HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-03-28, Page 1tS
The Oficial Organ 'e
Vol, XIII.
rich and Uy Township
S. ,pring g
AnnounCecmat g
Our new spring stocks are now nearly complete and you are
cordially invited to coil and look over the many new lines we are
offering, We are proud of them and we want to talk to you about
• them. We'll treat you right.
Millinery Openings
Our Spring Millinery Openings will be held on
Saturday and Monday March
22n and 24th
when the newest and nicest in women's hendwear will be displayed '
Miss Kerr is in charge of this department and will make you heart-
ily welcome at any time you may call.
New Wall Papers
We have an immense stock of Wall Papers to choose from in
all paterns and colorings. The prices range from 10c to 50c a roll
Call and look through our sample books.
Neer Spring Dress Goods
We invite you to look over our lines of New Dress Goods for
spring and summer wear: Serges, Whipcords, Diagonals in all the
newest shades.
Dross Trimmings
We are showing a very fine line of pearls and white crystal
ornaments and trimmings, the newest out, also crystal buttons for
Ladies Top Skirts
We have just received a lot of ladies Top Skirts in black and
navy, at $3.50 and $1.50 each. These are special values and will
not last long at these low prices.
Sherwin -William's Parts
Mouse Paints
Inside Floor Paints
Porch Floor Paints
Floorlac,Barn Paint
Varn.ish Stains, Wagon
Paint, Buggy paint, Varnishes.
We have added Flat -tone to our many lines. An artistic de-
corating paint for interior walls and ceilings, and woodwork • pro:
dii`es :flat, velvety finish. Call for color cards.
Produce always Taken.
J. Preeter.,
Telephone 9 -- - ZURICH
e--ra.tatrArA4s 470411141b47.4:10,rjr Wiry. Abel Schiibe of Waterloo
LOCAL NEientthe week with her father, MrNEWS.1:
� Henry Kalbfleisch.
��'�� Mr. Elgin Hess of the Seaforth
Mrs. A, L. Gosnell of Merlin visited Collegiate is visiting his home
with sister, Mrs. . Zeller, over
1,441,i,, here over the holidays.
Mr. Theodore Keller of 'London:
spent Easter with his parents, Mr and
Mrs. Conrad Keller. Mr. Roy Faust of the Stratford
Quite a number in this section sul2;Business College and Mr. Marshall
ered by Friday's storm. Most. of the Zeller of the be holird Collegiate
fire spending the holidays in town,
losses are covered by insurance.
Misses Veda and Selma Weseloh of i' Julia Reardon after a short illness
London visited their parents Mr. anddiea at home of her brother Mr. Pat
Mrs. Hy Weseloh over the holidays.. I
keardon Mt. Carmel, on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel of Zur- !morning, at the age of 48 years. Thefuneral took place on Thursday, for
ich visited the lacers sisters in London
over the holidays,,
interment in Mt. Cannel cemetery.
Mr, and Mrs. Bernhardt of Pres •
ton visited al the home of the latter's CREDITON
,parents, Rev. and urs. 'Maass, over. the The storm on Fridaylast was one
Easter holidays.
•of the worst that ever passed over this
Mr. Wilford L. Brown of Toronto, , section and the damage clone will run
was in the village over the Easter
holidays, visiting with his parents,
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
MASSE—In Hay, on Friday March
21st to mr. and Ma's. Nelson Masse,.
Mr. Bert Sheriff of The Molsons
Bank Merlin, was in town over Sun-
day reneying acquainttnces.
a son. .
DUEHARME—In Hay, on March the
23rd to Mr. and mrs. Edward Duch-
arme, a daughter. x
Mr. Wm. Brown, who has been tial-
smithing for several years inPittsbis'g.
has a position as tinsmith in J. Pre
etr's tin shop.
Banns were called on Sunday at
Drysdale church for the marriage - of
miss Blanche Antoinette, daughter of
Mr. and :Mrs. J. Laporte to Mr; 3,
Franboise, of Sandwich west.
The widow and family of the late
Mr. A, Lehman desire to extend their
sincere thanks for the sympathy, ex
pressed and assistauee rendered
their recent' `sad bereavem6ut. �►'
In spite of the inclemency of- the
weather, the Evangelical church was Eli King
filled last Sunday evening. The Li- N Baker 2 nd con, kitchen
vingston Centenary program prepared Wm Bowden "
by the missionary board for the occa- Wes Lamport windmill
sion, was well rendered by the school, Wm Gaiser- "
assisted by the choir. Win Elliott barn roof -
into the thousands of dollars. From
the reports that are coming in very
few farmers escaped. It was either
e roof, chimney or some shingles.
The storm seems to have swept over
Ontario causing considerable damage.
The following are some of the dam-
Crediton milling Co. roof off and
Smoke stack down.
F. Kerr tile sheds and smoke stack
t, own.
D: Davies barn roof.
Sam Kuhn " "
Josdi - .kihn sheds down.
Cin fr Tamer roof off shed.
Harry Mist barn roof.
,r. Bowman II I,
John Fainter " B
Chris Haist a II
Lannon Oestricher" "
v:: k anith sawmill shed down.
n fir . j.mp , r CST and. arri4 yq i„
ste ,l� ti wn,
B. Brown barn roof.
Is in Full Swing. No (.'reater Bargains
Were Ever Placed Before You
You are cordially invited to attend this Great
Sale, and examine the b, toes and Rubbers
placed before you on tables.
