HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-23, Page 5t,7 OOE • . , ICI I Z L • The queutlon of - what machine to harvest with is an important one. An incorrectly constructed binder will not get all the grain, but will leaye a large part in the field— good crows' feed, Int a dead loss to you. Y ary bemostprofitable est will pr table if you HITCH UP zo ER1NG N5HDTE Prang & Eloch, Zurich Agents for Brantford Windmills. ,ZURICH kitarmsaiiinmorO SOME III THE BRIGHTEST BOYS IN CANADA ARE EARRING MONEY AND PihlES Lace= zomrse. ryes n, nrcnerosa mutant nt C. TDLLT. A BOY'S CHRISTMAS POCKET MONEY ANY BOY can turn his spare time into Xmas pocket money by selling copies of the WEEKLY WITNESS and the CANADIAN PIcro- You can build up a regular route in a short time which will give. you a permanent weekly income.. We give you a free start in Business and besides The best boy wins a Shetland Pony, Cart and Harness or $100.00 in Gold. SIMPLY SIGN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO -DAY RIM sot clow Ii7tw«o EY6 A, Mj*t Md' Q.L Auks ?hese eir4we sem �. us -ti w m. m Glom her t•.ra Gea<.AMhI Sirasie4 Peso., MY Ai meal• war $R#itlti...,..,•s..i,rr.•.•..•••}..•,,,rybg.r..01p,/p„ AAirsss '►o..e.»aei .A. moment the father 'stood locilk- ing down upon his work as if. h;arr- or-struck, then uttering a loud des. 'pairing cry he turned and t2ed f=ens the spot as fast as his trembling limbs would carry him. Almost immediately, however he reappear- ed, accompanied by a won en, whose comely face wore a look of agony and dread. She threw her, self down besides the ugconsoiei s boy, moaning and weeping. ' and. calling him by every dear name. "Oh, Henry, Henry.:, darling 1` Speak to ma !" she cried Speak; to your miserable mother i"' The.. fat- her stood by speechless, dazed t not till the teacher suggested that,the child be taken horns and oared : for did he seem to arouse; himself ; then carefully and with great tend- erness he lifted the.little form .''in his arms, and, followed - by the weeping mother, carried him horne laidhimhisThe andin bed Y applied such restoratives as -were at hand. and sent for - the 'only physician the place afforded, "' The childsoon recovered consciousness, but lay still with his eyes shut, moaning pitifully, TTpcn the examination it appear- ed that he had sustained internal injuries so severe that it required little skill to foresee that the re• suit must be fatal When he at last opered his eyes his mother bent over him and spoke'hisname. "Do you suffer much?"she"asked "Yes, oh yes !" be answered;_, his gaze wandering from one face :to a- nother ; "and mother ! 1 seg—I know—you think I am going to die " He tried to lift his hand., to her face, but dropped it' with a moan of pain. His mother tears were his own answer. (To be continued)._, THE FIREPLACE (Contributed) . Notwithstanding all the modern -in- ventions for heating I tell you wthere is nothing to full of geniality and. so- ciability as the old-fashioned coun- try fire- place. The neighbors' Were to come in for a winter evening:`!. of sociability. In the middle of the .,.af- ternoon, in the best room in '':`.the house, some one brought in' a great black log, with great strain and. :.;put it down on the back of the hearth. Then the lighter wood was put',:; on armfull after armfuls, Then za she}gel of opals was taken from another:henhn and the kindling • began, and ^ the crackling, and it rose until it' became a roaring flame which filled all the room with geniality and was reflect- ed from' the family pictures on •the wall. Their the neighbors came in two by two. They sat down, there faces to the fire, which ever and seep was stirred with tongs and read,ju st eel on the andirone and there were such times of rustic repartee and story telling and mirth as the black stove and blind register never dream- ed of, meanwhile the table was be- ing spread, and so fair was the cloth and so clean was the cutleys they glisten and glisten in our mind today, And then the best luxury of orchthds. and farm yard was roasted and pre- pared for the table to meet the ail 0 tiles sharbened by the eold ride. e heartily wish for the return of the old fire place. Our readers, whose locks have whitened by the frosts of many winters, know that this pen pictures of the fireplace is true to life. A town, unlike a city, is no place to foster jealousness and nourish con- tentions. All should learn to know that whatever will conduce to the welfare of a town cannot injure her citizens. The disposition made mani- fest by her citizens point to her down' fall or her rise. The character of the people make the town, not her struc- tures, towering houses, domes and monuments, and when people lose in- terest in the promotion of their town they need -not hope to thrive. Har- mony among the people of a commun- ity is indicative of its progress. Farm' erg