HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-23, Page 3DOWN BY THE SOUNDING SEA BITS OF NEWS FROM THE MARITIME PROVINCES, Items of Interest. From .,I'laees L lPl3ed by Waves of the _. Atlantii,. The schools of 'Fredericton, N.' B.., are badly' overcrowded. Beginning this week, Halifax 'will in :future .have' a Board of Control. R: W. L. Tibbits has entered on hie 30th year as Deputy Provincial Secretary of New Brunswick. A new I. C. R. and St. John Val- ley Railway station will be built at Scully's Grove, Fredericton, N. B. At Fredericton, N. B., the body of an infant was found in a wood- pile, with a cord wound tightly round its neck. ' St. John, N. B., has nearly 700 more ratepayers than it hall in 1912, and the number has increased by 1,270 in five years. Houses are scarce in Sydney, Cape Breton, and those in touch with the situation say that 600 new dwellings are needed. Moncton, Na B., has taken over the exhibition property, which was owned by a private company. The price paid was $26,125. • -Oddfellows of Truro, N. S., will build ".a, three-storey lodge .room, which will be one of the finest build- ings in the town. The Government of Nova Scotia proposes an expenditure of _ $180,- 000 for good roads. This means $10,000 for each county. William J. Starr, a prominent merchant of St. John, N. B., is dead.,,,,He was well known through- out the Maritime Provinces. • Miles Dillon, a fifteen -year-old boy of St. John's, Newfoundland,. Juiiiped off the dock and saved an- other lad who was drowning. Eked Payson passed worthless cheques at Woodstock, N. B,.,, to the extent of $175, then hied him across the borcler to Maine. Fred. E. Beemer, a well-known farmer of Drumbo, N. B,, died af- ter taking a dose of salts admin- istered by his wife., The salts con- tained'strychnine. A syndicate of St. John, T. B., people are trying to buy Kennebec - caws taland, With the object of turn- ing it into a 'sheep farm. Owners of the island want $100,000 for it. Dr. W. J. Irvine, a dentist of Fredericton, N. B., had an 'eAciting experience with a Russian, to whom he had given as. The man became' delirious and jumped through a win- dow. William Osler, an Englishman, who lived near Charlottetown, P. E. I., shot himself through the head because the girl he was infatuated " with refused to marry him. Her parents objected. Two salmon fishers near .Boles - town, N. B., killed( 24 salmon in 414 hours. The salmon weighed as much as 12 pounds each, and the fishermen's luck is said to consti- tute a new record for the Miramichi River. Cod fishermen of Cannel and -Port aux Basques are reaping a rich har- vest this season. They sell their fish to Gloucester vessels at $6 per qtl,, so the inen. who get in one boat -10 to 15 qtls. daily are "coin- ing money, . Workmenlinade' 'a strange find --while quarrying on the property of Judson Shaw•,' near Windsor, N. S. At a depth of 10 feet they found a dozen silvetrlates,- a cup, a large ,'' dish and crucifix and a coin 100 years old. There is no clue as to how the treasure trove came there. Miss Margaret Enman of Vernon River Bridge, P. E. I., was filling a lantern with kerosene. Joseph Mc- Donald, a neighbor, had just finish- ed lighting his pipe and threw the match away so that it went into the can of kerosene. An explosion fol- lowed, both were badly burned and will be marked for life. What She Remembered. "Did ,'Emily enjoy her trip abroad ?".. "She says she did." "Emily has such a receptive mind." "Are you sure it is her mind? All she talks about it what she had to eat." Not Her Why on earth do you let your wife go around saying that she made a man of you? You never heard my wife saying that," "No," the other frowned back, "but I've often heard her say she tried her hardest," VVl1 n•a sea captain marries a Wi- dow he becomes second mato, All the Tired Nervous 'Wotueu CAN FIND A CURE' IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Madame Perreault Tells How She Cured Her Kidney: '"With Dodd's Kidney Pills,, and Found Health and Contentn'iexxt. Verner, Ont,, May 1.9 (Speci'al)— "I am very content.. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills have made me well." Those are the words of Madame Eugene Perreault, a highly -respect- ed lady of this place and mother of a' large family. For twenty years she was 'a sufferer. But, let her tell her own story. "I was always tired and nerv- ous, ", she states. • "I felt heavy and sleepy a£tei+ meals. My limbs, were heavy -and I had dragging sensation across my loins. My skin itched and burned at night, I had a bitter taste as my mouth, especi- ally in the morning. In twenty years I hardly knew what it was to have a well moment. Then I com- menced to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Six boxes cured me." MadamePerreault's symptoms -were those of kidney disease. They are the symptoms'of nine out of ten of the nervous, rundown, pain -racked women of Canada. Madame Perre- ault found a -speedy and complete cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. They simply cured her kidneys. ,I. Jeremiah in Trouble. "A good wife is Heaven's great- est gift to man and the. rarest gem the earth holds," remarked Mr. Jarphy the other morning. "She is his joy, his inspiration, and his very soul. Through her he learns to reach the pure and true, and her loving hands lead him softly over the rough places. She is--" "Jeremiah," said Mrs. Jarphy, sol- emnly—"Jeremiah, what . wicked- ness have you been up to now ?" ' Try 1 i hoie Eye Remedy No Smarting—Feels Fine—Acts Quickly. TO GranulatedTys.IlusrtBok eid'laedeo in each Paekage. I IBUN1: is con. terpounded UT our Oculists -nota "latent .