HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-23, Page 7Items of News by Wire= • Notes of Interest as to Wliat is Going., on All Over the World i'., A radial electric line is soon, to be built from Hamilton to Galt. Hon. Alex. Murray, Speaker ..of the Alberta Legislature, died at ,Winnipeg, aged 74. 'Hon. Frank Cochrane will lie in- vited to turn the first 'sod d othef ,Welland ship canal at Thorold. Galt ratepayeiis will be,asked for $125,000. for school purposes and :water works extension. Nineteen trades unions. in South 'Waterloo organized as the South Waterloo Federation of Labor. Brantford is ofieaing a free site and other inducements to lure the Coniagaserne1•ter from Thorold. A fire caused .probably by a • match or cigar stub badly damaged the Bay of Quince bridge at Belle- ville. The Winnipeg General Hospital, an nbmlance while responding to a • call ran over and killed a youth lamed Oral Stewart.. Edmonton will have a street rail- rested in 'Lancashire. i 1 Canada. a number of sheep; much hay and a nunirber of hn.ildings .and imple- ments. �•' Great .Britain. . Asacred picture in .a 'church in England was defaced by militants. A plot of the militants to kidnap a Cabinet Minister was 1•evealed in London. Britain will ask 'tfie French Gov- ernment to relieve itself of Miss Christobel Pankhurst A bomb was mailed by the mill- tants to the Magistrate' of the Bow Street Court in London. • An American made an offer to purchase the ebureh palace of the Bisihop of Salisbury. London papers comment at length on the proposed visit of the United States naval squadron to the Mediterranean. Two men ,suspected .of preparing to carry out the militant threat to blow up an express train were ar- way connection with St.. Albert, nine. miles northwest. Gasoline cars will be run. Montreal is. to , ave a four -mil- lion -dollar -" hotel on Dominion Square, under the same manage- ' ment as the Belmont, of New York. t+ Miss Lois B. Hutchinson, of To- ' Tonto, is to be granted a homestead of 360 acres in Western Canada by special act of Parliament. ;, It is estimated that in Ontario about 18 per cent. and in Alberta about 43.5 per' cent. of the areas sown to wheat last fall have been winter killed. • Queen Mary has consented to press the button and unveil the monument that the Dominion Gov- ernment has erected on the Stony Creek battlefield. The funeral of Mr. W. E. Davis, passenger traffic manager of the Grand Trunk .lines, was one of the • largest and moat impressive Mont- real.h twitneseed: . Several of Montreal's veteran civic officials are .•slated for retire- ment in the process of reorganiza- tion. They include the city clerk, the health officer, and the building and boiler inspectors. A German • immigrant, en route from New York to Chicago on the Grand Tr -auk -Railway express, re- ported -to the London pollee thlt-•he ''' had been robbed of $2,600 in cash between Hamilton and London. ,. The will of the late Wm. Percival of London, Ont., provides that af- ter the death of his sister his ..es- tate of about $60,000 is to go to the orphan Homes of Ashley Down, Bristol, England. Fire did $30,000 damage at Bow Park Farm, near Brantford, on Saturday, including the death of thirty-two horses, about fifty pigs, The London Trades Council re- sents the appointment of the new United States Ambassador to Great Britain, Mr. Walter H. Page. Lord Norton writes to the Lon- don Post to suggest that the cen- tenary of peace is a golden oppor- tunity for America, England and Germany to enter into an interna- tional arbitration treaty. United States. :A Canadian claim dating from 1812 is being dealt' with by the in- ternational arbitrators at Washing- ton. Conductors on. forty-eight eastern railways in the United States will present their demands for an in- crease in wages from 15 to 20 per cent. July 1, and if the roads refuse to arbitrate a strike may be order- ed within a fortnight following. The