cannot, be at varience with one another and prosper, merchants call,, not, churches cannot, nor any similar• organizatian or continuity.... The future of any town depends en- tirely upon its citizens. If friends come' to' see you tell them what a fine town we have. If you have a logit', imate "kick" put it on file and cease to go,about in search of trouble. There is much in our town for , which we sho.ukl,all.ba,thankful. and an all be proud. Begin this Spring looking on- the sunny side. Be a "booster." When one finds he is. out of synipa, thy with his home toads he should move 'out, Do not get into that uu• conscious habit of growling. Thank fortune we only have a few °"kickers" n this WWII, but the fEN we have are weight for the rest to carry. If you have made up.your mind to live in a sown then stand up for it. The country editor is a reliable on Cyclopedic. A subscriber sent us this. query recently: What ails my hens? Every morning l find one or more of them keeled over to rise no more." Our reply was: "The fowls are dead. It is an old complaint, and nothing can be done except to bury them." POINTERS A teakettle can sin; when it is merely full of water. But man proud man, is no teakettle. It is strange how crowded the thor- oughfare looks to a man that's chas- ing his hat down the street. Six of ten people who hunt you up want to tell you their troubles, and the remaining focu h ave bills. The same vexation a man feels in putting up a stove pipe; a woman has' in putting her hat on straight. There are plenty of -fellows who could teach a better school than those who' leach, preach a better sermon than those who preach, who could run a better business and publish a better paper. They are like the lilies of the field, they toil not, neither do they spin. Go as you please, do as you please go whenever and wherever you please and; like many other wayward souls have done, you will fail to please the multitude. Even in the trivial mat- ter of getting a wife, how many there are who would like to choose for you or grumble at your choice. The prosperity of a town does not depend so much upon the wealth of its citizens as the manner in which they pull together. 'Let's pull togeth- er this spring and summer and by fall we can beast of the best town in the county. The family who are planning •on having a good garden and keeping a few chickens, a cow and perhaps a pig or fwo, won't need to worry over the high cost of living. It's the ones who have not the opportunity to do this or are too indolent who are held un for big evpense. It used to be that in the spring a I young man's fancy lightly turned to thoughts of love, but nowadays it is firmly glued. to baseball. - "Diss me as I fall to sleep," is the title of a new song. It might work all right with some men, but it would wake us up right. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The'council of the corporation of the County of Iluron will meet in the town of Goderich on Tuesday June the 8rd. at 8 o'clock. Accounts requiring settlement must be placed l with the cleric before this date. Dated, May 20th. 1913. W. Lane Clerk. •ea c1 emit vnapue et otos; Oto ;t trenb iiuT 8uteq mon sl typo *MAIN treat( pall goupa e2sL •anlad etrl peplos pars geld enotoerd aq' pezlas.puauraaenop err} dla}vlpatu mI •proB rapt trplx eaem. Sags pun(); orinti ` %1.01.1321199AUI atuos ;o uopue; =38 aril palesma soma morns }t{2pq Stag3 ata Knee Ail area uo uaaq pint siralaq esatlg aa3Fy -ode saualt Louth pauopuuqu uaaq pug toms. t seuput plo3 quarouu autos ;o asap/ alp moa; sm olaq aitatu og eSuuduroo s o3 paguaa5 sum ttolssItimed aeatgm 'u1pul ur `puq tiuspraf 'sopuaoroo ;o s3luietn gill %al emr gaogs u ao} spat mol Ilan u 3a arue uo asam siroraq pro2 eumueo. •010!a8 PLOD Irak „•uaiuom ao; segos U0 uaaK you sl OH •tttg alms atuol.I aqg owl esneto auiluns t3 gala 0-1 repro ul arm 7112p of taus}aoduu anlgsaadull ;o si }t os„ •nig 3uatuu;laud etL} ;o asnero veto tit paguua2 uopoalosd am, asci ram am 'asua aqg eq rum. erm IT pun %ior of Repave eq Ion rum Ism uor}e! ,lotaoo aqg Isg3 pros FIN aH 'tram all br .,(tang u gone sr agaoe0-p,iol I •INQ Inti 'rt!g 3uatuurraud etL1 cant asnulo gens 2uola$ in papaaoons I •tua Gina atuoH aq3 ul pa3aasur nutria a.e.?;#ns u 3a.2 o3„ 'pazsLoap errs „'uueoI I„ •suorluapui sate utter'b3"peppuoo aqg gala` e 4Cl!ua 9113 ;o earrequeseadaa u 03 5unreads •uauxont sol ea3;on p s3saaalul a$3 u; STI -qua o3 dial. u 10p uopuo'I ul irsap sag oar 'gstt 3santpjuua 1eginerrgo sem 'GAoyy nneN ,saa3alat;a};ns ••uopuo' 'axunbe esa,r2Iag u; 'smog 3ae+laaH Ur gaunt Swam aoi p9ATI Ng •ezatoo put ,,dnotuhdna aoujiisuoyiL ,}o'santrl„ pttu bloc. aau1 Je traapflt„ p Suoissaadm „ „`epue'I Wipe , Pram 'qo q �uotwe , 'ear -.top gxotrs pus lahut3 p sgooq Suuw to adt ane atu atm errs •egoaqured ;o 1•1'35 1111u40111.10,1 pini ttgtieelapg3 Orr . 