The Herald, 1913-05-23, Page 4mai STRATORD, oNt: The best practical training school. in Ontario. Three depart- ments --COMMERCIAL —SHORTHAND —AND -TELEGRAPHY A11 courses are thorough and pract- ical;, Teachers are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for Free Catalogue at once D.A.McLachlan, Principal. Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for -the balance of the year. Two' big shipments of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at a low price. A big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken. as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand. Day or night—call Central. P. McISAAC Furniture and Undertaing LEGAL CARDS. ^Oitfi1Ft76T //sal p & KILLORAN, aioralbr§; ziliCltote1 Notaries ublia ate, t4oderiel', Cauadar W.1,rendfoot, 'is. Q. II. 0. Have. , J. L. Killoran, BUSINESS CAW' S. Ba S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office nolle be promptly attended to. H. EILBER & SON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents 7.elephone—Office la, House lb. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard. Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- iluate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurioh, every Mgn- day. 7-Q6 • n. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, 'Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office Zeller Zeller block, Zurich, Onb. FARM FOR SALE Lot 23, Con 7, (Parr Line) Hay Township, 100 acres; 80 acres of good bush. Brick house and good bank barn. Well fenced and drained. For particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. 0. trormoraramowsoo OVER 66 YEARt EXPERIENCE TRASK MARKS • D1C111aINttt CAPYR16NT$ ails. Anyone sending • ekMell and description mai qulokl; autoertatn our opinion free w ether •n tt♦tint On la probable Detentable. Communion• toyatnet con'eeontial. HANDBOOK ouPatents Sella tree. .lost agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn .Sc Co. receive epeptat notice, without charge, in the Scientific c ,Imerkra9, L handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation inculation of any srtentifle journal, Terms ter Canada, 11s,14 a year, postage prepaid. .Sold by • 1i newsdealer.. �i , , 1IUNN & Co.361®oa4"Y' N( t� 1 Tirancb °moa. 62f vet, District New; DASH W OOD Mrs McKay of Stratford was in tewn, Tuesday. Mrs. Eel. Willett and daughter of Grand Bend were in town Monday. Mr. Norinu,n Kellerman was an out of town visitor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gable of near Zur- ich, visited Mr. and Mrs E. Gable on Sunday. Mrs. H. Guinther and Mrs, D. Betaken were in Exeter on Tues- day, • Messrs Ezra Bender and wilfong were in town this week helping Mr. Wagner to reshingle his barn On Tuesday evening the base ball boys played their first game of the season with the Crediton boys. The score being in Crediton favor 6-3. Mr. Jacob Kellernlann who re- cently purchased the grist mill is busy having it repaired and put in- to shape for the manufacture of high grade flour. The chopping days are Tuesdays and Saturdays. Our citizens and the general public should patronize the mill, It brings business and leaves money, in our village. besides boing a great convenience to the farmers. Patronize home industry. Mr. Arthur Edighoffer and Miss Dora Silber of Zurich visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edighoffer on Sunday. The Misses Mildred Brown and M ur- iel Preeter of Zurich were the guests of Misses Vera and Leila Siebert a few days last week. A very interesting sight is to see the five igoubators at work hatch- ing chickens at the home of Mr. Wm. Snider. Each incubator holds 144 eggs and they have ii tohed two lots since starting this spring. They have averaged about 98 out of the 144, which has a setting hen beat a mile. Last near they hatoh- ed over 2000 chicks and the best average was II4, This year they expect to hatch considerable over the 2000. CREDITON Miss Ethel Clark who is undergoing a treatment in the London hospital is getting along nicely. Mr. Chris Baskerville of Centralia lost his splendid shire stallion on Tuetctay, .'The horse he4 only be4r>1 sickle :Oz a short tilde. • Our junior baseball club droi•e to Dashwood on Tuesday evening and played an interesting game with the players of that village winning by a score of 0 to 3. The Hardware business which has been conducted by the Messrs Young Bros. for the past several years, will now be conducted by