suffragists won a tactical vie- tory at Washington: when the Sen- ate Coitheittee on Woman Suffrage ordered a favorable report on the resolution : submitting to the States a isonstitutional amendment giving women equal suffrage rights with men. General. The French Chamber of Deputies defeated a resolution to revoke all gambling licepses. Britain and Germany are report- ed to have Doane to an agreement regarding the Bagdad Railway. One aviator was killed and two others injured in an aeroplane col- lisioit at Johannistail, Germany. The Italian Government has re- voked the law of 1906 providing that telephone girls in the Government's service must not marry between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. OPIUM FARMERS CREMATED. Had A.sselnbled to Resist Destruc- tion of Poppy Crop. A despatch from Shanghai says: Sixty-seven Chinese farmers were burned to death on Sunday in 'a temple in Hunan province, where they had gathered to discuss resis- tance to thetroops sent by the Im- • periel Government to destroy the poppy crop in the war against opium. Acoo•rding to adespatch to the China Daily New the soldiers ,eet; fire to the building, in which more than one hundred cultivators of opium of the S•hencauting district in the western part of the province had assembled on the arrival -of the troops. , TIIi BERLIN VISIT. Kaiser 'Will Receive Bing a,nd Queen at Lehrte Station. 'A de•sp.ate•h from Berlin says . Berlin is looking forward to the most interesting week of the year, eotomencing at noon on .Wednes- day, when King g and George Queen Mary "'of England will arrive at iehrte Station, where they will be personably received by the Kaiser and conducted to the palaoe. Umber -den -Linden will daily be the iscenc of an animated military pia- tire, The Czar and his daughter, Princess Olga, arrive on Thursday. The interest of the Berlin public is • far greater in thew than in the Bri- tnell sovereigns, and high prices are demanded for windows, along the" .route frost the Anhaliter Sta=tion to the palate, SHOT DOWN WIFE ON STREET. Then Put Bullet In His Own Brain and Cut His Throat. A despatch from Toronto says: Ina fit -of jealous rage from seeing his wife walking with another man on Jarvis Street after midnight on Saturday morning Frank Bincette, a sailor on the C.P.R. Steamer Keewatin, shot her three times with a revolver, and afterwards turned the weapon upon- himself. Fearing that he was not fatally wounded the pian then attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a pocket knife. Bincette now lies in St. Michael's Hospital probably -fatally wounded, while his wife is in the General Hospital suffering from three bullet wounds. She will probably recover, 011 POWERS HOLD SCU'TARI. Montenegrin Soldiers Escort. Naval Force Into the City. A despatch from Cettinje; Mon-. tenegro, says: An international naval force, commanded by Vice - Admiral Cecil Burney, of the Brit- ish navy, took possession on Wed- eesday of the fortres's of Scutari. The international force was escort- ed into the city by, a Montenegrin guard of honor. • . , The Duke, and Duchess of West- minster have signed a formal deed of separation. She is to iecoivc $100,000 a year from. him. Their intimates say the Duke tried hard to pearsu,ade his wife to divorce hian, but she refused. .BAT OF ALASKA ,FOR BRITAIN* Bill In .the U. S. Ilonse Would Be a "Glorioup-Aeiiieverncnt." A despatch from ,Washington' says : «A proposal to cede to Great- Britain the coast strip of South- eastern Alaska,., 526 miles long andin some places 8 or 10 miles wide, was made in `a joint resolution in- troduced by Representative Ste- phens, of Texas, at the request of the Unierral Peace Union • at Philadelphia. The resolution re- --quests President Wilson to 'nel;o tiate with Great Britain for' a corn- mission to investigate the possibil- ity of .rectifying the boundary of South-eastern Alaska, ``for the benefit of both parties. The pre- amble sets forth that the border should be adjusted to remove the unnatural boundary by which the Yukon Territory, the ocarth•ern halt: of Brutish Columbia and almost the entire Mackenzie Basin, an aggre gate area nearly as large as the; States east of the Mississippi River, are shut off by the coast strip from. free use of the most direct route to :. the Pacific, The resolution sug- gests that ;such a move would set an example in the policy of mutual. concession that would constitute a "glorious achievement in history."'