HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-04-11, Page 3NOTES AND COMMENTS In a little book by Woods Hutoh- ineoll on "Exercise and Health" there is the following passage: •"The 'business,' so to speak, of ex-, er'ois+e for the brain worker or in- door man or woman is to pump the blood through the tired brain and little -used muscles, wash out their fatigue poisons, burn up clean the wastes of the food necessary to sup- ply working power, and get rid of all these through the lungs, the Akin and the kidneys," The author goes on to say that the only place to get rid of the waste poisons is in the open air and that the "sweat of thy brow" is literally the price of life as well as of bread. This is excellent doctrine, but much depends upon its application. For a brain worker may attempt far too much in the way of physical exercise whether he takes it in a gymnasium or in the open. In- spired by the preaching of exercise, 'which has become so popular, weak men often go beyond their strength and lose more than they gain. This has been demonstrated over and over, and the reason for the failure to get the desired results is easily explained. Given a small reserve of strength, what is needed above all things is rest, the complete re- laxation of mind and body. And if office work is supplemented with a drain on the physical resources the change of occupation does not give rest but does increase the deple- tion. Though the exercise will serve as a- beneficial substitute if the time can be found for it, rush- ing work to double the demand on one's strength by what is in reality another kind of work is poor policy. It will lead to men's running them- selves dawn when they imagine that they are building themselves up. In all cases, however, fresh air is good medicine, while for a restorer nothing is equal to sauna sleep pro- perly induced., It 'd'eserves all: the eulogies it has received froth the poets, and it is certain that it is not to be obtained by becoming too tired through exercise, physical or mental. 'A dispatch from London indicates that the centenary of the top -hat will be observed with fitting solem- nity this year in that centre of fashion. The high hat was invented about half a century before 1813,, but it wasn't native in London, and it made its way rather slowly for obvious reasons. The outstanding reason was the bag -wig, which served so excellently as a base for the cocked hat of romance but on which a silk hat would have found a decidedly pregerious resting place. However ceremonial and stiff the silk tile may look to us to -day, we oughtn't to forget that it came in with ' democracy and remains its proper emblem, for the high hat- is the lineal descendant of the round hat that dominated the French rev- olution. Moreover, the ;high hat marked the final step in man's achievement of true modernity, for with it he assumed the tubular form from top to toe, a form he seems destined to keep for centuries to come, Women Nov Smoke Cigars. Englishwomen are developing the smoking habit more than ever. Of course they do not as a rule get be- yond cigarettes, but recently a pe- tit bland of cigars has been put on the market. It is something like the thin cigarettes which one buys on the continent for a. couple of centimes, except that the flavor and strength are more akin to the Egyp- tian cigarette. It is a leaf covered cigarette, with sufficient pungency to make the fair smokers think they are doing something daring in light- ing what looks like, a cigar. Be good, but also be good for something. ' Political conditions can generally The bettered by less politics. When things won't come your Way, you haven't the right kind of bit. In foal or foal at foot, having Distemper or Influenza, or any other form of Contagious Disease, may with absolute safety to Mare and Foal be given SPL hN'S LIQUID DISTEMPER CURE It also is the very beet'Remedyy to prevent mares slipping foals, and should be given to all Mares, Colts, Stallions and all others in bran or oats or on the tongue, Titan you will have, very little trouble with sickness of any kind among your htorees. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Baoto`lologists, Coshon, Ind., U. S. A. i A Splendid 10 cent Household Specialty is being Introduced all over Canada. It is ap- preciated by the Thrifty Housewife who wants things "Just a little Better." Send Post Card to -day. Simply say; - "Send Package of Household Spedalty Advertised in my Newspaper." That's all -Yon will be delighted! Pay if Satisfied -We take the Risk. Address P.O. Box 1240, Montreal, Can. This Offer expires June let,10.8 Send to -day I We have prepared a folder dealing with one of the most attractive 7% investments in the present market. Copy mal!