later we were being whisked bask biome-- I exhausted; "'butt very happy; my mother, 'proud that her daughter had acquitted herself so creditab'ly; and both t little glad that it was over,} wearers Liniment Cures Carget In 26 cents a box from The Dr: 'Ad - Hazes' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. new Cows Mistress—"I'm sorry you are go- ing to leave, Maria. Are you go- ing to better yourself 1" Maria— "No, ma'am. I'm going to get mar- ried.'" Anyway, gzra, you don't require capital to start a rumor. • eV CMS, One "OROMO QUININE" That is Look for the g� gna ureEetOE.OW GROPE. Cores a Cold in One Day. tures, Grip la Two Days. 25o. "All I demand for my client," Ilia visited the electors whom he had declared the prisoner's counsel, in l consulted before the operation. the voice of a man who was paid `They all ase -'red him than gangrene for ib, "is justice." "I am very' wins, in their opinion, quite impossi- ry I can't accommodate you,,, t He is now bringing an action Regretting the Cost, Henry never knew stairs 'eotild be so frolicsome and alpine until that midnight. He had reached the turning point of his perilous journey, when his wife appeared? armed with the well-known candle and poker, "� "You're drunk, Henry " r'" o e cried vindictively. "You're drunk." "Well, . if I ain't," responded Henry demurely, "I've spent _$3.65 for nothing at all," And he wept. Ei)." :A Tolls How to Cure Quickly. "Even when I was young I was not robust and healthy like other girls. I suffered from headaches, and had sort of blue feelings that' deprived me of the Joyful spirits and pleasures other girls Seemed to- get. After 1 married I found I eould not throw worries oil like other women, and these full feelings of des- pondency and weariness made me very unhappy. There was no cause to feel so, and. 7ny doctor satd my Uvea wee slug- gish, and this accounted for my ,poor color, my irednese,ptango= and despair. The pills the doctor gave me were too purgative, made me weaker because they were too active for my conatitu`tiou. Doz- ens of my friende recommended Dr. I1am- ilton's Pills, and they wore so mild and helpful. Well, I never used a pill that acted so quietly as Dr. Hamilton's. They were so comfortable to use, I was afraid they would not help. But in a week I knew they bad been actively engaged in cleaning up my eystem. They did the work of a tonic and blood medicine com- bined. I improved to a marvelous degree with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I now maintain the most perfect kind of health by using them Just once or twice a week." It is Mrs. E. V. Erlanger, well `known at Gloucester, who relates the above ems` perienee. She proved what you and all others, men and wofnen, can prove—that Dr. Hamilton's Pi11s are best for restor- ing health and beet for keeping the sys- tem in perfect running order. Don't be misled into using anything but Dr. Itam- ilton's Pills, 26e. a box, five for $1,00, at all druggists and storekeepers, er post- paid by the Catarrhozone Co., ,Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. e. GL VES By The. Year If you want the best and longest - ed wearing gloves or mitts ever turn out of a factory b% sure and ask for the famous PINT M .SELL s Thwse gloves are specially tanned for hard service and will save you money and reduce your glove expense by the year. Send for our descriptive pamphlet —The Pinto's Shell. HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO Canada's Expert Clove and Mitt makers, MONTREM-- FAR171S FOR SALE. R W.DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, RUIT, STOCK, gating AND DAIRY 1- Farms in all sections of Qutario. Some snaps, g1 40TORY SITES, wITII OR WITHOUT 11- Railway trackage, in Toronto. Brampton and other towns and cities, "fat ECIDFNTIAL PROPERTIES IN replied the judge, • "but the law won't allow me to give him more than fourteen years." iVtinardd'a Liniment cures. Distemper. e. for damages against his successful rival. Guilty of Assassination. Brampton and a dozen other''owne. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. A man, ,razor in band, was caught b7 "So you • are thinking of calling bis wife assassinating not am enemy, bite your baby boy Peter. "Why, so V' la on. Extractor; it'seded sate,was painleasnaand I'd Call flim Pau y euro. Try "Putnam's"•—cures so fast, 25c, at all dealers. "He would have a better chance in life. It's Peter, you know, who is *always lasing robbed to pay 1'ai11.