The Herald, 1913-04-11, Page 9FOOD TO PREVENT RAT FOOT
T1fli BODY rtHJS`:t' IIA.VB 14gf1�-
As Body Grows Older Bones of Foot
Must Be Stronger to Give
Waiters, store clerks, bookkeep-
ers, who stand at their desks, bar-
bers and the hundreds of others
who are on their feet A, great deal
suffer terribly from flat feet. In-
deed, it is doubtful if there are
many people who are compelled to
be on their feet a great part of the
day who do not suffer in this way,
although many times they them-
selves will speak of it as tiredness
or being "foot -weary." But care-
ful study is beginning to show that
the principal faults is not due to
the hardness of pavements, to ill -
shaped shoes or faulty position of
the feet in walking, but. rather that
it is due to conditions in the bones
As the body grows older it be-
comes heavier, giving the arch of
the foot a greater amount of weight
tosupport, and thus placing it un-
der a constant strain., In order to
be able to support this strain the
bones of the arch of the foot not
only need to become heavier, but
also to knit together more closely.
This enables .astrong weight -carry-
ing capacity, although it is at the
loss of the springiness of the step
which is characteristic of youth.
Lime lfaterial.
The bone material of the body is
largely lime, though other mineral
salts are necessary. It follows,
therefore, that if the bones of the
arch of the foot are to be built up;
there must be consumed in the food
a large amount of lime and mineral
salts. But, instead of this, our
modern food is ,largely denuded of
these mineral salts; bread ins made
from bran -lees flour, cereals are
prepared in such a way that much
of their nutritive value is lost. The
children often are fed condensed
milk, which contains less of the
bone -forming properties. The vege-
tables eaten in the large cities are
usually raised on alluvial soil which
is largely exhausted' of mineral
• •alts and instead of being eaten
raw they are` eaokedi--generally
overcool ed -in water which takes
tip what little mineral matter they
may contain. •
Rite Water I+iutritieus.
When the native Indian troops on
a hard campaign said they could
march better on the water in which
the rice had been boiled than the
English soldiers could on the rice
itself, they pointed to the impor-
tant truth of the value of the min-
erals in the water as well as to
other nutritive qualities.
Under these conditions it is easy
to see that those who are on their
feet a great deal and desire to es-
cape flat foot should be careful of
three things—eating slowly, that
the digestion may have a chance to
absorb the minerals in the food
eaten; drinking a glass of lime wa-
ter once or twice a week; and wear-
ing strong -soled shoes from a last
that fits the arch of the foot.
Five Jars of Gold Dug Up In Sur-
rey Is 'Reported.
A story of buried treasure on a
large scale comes from Haslemere,
A Su 'bite n resident, writing in a
Surrey newspaper, is responsible
far the details. -
"Certain information," he writes,
"regarding some private property
In the vicinity of Haslemere has re-
cently carie • into my possession
which I think should be made pub-
lic, •
"Some years ago my informant,
while working on some land, un-
earthed a large earthenware jar, se-
curely sealed. On account of the
great weight and curious design he
at once took it to his employer, the
owner of the property. Together
they opened it, and found it to be
full of gold coins.
"The owner, realizing that the
great value of this find to him de-
Iended on secrecy, promised my
friend a third of this and .any other
treasure they might find,
"A fence was put up, and excava-
tions have been quietly carried on
during the. night until recently, re-
sulting in the discovery of five more
jars of gold and two containing an-
cient jewellery of immense value.
In one of the jars adocument wee
found written in Latin giving an
account of the treasure, and stat-
ing that fifty jars altogether of jew-
els and gold. were hidden, being
buried in the form of a circle."
•Quebec Man Tells How They Helped.
Him and Cured His Nephew of
'Kidney Disease.
South Ham, Wolfe Co., Que.,
April 7 (Special), ---There is fresh
proof every day that as a family
medicine Dodd's Kidney Pills are
growing in favor with the people of
Quebec, Just to quote an example,
Amable Pinard of this place says,
in an interview :
"Dodd's Kidney Pills helped my
rheumatism, backache, gravel, and
heart disease, from which I suffered
for twenty years.
