HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-04-11, Page 1E
The Official Organ u
Zurich and Thy Township
Vol. X111.
kiCIE0C3ESC381018CWOOK :0113A3CNIC.48110$030C3r
Our new
spring stocks are now nearly complete and you are PI
cordially invited to coil and look over the many new lines we are
offering, We are proud of them and we want to talk to you about i
them. We'll treat you right.
Millinery Openings
0 e�nin s
Our Spring Millinery Openings will be held on
0Saturday and Monday March
22n and 24th
0 when the newest and nicest in women's headwear will be displayed
Miss Kerr is in charge of this department and will make you heart-
ily welcome at any time you may call.
New Wall Papers
2174IGWe have an immense stock of Wall Papers to choose from in
all paterns andcolorings. The prices range from 10c to 50c a roll 11
Call and look through our sample books.
New Spring dress Goods
We invite you to look over our lines of .New Dress Goods for
spring and summer wear. Barges, Whipcords, Diagonals in all the
newest shades. •
Dress Trimmings
We are showing a very fine line of pearls and white crystal
ornaments and trimmings, the newest out, also crystal buttons for
Ladies Top Skirts
We have just received a lot of ladies Top Skirts in black and
navy, at $3.50 and $1.50 each. These are special values and will
not last long at these low prices.
Sherwin -William's Paints
I-Iou,se Paints
Inside Floor Paints
toNVIlCAt FAIL 1105p e, .
Porch Floor Paints
Barn Paint 0
Varnish Stains, WaIon ii
0 Paint, Buggy paint, Varnishes. i
We have added Flat -tone to our many lines. An artistic de-
corating paint for interior walls and ceilings, and woodwork pro-
duces a flat, velvety finish. Call for color cards.
Produce always Taken.
J.Preeter, B
Telephone 9 ZURICH
E ICK= CP lirRear ma= '=' , .a".. ?.er'f 1egg3u=
r?• e'A. t� a ?..YMl :a 4114110 41141P 411'11'
Mr. Reisman Kalbfieisch:
taken a position as junior in.
local branoh of the Molson's`
Mr. Samuel Merner has dispot . of
his farm in the 15th Con., to hion.
Mr. Roy Merner.
We welcome Mr. Jacob Haherer
and family as citizens. They mov-
ed into their home at the South
end, on Wednesday last.
Mr. F. W. Hess has taken pos•
ession of his recent purchase from
Mr. H. Kalbileisch. With an mere.
of good darden to work,we expect
to see F. W's muctles develop to
twice their normal size.
The services in the EvangeLoal
church, last Sunday evening, Naas
largely attended, and were most In-
teresting and impressive, Mr. Gooc1.3s*in
rendering a beautiful solo.
Owing to the. unfavorable Weat ar
the meeting that was to be held, at
Mrs. P. Capling's, Blake, on Th
clay, 10th, has been postponed: i7 ll
Tuesday, April 15th. Mrs. Hastings
of Exeter, expects to be present.
The annual Conference of rhe
Evangelical -church of Canada sill
take place in the enterprising :tp"inn
of Hanover, next Thursday, at 9#_`.
Bishop Breyfogel D. D., of Re
Penn., will preside. An intere
session is looked for.
Mr. R. Lamour, who has been
running the mail and stage route be-
tween here and Hensell for so marry
years, is laid up with an attack of
dropsy. His conditions quite serious
at times, and his maiay :" l iends , grill
be anxious to learn of is, early re-
covery to his usu ,l.,` ieIb.: .w
FOR SALE -2 acres ,at,.. the Soup'
end, .near the Lutheran •ull
Tho front will rake'" two op .
building lots and the rear ,suitable
for pasture or garden. Aply to
E. Zeller, Zurich.
The Hay Council held their regu-
lar meeting on Saturday; all members
being present. A number of accounts,
mostly relating to the telephone sys-
tem, were passed. The clerk was
instructed to notify the engineer re-
garding the cleaning out of the East
Branch North H.S.D. ,The Council
adjourned to meet on Saturday, May
3rd, at 2 o'clock, p. m.
Mr. Henry Truemner of the Gas
hen line South has disposed of his
farm to Mr. Casper Walper, who
intends turning it over to his son
William. Mr. Truemner has tak-
en Mr. Walper's house in town as
part payment and expects to move
into it some time in May. The
house is at present occupied by
Mr kldward Seim.
The Sunday school in the Evan-
gelical church will begin at 9.80 a.m.
next Sunday and preaching service
at 10.45., and will continue thus until
1st Nov. The evening service will
begin at 7. The Excelsior Male
Quartette of Zurich will render a
Mr. John Decher sr. had disposed
of his general purpose show team
at the Seaforth fair, for the big sum
of $550,00 to Mr. Smith of Hamilton;
Mr. Earnest Rader also disposed of
a fine team to the same party for,
$450.00. Mr. Decher shipped the
four horses on Monday from Hensall
The dwelling of Mrs. Prang nar-
rowly escaped destruction by fire on
Thursday during the absence of Mrs.
Prang, who was visiting her daughter
Mrs. Martin Wurm at the opposite
end of the town. Mrs. Prang left a-
bout two o'clock, after fixing up her
coal heater in the usual Duston, and a-
bout 4 o'clock as the children were
leaving school, smoke was noticed
coming out of the roof and windows.