J. G. Young & Son. Mr. Fred Young having retir- ed owing to ill health. The Misses Lulu Snider and Sadie Watson spent Sunday at their respec- tive homes near Bayfield. Miss Wat- son will remain home fer a few day - and during her absence Miss Edith Hill will teach for her. Mr. McInnes of Seaforth, aged 80 yrs. died very suddenly in our village on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased with a number of others came to our village in an auto, and while walking on the street was seized with a faint- ing spell and died in a few minutes. Our town fathers are busy this week oiling our streets. Our citizens will certainly appreciate this and es- pecially our merchants who have often complained that the dust dam- aged their goods. We have a pretty little village and if the `oil prevents the dust from flying it will add more to its beauty. The Post Office Department are calling for tenders for the service of the following mail routes, to be re- ceived this week Leave Crediton daily, Sundays excepted, at 11.30 a, m. or as soon as possible after the ar- rival of the courier on the Crediton and Centralia Railway Station service and travel' via the road between con- cessions 6 and 7 of the township of Stephen, to the road between conces- sion 8 and 9 thence to the road be- tween lots 10 and, thence to the road 1?t.,ween concession 10 and 11, thence. to the townline between Stephen and McGillvrarv, thence to the road be- tween concession 8 and 9 township of Stephen, thence to the road between lots 10 and 11, 'thence to • Crediton, and be due there in 8 hours and 55 minutes, distance 18 miles. To carry !Grand Trunk Railway including the clearance of letter boxes at the station,: if required, and after each receipt of ,the mail from the train to proceed tit! once to the Crediton post office. Balute of travel leave Crediton and travel:Vie the Crediton East post office and the road between lots 10 and 11 to the road between concesssions 2 and 3 of the township of Stephen: thence to the; road between lots 5 and 6, thence via the Centralia post office to the Grand'. Trunk Railway station, and to, return via the reverse of the above roads, the distance being ten miles.; EXETER On Wednesday morning the . resid ents of Exeter were greatly surprised; to learn of the death of Mrs. Thomas' Hawkins who died at the age of 58 years, 3 months and 12 days after be- ing ill for only a week, but not until. a week before she died -.wee ness considered serious. The deceas ed was borne in Hay Township being a slaughter of the late Adam White-: ford. In 1878 she, was united in marriage to her now sorrowing 'hue - and for some time they resided " it Usborne Township: Twelve years; ago they moved to town where Mr. Hawkins has conducted a` harweare business. Mrs. Hawkins although of a quiet nature was respected and be- loved by all who knew her. She was a member of the Trivitt Memorial church. She is survived by, herhus- band one son and two daughters. George of town, Mrs. P. Pollard of Windsor, and Mrs. Jas Bawden of Edmonton who have the sympathy of a host of friends in this their sad hour of bereavement. A very quiet wedding was soloin a- ized in Trivitt Memerial Church on Saturday morning last when Itliss Jean Hawkshaw was united in 'mar- ria;e to Mr. T Newell of the Com amercial Hotel. The ceremony was. performed by the rector Rev. D. W. Collins, only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties being pies-. ent. Mr. and Mrs. Newell left on the early train for Toronto and Newyork. Congratulations are extended to the. happy couple, Ur. Corey );ieywood, who has been attending Uhiversity 'Torfchto anti is now on vacation occupied•the pul- pit of Main street Methodist church' on Sunday evening last, Mr. Thos Brock is seriously ill with cancer. Miss Walker, of Hamilton is vis- her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Wal- ker, Exeter north. Miss Carrie Northcott has been ill with an attack of pleursy. Mrs. Jas Bawden of Edmonton, Alta. arrived here on Sunday owing to the death of her mother Mrs. Thos. Hawkins. Mr. Will Whiteford and Mr. Frank Weekes, of Virden, Man. attended the fuuerdl of the late Mrs. Hawkins this week. Miss Gladys Dearing is visiting fri- ends in Sarnia and Marlette. Mrs. Burke , Mrs. Philip and dau ghter Miss Hilda Philip left on. Sat- urday last for a trip to their former home in London' Dr. Sweet has purchased a new Ford automobile. DARES We have received another