®d on Re:cumst National Securities Corporation LIMITED CONFEDERATION LIFE BLDG., - TORONTO, ONT. J/ OUR LETTER ��a i Ui0�,6 �� include other cftk� and Toronto, and be U YYYIp999 L pldq 111999 may be su000saful. While there are two burlesque theatres in Toronto, some comment has been caused by the fact that the campaign for clean- ing up the theatres, which found its chief inspiration in Rev. R. 13. St. Clair's reve- lations and charges, has been almost en- tirely directed against the Star. A Newspaper Censor. Since the appointment of Wm. Banks, Sen., to the position of censor there have, however, been few complaints. Mr. Banks is a newspaper man of many years' standing, a prominent member of the Globe staff and foremost in various frater- nal and social organizations. He is a WHAT IS BEING MOSTLY DISCUSSED AT THE PRESENT TIME. Rev. John Coburn at the Star -Theatre Plays are Censored -World's Big- gest Cross -Toronto Growing. When Rev, John Coburn donned whis- kers and heavy dark blue speotaoles and canny Scot of quick perception and shrewd bought a seat for the "gods' at the Starudgment,, with a will to back up his opine theatre the other; afternoon . he made a eons. so when he says somothung has. to hit with.the young ".'sports" who frequent he cut out, it is cut out. And that's the the burlesque houses. Even if lie had end come to spy on the performance, they- ad- mired his originality and the manner in which he carried out, his plan, The show was entitled "Dante's Daugh- ters," though in reality it was a made - over performance of the "Darling's of Paris," which got so much notoriety through the exposures of Rev. R. B. Bt. Clair. Mr. Coburn was aware of this fact and decided to see the first performance. So he donned his disguise and headed for the gods. His blue glasses were so opaque he could hardly see, and he had difficulty tendantsuputhhimt stairs. 8the backhe seatre rev and wondered why the box office had sold a ticket to a blind man, as he seemed to be. Then they got suspicious. They knew what "Dante's Daughters" really was and were on the look -out for clergymen epics like Mr. St. Clair, who visited the pro- duction last year. They examined their blind man closely, discovered his disguise and tried to eject him. But he stood his ground, and they had to leave him for the whole performance. As stated, the crowd admired his ingeniousness and pluck. It is possible the end of the Star theatre is in sight, though it is too soon yet to prophecy. An amalgamation of what they call the "wheels," that is the management of the circuits, sending out burlesque per- formances, has resulted in the Star thea. tre, Toronto, being "frozen out," and after the present season it will no longer be able to got attractions of any kind from its present source. The proprietor is try- ing to organize a wheel of his own to Solves the Breakfast Problem A bowl of crisp, sweet 5 makes a most delicious meal. These crinkly bits of toasted white corn, ready to serve direct from pack- age, are a temping break- fast when 'served with cream or Milk, or fruit. The Toas ties flavour is a pleasant surprise at first; then a happy, healthful habit. "The Memory Lingers' Canadian Posture Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario. ' of In his work he ie assistod..bv two other newspaper men, who devote 'Monday af- ternoons and several evenings a week to visiting the various theatres and seeing that eeorytbiug is on the level. Much of the censer's work does not ap- pear on the enrface. For example, it. is said that he virtually prohibited the ap- pearance here this season of Gertrude Hoff- man, a famous dancer, who reduces wear- ing apparel to a minnimum. The story is that Its put his foot down and said if she put on her not here he would put her in jail. Anyway she hasn't some yet. Mr. O'Keefe's l[loess. Mr. Eugene O'Keefe, who, at the time of writing, is stricken with a serious illness, is one of the prominent citizens of To- ronto, and possibly the foremost Roman Catholic layman in the Province. St. Augustine Seminary, which is now rearing its walls on its splendid site on Searboro Bluffe. about ten miles east from the cor- ner of Icing and Yongo streets, will stand as n monument to his public spirit and affection for his churns. IIis gift to the project in 1910 of $150;000 made the enter- prise possible., and he has subsequently made satbatential additione. This ie by no means the total of his generosity to Mother Church, as he bas for years been a generous contributor in all departments. On one occasion he presented a church, namely St, Monica's, valued at some SA - 000. to the Roman Catholic Epiecopal Cor- poration. Chamberlain to the Pope. In recognition of his services and char- acter haracter he was in 1909 appointed Chamber- lain to his holiness the Pope. Mr. O'Keefe is now a very old man, bp. trig 86 years of age, but until his recent illness he retained unusual activity. In financial circles he is prominent, being President of the Home Bank, but it ie the business of brewing that hoe furnished, Mian with his life work and hoe been the source of his wealth, Originally a -bank clerk, he organized in 1861 the Victoria Brewing Co., afterwards merged in the present company. Though born in Cork County, Ireland, he