"They have not yet cured me
'completely, but they did completely
cure my nephew, who suffered from
kidney disease."
Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure
kidney disease. They will com-
plete Amable Pinard's cure, because
all the diseases mentioned are the
results of kidney .dn y disease. They
cured the young man's kidney dis-
ease quickly, because it was taken
in its early stages. Amable Pin-
ard's troubles are of twenty years'
standing, and take a longer treat-
The moral is, that if you cure
your kidney disease early 'with
Dodd's Kidney Pills, you will never
be troubled with rheumatism, grav-
el, and other diseases that ale
caused by sick. kidneys failing to de
their work.
Over Conscientious.
Dumpleton — "You're sending
your daughter to a fashionable
school, aren't you?"
Von' Blumer --"Yes."
"How does she like it?"
"Fairly well, but she complains
that she has no time to study."
I was cured of Acute Brontitis by
Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL.
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N. S. WIS. DANIELS.
I was oared of Chronic Rheumatism by
Albert Co., N. B. GEO. it,'INGI.EY.
She Was Prepared.
He `Will you marry me ?"
She—"You must speak to mamma
He—"But you say she has gone
away for a month."
She—Yes, but she left her consent
in the phonograph."
lkllnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto.
"Do you think a woman believes
you when you tell her she is the
first girl you ever loved?"
"Yes, if you're the first liar she
ever met."
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets,
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure,
L, W, DROVE'S signature is on each box.
An Awful Strain.
"Remember, Arthur, you are the
sun of a gentleman. Try to behave
like one for just one day."
"All right, mother,butit
spoil the whole day 'for me."
Niinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria
A woman visiting a butcher shop
called for a piece of beef. The
butcher, in weighing; it, had his
hand on the scales, The lady, pick-
ing up a sharp knife and handing it
to the butcher, remarked : "I
haven't any use for it, but you may
cut it off, and I'll take it along,
anyhow." "Cut it off? Cut what
off ?" asked the butcher. "Your
hand; you weighed it,"
tiD. 7.
ISSUE 15—'18.
Wife of the Canadian who is'
Minister of the Interior in the Pre-
sident Wilson Cabinet. Mrs. Lane
was born in Elmira, N.Y., her dis-
tinguished husband in Prince Ed-
ward Island.
'When to Wed.
' January brides are likely. to be•
come widows early. Febru
brides will never have very ha
married lives. March brides • w
probably make their homes abroad
April brides will have lives
change, and experience many • •ups
and downs. May brides will enter-
tain many strangers, June brides
will find life a long honeymoon.
July brides have bitter-sweet mem•
ones. August brides :are lucky in
finding a real friend in their husi
bands. September brings a smooth
and serene future to its brides. Oc-
tober only gives a future of toil and
hardship. November brides will be
happy, and those who, according to.:
the rhyme, marry "in December's
cheer," will find that "Love's star
burns brighter from year to year.
Remark's About Nouriishing Food.
"A physician's m
an's wife gave e
There Is Danger Ahead For the
Man`'hat Neglects Nature's
Dyspepsia Tendencies are Serious and
Should bo Treated A000rdinsiy,
There is a strong moral in the statement
of James Schrum, of Pleasant street,
Dartmouth, N. S. Like thousands of peo-
ple, he wee failing in health because his
t a
stomach eh and digestive organs were out of
repair. Itis vitality.was slipping away;
he was losing ground every day.
wry "I could not have held on much longer.
PPY I was waeting away simply because no
ill remedy I used gave tone and strength to
package of Grape -Nuts one day,
with the remark that she was sure
I would find>,ihe food very. bene-
ficial; both for My own use and poi;
my patients. I was particular
attracted to the food, as' at this
time the weather was very hot and
I appreciated the fact that }rape=
Nuts requires no cooking.
