The Herald, 1913-04-11, Page 6OUR EXHIBIT OF FASHIONABLE WEARING APPAREL Do not fail to look through our Stock of General Dry Goods. We have the assortment and our prices will compare favorably with any competition. Also line of Ladies Rain Coats in the latest shades at $5 to $7.50 each Imported Whipcord and Bedford Cord Suit - Ings. The latest material for Spring Suits in plain and two tone shades, tans, browns, Copenhagen, navy, greens and blacks, prices Esc to $L25 yd Sills. We have a complete stock of Pailette Striped Taffetas, Shot Silks, etc, 86 inch wide ...... at 90e to $1.50 per yard We are offering extra values in Boys and Men's Suils. We are showing a large and fashionable stock at low prices. Our stock of Linoleumn and Floor Oil Cloths are here. We can interest you, bring in the measurement of your room and we will give you figures cut and laid down properly. Wall Papers are arriving and the patterns are the latest at prices from 5c to 35c yd. Classy Spring Coats. A nice collection of Spring Coats for ladies who want style and perfect fitting garments at popular prices, in Serges, Tweeds, Repps, etc.......Prices $7.00 to $12 each. Millinery This Department is under the management of Miss. Link. Do not fail to visit. `our Show Room and see the new'areations. ` This year more than ever the success of your spring costume will depend uponthe selection of just the right hat and that is an all -sufficient reason why you should visit this section before deciding. a Our Grocery stock is well -assorted with the very best obtainable, at Close Prices. We pay highest price for all Farm Produce. Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Millet, Hungarian, White Beans, Etc. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 All kinds Farm C ZWICKER Produce Taken. The best practical training school in Ontario. Three depart- ments —COMMERCIAL —SHORTHAND —AND —TELEGRAPHY All courses are thorough and pract- ical. Teachers are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for Free Catalogue at once D.A.McLachlan9 Principal. Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared out at once, at a low price. A big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand: Day or night—call Central. P, MoISAAO Purnitiire and tindertaing LEGAL. CARDS. eROUDPOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. G. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- taction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. H. EILBER & SON Crediton, — Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office la, House lb. District News STADE—GEIGER A most picturesque and delightful wedding was solemnized on Wednes- day of last week, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger 14th con. Hay, when their youngest daughter Flor- ence May, became the bride of Mr. William H. Stade son only. and Mrs. Chris Stade of Dashwood. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Thun of Dashwood, under an arch of evergreen draped with white roses. The bride wore a gown of white silk, wearing a veil and wreath of orange blossoms, she was attended by her cousin, Miss Myrtle M. Horner, who was becomin- ly gowned in Golden browns silk. The groom was supported by his bro- ther Rudolph R. Stade of Zurich. The bride was given away by her father. entering the parlor to thestrains of the wedding march played by Miss Pearl M. Pfile. After the ceremony was solemnized and the usual congratula- tions offered they sat down to a sump- tuous wedding feast and did ample justice to the many and. varied eatbles. The evening was spent in a very soci- able way. The young couple settle down on their farm 1imiles south of Dashwood. The many varied gifts show the popularity of the young couple are held, and all unite in wish- ing them a happy and prosperous future. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. CREDITON Last week`Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis received a letter from their daughter Mrs. H. E. Rapley of Marietta Ohio from which we take a few items with reference to the recent flood— All the papers we get are a few type written sheets each day, will send them as soon as the mails are running right. We had nine feet of water in our house. We have the goods all up stairs and they are dry, and will leave them there until we get some sort of a douse; If we cannot get & house 111 Month Iam going to Canada up in God's country, until Mr. Rapley finds a place, for our house is •not fit to live in. We ought to be thankful woe have-oar,lives and nothing lost hundreds of houses floated out into the river and went clown, an as a res- ult thousands of people are homeless. Several of the stores are not going to be started up again. There isa grocery store and some other buildings besides chairs and debris three feet deep in front of our place. The saw mill and button factory went out into the river and took both down town bridges away, so we have to ferry across the river now. Houses stores and barns are out in the middle of the street. All the churches, school houses, the city hall and every public building is filled with homeless people. In closing the letter Mrs. Rapley says that it is impossible to fully describe the flood, and their present condition but hopes that she may never see another. They are both- well. Messrs Alonzo Hodgins and G Nicholson purchased the flax property from Wuerth Haist & the sale on Thursday last. Th paid was $1450. The new will continue the business and a ready contracting for land. T zens of Crediton and sumo country will be pleased to lean the mill will not be closed down, will be run to its full capacity new firm. They have the best of our citizens. R. F. A. SELLER?, DENTIST, GitA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Lot 23, Con 7, (Parr Llne,) Hay Township, 100 acres; 80 acres of good bush. Brick house