. ,-- oar George S. Murdock, Son of a .Hamilton doctor, --has' bean appointed by the Govet. to accompany Stefansson, in charge' of one of the. geological parties. LIVED` WITH HEART EXPOSED Case of Canadian _Regarded as Unique by Physicians. A despatch from St. John, N.B., says: Joseph Carey, whose case was regarded as unique by the medical profession, died here on Thursday. Carey underwent an operation in Boston six years ago for lung trouble and part of the left lung was removed. In per- forming the operation it was found' necessary to remove several of the ribs, leaving the heart. partly ex- posed. The beats of the heart could be seen plainly through the thin tis- sues which covered that organ and manyphysicians took advantage of the opportunity to study its action while at its a,ccustoimed work in the body of a living man. Carey re- covered his usual health following the operation and had worked dally, for the last four years. HUMAN FLESH A. LUXURY. In Now Hebrides, According to a New South Wales Minister. A despatch from Sydney, S.S.W,, says ; Cannibalism in its -vorst form exists among the natives of the New Hebrides Islands, in the South Pacific, aocording to astate- rnent by Rev. Thomas Gillen. at the Presbyterian Assembly of New South' Wales in support of previous statements made in oonnecticn with the Islands. Human flesh is looked upon as a luxury, and tribal wars invariably. end "with a "banquet" unchecked by the authorities, he declared. PACIFIC WATER IN CANAL. Giant Blast at Panama Demolishes Dyke : South of Looks. A despatch from Panama .says: The waters of the Pacific Ocean were on Sunday let into the Pan- ama- Canal. A giant blast, com- posed of 32,750 pounds of dynamite, was shot, detiliolishing the dyke to the south of the Mirafiores lochs and allowing the wabsrr to low into an extensive section in which exca- vations have practically been danl- pletod.. The,.bla,st was ,suectss£ul in every, way, anti the vibration was felt in Panama City es though there had been a slight earthquake, Grain, : Cattleand' Chcse Prices of These Products in the Leading Markets are Here' Recorded ereadstuffs. Toronto, May 20. -Flour -Ontario wheat flour, 90 per cent. patents, $3;99 to $4...00, 'Montreal or Toronto freights. Manitobas -First patents, in jute bags, $0.30; second patents, in jute bans, $4 807 strong bak- ers' in jute bags, $4.60, Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 98c, on r t acre, Bay pores; No, 2 at 951-4c• No. 3 at 92 3-4c, Bay - ports, For Mays shipment, 1=2c less. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and red Wheat, 96 to 97c, outside. and inferior at about 75c. Oats -Ontario oats, 331-2 to 34c, outside, and at 37c on track, Toronto.- Western Canada oats, 40o for No. 2 and at 38 1-4o for No. 3, Bay ports, prompt shipment. Peas -The market is purely nominal. Marley -Prices nominal. Dorn -No. 3 American corn, 62c, all -rail and at 571-2c, c i.f. Midland. •Rye -Prices nominal. Buckwheat -No. 2 at 52 to 63e, outside. Bran -Manitoba bran, 818.50 to $19, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts, $20 to $21, Toronto. Country Produce. ,Butter -Dairy prints, choice, 23 to 25c; inferior, 18 to 19e; creamery, 28 to 300 for rolls and 27 to 28c for choice. Eggs -Case lots, 20 -to 21c here and at 17o outside, Cheese -13 to 13 1.2e for twins, and at 121-2 to 13c for large. -Beans-Hand-picked, $2.40 per