"The food was deliciously crisp
and most inviting to the appetite
After making use of it twice a day
for three or four weeks, I discover
ed that it was a most wonderful. in-
vigorator. I used to suffer greatly
from exhaustion, headaches and de-
pression of spirits. My work had
been very trying at times and indi-
gestion had set in.
"Now I am always well and
ready for any amount of work,
have an abundance of active ener-
gy. cheerfulness and mental poise.
I have proved to my entire satis-
faction that this change has been
brought about by Grape -Nuts food.
"The fact that it is predigested is
a very desirable feature. I have
had many remarkable results in
feeding Grape -Nuts to my patients,
and I cannot speak too highly of the
food. My friends constantly com-
ment on the change in my appear-
ance. I have gained 9 pounds since
beginning the use of this food,"
"There's a reason." Read the
little book, "The Road to Well-
rille," in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A hew one
appears from time to time. They art
genuine, true, and full of human Interest
my stomach. The vital forces of MY eye.
tern were dead. I was advised to try Dr.
Ifamilton's Pills. What hidden weakness
,rihey searched out I don't know, but in a
miraculous way they have made a new
man. of me. My stomach trembles are
cured, rich blood now runs through my
veins–clear skin and unmistakable evi-
dences of health and vigor I feel every
day. Dr. Hamilton's Pills have certainly
mastered the secret of curing the sickly
enervated man and I strongly urge every-
One in failing or lost health to use this
grand remedy."
. Dr. Ifamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Batter/tut are purely vegetable--2Se. per
box, Ave for $1.00, all druggists and store-
kyopers, or postpaid from the Catarrhozone
Co., Buffalo, N. Y„ and Kingston, Ont.
Increasing Tendency to Move to
British Countries.
The annual report on the Emi-
grants' Information Office staltetl
that 28,156 letters were received in
1412, de Eltile of 6,9 per cent.
kit •Bn�gnirks leading to the . United
>Stta"�tcs decreased by 14.8 per cent.
and were only 1.4 per cent. of the
total number of enquiries received.
There was a net movement from the
f United Kingdom for places out of
• Europe 'of 268,486 passengers of Bri-
tish origin in 1912, as compared with
261,809 in 1911. The net movements
to the various countries were as fol-
1912. 1911.
Canada , . , ... 133,531 134,765
Australia 68,688 56,337
New Zealand ., 11,054 9,432
United States . 45,847 40,732
South Africa 4,233 7,527
There is an increasing tendency,
the report says, on the part of Bri-
tish emigrants to proceed to other
ports of the Empire rather than to
foreign countries.
The number of immigrants enter-
ing Canada increased from 350,374
in 1911 to 395,804 in 1912. Of the
latter 145,859 were of British origin,
140,143 were Americans, and 109,-
802 were of other nationalities.
Thirty-four per cent, of the Ameri-
can settlers were of the farming
class, and the actual wealth
brought into Canada 'by American
immigrants exceeded 4,800,000
during 1912.
� Mei
C'omparetivc Values.
Knicker—A bird in the hand is
orth two in the bush.
Becker—And a bird in the bush
worth two in the cat.
Yollr diuggist will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch-
ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piies in
6 to 14 days. 500, . �y
Man Who find 100 Pipes.
A wife who obtained a, judicial
separation from her husband told
a• curious story at the South-
western (London, England,) pollee
court. She was Annie Traves, of 15
Farlow Road, Putney, and she
stated that her •husband, a master
carpenter, would only allow her
twopence a day to get dinner,
though he had about 4180 at the
bank. "What does he do with his
money?" inquired the Magistrate.
"He spends it in clothes, pipes and
other things," was the reply. "Ie
has 100 pipes, between fifty and
sixty walking stious and innumer-
able pairs of boots."
The man who stands on his dig-
nity never gets so tired as he makes
other people.
Thoroughly Ventilated.
"What you need most," said the:
physician after he had examined the
patient, "is plenty of ventilation."
"Gee, doctor," the sick man re-
pl;ed, "you must be mistaken. I've
'been operated on three times in the
past year and a half."
Some people want to do all their
kicking with other people's feet.
