HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-05-23, Page 1Vol. XIII.
The Official Organ of
and Hey Township
'Y23a 1913.
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New Goods n.
Ladies' Waists.
We are are continually adding new styles and new lines to
our already large stock. We do this to try and please you, and we
want you to come in right now and look over the many new things
we are showing. We are'prepared especially for man, woman or
child looking for spring or summer wear. We have it if its good.
We have just opened up a large shipment of ladies' ready. -to -
wear waists, made in many styles. Also -have thhm in ran and tan
Silk, all these are very pretty and made in the best way, froin$1 to
Embroideries. .
have a specialline of skirting embroideries now
for summer dresses: A patterns.
Men's Furnishings
See our new soft felt hats for $1.50. Just what you have
been. looking for. AU sizes and colors. A. new line of men's belts
just in. We have them in all shades: Men's socks in cotton, also
silk and wool, in all colors. Very fashonable and good wearers.
Linoleumns etc
C,7- ` We pride ourselves on our large stock of floor covering. We
specialize in rugs and linoleumns Come in and see us, if you need
anything in this line.
Wo are Agents for th. Celebrated
f tta,reeteita,..:;1.Oe a Elution. Sc2A ilbo�9. at
aU_Chtudta!_lurring-*Le ahayaTicket.
We sell Peabody's Overalls, the best made Each and every-
one fully guaranteed - Wear a Peabody and be satisfied,
If you are the kind of chaps I know you to be; then I want to
make your acquaintance at once. Pretty soon you will be
wearing Young Men's Clothes, and when you get to that point
I want yon to patronize this store. There everything here in
the way of wearables that you need Hats, Caps, Clothing,
Underwear. Stock Ings, Shirts, Collars, etc.
When you visit this store to buy your neat suit of clothes
and we will present you absolutely FREE of charge with a
two bladed razor steel knife.
Get a card at our store, fill it out properly and bring it with
This offer good only for clothes bought to July 1st, 1913
Sporting Goods
We are headquarters for all kinds of baseball goods, fish-
ing tackle, etc. Baseballs from 5o up. Fish poles 5o and lOc.
Brighten up inside and outside of your home with Sher-
win-Williams Varnishes, We sell Mar -Not for inside work
and Kopal for outside work. For your linoleums use Durable
Linoleum Finish. It protects your carpets and brightens up
the house.
We ars agents for the Peerless -and the Frost Woven Wire
Fencing, L+'veryrod fully guaranteed and full No. 9 guage.
wire used throughout.
Rooting and Eavetroughing
Produce always. Taken.
J. Preeter,
Telephone .- • ZURICH'
firerar a ra.ti7lFy oca .
0 lae'a i a.Qa.raaaa411k 71471110.• 0
Men's latest Astoria shoes at S. h
Faust. n
Mr. Harold Appel was visiting
friends in Seaforth a few days this
ROBINSOR In Stanley on May. 17th
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos Robinson a
Fine range of woman's slippers and
button Oxfords at S. E. Faust.
Mrs. Cyrus Oolosky returned on
Monday, after a few days visit with
relatives and friends in.Detroit.
Mr. Fred ICalbfleisch " erected his
new smoke stack on Monday, as the
other one was badly damaged by the
last wind storm. to clear. All got up in the best
Mr. S. Ticknor, Jericho, deliverd to and latest styles and will save you.
Chas. Fritz of Zurich, on Saturday, money to buy them now. Do not
fifteen live, healthy skunk for which fail to take advantage of these low
he received in the neighborhood of prices J. Preeter.•
$75 dollars, Mr. Ftitzlas a skunk . Rally Day will be observed next
"farm" at Zurich. Sunday in the Evangelical Church
A number of shade trees in town In the morning an appropriate ser -
have been multulated by boys with mon will be preached by the pas
knives probably without tor, and in the evening several
p y giving the ,sperkers will address the meeting.
matter a serious thought, but -the boys - The choir and the juniors will ass -
should be warned lay their parents to ist in making this a most profitable
have the -practice stopped. service. A cordial welcome is ex -
Mr. Fred Leibold, who has secured tended to all,
a steady job in the baggage depart- The social gathering in the Evan-
nxent of the G. T. R. at, Stratford, • gelical church on Tuesday evening
moved to that city on Monday. We was a most enjoyable affair. about
wish Mr. Leibold and family pros tourty of the Epworth League Hen -
mall Methodist church came to Zur.
peity in their new home.home.
ioh to spend the evening with the
Under the auspices of the .Ladies Y. p, A. here. The programme
Aid a supper will be served;; on the-,rejdered by the League, was inter -
lawn of the Lutheran Parsonage on eating and inrtruotive. Rev. Mi.
Tuesday the 17th. of June from 5 to Hicks performed the duties of a
8 p, m. After; the supper refresh- ".chairman most amiably. After the
menta will be served and some qurlteprogramme the members of the
and other rep i,vrtietss -will be g`ngF the iris d'th b e .. A.
iresi: etits.
sale::._ Admission 25cts. for :adults and
Were very elaborately served.
Thfis a most profitable evening
was spent together.
