HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-03-13, Page 1t1
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The Official. argal o
' eh and Ira* Township",
Vol. XIII..
AR. 13, 1913.
44319C0 30:28C301313043C2031M MARC. t=11843811381M
Our new spring stocks are now nearly complete and you are
cordially invited to colt and look over the many new lines we are
offering, We are proud of them and we want to talk to you about
them. We'll treat you right.
Millinery Openings
Our Spring Millinery Openings will be held on
Saturday and Monday March
22nd and. 24th
when the newest and nicest in women's headwear will be displayed
Miss Kerr is in charge of this department and will make you heart-
ily welcome at any time you may call.
New Wa11 Papers
We have an immense stock of Wall Papers to choose from in
all paterns and colorings. The prices range from 10c to 50c a roll
Call and look through our sample books.
New Spring gess Goods
We invite you to look over our lines of New Dress Goods for
spring and summer wear. Serges, Whipcords, Diagonals in all the
newest shades.
Dress Trimmings
We are showing a very fine Iine of pearls and white crystal
ornaments and trimmings, the newest out, also crystal buttons for
Ladies Top Skirts
We have just received a lot of ladies Top Skirts in black and
navy, at -$3.50 and $1.50 each. These are special values and will
not last long at these low prices.
Sherwin -William's Paints
House Paints
Inside Floor Paints
Porch Floor Paints
Floorlac, Barn Paint
Varnish. Stains, wagon
Paint, Buggy paint, Varnishes.
We have added Flat -tone to our many lines. An artistic de- pi
corating paint for interion walls and ceilings, . and woodwork pro-
duces a flat, velvety finish. Call for color cards.
Produce always Taken.
Telephone 9
iMRar%Irokri 4-7r,47r
DENomv —At the -L, R E,<.' ;; Stanley
On the 6th Inst, to Mr. ' ..and a gar
James Denoiny, . a daughter •
Duman-am—At the L. R. E. Hay,"911
the 8th Inst, to Mr. and .Mrs Freer,
E. Ducharme, a daughter.
Mr. Conrad Thiel :has purchased
the Caspar Weber dwelling.;:from. the
Executors, and will move in,: shortly
The price paid is $650.00.
Mrs. A. H. F. Stelk of Dauphin,
Man., who has been visiting her, mo
ther Mrs. S. Rannie, returned to the
West on Thuasday. -
Woman's "Spring shoes" Tan but-
ton, Gun Metal button, and 'Patent
Leather button of the newest •dee
igns at S. E. Faust.
Mr. John. Wagner of Guelph.' is
assisting his brother Mr. W. 0.• Wag-
ner, to get ready for his sale which
takes place on Thursday next, 20th.
owSpring ehoes reads for your
action at S. E. Faust.
omen's Patent Leather Ox
ds and Tan Button Oxfords at
. Faust, The shoes that will
ohyour eyes. , Give us a call
ouble to show you shoes.
�v. Peter Bopp and Mr. E, Zell-
ye exchanged dwellings. Mr.
aapip:,will leave shortly with his fam-
ily -for Michigan, where he has pur-
chased a farm.
• Mr. Andrew Hess who has been Di-'
on Cotirt Clerk here for some
tars, has resigned the position, and
Henry Neel) has received the ap.-
inMien t.
S E. Faults shoe sale has been
grand success. There are still
me great bargains added to the
l+� Call and share in with teese
at bargains before its to late.
Mr. Wm. Wagner has rented Mrs
McCormick's restaurant for a year
and will take possession about the
25thWe wish him the best of success.'
WANTED—At -the Alexa,ndra.
Marine and General Hospital, Goderr
ich, three or four pupil nurses. Apply
to Miss Griffiths, Superintendent,
Men's Dressy shoes Tan, Ga
Metal, and Patent Leather, in tut
ton and Lace. Call and 1st' us show
these to you at S. E. Faust's alioe
Lutheran Church ---The sonfinia-
lion of the catechumens will take
place on Sunday during the morniuo.
service. A hearty invitation is ex-
tended to all. LL
. Our all tar ju aior 'team Tin•
the management of W. Wilson,
journeyed,to Dashwood and defeat-
ed Pete MoIsaac's youngsters by a
score of 2-1, despite the' fact they
had left their best player C, Hoff
man at home on account of illness.