3e ria ' oat Stt; el SUM pun 'OfS ul gaoq •,ta ' eu'l'i '1.1011 3tl 111 eq pe m.nitu it lt*ttae'4911 pithy Jo Opsin aqg ixiio y 'Ilan pa .talg3nap eta *WI io 11Qq Il 'l Kumk . on Our Want Column .Carriage and Work horses for sale. Apply to Kellerman & Son. If 'you want to buy a nice up to date house in Zurich, ready to move into. Apply to F. W. Hess. BARLEY FOR SALE:—A small quantity of No. 21 seed barley for sale. Guaranteed free of weeds. Oscar Klopp, Zurich. WANTED—At the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goder- ich, three or four pupil nurses. Apply to Miss Griffiths, Superintendent, Goderick. AUCTION SALE—One parlor suit, two bed room suits, kitchen range, writing desk apd book shelves, a Wi- lton piano, tables and chairs andva- rious household articles too numer= ous to mention, Will be sold at the •Luthertan Parsonage on Saturday the 31s.of May at 2 p. COURT OF REVISION MUNICIPALITY OF HAY Notice is hershy given that the first sitting of the court of revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Flay, for the years 1913, will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Satur- day the 31st day of May 1913, at 10 o'clock a. in. - All persons having business at said court will will govern themselves ac- cordingly. Zurich, May 15th, 1913. Fred Hess sr. Tp. clerk. Free Ladies and Gents Watches, Ruds, Bracelets and Jewelry of Every Description, Lace Curtains, Ruds, House Furnishind,Rifles, Moving Pic- ture Machine, Skates, Printing Press- es, Fountain Pens, in fact nearly everythnid you can think of you can get Aboslutely Free for selling our Beautiful Fancy Drawn and Satin Stripped handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. They sell rapidly 6 can gener- ally be sold in every house. Don't send us any money, but write us to send you a lot of IIandkerchiefs to sell, that when sold you will send us the money and the premium selected Selling 24 handkerchieff entitled •you to your choice of an elegant Watch, 3 gold Laid Rings, Lee Curtains, etc, Write us to -day, we trust you and take back the goods if you cannot sell them. 1NOLA CO. CHICAGO, ILL. CANADIAN pJ C IF1 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 2Sth; inclusive, Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return43.00 Other points in proportion R tura Limit two months: gOM&SEEEERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto N p.m. each kTuesdey. May to August, laduedve, Best train to take, as Winnipeg Is reached early morning. enabling passengers to sulks all branch line connections. Through dt to Winnipeg W !Me hum CenM. oilG. MU PaciRPAgents or C.P. Ry.. Taronto na a's Do Ale,Tmck Line, Victoria Day " Single Fare for Round Tri Between all stations in Canada ea of Port Arthur, also to Detroit 'a Portlluron, Mach., Buffalo, Niagat Falls, Black Rock and Suspensio Bridge, N. V. Good Going May 23 and 24 Return Limit May 27th, 1913' Homeseekers' Excursions ToManitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta each Tuesday until October r 28th. inclusive cam,' Via Chicago and St. Paul or Sarnia Through Pullman Sleepers to Winni peg on above dates, leaving Toront 11.00 p. m. No change of cars. rRe- turn limit two months. 10 Ask Grand Trunk Agents for full par titulars, reservations, etc. French Giron No. 69758, (3542) Route for 1913 Monday ---Will leave Izis;dolvn stabs Zurich and proceed south to Mar Wilds, Stephen for n«m, thenc south to Crediton Read, to Hill' hotel, Crediton, for night. Tuesday...- North to Shei 1 in Roa then 11 miles west and 11 miles t Jos. Wildfong for noon, 'thenc north to Zurich Road, then 1 miles west to his own stable when • he will remain until the followin Thursday Morning. Thursday -11 miles west to Bron son Line then north to Har Zapfe for noon, then 1 inil e.e to the Goshen Line, then south • his own stable. Friday -11 miles west to Bronson Line, thence Zit miles to Henry Walper's for noon, then 11 miles east to Goshen Line, thence north to his own stable where he will re- main until the following Monday W. H. BENDER, Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE Lot 4 L. R. W. Hay 55 acres. There is a good brick house, wood- shed, frame barn, driving shed. The land is In good shape, and as this place is within a few rods, of the St. Peter's catholic church and sep- arate school, it will make a very dis- irably location for some one. Pur- chaser will obtyin possession Oct. 1st.. For further particulars apply to, Mrs. Simon Badour Sr. on the pre- mises, or address to Drysdale P. 0. GLOVES OVERALLS TROUSERS "Thee 1 -lave Arrived A large oonsignlnentvof justly celebrated CARHARTP BRAND of trust- ed Men's Working Clothing and Gloves, Made in a honoroble way for honoraflle men. We have secured the sole agency for these goods for this section, and invite your inspection. p. APPEL, ClOthiere to the People A Carhartt Time; Book Free for the Asking.