HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-04-25, Page 1E
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hqy Township
Vol. XIII.
3+C33F39113 3+E 3Q431E3*
New Goods
We are are continually adding new styles and new lines to
our already large stock. We do this to try and please you, and we
want you to come in right now and look over the many new things
we are showing. We are prepared especially for man, woman or
child looking for spring or summer wear. 'We have it if its good.
3E3i3C3rF 3pf3t ;S3s008C3t0080:3i
Ladies' Waists
We have just opened up a large shipment of ladies' ready-to-
wear waists, made in many styles. Also have them in rau and tan
silk, all these are very pretty and made in the best way, from $1 to
$ 3.00
We have a special line of skirting embroideries now in, just
suitable for summer dresses. A. patterns.
Men's Furnishings
See our new soft felt hats for $1.50. Just what you have
been looking for. All sizes and colors. A. new line of men's belts
just in. We have them in all shades. Men's socks in cotton, also
silk and wool, in all colors. Very fashonable and good wearers.
Linoleumns etc
We pride ourselves on our large stock of floor covering. We
specialize in rugs and linoleumns Colne in and see us, if you need
anything in this line.
We aro Agents for the Celebrated
PEA., T'
riirieenloet. 10c a Button. 2Se a grip.; t
alk_averallalbearlag the akaYeifIcket.
We sell Peabody's Overalls, the best made Each and every-
one fully guaranteed Wear a Peabody and be satisfied.
If you aro the kind of chaps I know you to be ; then 1: want to
make your acquaintance at once. Pretty soon you will be
wearing Young Men's Clothes, and when you get to that point
I want yon to patronize this store. There everything here in
the way of wearables that you need --Fiats, Caps, Clothing,
Underwear. Stockings, Shirts, Collars, etc.
When you visit this store to buy your next suit of clothes
and we will present you absolutely FREE of charge with a
two bladed razor steel knife.
Get a card at our store, full it out properly and bring it with
This offer good only for clothes bought to July lst, 1913
Sporting Goods
We are headquarters for all kinds 'of baseball goods, fish-
ing tackle, etc. Baseballs from 50 up. Fish poles So and 10o
Brighten up inside and outside of your home with Sher-
win-Williams Varnishes, We sell Mar -Not .for inside work
and B opal for outside work. For your linoleums use Durable
Linoleum Finish. It protects your carpets and brightens up
the house.
We arr agents for the Peerless and the Frost Woven Wire
Fencing. livery rod folly guaranteed and full No. 9 guage
'wire used throughout.
Roofing and Eavetroughing
Produce a1vvd.ys Taken.
Telephone 9
emralmr ri .0
UTTLEY—At Zurich, on the 19th fast.
to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert .Uttler,: ;, a
Mr. J. B. Badour of Stratford is
visiting home, also Chas, A. Badour
and Mrs J. Ducharme of Detroit. ,
The W. C. T. U. will meet Wednes-
day evening, April 30th, at 7.30 p ixi..
at the home of Mrs. S. Merrier.
For a durable floor paint of, S.
W. P. Dries over night and wears
well. J Preeter.
ZELLER-At Zurich, on the 21st last;
to Mr. and Mrs. E. Zeller, -.`' a
Mr. Wm. Clarke has disposed Of
his farm in Stanley to his son George,
and the latter has sold his, to Mr.
Thomas Stinson, a neighbor. - -'
Miss Clara Eckstein of Detroit
arrived home Thursday for a visit
with her mother, at the Bronson
See our line of Gold Medal farm..
ing tools. None better can be
made. We guarantee them. J.
Lutheran Church—On Sunday -the;
27th. inst. there will bo no service in
St. Peter's Lutheran Church. Sunday
School and morning service will be
held at the usual time.
. Notice is hereby given thata, spe-
cial meeting of the members of St.
Peter's Lutheran Church will be held,.
in the church ou Monday the 28th.
lust at 7 p. m, all are requested r to
X€ your wrest bread and barns
like -mother used to make use :i`odel
Flour. It has the the nutty flavor.
Manufactured by. Harvey Bros. Sold
by L..Teffrey, Zurich.
Auction Salo of farm stock, imple-
ments and household furniture, on
Lot 21, Con 7, Hay, Parr Line, 23•
miles East of Zurich, on Tuesday,
May Gth, at 1 o'clock sharp. James
Hagan prop., E. Bossenberry anct,
Mrs. John McAllister, who has
been visiting her son Dr. McAllis-
ter at Georgetown, died rather
suddenly on Wednesday evening.
The remains will be brought to
Hensall today (Friday). The de-
ceased was one of the pioneers of
Hay Township and lived for many
years at the Parr Line, where her.
two sons, Charles and John reside.
The Bowling Club was reorgan-
ized for the coining season at an
interesting meeting held last Fri
day night. A goodly number were
present and prospects are bright
for a successful year for the mem-
bers and supporters of the inter-
esting sport. The officers for
the present season are :—Pres, Dr.
McKinnon, Vice Pres. J . P. Rau,
Secy. and Treas. A. Hess ; Comm-
ittee :—A. Heideman, Ferd Hess,
and Mr. Goodwin. The member
ship fee is $4.00 and this must be
paid strictly in advance. The
lawn promises to be in splendid
condition this year and under the
careful supervision of J. F. Rick-
beii should improve weekly.
A lady is going to give a demon-
emonstration at Hartleib's store, on grain-
ing and how to use Chi-Namel. On
April 30th and May 1st. Everybody
welcome, ladies especially.