%1 �' Medicine"Dat usedinauecesstal Phyrl- cions' Practice for many years, now Alec ' dedicated. to the Public and 'sold by Lragginta at 29c4i0e per bottle, luurino Care ] ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, be -ISO. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Models. Suitor—I have no bad habits. I don't smoke or drink. Father — Neither has my daughter. She doesn't'play or sing. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. The Parting. ng. "I told him I would not see him again," said the fair girl. "He evidently thinks you meant what you said." ` "Well, that's no reason why he shouldn't call me up by 'phone." TO CURE A COLD IN -ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it faile to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. Mrs. Mater—"I wonder what makes that dog so afraid of me. He always acts as if he thought I was going to kill him." Little Daugh- tei—"I daresay he's seen you spankin'. me." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget to Cows T MR. W. HI)~ES PAGE. Walter Hines Page, the • newly - named ambassador to the court of St. James, lives at Garden City, L.T. Years ago Garden City was founded by A. T. Stewart, the great merchant. Mr. , Stewart hoped to make it a centre for relig- iously inclined persons. To that end the first building erected was a great cathedral. "Then," said Mr. Page's friend, "Mr. Stewart had built twelve big, hip -roofed, high ceilinged, Wide - floored, ugly, old-fashioned houses. No houses could be more comfor- +`D.. 7 ISSUE 21,--'13. table, provided their oecupapts do not unduly worship beauty.'Gaeden City promptly named these 1 the Twelve Apostles,_ Then Mr. ,Stew- art built twelve other houses on a DAN DRU FE AND FALLINGNAIR .evented by Mr. W. Hines Page. lesser plan. They are known as the Minor Prophets." Mr. Page lives in one of the Twelve Apostles. "His friends used to know it as St. James," said the' infoimer. "But last winter the furoace'blew, out, the pipes were frozen, and the roof 'sprung a leak.• Whereupon it was rechristened Judas Iscariot." g ITER "BEST'a?RIEND." A Woman Thus Speaks of Postum.. We usually consider -our 'best friends those who treat us best: Some persons think tea and cof- fee are real friends, but watch them carefully awhile and observe that they sire two of the meanest of all enemies for they stab one while pro- fessing friendship. Tea and coffee contain a poison ous drug—caffeine—which injures the delicate nervous system and frequently sets up disease in one or more organs of the body, if its use is persisted in. "I had heart palpitation and nervousness .for four years and the doctor told me the trouble was ceased. by coffee.: He advised me to:Tr leave' it off, but I thought I, could not," writessa Western lady. ' "On the advice of a friend -I tried Postum 'and it so•satisfied me I did not care for coffee after a few days' trial of Postum. "As weeks went by and I con- tinued to use Postum my weight increased from 98 to 118 pounds, and the heart trouble left me. I have used it a year now and am stronger than I ever *as. I can hustle up stairs without any heart palpitation, and I am free from nervousness. "My children are very fond of Postum and it agrees with them. My sister liked it when she drank it at my house; now she has Postum at home and has become very fond of it. You may use my name if you wish as I am not ashamed of prais- ing my best friend-Postum." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. ' Postum now comes in new concen- trated form called Instant Postum. It is regular Postum, so processed at the factory that only the soluble porti•ns are retained. of InstantPostum on ul P ss A po, # with hot water, and ' sugar and cream to taste,, produce instantly a delicious beverage. , Write for the little book, "The Road to Wellville." "There's a reason" for Postum. Tommy—"Pa, what is a theory?" Tommy's Pa—"A theory, my son, is anything that is easier for us to preach than to practice." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Sounds Like Yankee Yarn, A cominercial ;traveller was brag- ging about the magnitude of the firm he repaesented. "I suppose your house is a pret- ty big establishment?" said the cus- tomer. "Big? 