bushel; Primes, $2 to $2.25, in a jobbing way. Honey -Extracted, in tins, 12 3.4 to 130 per lb. for No. 1 wholesale; combs, $2.60 to $3 per dozen for No. 1 and $2.40 for No. 2. Poultry -Well fatted, clean, dry -picked stock: --Chickens, 19 to 20c per lb.; fowl, -16 to 17e; turkeys, 20 to 21o. Live poultry, about 2c lower than the above. Potatoes -Ontario stock, 45e per bag, on track, and Delawares at 65 to 671-2e per bag, on track. Provisions. Bacon -Long clear, 151-4 to 151-2c per lb., in case lots. Pork -Short cuts, $26 to 827; do., mess, 821.50 to $22. Hams -Me- dium to light, 181-2 to 19c; heavy, 161-2 to 17c; rolls, 16e; breakfast bacon, 191.2 to 200; backs, 23 to 24o. Lard -Tierces, 141.2c; tube, 141-2c; pails, 14 3.4e. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled IIay-No. 1 at $1250, on track, To- ronto; No. 2, 811. Mixed hay is quoted at $10. Baled Straw -$8 to $8.50, on track, To. ronto. Montreal Markets. Montreal, May 20, -Corn, American No. '2 yellow, --'64 to 65c, • Oats, Canadian West- ern, No. 2, 42o; Canadian western, No. 3, 401.2e; extra No. 1 . feed, 411'2c. Barley, Man. feed, 49_ to 50e; malting, 61 to 64c, Buckwheat, No. 2, 68 to 60o. Flour, Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts, 85.40; seconds, $4,90; strong bakers', $4.70; Winter pat- ents, choice, 86.26; straight rollers, $4.85 to $4.90; .straight rollers, bags, 82.20 to $2.35. Rolled oats,barrels 4.35; s $ ba 90 lbs. $2.05. Bran$17.50 to $18. Shorts, $20 to $21. Middlings, $22 to 823. Mouillie, $27 to $33. Hay, No. 2, per ton car lots, $14 to $14,50. Cheese, finest westerns, 111-2 to 113-40; finesteasterns, 103.4 to ilc. Butter, choicest creamery, 26 to 261.20; seconds, 25 to 251.2e. Eggs, fresh, 21 to 22c. Pota- toes, per bag, car lots, 60 to 600. R Winnipeg Wheat. Winnipeg, May 20.--Cas'h Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 91 3-8c; No. 2 Northern, 883.00; No. 3 Northern, 850; No. 4, 811.2c; No. 1 rejected seeds, 861.4c; No. 2 do., 831.4c; No. 3 do., 801-4c; No. 1 tough, 830; No. 2 do., 82o; No. 3 do., 79e; No. 4 do., 741-4o; No. 1 red. Winter, 913.8o; No. 2 do., 89 3.80; No. 3 do., 86c; No. 4 do., 811-2. Oats -No, 2 C. W., 333i4c; No. 3 C; W., 311-4e; extra No. 1 feed, 33 3-4c; No. 1 feed, 32 3-4c; No. 2 feed, 303.4o. Barley -No. 3, 47c; No. 4. 453-4o.. Flax No. 1 14. W. C., $1.131-2; No. 2 C.W., $1.111-2; No. 3, C. W., $1.03 1-2. United States Markets. Minneapolis, May 20. - Wheat -May, 863.4e; July, 881.2c; September, 89 1.4e. Cash -No. 1 hard, 91c; No, 1 Northern. 89 to 901-2c; No. 2, do., 87 to 881.2c. Corn - No. 3 yellow, 58 to 58 1-2c. Oats -34 1.2 to 35e. Rye -No. 2, 66 to 58'1.20. Flour -Unchang- ed. Bran -$16 to 817. Duluth, May 20. -'meat -No. 1 hard, 90 1.4c; No. 1 Northdrn, 89 1-4e; No. 2, do., 863-4 to 871-4c; May, 88c; July, 89 1.4c bid; September, 89 5-8 to 89 3-4c asked. Live Stook Markets. Montreal. May 20. -Prima beeves, 71-8 to 71-2c; medium, 61-4 to 7c; milkmen's strip- pers, 412 to 61-2c; common, 4 to be. Milch cows, $30 to $75 each; calves, 21-2 to 70; sheep, 5 to 61.2c; spring lambs, $4 to $6 each. Hogs, 101.2 to 10 3-4e. Toronto, May 20. -Cattle -Choke export, $6.50 to $7.20; choice butchers, 86.60 to $7; good medium, $6 to $6.25; common, 85 to $6.25; cows, $5.25 to 85.75; hulls, $5.25 to $5.76; canners, $2 to 82.50; cutters, 83.25 to 5375. Calves -Good veal, $5 to $7; choice, 88.50 to $9; common, 83 to $3.25. Stockers and feeders -Steers, 700 to 1,000 lbs., $4.50 to $6.25; yearlings, $3.10 to $3.50; extra choice heavy feeders, 900 lbs., 85.85 to $6. Milkers and Springers -Steady demand for good stock at from $40 to 875. Sheep and Lambs -Light ewes, $6 to $7.25; heavy, $5 to $6; lambs, 88.25 to 810; bucks, $4.50 to $6. Hogs -$9.85 to $9.90 fed and wat- ered, 89.50 f.o.b., and 810.10 off ears. HAPPILY WEDDED. tiers '1Iiitclied' Straws to 'Select Brides. A despatch from Montreal says: Matching straws is the latest way of selecting