The mmlimmg
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Huron
' Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich 'Branch
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager
, APR. 25, 1913.
USSee Preeter's new add on page
one of this issue.
A farmer with a large family who
Was in last week, told us that he had
tested Model Flour against brands
that are being largely advertised and
finds that it makes much better bread
also a sack lasts nearly a week longer.
Manufactuted by Harvey Bros.,Exeter.
For sale by L. Jeffrey, Zurich.
The Daily Globe inay be obtained
through this office from now until the
end of the year for $2.00. As the
regular price of the Globe is $4.00
per year, this splendid offer should
appeal to you. New subscribers ` to
our paper may have the two papers
foithe balance of the year for only
$2.50. Order at once and take full
advantage of this low figure.
Try us for all kinds of fishing
tackles, sporting goods etc. See
our new skipping rope for lOcts.
J. Preeter.
At a meeting of the South Huron
license commissioners in Hensall
on Tuesday Ezra Brenner, of Grand
Bend, who was recently sent for
trial on bribery charges in conn
action with the local option vote
in Stephen Township, was given
one month to sell out John Mor-
ley, of the Metropolitan Hotel of
Exeter was given three months to
quit, and Win. Moffatt of Centralia
will be given the same time to im-
prove his premises, Mrs, Elliott of
Bayfield, was granted a six months
Iicense. The following - licenses
were granted for a year : Exeter,
W. T. Acheson, Mrs. J. A. Newell
of Commercial. Hensall—Francis
Carling of King George ; W. 3. Per-
kins of Commercial. Bayfield-
Henry Darrow of Commercial.
ieh, R, 1. Jobnson ap ,x., P.Rati
Crbditon—August Hill. Dashwood
Wm:. Zimmer,
A Regular Storm period is central
on the 23rd, covering the 21st. to 23.
The temperature will again rise very
high, and the barometer will. fall to
low reading as we enter this period,
beginning in western extremes.
Storms of rain, wind and hail will fol-
low, and during the 22nd to 25th,
the storms will pass in regular, pro-
gressive order from west to east over
the country. The Jupiter influence
will intensify all storm conditions
during this season, making it necess-
ary to exercise watchfulness and pre-
caution during all the storm periods.
The regular change to high barometer
and much cooler will follow immedia
behind, and for several nights after
these storms. Another seismic period
calling for active and numerous earth-
quake reports, is central on the 20th,
involving the 19th to 23rd. Watch
A very sad accident occurred on
Tuesday afternoon which resulted in
the death of Henry Guenther ono of
our prominent business men. Mr.
Guenther was driving a team attached
to a wagon, when they took fright and
started to run, unfortunately one of
the bits broke causing him to lose
control of then. The horses turned
'east and ran into two tie posts in front
of Dr, McLaughlin's office, breaking
both and collided with a telephone pole
brearing the tongue, reach and both
single trees, this stopping the horses.
Mr. Guenther was thrown out and
hit with a board, receiving internal
injury. He was able to walk a
sheet distance, when he fell and was
assisted to the home of Mr. John
Hoffman, where, after suffering much
pain, passed away on Wednesday
evening. Deceased was aged 50 years
and 6 months, was well known and
highly respected. Some years ago
Mr, Guenther ran the blacksmith shop
now owned by Mr, P. Fassold, and
after selling the shop, purchased the
livery business which he conducted to
the present time. Besides his sorrow-
ing widow, three daughters and three
sons, his aged ts
r and
]firs, Tobias Guenther of this village,
andthree sisters, Mrs 0 Fahner Cred-
ton, Mrs S Martin Babylon Line, and
Mrs Sohn Hoffman anti brother Chas.
of this village, who mourn his demise
The bereaved family have the sym-
pathy of the whole community ty in this
their hour of sorrow.
The funeral will take place from
his late residence:an Saturday after-
noon at two o'clock. Interment in
tkteGoshen: Lino ceinetery.
New Spring Shoes
The finest range of the newest
Spring Styles of Men's and Wo-
men's Shoes are shown here,
No better and up to -date range
has ever been placed before you.
By giving us a call we will take
pleasure in showing them to you.
Butter and Eggs are taken in ex.
change for shoes.
Buy your seeds at the Seed
Store. All kinds of Garden
and Field Seeds. You will
save 2Sc per bushel on Seed
Corn bought at our store as
we buy direct from the grow-
er and guarantee up to ger-
mina io ,test.
300 bushels of Dewey, Car-
man and White Giant,
Field Peas and Buckwheat.
Louis Jeffrey
Beans primes per bus $1.20
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75
Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50
Feed flour 1.10
Bran per ton $19.00
Shorts per ton $20.00
Wheat per bus. 92cts. •
Barley per bus 55cts.
Oats per bus.:u2ets.
For that
-1'o�„-r Pearls
mY or Diamonds
We have some snaps
in Second Hand Gold
Filled Watches.
F. W. Hess
G. R. Hess
Jewellers, - ZURICR
Our SpLing Shoes
have arived. Coble in and have a look at the Inally different
styles we carry.
piitrtr :*:4:r l�� a '
Mi r.
. FITZ. = Zurich
The Home of Good Shoes
Folding Brownie No. 3
One of the Bigger. Handsomer,. .
Brothers of the Original little;
Dollar Brownie made to meet they
Demand of Bigger Folks, for a.
Brownie equipped with every
essential, for High Clcss ameteu
work, Takes of picture: 3i by 3
inches, Price is $0,00
H, Appel Jeweler
Fine watch reviving my opeeialty.