'You can't have any idea of its dimensions.. Last week we took an inventory of the employes, and found out for the first .time that three cashiers and four book- keepers were missing. That will give you some ideaof the magni- tude of our business." •"I asked .you husband last night if he had to live his life over . again, if he weuld wits ry you, and hesaid he certainly would." "He certain- ly wouldn't I" r" it$PM Treatr�tent with Cu r iCU And Cuticura Ointment. Directions: Nlake a parting and rub gently with Cuticura Ointment. continue until whole scalp has been gone over. .Next morning shampoo with Cull - cap, Soap. Shampoos alone may be used as often as agreeable, but once or twice a month is generally sufficient for this special treat- nlent for women's hair. -. Cutloura Soap and Ointment are Bold throughout the world. A liberal sample of rash, with 82 -page `-,00kiet on the care and treatment of the skin and aeain. Sent post-free. Address Potter Drug S Chem. ONp..Dept. 24D. Boston. C. S. A. '.PAINT PRISON CELLS 'VIOLET Russian Form of Punishment Stu- pefies Prisoners' Brains. Have you ever stopped to think of the important part that calor plays in your life ? Possibly not, it psychologists and some medical specialists—and they are subject— say that some colors have all sorts + f enrious effects to answer for. ,, After a revolutionary outbreak meals years ago in. Russia, the fact came out that the punishment meted Out to several of the leaders of the rising was confinement in cells 'aaiose walls were painted violet. A few weeks spent in these cells turn- ed keen -witted restless men • into , ll,, stupid fellows, who moved and •e. as dying' men; do afterathey have lost the power over brain and body. • The effect of red is even more striking. Red is said to produce restlessness and excitability, and no specialists will allow a highly nervous patirent'to remain long in a roam that is either papered or fur- nished in that shade. And dress- makers complain that to work for any length of time upon a. garment that is tinted red will cause the seamstress to become tired, have a headache, and feel nauseated. Per- haps that is why blue, brown and white have their turns as the "most popular color," while red is always e. matter of individual taste, except in the matter of occasional trim- ming.• Musical. "I don't believe the story, do you. ?" "What ,story ?" "About Mrs. Yotmgbride. They say she Went into ' a butcher's shop the Other day, and seeing a side of spareribs on the counter, she re- marked :' 'Why, I didn't know you kept xylophones here.' " There were 20,000 people in Eng- land and Wales without a birthday this year owing to the fact that February contained only eight -and - twenty days. HOW TO POP CORN; It is done in different ways, but the most approved method is. topop your corns with Putnam'e Corn Extractor — ccrns bop out for fair, and stay out, too, When removed by "Putnam's." Try this painless remedy yourself, 26c. at all dealers. The word `rtweed,i' as applied to cloth, really means "twilled," and has nothing to do with the River Tweed, although much..Scotch tweed is made in the basin of that river. Constipamtion is an enemy within the camp.. It will - undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It '•leads to indigestion, biliousness, • impure blood,. bad coftiplexion, sick headaches, and ,;is one of the most , frequent.dauses of- appendicitis.To neglect itis slow suicide. Dr. Morse's Indian' Root Pills positively cure Constipation. They are entirely Vegetable iii composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking. Dr. ors&s " ititdisosi loot Pulls MOWING DAY FOR NRS. LYNX. How She Coaxed Her Young Ones' to Follow her. The domestic life of the American lynx is not often exposed tt the observation of a .sympathertie hu- man being. All' the more interest- ing is this little incident, of which a eonitriburtor to the Outing Maga- zine, was a witn esus :, I watched'a lynx family moving out one day. It was ,an interesting sight. I was cruising up a moun- tain road to a clump of cedar tim- ber, and had no weapon except my ax. While I was creeping silently through the timber, I heard a cat mewing. I seated myself on a fall- en log just at the edge of the dense timber, and waited. Presently I decided that the sound came from a fallen hollow cedar, a few rods from where I sat. A lynx appeared at the opening, Looked back into the hollow, and mewed encouragingly.She was joined by two half-grown kittens that stood blinking at the bright sunlight. . The old one "moved for- ward afew feet and called to her brood. They toddled -out, apd joined her. She played with them, cuffed them about, and bit at 'them, mewing and purring the while, ex- actly as a tabby does with her fam- ily. • In a short time she moved on again, stopped, and coaxed them to follow. It took her half an hour to lead them into the protection of the forest. My ax was not an effective weapon, but had I been otherwise armed, I could not have brought myself to molest the mother and her young. Do Your Looks Quite Satisfy You? If Your Color is Bad, if You Suf- ser From Pimples, Here is Good Advice. r -- Fine Results In Two Weeks, Miss Nettie'E. Callaghan, a well- known young lady in Middleton, writes as follows ; "I was affected for two years with a rash, and ugly looking pimple's that spread over my face. My color was poor, arid my blood evidently completely out of order. Certainly it was a most despairing sort of a ease, because various treatments did but little to help me. A friend of mine in To- ronto, Ont., advised me to get Dr. Hamilton's Pills, so I sent at once for five boxes. In two weeks I felt like new—looks improved, spirits rose, and I felt I was getting well. I have used this remedy for a long time, and now wouldn't be without it." If you are in ailing health, have blood disorders, stomach trouble, or headaches, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help you quickly. All druggists and etor' keepers sell Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and But- ternut. 