Cunlquerecl by Gins PILI.'
Mr. W. G. Reid, Hamilton, Ont., writes;
" I have been for the last two years a
cripple with M' scalar and'Iufl=Dilatory
Wletitnatisiu. I tried almost everything
known to Medical science and sought
change of climate without relief. Your
triahaget iii this city recommended Gin
Pills and I have since taken eight boxes
and ant now cured. I consider Gin
Pills the conqueror of Rheumatism and
Kidney Disease".
5oc, a box, 6 for $a,5o. Sample free
if you write National Drug and Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, 132
They Are Quite a Common Oceur-
v'onee in the Fatherland.
They take titles seriously in G
many, Almost any one may ha
one, but it Must be the one that
wetly describes him, no matter h
long and cumbrous. Indeed,
longer the better, the Germs
seem to think. The New York S
quotes an address that it declar
is probably written 'thousands
times a week in Germany, for it
a courtesy due to a sort of offici
whose rank is far below that of
minister of state:
"Highly reverenced Mr. Real
Privy Councilor, highly to be rever-
enced Mr. President."
The title councilor has four de-
grees, ;thus : Positive, councilor;
comparative, higher councilor; su-
perlative, privy ',ouneilor, and ex-
tra superlative, real privy council-
or. Then to complicate matters,
there are a hundred or more coun-
cilors, such as councilors of lega-
tion, councilors of state, sanitary
councilors, forest councilors, and
town police councilors.
Titles of another class have to do
with the wearer's occupation. Thus
a Munich 'newspaper records the
death of Frau So-and-so, wife of the
"Royal Court Theatre Color -grind-
ers' Assistant," Bavarian news-
papers used to print notices, insert-
ed by the persons themselves, of the
betrothal of So-and-so, "Royal Su-
pernumerary Hay -Binder's daugh-
ter," or of So-and-so, "Head Bill -
Poser's daughter."
Much can be said in favor of the
rigid German system of titles. For
instance, in Germany, when a man
takes the prefix "doctor" he has a
right to do so. The title cannot be
bought, begged or assumed. You
may be sure that a "doctor" has
won his title in a university of
standing and renown.
So, too, professors are such by
right; they are quasi -officials of the
state or the city. The title cannot
be assumed offhand by bootblack~
or chiropodists.
The young daughter of Mrs. T. S.
Dougall, 523 Flora Avenue, Winni-
peg, was arranging some of her
doll's washing. on a clothes rack,
tbeside the stove, when she fell, and
her hand came in contact with the
hot stove. She'sustained a serious
burn, and her screams brought her
mother quickly to the spot:
"I sent to the druggist for the
best. remedy he had for burns," she
says, "and he sent back a box of
Zam-Buk. He said that there was
nothing to equal it. I applied this,
and it soothed the pain so quickly
that the child laughed through her •
tears. I bound. up the hand in
'Lam-Buk, and each day applied ,
Zam-Buk frequently and liberally,
until the burn was quite cured.
"The little one was soon able to
go on with her play, and We had no
trouble with her during the time
the burn was being healed."
All druggists and stores sell
Zam-Buk at fifty cents box; and
Soap at 25c. tablet. Post free from
'lam-Buk C.'o„ Throne), fur price.
Refuse harmful imitations.
The Easiest Task.
Probably the easiest task is for a
poor man to tell what a rich man
should do with his money,
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
He'll Need That Muck.
Lipson—I've nearly fourteen
thousand dollars saved. Nipper—
What are you saving for ? Hipson
—I'm going to build a ten -thousand -
dollar house.
wheiva Try urine Eye remedy
�Ag' amarling-Prot s Clue—AteQnlelci,-,
JY Elf
.a Try it far Red, Weak, M:aleryl 'croon
tiranalated Lyallds, Illuotratrd Boca
in each Package, TiCtilla5 is cam.