There are a great number ,rf Shoes.... only 'few
sizes left, which will be sold at Rock Bottom
Prices. Be sure and brie; correct sizes of
shoes wanted, when feet cannot be here. Take
measurement of feet and they will be fitted
Remember this Sale must be for Cash, Butter, or Eggs
Call at Jeffrey's
• for leading
Brands of Flour
Bran & Shorts, Feed. Corn
any quantity, another car of
corn to arrive in February.
International and Royal Purple
Stock Food, every box guaranteed.
Molasses Meal and Oil Cake. _
Coarse and fine Salt.
Snaps in Groceries
" ',• +task: ..
Louis J efr ey
N /t.
I, I,
Services in the Evangelical church
next Sunday will be held at the usual
time. In connection with the evening
service, the reception of new members
and the baptism of a number of adults
will take place. Mr. Goodwin will
render a solo. Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. David Gottschalk
of Bad Axe, attended the funeral of
the late Mr. Lehman, and stayed
over a few days to -renew former
acquaintances Mr. and Mrs. Russo
and Mr. Abraham Lehman jr. of
Caledonia Mich' were also here for
a few days.
A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Casper
Wainer of the Goshen Line of the
Goshen Line, on Wednesday afternoon
when their daughter Arletta was unit-
ed in marriage to Louis H. Willert, a
prosperous young farmer. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. C. C. J.
11Iaass in the presence of the immedi-
ate friends and relatives of the con-
tracting party. The bride was beauti-
fully gowned in white silk• Mr and
Mrs Willert will make their home
on the groom's fine farm near Dash-
wood with the best wishes of a host
of friends.
Another pioneer resident in the
person of Mr. Conrad R. Wagner
breathed his last on Thursday even-
ing in the 79th year of his age. The
deceased came to this section about
40 years ago and for about ten years
was a resident of Zurich. He was of
a quiet and retiring disposition and
leaves besides his widow, one daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. W. Ortwein of Hensall
and a large circle of friends, who
mourn his loss. The funeral took
place on Sunday afternoon and was
conducted by Rev. G. F. Brown of
the Evangelical church, the interment
taking place in the Goshen Line cem-
Beans primes per bus $1.30
Cook's Snowdrift Flour, ;2.75
Snowdrift flour in 5 bag lots $2.50
Feed flour 1.40
Bran per ton $19.00
Shorts per ton $20.00
Wheat per bus. 92cts.
Barley per bus 52cts.
Oats per bus. 32cts,
Jas Lawson "
Thos Mawhinney "
J. W. Lawson
Davey Bros
Brick school on the 14 th blown down.
This is only a partial list, many
others received more or less damage
but fortunately no one was killed.
The worst storm of the season
struck this section of the county
last Friday morninf about 10o'olock
and raged for 4 or 5 hours. A
great deal of damage was done, the
wind demolished the large flax
barn of the 1)ashwoed Flax Co.,
which was the largest barn in the
section of the county 65 X140 with
24 ft posts, which was a complete
wreck, only a little manufactured
flax was stored in the building but
Mr: Koch had several rigs in the
building, which were somewhat
damaged also Messrs Nadiger and
Son and Klump and Musser had
their threshing machines stored in
the. barn for the winter, these were
also partly damaged. This is the
second bad loss that the flax com-
pany have sustained this year
About two months ago one of their
mills was destroyed by fire Much
sympathy is felt for them as they
employ a great many people. The
following had buildings damaged,
Simon Miller, town line, barn roof
and two wind mills completely de.
molished. Th9 barn roof of Louis
Willert, 16th con Stephen, was also
badly wrecked. Black Bush school
house, east side of roof and tower
fell in to the floors of the school
room, also some of the brick work
fell in damaging the ceiling and
floor. The south gable of the brick
wall of Alex. Zimmer's blacksmith
shop was blown in and the shingles
on the barn were blown off. Part
ofethe veneer brick front of Keller-
nran's shoe store was blown over.
Quiet a number of wind and power
mills were blowy over in this sec-
tion. The following had their barn
roofs and barns damaged, 3, K.
Goetz at Son. Henry Schroeder, C.
Willert; Richard Baker, Fred. Wei.
'berg, John Wein, Paul Messner,
Wm. Beiber, Mrs Geo. Schroeder,
Got. Oestreioher, Arthur Weber,
and niany.otbers had minor dam-
ages. A number of chimneys were
blovrn off dwellings in the village,
General Store
For Sale
I am offering my general store and
stock for sale, on very reasonable
terms. This store is now doing a
good business and is considered one of
the best country stands in the County.
Post -office and telephone in connec-
tion. For further particulars apply
to R. N. DOUGLAS, Blake, Ont.
For that
try our Pearls
or Diamonds
We have some snaps
in Second Hand Gold
Filled Watches.
F. W. Hess
G. R. Hess
Jewellers, ZURICH
Our Spring Shoes
have arived. Come in and have a look at the many different
styles we carry.
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0.1111-1Ili__ill:01, !IF; 114
1it1!/�!w /s -t
ThP Homfl of Good Sh-QS
Mantle Clocks
At Special Values from $5.00 to $8.00, e,pert Watch,
reparing my speciality.
Butter and eggs taken as cash
HaroldA. AppelJEWELR -