shipment of Velvet and Tapestry Squares, exquisite patterns, in sizes by -3 to 4 by 41/2 yds 0a11 and examine our stock.. we are giving extra value, It will pay you to buy your House Furnishings here. 4 yd. wide Linoleum See our stock of 4 yd wide Linoleum we imported them direct and can show you a large variety of patterns both in floral and tile effects. You can get a nice choice here. Our prices range from $2.00 to $2.50 per yard. we ate also showing a good stock of Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Stair Oils,_ &c. at right prices. Wall Papers we have added several patterns of wall Papers to our stock this week, and are giving some special bargains to clear out several lines Our stock is large and well assorted and values right. Ready Made Clothing We have several. hundred Mens and. Boys Suits of up to date .goods. '.Call and examine our stock as we are off -" tiring some extra bargains in 'Boys. Suits to clear. See our Boys Knickers at 25c per pr. Good Solid Wearers. Millinery We have some special bargains in this 'department and invite you to call. Miss Link is showing some new Summer Hats in Panamas, Milans, &c. The very;.newest styles you will find in this department. mails twice a day, Sundays excepted at such hours as may bo appointed by the Postmaster General between .the 'Crediton post office and all the tns.il train passing north and south oil tiro Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton left last week for Fillmore Sask. on re- ceipt of a message of their daughter Miss Clara Luxton at that place. Miss Luxton had been ill during the winter with a severe attack of la -grip- pe. Her friends here hope for her a speedy recovery. GOSHEN LINE Mr. Williams attended the funeral of Mr. Edward Lamport of Denfield, on Friday. Mr. William Martin and daughter` Berth are visiting friends and rela- tives in this section. Mr. Russell Schroeder and Chester Mawhinney visited at Shipka Sun- day. A fast game of ball was played be- tween Shipka and Goshen Line ` en • the Shipka diamond on Wednesday: evening, resulting infavourof . Gosb-, en Line, the score being being 4-2. Mr. Richard Glanville is visiting at his son's 'Prank for a few days. Don't forget the genie of ball bo.' tween Shipka and' Goshen Line ' on Thursday evening, a fast is expxyctecl,, Mrs. William Ma:. hi7 141l; and. s W inti y. silent ,Siitida * visiting frien is in 1Jx- duels .:�•.1 •• n _ rrKca� Dinnerware Glassware China, etc. See our Dinner Sets. we have a grand selection. we start a nice Printed Porcelain 97 piece set at $5.40 each Our Grocery stock is well -assorted with the very best obtainable, at Close Prices. We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. A CALL. SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 All kinds Farm Produce Taken. C. ZWICKER . .ZURICH a.. MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a 7 full line of fresh „meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our, .aim - is to , keep nothing but t e best. We make (fir own s'autages.' Give us a call.. •Y.UNf O1,UTT . PERT. Blake Chopper I aria operating the Blake Chopping Mill ;, every Tuesday and Friday.' Have a first-class: new grinder, aiid will guaran- tee satisfaction. JACOB KIPFEEI BLAKB ONT.:. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in tilebosfy Wits proper tension ; restores andvitality.P vimPremature a re decay and l] sexual weakness averted at once. Phwiphouol will Make_ you a new man. Price $3 a box. or two for gMailed to any address: The Scobell Drag; „ /t. Calb riu.., OM. DR A. J. MacKINNON late House Surgeon, Erie, County Hospital, • Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant ..xesi- dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the House Staff, New York Palyclinic Medical School and Hospital. Drug store in connection. Office, Zurich, Ont. GRApip FARE Arthu Huron and 24 19`13. Full particulars and tickets from Grand Trunk Agents. LOW RATES FOR. EASTER VIA TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM • Tick ets will bei ssued at SINGLE for a round trip between all station s in Canada east of Port r, also to Detroit and Port Mlah Buffalo. ,Niagara Falls, Black Rock and Suspension • Black Goo d -going March 20, 21, 22, 23, ,. valid .returning up • to and including -.Wednesday, March: 28, Stationery, -Up to date . sold our station - KT odat office i We print. lit your initials on the paper free of charge. 25ots. a; box. The Star Crediton.