25c. per box, five for $1.00. Sent postpaid by the Cata.rrhozone Co.,GBuffalo, N.Y., and Kingsston, Canada. In a Nutshell. A. man remembers a woman's epi- grams as long as he loves her. Re remembers her compliments as long as he loves himself I PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Four druggist will refund money if PASO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch. Mg, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In t to 14 days. 60e. More than 600,000 men are em- ployed in working the railways of the United Kingdom. Minard's LIninlont Cures Distemper. Italy's War Strength. The figures for the year 1911 give Italy a. peace .strength of 225,000; a war ;strength ti•f h25, 000, and "avail- able for duty unorganized," 1,200, 000. The latter ' figures are, of course, based on the estimated male population of military age, and aro probably correct. Figures for the same year give Italy as modern bat- tleships, 5 other batt+les'hip•s, 7 first- class cruisers, -3 second-olast cruis- ers, 13 third-olass cruisers, 3 gun- boats, 33 destroyers; 75 torpedo boats"and 19' submarines. Person- nel of navy, officers, and men, 29,- 941. Highest grade beans kept whole .; and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Vlavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. CREIRREIMMi GLVES - That Are Guaranteed Why take chances in buying a pair of gloves when yo'u can get a pbaitive guarantee backed by Can ada's largest glove factory in the I.B.K. Pinto Shell Gloves made from specially tanned horse- hide. Guaranteed wet proof, wind,, proof, steam and heat proof. Send for illustrations. = HUDSON BAY ENITTENG CO. Canada's Expert Glove and UM h•":? Te Makers, i�yjh�O.�N112mtL,,. 4 FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, ' j RrIT, STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY! F Farni, in all sections of Ontario.4 Some snaps. 1 AC'TOItY SITES, WITH OR WITHOUT! Railway trackage, in Torente.I Brampton end other towns and citirs, 1 IIoIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN Brampton and a dozen other towns.' H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. NE HUNDRED ACRES IN OXFORD County—Soil, sand and Mack lrn:ni' 2 acres orchard; number buildings. 'Phone in house. Price, four thousand. The Western Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE—MEN TO LEARN BARRER 1A. trade; expert instruction; constant, praetice; toole'free; •always sure •emnloY+.' meat for barber. Write for catalogue,,;', -- Meter College, 221 Queen E., Toronto. STAMPS AND COiNS, Lt�,li TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED p. Parent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. AN CER, TUMORS, Lumps. E'CO., • internal end csternal, cured with. out pain by our horns treatruent. Writ* ns before too Tate. Dr. Bellman Medio ' Pn. Limited. r'nllin...oem Oct ALL STOi'4En, KIDNEY AND l4LAr. der Stones, Sidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cared with the new German Remedy.' ' Sanol " price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabete,-liellitne, and sere cure, le "Ranol's Anti.Diabetes," Price $2 00 froom druggists or direct. The Sano! Manatee.' luring Company of Canada, Limited, 1 Winnipeg, Man. Careless. Owner of the Car—Why did you. leave your last place? Chauffeur—' The guy I worked for went crazy. Started shingling his house when! his car needed new tires. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth, N, S. Gentlemen, --In January last, Francis Leclerc, one of the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, had a tree fall on him, crushing him fearfully. He was, when found; placed on a sled and taken home, where grave feare were en. tertnined for his recovery, his hips being badly bruised and his body turned black from his ribe to his feet. We used MIN. ARD'S LINIMENT on him freely -to deaden the pain and with the use of three 'bottles he was completely cured and able to re- turn to his work. SAUVEUR DUVAL. Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que. Entertains An Opinion. "What kind of an entertainment does our friend, Mr. •Swelhed, pre - think he manages to divert both himself and his friends," re- plied Miss Cayenne "by entertain- ing a remarkable opinion of him- self." NO RH U AT SM LAST WINTER Montreal Man Conquered his Old Enernyr by'"tising GINPILLS ILLS Mr. A, i3eaudry of n7 Pallet Street, Montreal, thus expresses his great satisfaction" with GIN PILLS. "It affords ale great pleasure to inform you that I baize, used' GIN' P1I4LS• for about six months, alid that they have done me a great deal of good. I hays had Rheumatism for a couple of years,. and last winter I saved myself from it by using GIN PILZs." 5oc, a box, 6 for2.5o. Sample free.'if you write Nations Drug anti Chemical ,Co. of Canada, Limited, Torontp. t3..