HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-04-25, Page 449 1
......... .
The best practi.bal training
eohool, in Ontario. Three depart-
AU courses are thorough and pract-
ical. Teachers are experienced and
graduates are placed in positions.
We give individual attention and
students may enter at any time.
Write for Free Catalogue at once
Furniture Store
We are giving Big Snaps
in Pianos and Organs for
the balance of the year.
Two big shipments of
Singer and Raymond Sew-
ing Machines must be
cleared out at once, at
a low price.
A. big stock of Furniture
always on hand and prices
the Lowest.
Dried apples taken as Cash.
Big stock on hand. Day or
night—call Central.
Furniture and Undertaing
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot,
K. C. R, 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran.
Sales conducted in all parts: Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms
reasonable. Orders left at this office
will be promptly attended to.
Crediton, - Ontario
Conveyancers, General Insurance
7.elephone—Office la, House lb.
Pi -tet INSURAN•
ce agent, representing the Loiicibilf
Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand=
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insurance,
dilate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
day. 7-26
Notary Public. Dee ds , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
Lot 23, Con 7, (Parr Llne,) Hay
Cownship, 100 acres; 80 acres of
;ood bush. Brick house and good
Bank barn. Well fenced and drained.
For particulars apply to Duncan
Taylor, Hensall P. 0.
04 ER 66'(EAr•
/Anyone sending a sketch and description may
gWslciy ascertain our opinion free whether an
![irention is probably patentable. Commimlin.
None strictl oonfldentlnl. minim% on Patents
{ypntrlie. dost Hammy for securing parents.
Patents taken through Iltuun 8c Co. receive
fpeciat,totice, without charge, in the
Scientific M erk aL
A of zany tis lent le iourinal. Largest
e ter
Canada, $a.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by
MI lnewsdealer,.
IIUNN ll®.361areadwav, NPlla.J
$ranch rncq SiC {• iYaahk s .,.
.uistiret lv eWs
The forty eighth annual meeting
of the Canada Conference of the
Evangelical Association terminated
on Monday.
At 10,30 o'clock Bishop Breyfogel
preached a powerful ordination ser-
mon. At the afternoon service Rev.
L. Gross of Walkerton was ordained a
deacon and Rev. N. Roibling of
Rockingham was ordained an elder.
The missionary session at the after-
noon meeting was led by Rev. Geo.
Johnston of Cleveland, Ohio, and
about $4,000 was raised in cash and
subscriptiohs for the cause. In the
evening Bishop Breyfogel preached
again with great power and elopuence.
Rev. George Damm of Sebringville
was re-elected Treasurer of the Con-
ference, and Rev. W. J. Zimmerman
of Stratford of the Episcopal Fund.
Rey. E. H. Bean of Tavistock was
elected Statistical Secretary. A new
Sunday School Board was created to
further the interests of Sunday school
work in the conference. The confer-
ence next year will meet in Berlin.
The appointment of preachers of the
Canada east District is as follows: J.
G. Litt, Presiding Elder; Berlin, M.L.
Wing; Mew Hamburg, 3. C. Morlock;
South Easthope, E. M. Gischler;
Notrh Easthope, D. H. Brand; Tavis-
tock, E. H. Bean; Sebringville, W. E.
Beese; Milverton, A. D. Gischler; Alb-
boro, A. W. Sauer; Hamilton, 3. G.
Burn; Toronto, G. D. Damm; Camp-
den, S. M. Haugh. Rainham, H. H.
Leibold; and J. W. Hammett; Morris-
ton, D. Kieh; Blenheim, 0. G. Hall -
mann; Hespler, W. 0. Ruby: Niagara,
W. J. Fiddes; Gainsboro, C. R. ICauth;
Arnbrior, L. Wittish; Pembroke, F.
Meyer; Golden Lake, W. S. Henrich;
Rockingham, W. H. Wagner.
North District—S. R. Knechtel,
Presiding Elder; Waterloo, E. Burn;
St. Jacobs, W. 0. Hehn. Elmira, F.
B. Meyer; Listowel, W. Drier; Wall-
ace, E. H. Dorsch; Normandby, W.
M. Sippel; Bridgeport, L. Petch;
Zurich, G. F. Brown; Dashwood, J,
H. Grenzebach; Crediton, E. D. Beck-
er: Maitland, to be supplied; Mildway,
L. Gross; Wrlkerton, W. Damm;
Hanover, W. J. Yaeger; Port Elgin,
N. H Reibling; Chesley, A. H. Ply -
ley; Elmwood, Roy Geiges; Parry
Sound, 3. K. Schwalm; Stratford, W.