>, 4 a Mtnard's, Liniment Fres GCIde, Eta WASTED ENERGY., . Binks "You seem to be very busy." Workman l ---"Yes; I seem to be and the foreman ''hints so, too. But, not a word 1 I'm carrying up ISSUE 22—'3. the same lot of bricks every time 1" Due -Poled Rumor. After the company had gone, Mrs. Mason said to her husband: "What on earth did ,you mean; Harrold, ':by telling the Flemings that my 'humor was positive,, but not negative' V' "I meant," said Mr. Mason, dis- creetly moving toward the door, "that you could make a joke, but couldn't take, one." ('t i IIUNDRBD ACRES IN OXFORD County—.$ot1, sand and black 1 -am; 2 acres orchard; number buildings. 'P-)Tbe in house. Price, London, w'estera Beal Estate Exchange, Ont, MALE HELP WANTED, UT OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES Y011 right. Learn barber trade; always sure employment for barber. Our. nail palroved' methods, ,constant pra0Qiae 'land netructlans.. gnalafy you for point 2,iolon sort. lisle. Bond for catalo[taa. -1 Regretting College. 221 Queen E.. 'I�ar ertt_ STR1VlPS AND COINS,: COLLECTORS—Li 1,1to. fe TAMP t• Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Album, on FSevtgn Jllbnm, enly Kevan £esti. Mirka BtnmA Company. T ronin a MISCEI:LANEnUR A.DIES, LISTEN--ROGER'S MARE. -- Coin Silverplate Tableware, extra- ordivary prices. handsome gift with orders,prepaid. Write quickly for in - Bos i62. formation. Russell Supply Weetmount, Que. CANGER. entiolts, LUMPS, Hrrc.. internal and external. cured with, out pain by our home treatment writes ue before too late. linv conA einn t an re Limited. GALL ti'IUNLS,iiu)hl'.r AM) der Stoneh. Sidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbagoand kindred allumenta pncltivelt oared with the new German Remedy. :Sancti." price 51.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure. la "Senora Anti -Diabetes.' Price 52.10 from druggists or direct.TndoManatee. 'luring CaaaLimited. Wnipeg.an. The Soul of a Piano isthe Action. Insist on the Looking Ahead. Cynthia -Billy, I wish to share all of your tr.•oubles with you! Billy --I have no troubles, dear- est! ' Cynthia—Oh, I mean when we are married. Sample free :If you -Write National larit$ Che'mloa$ Co, of Canada, LintitOd, R'el'ents. When Your Eyes Creed Dene Try 11tiirine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Feels Vine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weals, Watery styes and Granulated i5.yelids, Illus- trated Book in each Package. Morino 'is compounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent aifed- Leine"—but used in successful Physicians' Pow - lice for many veers. Now dedicated to the Feb. lie and sold bvbrnggIsts at 251 and 500 per Bottle. Murine Nye Salvo in Aseptic ,Cubes, 2io and 500. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago 400 Crimes in.24 Hours. More than 400 news items, most of them dealing with the crimes or misfortunes of Londoners during 24 hoixret appeared recently in the newspaper which is circulated daily by the authorities of Scotland Yard for the exclusive use of the police, The publication bears the title "Informations," and four edi- tions appear every' day. The. opy" is sent in to,Scortland Yard by officers in charge of central de- partments, ' and the paper is print- ed in the building. When a man gets ail he thinks he needs he has a large surplus. Two -classes of people worry about and thoseh who have too ose who omu little h. -OTTO H!G L" Piano Action R DANIELS' big horse hook bonnet iu cloth, a treatise of 20 chapters, 197 pages on the diseases of the horse, treating the Stomach, Intestines, Dis- eases of the Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary organs, Worms in the herr,e, Wounds, Cuts and Abrasions, Bunches, Swellings and Bitterer -in silts asSpavin s, Curb and Ringbone, Skin Diseases, Hoof and root ills, Strains and Sprains, Dis- eases of the liye, Head and heath. Iiow to tell the age, Feed and Diet. How to locate Lameness, etc. '1'liis book coli - tains 22 cuts, 25 lithograph cuts, 125 two•colcur plates. If you have one or more horses get this book, Sent by Mail on receipt of $1,00. -MICS. REID, 8 14iCGili College Ave., Montroai. Wise Uncle. "Which of us do you like best, uncle, dear 1" c7Children, I'll write that to each of you alter I have left." The b erni€ig, stjngh g0 S4TOM.. lag pain is eIld©¢i, the bleeding topped mid a permanent ewe olfeeled by use al; ear -Butae Give it a lair trial! AU .Druggiafa and ,Stores, 50c box.