(y°jr. e!',nnrled byoar°enlists—nota"Patent
1st cdtetno" but used in successful i'hr•e1-
r 1 ;)i ded gated geethf �Publie rid weer( by
Drag.lsteatste-tee per bottle, Marine A,ye Salvo in Aseptic Tubes,-Se.40.
u--�• Murine Eyo Remedy Co.. Cheerio
Honesty is a sort of boomerang,
with a delightful habit of coming
home to roost.
Minded's Llnlment Cures Carget in Cows.
Find New Silk Worm.
A worm has been found in East
Afric, which produces in the wild
state quantities of silk, and fac-
tories are being put up to utilize
this silk. The worm in question is
the larva of the anaphe moth. From
a dozen to a hundred of them. ni,ake
a nest in common and thus the co-
coons are produced on a wholesale
scale, says the "Pathfinder." When
the butterfly is hatched it secretes a
liquid which unseals the cocoon and
it then escapes without injuring the
silk, Thus the amount of human
labor involved is much less than
with the Asiatic silkworm.
Alifetime of disfigurement andsuffer
ing often results from the neglect, in
infanc ;
simple Y skin
fections. In the prevention and treat-{ 0
merit of minor eruptions and in the
promotion of permanent skin andhair,
health, Cuticura Soap and Cuticural
Ointment are absolutely unrivaled. 1
Ctttieura Soap and Ointment are sald throughout
the world. A liberal sample of each, with 35 -page
booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and
scalp. sent poet -free. Address Potter Drug & Chem.,
Corp., Dept. 10D,nastan,
D. V1. fiAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street.
('t 000 STOCK FAItSI OF 500 Acazs +
‘.31' with Three Houses: Iarge Bank Barn. I
?.fust he sold quick. Price is very low. .1
'1 Rvass,tr, DFRIRABt E FARMS I; i Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan
:that ran be bought. Worth the money for
quick raTP,
ii farms in different ,section of Ontario
on my list. If you want a rarm eonsul5
a' W OA WSON. Toronto. r
q.3' C3ounty, toil clay and clay leant; fl
acres timber; 3 acres orchard: h"((ding
in fair condition:' Close to market and
Railway k3tatiob. Anxious to sell. The
Oct.estern (teal Estate Exchange, London..
Poi; in crop: mast self, terms early
Percy Love, liawarden, Bask r
trade; expert instruction; constant
ettftabreerWrtoforrnnor brecatalogue. ;
Moler College, 221 Queen E., Toronto,
l- ferert Foreigu Stamps, Catalogue.
Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp
Company, Toronto.
internal and external. cured with.
out rain by our home treatment. Write.
ns beforeTjn,itedtoo, f'tarnllinp
nDv,r.nnd. Rellmantint Medical
der Stones. Kidney trouble. ravel,
Lemh•rgo and kindred aiG
lment+ pnaitivel#
cured with the new German Remedy.
"Sarson." price 51.50. Another pea' remedy '
for diabetes-Mellitue. an,l pure more, isi '
"Senol's Anti.T]iabetes." Price $150 from
druggist' or direct The Sandi Manurao.
Luring Company of Canada. Limited,
Winnipeg. Dian
Maypole Soap
Washes and dyes at
one operation, giv-
ing remarkably
clean, bright, fast
colors. Dyes cotton,
wool, silk or mix-
tures. 24 color.,
will give any shade.
Colors 10c, black .t '-
15c at your dealer's
orpostp d with b'k.
let "How to lye'
front F. L. BENEDICT & CO.
"Did you ever tell that young man
that late hours were bad for one ?"
asked the father at the breakfast
table. "Well father," replied the
wise daughter, "late hours may he
bad for one, but they're all right
for two."
It makes a man feel good when
he is pretty certain he is going to
miss a tea in and doesn't.
Dr. Horses
Indian Root P fl¢
are just the right medicine for the
children. When they ate constipated
—when their kidneys are out of order
—when over -indulgence in some
favorite food gives therm indigestion
—Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will
quickly and surely put them right.
Purely vegetable, they neither sicken,
weaken orgripe, like harsh purgatives.
Guard your children's health by
always keeping a box of Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills in the house, They t$
lEIeep the Children el!