J. Zimmerman.
Northwest District—L. H, Wagner,
Presiding elder, Winnipeg. E. J.
Betehel; Neuford, H. J. Holtzman;
Melyille, C. Gretzinger; Rosthern. L.
K. Eidt; Lenaston, W. H. Campbell;
Regina, C. K. Iioepke; Warner, L. L.
Arth; Goodhope, W. G. McCracken;
Pakowki, to be supplied; Disbury J.
S. Damm; Siebertville, F. E. Martin;
Hanna, C. S. Einkbeiner; Milk River,
A. Clemens; E Swift Current, P. B.
Peer; W Swift Current, F. A. Zeller;
Medicine, L. Amacher; Edmonton; to
be supplied; Happyland and Walsh,
J, .
Lot 4 L. R. W. Hay 554 acres,
There is a good brick house, wood-
shed, frame barn, driving shed. The
land is in good shape, and as this
place is within a few rods, of the
St. Peter's catholic church and sep-
arate school, it will make a very dis-
irably location for some one. Pur-
chaser will obtyin possession Oct. 1st.
For further particulars apply to
Mrs. Simon Badour Sr. on the pre-
mises, or address to Drysdale P. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Finkbeiner and
daughter Miss Catharine and Mr. and
Mrs. R. Goetz of Dashwood, attended
the funeral of the late Henry
Finkbeiner, on Thursday last.
There will be a meeting of those
interested in base ball on Friday ev-
ening of this week in the office of the
Star. A full attendance is requested
of the baseball players and others in-
tetested iq, this ane aid ether sports,
Mr. and Mrs. 3, Humble of Sarnia
and Mr. _and Mrs. J. Mallet of Exeter,
Mrs. B. Nichols, Mr. and Ma's. Dear-
ing of Exeter, Chas. Finkbeihet of
Guelph and Sam Finkbeiner of Chat-
ham attended, the funeral of the late
Henry Finkbeiner onT.hursday last.
Mr. Con 3. O'Brien lost a fat steer
laet week. The atmimal was tied ill
the stable and got the chain over a
post and hung itself. The animal vas
veined at $80.
Miss Clara Rau has reurned to
London after a visit at her hei ib•here.
Mr. and Mrs Chas. Livingstone arta
daughter of Calgary, Alta., are Visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. John Ha,wslia*.
Miss Laura Hobbs of Brantford is:
visiting friends in town.
Mr. C. Sanders expects to leave:
shortly for the West, and has rented
his house to Mr. W. Gillispie.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood of Welwyn,.
Sask., who have been visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Wood, returned to their home this
Mr. Thos. Carling left this week
for his new home at Brighton.
Miss Gladys Essery of Centralia'
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mr. Jas, Walters has returne'd`,
home from the Soo.
Mr. N. D. Hurdson who has been
with pneumonia, is recovering.
Mrs. W. Howey and children are
visiting her parents,. Rev. E. A. Fear
and Mrs. Fear, at Highgate.
Mrs. Stanbury is visiting in Whit-
W. C. T, U.
Not long ago, in journeying home
from a trip to the Pacific Coast, I
stopped at Green River for a day or
two. I needed rest, and I confess that
the terrible desolation of the place had
a strange sort of fascination for me.
Mine host was a good natured Ger-
man whose family consisted of wife,
two little girls, and a kitchen full of
I made friends with the little girls,
Greta and Hilda, at once, and after
supper they invited me to accompany
them to a "Band of Hope" meeting to
be held in the little church I had seen
across the way.
I was surprised and delighted to
hear of such an organization in that
apparently benighted spot, and taking
a hand of each, we stumbled along in
the darkest over rocks and sand, tin
cans, broken bottles and all sorts of re-
fuse till we reached one little street,
where our way began to be lighted by.
feeble rays from smoky kerosene.
lamps in the saloons.
A little farther on, .through an opo;
door, we saw a man and a boy playing
violins. They were surroundediy
crowd of men drinking and playing
cards. The music was so good that I
paused instantly to listen. The boy
was a mere child, and the glimpse of
his little face interested me,
"Who is he?" I inquired of my com-
panions. "Oh, that is Henry Mosseck,"
said Hilda, "and that man playing
with him is his father; he's made Hen-
ry play again to -night; the teacher'lI
feel awful bad!"