Hildebrandt, E. Rau Olar Hoffman
were the stars of the game, their.
great connbination won the game
forZurloh while the chocking of Ar
chibald, Emmrich and Howald was
beautiful to behold. Bill is quite a
jubilant as the team has not met
defeat this winter. The.: line-up
was as follows : Goal J. McCor-
mick, point 0 Emmriok, cover A.
Archibald, rover F. Howald, centre
A. Hildebrandt, right C. Hoffman
left E Rau, referee w. B, wilson.
On Monday evening our boys
went to Hensall and trimmed a
team from Seaforth to the tune of
8 to 5 Notwithstanding the soft
ice the game was fast throughout
Zurich had much the better of the
game, although their two
best men were not on the Iine
up That there.was not a, greater
differenee in the number of goals
scored was due to the splendid
shooting of Reeves, the Seaforth
rover. C. Hoffman and Hildebr-
andt, the two juniors on the home
team, • played a good game on the
foreward line as did also Johnston
and Hudson. L. Hoffman and C.
Silber on the defence took good
care of any Seaforth forewords
who managed to pass centre ice
while Bell in goal made some sen
sational stops.
"In like a lion, out like a lamb,"
and "in like a lamb, out like a ` lion,"
is the traditional view of March
weather. When gentle zephyrs • of
spring herald in the third ,month,
blizzards will speed its departure for a
Winter's day but Sunday and Mon-
day was a regular February storm.
These popular ideas about weather
may be all wrong, however, and a
look into the weather records of the
past ten years confirms this suspicion..
Here are the records for March 1 and
for March'81 for the last ten years:
1904 --Stormy, stormy,
1905—Fair, fair,
1906-- Stormy, fair,
1907 --Fair, fair,
1908—Stormy, stormy,
1000 --Stormy; fair,
I910—Fair, fair,'
1911—Fair, fair,
1912—Fair, fair,
1913 -Fair
u77om an's Patent Colonials, Pat
eat Pumps and patent 4 button
slippers just what' pont went tc
match your New Spring Snit give
us a gall and we will please you
S. E. Faust.
r. F. W. Hess has purchased Mr.
Henry Kalbfleisch's dwelling at the
South end and intends moving in
soon. Mr, Kalbfleisch will move back
to the farm with his son, Mr Louis
.Kalbfleisch. •
"Say; mamma," said Johnnie, "I
think our iceman is awfully nice."
';Why?" asked mamma. "Well," said
,Johnny; "he just dropped a big piece
cf ice on his toe, and he never got
Mad; but just sat down and talked to
"II was very plucky of you, ma'am,
tllhave set upon' the burglar and so
lily, capture him," said the police in -
„.tactor; "but need you have injured
:'nu so. badly?" "How did I know it
awas a burglar?" asked the woman, "I'd
been up three hours; waiting for my
.husband, I thought it was him?"
Auctioh scale of 2 standard bred
mares, i cow and household artio-
l G, at:Zurich, on Saturday March,
o'clock. Peter .Rope, pro-
, 13,os'sen%;rry,- auction
The Huron county council was well
represented at the meeting of the On-
tario Good Roads Association, held
at Toronto last week. The delegation
from Huron included Warden McKay,
Reeve Leiper of Hullett, Reeve Camp-
bell of East Wawanosh, Reeve Goven-
lock of McKillop, Reeve Shortreed of
Morris, Reeve Winter of Howick,
Reeve Routley of Usborne, Wm. Lane
county clerk, and D. Patterson
county engineer, in addition to a few
others who are not members of the
county council.. On Eriday afternoon
the Huron men had a conference at
the Parliament buildings with W. A.
McLean, the Provincial good roads
commissioner, and as a result it is
altogether probable that at an early
date this county will take the neces-
sary steps to participate in the Provin-
cial grant for road improvement. By
not being in a position to claim a share
of this grant, the county of Huron has
lost thousands of dollars during the
last few years, and the members of the
county council of this year will likely
see to it that there is no further un-
necessary delay.