has lived in Toronto since `ho was seven years old. Biggest Cross in the World. St. Augustine Seminary is to furnish a training institution • for the Catholic Church. It is to be surmounted by a huge cross, 16 feet high, with a cross piece of 9 feet. This cross will be 500 feet above the level of Lake Ontario, as compared to• the 328 feet elevation of the weather vane on St. James' Cathedral staple. The cross is to be illuminated with eighty strong electric lights and will, no doubt, be impressive. It is said that it will be the largest illuminated cross in the world, In connection with the lighting of this cross there may be an interesting con- troversy. It is said that the present plans of the Church are to light it only on oer- tain occasions. governed by the. Church celebrations, But there ,win,, no doubt, be .a demand, on the part of sailors on Lake Ontario to have it lighted continuously, as it will be the most powerful beacon on the lake. If this is to be done, the Mauch will ask the Government• to pry for the maintenance. And ono can ace the posti- bilityof religious controversy which will arise if the Government pays for the light- ing of a cross for the Roman Catholic Church. It is so easy for this country to drop into religious controversies. The Seminary is to be open in August next, with lice. De. Kidd, who was I ee- retary Ito the late Archbishop McEvoy, in charge as President. Dr. •Kidd is an On- tario product, a native of Adjala town- ship, dollars. There will also be a new $300,000 theatre, the new Dominion Bank building and other important structures. Hon. W. T. Whlto, Toronto people, regardless of party lwlties, are following the ]?inane Minis- ter's career with the keenest interest. Icon. W T, White is a real native son, and he lies been smashing whiskered axioms, so why shouldn't they be takin an interest in ]aim? lie has proved for one thing that to be a Ministerial sliccoes does not imply €c previous training as a professional poll - Malan. And that is a good thing for the country to know. As Finance Minister lzo has not been revolutionary. And To. route thinks that outside blr. Borden he la the strongest man in the Cabinet. Signs of the Strain. Iiia friends note with some anxiety that his ]lair le turning grey and that the fur- rows on his brow are deepening. Can- a loads up her Cabinet Ministers with a endous amount of detail and at the 'tine time demands scrupulous exactitude li the despatch of each trivial item of business. And the position of Minister of Finance is probably the most outstanding illustration of these things in the country. _ Toronto Still Booming Along. Toronto's growth shows no sign of slaek- euing off. Building permits for the -mouth of March totalled practically $2,000.000, as o mparod to $1.500,000 in March, 191e, The number -,wall 732, as against 614. April will be another record, mentis. They will 'include the new Royal Bank building at the north-e.t:at corner of Icing and Y•onge Wireetcost inc]tround lfigurea! aieco olgmillion 'LEATHER BEING INVENTED. German • Substitute Is Fungus Growth on Gelatine. One of the latest German patents protects a method of preparing a substance which it is asserted can be "used as a substitute for leather. This "all leather" substance is prepared 'from a special mildew or fungus grown on gelatine or a simi- lar substance. Various kinds of fungi can be grown by- planting their spores on the gelatine surface and then keeping the surface wet. Some of the growths are colorless, ;ethers have red, brown, gray or even bluish tints, and all the lighter shades seem. capable of taking dye. The leather produced up to now tris been thin, very soft and rather nieak. - `The inventors are, however, now working to get a stronger material .by the addition of white of egg or glue, by means of which it is hoped that several thin layers of the new product may be tanned together and that there will be no limit to the thickness of the new material. t � SPLIT 40 CORDS AT ACE OF. 85 Thankful to the Medicine That Gave Hinl :ability' For the Task. A VERY INTERESTING CASE. Few men of eighty-five years of age can bd , ✓troch else • but poor health and g strength. Aad iUah was 'the' con- dition of Mr. Benj. Marsh, who is known to every soul in the neighborhood of his home' at Lime Lake, Ont. "Quite unsolicited," writes Mr. Marsh, "I wish to say how I have been bothered for years with stomach trouble. I tried everything I could think of without bene- fit. I was terribly afflicted with swelling and, gas, and had much distress between meals. I tried everything I could think of,' bat without benefit. Then I was re- commended Nerviline. My, but Nerviline did me a power of good -made a new man of me, so that within the last three weeks I have been able to split about forty cords of• stove wood. I will always stick to Ner- viline and will. always recommend it, and would like to meet anyone and convince them if in doubt as to what Nervilino has done for me." For sour stomach, nausea, belching of