The law recently passed in the
Legislature, amending the Liquor
License Act regulating the time of
opening bar rooms and the sale of
spii;ituous liquor came into effect Fri-
day last. The laws reads that no, bar
room shall be opened till 8 o'clock in
the morning and no spirituous liquors
shall be sold by the boogie or bulk.
Under another section of the act the
opponents of local option are given
the rights to compel the municipal
councils to submit a by-law for the
repeal of local option on the petition
of 25 per cent of the electors on the
voters list. This makes the law
which formerly applied to petitions
for local option apply also against it.
Chicken farming is getting to be an
exceedingly popular industry in and
around Goderich. James Reynolds,
proprietor 'of the British Exchange
hotel, has purchased a farm on the
outskirts of the town and has gone in-
to the raising of fowl on an extensive
scale. He has at present 000 hens in
working order and several incubators,
colonies, etc. George Johnston has
purchased the property known as the
Ransforci Grove, near the Grand
Trunk Railway, consisting of eleven
acres, and erected a large hennery. IIe
has 'accomniodiation for one thousand
hens. W. T. Murneo, ex -Mayor, has
also gone into the poultry business ex-
tensively. V. M. Roberts has started
to erect a large hennery under the
Philo system, which has been so pop-
ular in the United States.
Stores will bo open this (Friday)
ev'ening', but remain closed on Sat-
r.day, Victoria Day.
in -Henry Trueniner and family
roved to town this week. We
heartily welcome them to Zurich.
- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnston of
Clinton spent"bunday at the home
of his brother Thomas Johnston,
Dr. Sellery of Hensall desires to
iZurinformch. the public that he has dis-
continued his Monday visits to
Gasoline and coal oil stoves for
summer cooking. Buy one and be
1comfortable in hot weather. J.
A demonstration in honor of
. Proudfoot M. P. P. will be
bold atGoderich on the 30th. A
nutinberof locals will attend.
We are offering our ready trim-
med hats at greatly reduced prices
15 for children. _ AU are welcome.
Large assortment of. children's
candles for summer at S. E. Faust.
Rev, C. C. J. Maass, who has b can
pastor of the Lutheran church - for
some years will leave shortly to acc-
ept a call from near Philadelphia. Mr.
Maass introduced English sermons
here and was the means of greatly in-
creasing the standing of the Luther-
an church in this section. 'Both he
and his estimable wife have made
many warm friends here, who, while
sincerely regretting their departure,
will follow them to their new homer
with best wishes for continued pros-
The Huron Beekeepers Associaton
held their Spring meeting in Clinton
on -Thursday last, when representa-
epresentatives were present from nearly all
parts of the country. 1\!r. KingsmilI
of the Guelph Agiiculturs College was
present and gave an interesting lecture
on "Swarming," The talk was inter-
persed and followed by considerable,
discussion by the members present
and the meeting proved to be of a
practial and helpful nature.. Owing
no doubt to th"o fact that this is a
busy season for farmers, the attend-
ance at this meeting was -not as large
as on previous occasions, but those in
attendance -were successful and practi-
cal bee -keepers who are anxious to
avail themselves of -every opportunity
to learn newer and better ways of con-
ducting this ever growing industry.
Children's white slippers for sum-
mer at S. B..Faust.
Established 1 853
Opened Branch in Huron
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
'Zurich Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
A Regular Storm Period -covers the
last week in May, being central on
the celestial equator on the 29th.
There is a suspicion that there is a
fixed tendency to severe and danger-
ous store' on and about May 27th.
This we will not affirm or deny. At
all events, we may. expect regular
storms of rain, thunder and wind to
attend the low barometer .and change
to much warmer which are
certain to appear iron). a-
bout the
bout'the 26th to the 29th. The great
tornado which devastated` a large strip
of St. Louis in 1896 accused on May
the 27th, and it is a fact that thous-
ands of people witnessed that awful
visiation look- with apprehensive and
dread upon the returns of each anni-
versary of that fatal day.
Buy your seeds at the Seed
Store. All kinds of Garden,
and Field Seeds. You will
save 2.5c per bushel on Seed
Corn bought at our store as
we buy direct from the grow-
er and guarantee up to ger-
mination test.
300 bushels of Dewey, Car-
man and White Giant.
l told Peas and Buckwheat.
-Louis '3 ey
Beans primes per' bus $1.20
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75
Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50
Feed flour 1.40
Bran per ton $19.00
Shorts per ton $20.00
Wheat per bus. 92cts.
Barley per bus 55ctsn^""
Oats per bus. 82cts.
See our
New Designs
F. W. Hess
G. R. Hess
jewellers, - ZURIC
Our S ing Shoes
have arived. Come in and have a look at the many different
styles we carry.
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The Home of Good Shoes
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The Brownie Camera is simple to operate, thoroughly
. Practical in results. • The No. 2 Brownie takes a
Picture 2 1.4 x 3 1-4. Price $2.00
Catalogue sent Free en Request.
H. Appel Jeweler
Fine watch repairing my speoialty, - Agent for Canadian Kodak Coq