and good bank barn. Well fenced and drained. For particulars apply to Duncan Taylor, Hensall P. 0. TRADE MARKS DESPiNS ' ' "'VW l''' ,y •rnrmr... r ,., IAui6nl li , Itii1 a sitateb alt/ desbr9paiit sal qqutekl arae din our opldtn N,�es o eth er u IDvent�onisprobablystento. ie. ey ,; ica- !denim ctlyee tedentfat. N iD jleatfrAb detdfftit to,,tedurt}�tx statism. t�nt,erte to ' i ti,re'i,:h ltittuu A O. feeelA dpeciat iiottcC, tilt,bout charge, Di this $Citu$af ‘C hilCrk L A handeomety hit -Wetted weekly. Lamest sir- etilatiott of any aelentitl' ,o rnyl. Terms for Canada. $3 hi a year, post S prepaid. Sold by all uewedealers��.11 UNN & Co 361broadway. ti FIX Y;•.' t r .,v. M ,u. nub ord.: t12E i., 9t.. n,h{. . East all their lives. Their many fri- ends wish them every success in their`. new home. Miss Alma Hill is spending a 'few, weeks visiting friends in London. EXETER Rev. Mr. Blatchford of ' 'Centralia. will preach in the Main st Methodist church on Sunday, Mr. Powell tali ing Mr Blatchford's work. Mr. Harry Parsons left on Monday for Calgary, where he has secured position. The sacred Cantata given in the' Main st Methodist church on Monday evening was much enjoyed. The Ministeral Association of• South Huron met in Caven Presbyter- ian church on Monday afternoon April 7th. Rev. Mr McAllister gave a splen- did paper on "The Marks of the Apos- tolic Church." Mr. Joseph Wambold of Dashwood who purchased the confectionery busi- ness of J. T. Wilson, took possession last week. He will live in the brick residence on Main st recently occupied by Mr. Marchand. Gerald I3urdon has taken a posi- tion in Buffalo, where he has been visiting for a few weeks. Erie Hurdon will take the position of junior in the Molsons Bank, Clin- ton. Percy Webber has moved his fam- ily to Centralia, and Frank Sweet has moved to Sarnia. BLAKE SCHOOL REPORT The following report shows the rel- ative standing of the pupils of U. S. S. No 9, Stanley for March. 4th class—Lorne Manson, Edgie Finlay, Abaham Zapfe. Jr. 3rd—Lydia Gingerich, John Moyer, Ruth Zirk, Sr 2nd—Laura desch, Ada Meyers Sarah Erb. Jr 2nd—Harvey Moyer, Herbie Moyer, John Oesch. Pr 2(111—Anna Pearl Douglas, "....°l`. eanor Meyers., Edmund Becliler. • • . Pt 1st—Allan Douglas, Eva Zaipfe, Florence Boyse. G. S. Howard, teacher. Godfrey mill Co at The price firm re al - he citi- zens that but by the wishes Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman andMiss Hilda Schenk attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Thos, Sharp of Watford. The deceased died on Wednesday after a short illnes. Mr. Geo. Holtzman was awarded the contract for the building of the new shed for the Methodist church at their meeting on Wednesday last The shed will be a brick one and when complete will cost in the neigh borhood of $1400. Mr. Frank Sims last week purchas- ed a heavy Shire stallion from John Craven of Brinsley. Mrs. R. Iluxtable who has been Visiting her mouser Mrs, Jacob Fink- beiner for a few weeks, returned to her GRAND BEND Intended for last week Mr. Ed. Gill and Ernest Mollard went to Exeter on Tuesday, to get two Englishmen. Mr. Frank Germotte is very sick sorry to say, no better. Mrs. Joe Ravelle is very' sick, we wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Ed. willert is also on the si:li list. in Hamilton. Stationery.—Up to date etati9U cry' rwu nu burr Moe. 157.nt your initials on the paper free or ''„arge 2eatr4. w box The Star Credi t,.'ti Mr: lila Mrs. Chas Kerr left Mon- da,y 'fo'r Benmiilor where Mr Kerr recently purchased the brick yards and business in that village. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kerr are both well known here haying lived in Cxedrton i Mr. P. Baker was in Dashwood on business, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker visited at Major Baker's on Tuesday. Mr. Clifford Buchanan is engaged at John Gill's for the summer. Mrs. Johnston had a bee yesterday, repairing her barn which was damag- ed by the windstorm. CLANDEBOYE Mr. Ward Hodgins has engaged Mr. John Sturgis for a year, and Mr. Hodgins is moving into the house for- merly occupied by his brother. Thursday morning's high wind blew off the side of Mr. Eli Bice's barn, which was somewhat damaged in the recent gale. Extra damage was done to the extent of about $125. Mr. John Flynn has moved into Mr. Andrew Patton's house, east of Clandeboye. Mr. John Leitch, cattle deale Ail. sa Craig, was here recently. IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Jacob Weber, who died April 2nd 1612. Dearest mother we have laid thee. In thy peaceful graves embrace. Still thy memory will becherished. Till we again see thy smiling face. From children, IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Daniee Sur- erus who departed this life so sudden- ly on April 11th. 1912. Oft we think of the dear fatheit, And our hearth are sad with pain.' Oh this earth would bts it heaven, Could we but htar'thy voice, again. Wife and children.' 1111111. II .•.ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are . noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aina. is to keep 'nothing but ti,4e best. We make otir own sausages. Give us a call. YUNCiBLUT B'ICBEBT• 1ake Chopper I am operating the Blake Chopping Mill every Tuesday and Friday. Have a first-class", new grinder, and will guaran- tee satisfaction. JACOB KIPFER BLAKE, - ONT. Electric Restorer for Men f %11108 X111 not restores every nerve in the body 11 to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phesphonol will make you a new man. Price 88 a box. or two for 85. Mailed let o any address. Time Scabe' Drug The 14-y to the Situation If bits are WWI* Jae loos a 01as1414e1 PIP..thu key :1614441,0040411** .1114, Pi° .istalk iwrly. ti lwr.IP `stn promiieuoas a tnMs, but' ys can age* Ma **tent)an quad aware an a polntetont by a u Situation Wanted" Ful.