ails, cramps and sudden sickness at night, nothing is more helpful in the home, no• thing saves so much pain and distress as Nerviline. Large family size bottles, 60c.; small eizo, 25c., at all storekeepers and deugtiste or The Catarrhozoue Co., Buf- falo. N. Y. Lucky. Hobo -"I've eaten nothing but snow, balls for three days." Lady -"You poor man ! What would you have done had it been summer time?" Caller --Is your mistress in? Par- lormaid (whose mistress is a well- known suffragette) -Yes, she's iu for two months again. e r On the Cob or Shelled. Imp. Learning, or White Cap Y. Dent $1.35 per bushel. Longfellow $1,50; Compton's $1,60. Freight paid in Ontario on 10 bushels or.more. Bas free. Write for catalogue. CEO. KITH & SONS, Toronto, Seed merchants ,;ince 1866 Li ass_£ij Wearing L VES If you • are looking for a pair of gloves that are as tough as a Mexican Snake Whip and that will give you full satisfaction or 'a new pair free cask your dealer for .B4&. Pi '+to Shell Gloves These are the 'best wearing gloves ever turned out from a factory. Send for interesting story "The Pinto's Shell" EEs3B SON: BAY UNIT'FKNG CO. t saaada's Expert Glove had Mitt Makers, a , MONTREAL, • R MAKING SOAP, SOFTENING WATER, REMOVING PAI NII", DISINFECTING SINKS. CLOSETS, D RAI NS, ETC. SOLD EVERYWHERE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES PRINCE MAY VISIT BERLIN. His German Is Less Serviceable Than His French. The Prince of Wales's present visit to Germany is to be the first of two visits, the second to take place during the long vacation, when it is probable that he will visit Berlin as well as Mecklenburg-Stre- litz. The Prince's German is fairly serviceable, but it is less so than his French. This is natural enough, for de- spite his ancestry the Queen has ne- ver carried his German education very far, the reason probably be- ing that her German governess proved antipathetic, while her French lectrioe, Mme. Bricka, be- came an intimate friend and is still the most frequent guest at the small private dinners at the palace, when the conversation is carried on in French, The King's French, as is well known, is not very good, nor is his German remarkable. It is under- stood that King George determined that the Prince of Wales, when his time came, should be trained in languages so that he could follow King Edward in the round of Euro- pean visits. 9• Opportunities always shrink with old age. . Beauty is only skin deep, especi- ally if a girl hasn't any money. Mr. Baggy -If a cullud man was to call yr ' a liah, salt, tit 1•,at would }o' dot Mr. Slauk-What size cul- : ud man, sah 2 THEN DOMINION SCILT ,dATIES CORP0,, , 'MON arz.mirrn4 ESTABLISHED 1901 HEan OFFICE: 26 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO MONTREAL LONDON, E.C., ENG. CAPITAL PAID UP, $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $500,000 Our Quarterly Lint Just published cet'n'faino com- plete particulars of these Investments GOVERNMENT BONDS AND MUNICIPAL' DEBENTURES Amount Security Income Yield $ 50,000 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO about 4 30,000 CITY OF OTTAWA, ONT. Ods% 10,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER, BC 4g% 100,000 CITY OF VICTORIA, B.0 44% to 5% 200,000 CITY OF ST. BONIFACE, MAN. 5 % 50,000 CITY OF BRANDON. MAN 5 % 15,000 CITY OF FORT WILLIAM, ONT 5 % 9,849 TOWNSHIP OF YORK, ONT. 5 0>0 7,000 TOWN OF WELLAND, ONT. ....... 5 % 17,000 DISTRICT OF OAK BAY, B C 5 % 50,000 MUNICIPALITY OF COLDSTREAM, B.0 5 % 15,000 CITY OF NANAIMO, E.C. 18,000 CITY OF REVELSTOKE, B.0 15,000 CITY OF NELSON, B.C. 15,000 TOWN OF CASTOR, ALTA 27,822 TOWN OF YORKTON, SASK 534% 51Vo 5)4% 6 % 6 % CORPORATION AND INDUSTRIAL ISSUES Amount Security Income Yield CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (Equipment Bonds) ... Ar Market $30,000 TORONTO &- YORK RADIAL RAILWAY COY. (First Mortgage 5's Guaranteed by Toronto Railway Co.) 5 % 25,000 ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF ONTARIO, LIMITED (First Mortgage 5's) 5%% 10,003 DOMINION STEEL CORPORATION, LIMITED c- (5% Debentures) 594% 25,000 P. BURNS & COMPANY, LIMITED (Packers, Ranchers and Provisioners, Calgary, Alia.) (First Mortgage 6's due let April, 1924) 5.%% 25,000 (First and Refunding Mortgage 6's due 1st January, 1931) 5.91% 22,000 WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED (First Mortgage 6's due 1st March, 1928). 5.60% $25,000 (First and Refunding Mortgage 6's due 1st September, 1931) 5.91% 25,000 WILLIAM DAVIES CCMPANY, LIMITED (First Mortgage 6's) 5.78% 25,000 SAWYER-MASSEY COMPANY, LIMITED (First Mortgage 6's) 5.90% 25.000 DUNLOP TIRE &- RUBBER GOODS COMPANY, LIMITED (First Mortgage 6's) 6 % 25,000 GORDON, IRONS!DE 6- FARES COMPANY, LIMITED (Wholesale Packers, Ranchers and Pro, visioners, Winnipeg (First Mortgage 6's)..... 6 % 25,000 J. H. ASHDOWN HARDWARE COMPANY, LIMITED (First Mortgage 5's) • 6 Ifo 25,000 THE HARRIS ABATTOIK COMPANY, LIMITED (Firsi Mortgage 6's) 6 % CriNADIANGOVELMENTMUNiCIPA19 . ND CORPORATION B ONIZ