The alarm was immediately given and
those first ou the scene forced the door
The interior was dense with smoke
and the heat almost oyerpowering.
Axes were used on the wall and floors
and a volenteer pail brigade soon had
plenty.of water on hand, and in a
short times the flames were extin-
guished. The loss will run close to a
hundred dollars and the building was
insured. Mrs. Prang desires to thank
all citizens who so promptly turned
out and assisted in saving her home.
A very pretty wedding was solem
sized at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Louis Kaibfleisoh on Tuesday, the
8th of April at 5 p. m., when their
eldest daughter Laura was united
in marriage to Frederick J. Haber-
er, Rev, L. C..7. Maass being the
officiating minister. The ceremony
was performed in the presence of
the relatives and friends of the con
tracting parties, amounting to a-
bout 70 persons. To the strains of
the wedding march played by Miss
Maggie Haberer, the bridal party
entered the parlor and took their
stand under an arch made of ever-
green and bound with. white rib-
bon, The bride was charmingly
attired in white messaline and bri-
dal veil and carried a shower bou-
quet of white carnations. She was
attended by Miss Freda Naberer,
The groom* = blyassisted by Mr
Albert Hal .., _ , the bride's bro.
Char After ,iarraage contract
r ''`"'tya sighen,a�:the , ceremony- was
closed with the hymn °'.eses still
lead on, till our rest be won etc,"
in which friends and relatives
heartily joined. After the wedding
dinner served. Mr, and Mrs. Hab
erer will reside at the farm on the
Blind Line formerly owned. by Mr.
Jacob Haberer, the groom's father.
The bride received many useful
gifts, showing the love and esteem
in which the young people are
Established 1853
Opened Branch in Huron
Co. 1874
Saving Bank Accounts
Zurich Branch
R. T DUNLOP, Manager
New Spring Shoes
The finest range of the newest
Spring Styles of Men's and Wo-
men's Shoes, are shown here. -
No better and up•to•date range
has ever been placed before you.
By giving us a call we will take
pleasure in showing them to
Butter and Eggs are taken in ex-
change for shoes.
St. Peters church Drysdale was
the scene of a pretty and fashion-
able wedding Tuesday morning.
when Joseph E. Laframboise, and
Blanche Antionette Laporte were
united in the Holy bonds of mat-
rimony. The ceremony was pre-
formed by Rev. Father Stroeder
Parish Priest assisted by Fattier
Blair, Parish Priest, Wingham, as
Deacon and Father Foster, Parish
Priest of Mt. Carmel as Subdeacon.
The bride has been organist in the
church for a number of years, and
one of the most papular girls of
the parish. The groom is a prom•
inent business man of Sandwich
west. After the religious ceremony
the members of the family wore
invited to the hospitable home of
John Laporte. the bride's father, a
sumptuous meal had been pre-
pared, and all were pleased with
the dainties offered them, Father
Stroeder in addressing the bridal
party congratulated the groom in
taking for his wife one of the
most popular girls of this section.
13e also called upon Father Foster
and Father Blair to address a few
words which they did, all agreeing
in wishing the young couple sac -
(less and happiness. Mr. John Lap-
orte also spoke a few words as he
was pleased with the nice remarks
that had been uttered about his
daughter, and was glad that all
were enjoying themselves. He
assured us that we were ever wel.
come at his home. The Zurich
orchestra furnished very suitable
music for the occasion The young
couple took the afternoon train in
Hensall and after ashort honey-
moon they will occupy their beau-
tiful residence in Canard River
Amongst those attending from a
diStance were Mass Laframboise,
niece of the groom from Amherst -
burg, Mr and Mas J Laporte of
Chatham. Mr ind Mrs L. Gumbel -
ton and Leo Laporte of Detroit.
The Stephen Council met on Mon-
day of this week and transacted con'
ciderable business.
Buy your seeds at the Seed
Store. All kinds of Garden
and Field Seeds. You will
save 2.ic per bushel on Seed
Corn bought at our store as
we buy direct from the grow-
er and guarantee up to ger-
mination test.
300 bushels of Dewey, Car-
man and White Giant
Field Peas and Biickwbi'
Louis J efey
Beans primes -per bus $1.20
Cook's Snowdrift Flour $2.75
Snowdrift flour in 5. bag lots $2.50
Feed flour 1.40
Bran per ton $19.00
Shorts per ton $20.00
Wheat per bus. 92cts.
Barley per bus 55cts.
Oats per bus. 32cts.
For that
try our Pearls
or Diamond's
We have some snaps
in Second Hand Gold
Filled Watches.
P. W. Hess
G. R. Hess
Jewellers, - ZURICH
Our Spi-ing Shoes
have arived. Come in and have a look at the many different
styles we carry.
4, r+f+4 4 k '
�l.d'I�IIrI�1i,ilrrl��ll Ft
311 �III�1��I II
F IT . =
Thu Hama of Good Shoes
Summer or winter, on dull days
or bright, indoors or oat you can
The.Brownie is the Camera foi
little folks or big. Simple to oper-
ate. Thoroughly practic„ 1 in re.
Price $1 to $12
H. Appel, Jeweea
Butter and eggs taken as cash,