A March Wedding—The residence
of Mr, •and Mrs. William Dougall was
ths':scene of a most interesting and
happy event on Wednesday of last
week, at twelve noon, their second
daughter Maybelle Gorden, became
the wife of Mr. Milne R. Rannie, one
ane of Ilensall's popular young mer-
chants. The drawing and dining
room were well decorated for the oc-
casion, The Rev. Mr. Smith officiat-
ed Miss Elizabeth Rannie of Zurich,
sister of the groom played the w.edd-
ieg march; Miss Rannie also sang in
her usual pleasing way "0 Perfect
Love, at the close of the ceremony.
Thp bride looked charming in a white
gown of duchesse niessaline, trimmed
with seed pearls and wearing a veil
and orange blossoms, carrying a show -
bouquet of bride's roses. The
pests to a number of sixty sat' down
to a most sumptuous wedding dinner,
after'ivhich the' young couple left on
the evening southbound train, amid
the good"wvishes of a host of friends,
none being more hearty than those
Fiona'Carmel church, which u isbes for
its organist -and choir master length
of days, prosperity and happiness.
The groom's gift to the bride was as
substantialcheque. and to. tb.o pianist
e, brooch. The bride was the toceipi
eat of a very largo number of useful
and . handsome prosents, evidencing
theitespect and esteem in which she
a hada •
Is in Full Swing. No Greater Bargains
Were Ever Placed Before You
You are cordially invited to attendthis Great
Sale, and examine the 4 noes and Rubbers
placed before you on tables.
There are a great number of Shoes.... only few
sizes left, which will be sold at Rock Bottom
Prices. Be sure and brie . correct sizes of
shoes wanted, when feet cannot be here. Take
measurement of feet and they will be - fitted
Remember this Sale must be for . Cash, Butter, or Egg=
Call at Jeffrey's
for leading
Brands of Flour
Bran & Shorts, Feed Corn
any quantity, another car of
"corn to arrive in February.
International and Royal Purple
Stock Food, every box guaranteed.
.Molasses Meal and Oil Cake.
Coarse and fine Salt.
Snaps ix,; Groceries ;
Produce taken as cash,
Louis Jeffrey
General Store
For Sale
I am offering my general store and
stock for sale, on very reasonable
terms. This store is now doing a
good business and is considered one of
the best country stands in the County.
Post -office and telephone in connec-
tion. For further particulars apply
to R. N. DOUGLAS, Blake, Out.
For that
try our Pearls
We have some snaps
in Second HandGold
Filled Watches.
F. W. Hess
G. R. Hess
Jewellers, - ZURICR
February Clearing Sale
We now announce a Big Clearing Sale of Shoes, Felts and Rubbers. in
order to Make room for extensive Spring purchases. We are offering Special
Bargains in a great many lines. This is a Genuine Reducing Sale, and
A Great Many Lines will
be Sold Regardless of Cost
Some Specials
Women's Jersey Cloth Storm Rubber for 85c
Women's Plain Rubbers for 55c
Men's Jersey Cloth Storm Rubber for $1.00
Men's Rubbers for 75c Men's Red Soles, lace, 2 buckle for $2,00
Men's Red Sole and heal, tan leather top for $2.25
Men's 1 buckle Du3k Lumberman for $1.75, Boys Rubbers fon 50t>
Boys' Shoes regular .,$','1.85 far $1.80. Women's Plain Rubbers fox 50e
The above is just a few of the many bargains we are offering. Come
and see it will pay you.
2 pair Men's twelve inch heavy Felt Shoes, reg. $3 for $1.50.
Remember this is a Credit Sate You don't need to have any cash
your credit is good Come along the profits are yours.
e. FRITZ. Zurich
The HornP of Good Shoes
Watch Repairing
If your watch or clock is not giving you the satisfaction
you think it should, bring it to ifs. We will put it right and.
guarantee it. Very Moderate Prices.
Butter and Eggs taken as cash for Jewelery, etc,
Harold A, Appel