a, bride, but it is doubt- ful if the practice will become gen- eral. Two brothers from Belgium who are now farming in Saskatche- wan grew tired ofkeeping"batch" and decided to seek wives through a, matrimonial bureau. They adver- tised and received replies from two sisters in a neighboring Belgian town. The courtship grew until marriage was decided upon, and the brothers left for Europe. As none of the quartette had seen their prospective partners, it was decide,d to match straws, the bro- ther getting the longer straw to marry Georgette. This was done, and on Wednesday the four return- ed to Canada happily wedded. EXPORTS FROM ST. JOHN. 148 Steamers Took Out $31,000,000 Worth of Goods. A. despatch from St. John, N.B., says Final figures show that dur- ing the Winter season, November to April, 1912-13, there were 146 sailings of transatlantic and West Indian steamers from this pbrt, carrying away $31,259,234 worth of exports. The lumber shipments from the port amounted to $1,159,- 465. Grain shipments amounted to $8,912,309. WAGNER TO BE HANGED. He .Trilled Constable Westaway When Caught Robbing a Store. A despatch from Nanaimo, B. C., says : Henry Wagner was sentenced to be hanged August 8, for the mur- der of Constable Westaway at Un- ion,' B. C., on May 4th. Wagner had been robbing a grocery when interrupted- by the policeman. He has a long criminal record. TO EXTEND THEIR VISIT. Icing ,George and Queen 11Iary to Remain in f;erlin Ten Days. "What is the worst thing about riches'?" asked a school teacher of a pupil. "Their scarcity," replied the pupils and was- immediately re- warded full marks. tk_ The, resignation of Sir Melville MacNaughton, Assistant Commis - genet of the London Metropolitan %'oboe; : and ,chief of the deteotivt department, is announced. SCOUTS AND LIVING COST. 'They Will Use Vaeant Lots of Ret gina for Market Gardening. A despatch from Regina says: The Boy Scouts of Regina are to render first aid to the low cost of living campaign here, it having been announced by the town plan- ning commission that the boys are to be given the use of vacant lots around the city for market gar- dens. The produce for the first year will be sold by local dealers, later by the Regina Boy Scouts' Market Garden Produce Company. Other towns in Saskatchewan are expected to take up the idea. , n. CONSTABLES HELD FOR THEFT Regina Policemen Said to Have Misinterpreted Their Duty. A despatch froan Regina, says: Two members of the city police force, former Winnipeg men, Con- stables Ogilvie and McCaully, are under arrest on acharge of theft. The men were on night duty. One of their duties was to try all the doors in the business seotion. One of these conatabl•es, it is alleged, fauna the door of a clothing estab- lishment open, and helped himself to a Panama hat, a raincoat, and a suit of clothes. The other, finding. the door of a wholesale warehouse open, it is alleged, took a supply of candies. KING'S SON AT HALIFAX. Prince Albert is Officially Regarded as an Ordinary Cadet. ' A despatch from Halifax says : H.M.S. Cumberland, with Prince Albert, Ring George's second son, on board, arrived in port on Thurs- day morning, There was no spe- cial salute fired from the citadel, and no official reoognition will be taken of the fact that the training ship includes a Prince of the Blood in her company, Prince Albert be- ing treated as an ordinary cadet. ,t FOUR MILLION HOTEL. Montreal to Have New One Under Belmont Management. A despatch from Montreal says Montreal is to have a new $4,000,000 hotel erected en the site of St. George's Church on Dom4nion Square. The hotel, which will not be started for a, year, is to hale six hundred rooms and be under the sane management as the Hotel Belmont, of New York. CANCER CA.US 'S AND 'ctn. Dr. K. Mart Gives Entirely New Theory Before Freubh Acadeny. A .despatch from . Paris . says; Dr, Keating Hart, the French can- cer specialist, laid before the Aca- demy