We we were soon at church door,
and I followed the little girls in. 'It
was, an unfinished barn -like room, but
a great stOve glowed red hot in the
centre, for, though it was April, the
nights were yet cold. Forty or fifty
children were assembled, and on" a
raised platform at the farther end of
the room was a cabinet organ, a few
chairs and a little desk.
(To be continued)
The results of the promotion exam-
inations show the classification in the
S. S. No. 12, as follows:
Sr. 4th—C. Pfile, H. Shilbie, P.
Schoch, D. Miller.
Jr 4th—Ai. Shilbe, E. Meidinger.
Sr 3rd—N. Gascho, L. Krueger. L.
Pfile, T. Steinbach, A. Meidinger.
Jr 3rd—J. Gascho, R. Scbilbe, M.
Witmer, A. Shilbie.
Sr. 2nd—G. Witmer, M. Badour
U. Pfile, 0. Fleischauer, 0. Steinbach
I. Livingood, L. Surerus.
Sr. Pt. 2nd—A. Walters, T. Meid-
inger, U. Schatz, F. Badour, J. Mass,
A. Nigh.
Jr. Pt. 2nd—A. Witmer, L. Fleis-
Sr.°'Pt. 1st—E. Gescho, E. Badour.
R. M. Geiger, teacher.
In memory of John A. Hendricks,
who died April 21t1 1912,
Another .iamb; 0 t aitb of Gbd behold
Within this quiet fol'd1
Among Thy father's 'she'eee,
I lay td 'leeks!
A heiO t ali>;t seeder fora `!hight'did test,
Beyond'its b'rothel's breast,
Lord, keep it close to thee,
Lest waking it should bleat . and
pine for me.
The parents.
Do not fail to look through our Stock of General
Dry Goods. We have the assortment and
our prices will compare favorably
with any competition,
Also line of Ladies Rain Coats in the latest
shades at $5 to $7.50 each
Imported Whipcord and Bedford Cord Suit-
ings. The latest material for Spring
Suits in plain and two tone shades,
tans, browns, Copenhagen, nayy,
greens and blacks, prices G5c to $1.25 yd
Silks. We have a complete stock of Pailette
Striped Taffetas, Shot Silks, etc, 36
inch wide ...... at 90c to $1.50 per yard
We are offering extra values in Boys and
Men's Suils. We are showing a
large and fashionable stock at low prices.
Our stock of Linoleumn and Floor Oil Cloths
are here. We can interest you, bring
in the measurement of your room
and we will give you figures cut and
laid down properly.
Wall Papers are arriving and the patterns
are the latest at prices from 5c to 35c yd.
Classy Spring Coats. A nice collection of
Spring Coats for ladies who want
style and perfect fitting garments at
popular prices, in Serges, Tweeds,
Repps, etc.......Prices $7.00 to $12 each.
This Department is under the management of Miss Link. Do not fail to visit
our Show Room and see the new creations. This year more than ever the success
of your spring costume will depend upon the selection of just the right hat and
that is an all -sufficient reason why you should visit this section before deciding.
Our Grocery stock is well -assorted with the very best
obtainable, at Close Prices.
We pay highest price for all Farm Produce.
Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Millet, Hungarian,
White Beans, Etc.
All kinds Farm la WICKER
Produce Taken.
E keep in stock a
IT full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but to best.
We make o r own
Give us a call.
I am operating the Blake
Chopping Mill every
Tuesday and Friday.
Have a first-class: new
grinder, and will guaran-
tee satisfaction.
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosn 17onol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phesphonol will
make you a new man. Price $3 a box or two for
$5. Mailed to any address. The Soo'bell Drug'
S o..
St. Ositharssica. Onto
raR A. J. MacKINNON late House,
Surgeon, Erie County Hospital,
Buffalo N. Y. Late assistant resi-
dent Physician, Manhattan Maternity
Hospital N. Y. city. Late of the
House Staff, New York Palyclinic
Medical School and Hospital. Drug
store in connection. Office, Zurich,.
Tickets will bei ssued at SINGLE.
FARE for a round trip between all
stations in Canada ,east of Port
Arthur, also to Detroit and Port
Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Niagara,,
Falls, Black Rook and Suspension'
Bridge, N.Y.
Good going March 20, 21, 22, 23,
and 24, valid returning up to . and
including Wednesday, March 26,
Full particulars and tickets frons
Grand Trunk Agents.
Stationery.—Up to date '
ery sold at our office. We print
your initials on the paper free of
charge. 25cts, a bol;. The Star •