of ,Meclieine on Wednesday an entirely new theory of the causes of cancer. The main features of his theory are: First, that the disease is not hereditary ; and, second, that it is local at the commencement and. consequently curable. Recalling the two hypotheses now dividing medi- cal men into two camps, one declar- ing that malignant tumors were caused by a parasite, and the other that cancer simply 'o used a was mp ,v c mp of normal cells transformed in one way or another, Dr. Hart declared that the former was irrational in the present condition of science be- cause the cancerous cell acts quite differently from an infected one. On the contrary, it is just like a cell with exaggerated vitality. He pointed out that it is sufficient for these cells to be divided into pieces, for it to be incapable of reproduc- ing the disease, While in every other infectious malady no amount of crushing is sufficient to prevent fur- ther inoculation. Sugar a Big Factor. He also brought evidence to urge the closest conneetion between char- acteristic, ordinary cells and those of cancerous tissue, and to demon- strate the sole and deep difference between them as a question of the amount of nourishment and speed in reproduction. He declared that after a long series of researches and a most careful collection of data he discovered that the development of cancer was in direct proportion to the amount of sugar the organiza- tion has at its disposal. To sup- port this statement he reminded his hearers that cancer was specially severe among diabetic patients. On the other hand, be pointed out that cancer always develops around those points of the body which are constantly more or less inflamed, and just where the blood vessels are dilated and the heat the greatest. Here he declared the cells were ex- posed to a double forcing action, namely : nutrition, because of the extra quantity of blood brought to them and heating for the same rea- een. Many May be Saved. The new treatment of cancer whereby he declares he will be able to save from certain death a large number of patients abandoned by the rest of the faculty, is both gen- eral and local. The former consists in the reduction of food to a mini- mum in order to fast, if possible to starve the overgrown cells. The lo- cal treatment consists in first, the usual surgical operation where this is possible, followed by an applica- tion of what is known as a fulgura- tion stream of high-tension by elec- tric sparks directed against the af- fected part. In this way, he declar- ed, more than thrice the number of lasting cures will be effected than is possible with the surgeon's knife alone. Dr. Keating Hart's address, which was received with the great- est interest by the Academy, was followed by further evidence in sup- port of the same theory by Dr. Guel- pa, also a recognized authority in this branch of pathology, who gave the particulars of two cases where he cured serious cancers in dike betio...petten8-larsevere fasting and purging. The statements of the two, scientists are considered among medical men here to be of the high- est importance to the progress of science. THEIR MAJESTIES' VISIT. King and Queen Will Extend it itt Berlin. - A despatch from London says: The visit of King -George and Queen Mary to Germany to attend the marriage of the Kaiser's daughter to Prince Ernst of Cumberland will be extended beyond their original intention. They had arranged to remain theta only two days, but now it has been decided that they will leave on May 19 and return on May 28 or 29. The marriage will be celebrated on May 24. There is nothing to indicate that the private nature of the visit has been altered. NEW STEAMERS FOR C.P.R. Two Liners for the Atlantic Trade Shortly to be Built., A despatch from London s.aya: It was learned on Wednesday that the Canadian Pacific Railway will build two new A.tlantie liners of about the size of the Alsatian of. the Allan Line.