HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-02-28, Page 5SONS SANK
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Zurich Branch, R. T. DUNLOP, Manager.}.).
0 a GOOD 1 iCHINE,
The prince rides up to the palace
And his eyes with tears are dim,
For he thinks of the beggar maiden
sweet, •
Who may never wed with him.
For home is where the heart is,
In dwelling great or small,
And there's many a splendid
That's never a home at all.
The yoeinan comes to his little cot
With a song when the day is done,.
For his deary is standing at the door'
And his children to meet him run.
For home is where the heart is,
Lax dwelling great or sanall,
And there's.meny €u:etately-men
Thai's never a home at all.
Could I but live with my own sweet-
In a hut with a sanded floor,
I'd be richer far than a loveless man
' With fame and a golden store,
For house is where the heart is,
In dwelling great or small,
And a cottage lightedbylovelight
Is the dearest home of all."
The question of what machine to harvest with is an
portant one.
An incorrectly constructed binder will not get all the grain,
gut will leave a Large part in the fieldgoodcrows' feed,
ut a dead loss to you.
Your harvest will be most profitable if you
nal UP
rang & El�ch, Zuriot
Agents for Brantford Windmills. ZURICH
e ars 'flaking
A Slaughter Sale
How many of the young men who
read this column couldtruthfully have
the above said of them? An exchange
tells of a group of young men who
were speaking of a man who lay
without hope at the point of death.
They spoke of a certain excellent
quality possessed by hien and passed
lightly over any weakness be may
have displayed. When one said, "He
has always been good to his mother,"
all spoke at once in approval. The
rest of it because minor. The su-
preme test had been passed. He had
been unusually good to his mother
and the verdict covered his other
weakness like a mantle and over -
shaded all else that had. been said in
condemnation. He was extremely
good to his mother. If charity covers
a multitude of sins so does the love
and obedience of a man for his moth-
er. There are no virtues highly app-
lauded by grown glen and women.
And yet they are not uncommon. Rev-
erence for holy things is not uncom-
mon and one of the holiest on earth.
or in heaven is aman's mother.
Accomplishment of great deeds is
not necessary for a splendid epitaph
"He was good to his mother," is a
finer tribute to a dead man's worth
than was ever graven on the sacopha-
gi of conquering kings.
of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Rubbers, Hardware, Crockery,
etc. Come and secure some of
the Bargains.
All will be sold
is going West.
as the owner
rj thiq
Tlustfl' SoM
We have disposed of our Groceries, Crockery and
Boots and Shoes to Mr. Bedford who has purchased
the store. We have only
_Q....oi,•••••4•A4@C®®V440o4: coo
This Conpon is good. for 40 cents on each bug Of
"SNOW Dli,IF'P" one best family Flour, giving
you .10 privilege of taking ono to five bags, provi-
dinp, Cols coupon is presented to us on or before
janua.ry 31st, 1913.
Our regular selling price of our SNOW DRIFT
Flour without this coupon, in $2 75. If you pre.
sen# this coupon, each bag of SNOW DRIFT will
only cost you $2.35.
Our Mill is Equipped With the Latest
and Most Modern Flour Mill Machinery
We also have secured the services of a first class miller,
who was previously employed by one of the largest mills
OntariO, consequently we are offering this induce-
ment in order to give every woman an opportunity to
try our SNOW DRIFT Flour. Every Bag Guara,nteed.
We sell Bran at $22. and Shorts at $23.
. per ton in ton lots,
aroLarge Buyers of Beans
Bring us out a Sample
II 000K SONS & CO., Hensall, Ont.
Dry Goods
en's Furnis . ing
to .i pose, of which rust be sold at once at prices
much below cost, in fact at your own prices.
About 100 cans of paint which can be
bought at 35 cts per quart, formerly 65 cts.
Wall -Paper at half price. Regular 25 cts
paper for 1212 a rolls
Keep in good heart—though adver-
se wind blow and a chilly atmosphere
PraYails. True the way is rough—
exceedingly rough and the wieds are
keen and pierce ns through and make
tts shrink from duty. But hesitate
not, face the blast firmly, determined-
ly, good naturedly and hopefully, and
when the better days dawn, when the
clouds have dispersed and all is sun-
shine how sweet and satisfactory will
be the rest in the noonday of life,
knowing our work, is done and that
labor has not been in vain.
It is remarked that the mail .order
houses have not r6laxed their _efforts
Save You from 20 to 40 p,r cent
Trade taken at cash prices
that he was quietly feathering his
nest. "John Phelps will be well A special meeting of the House!
Of Refuge committee was held at
mark.. 'According to prevaling I Clinton to consider tenders for a The highest cash price will be paid
custom,. he had his glass of beer I
much needed enlargement to. theifor all grades of saw logs, loaded on
dinner,. ana again at supper time 1,
earns.. The contract for the, frame- ,. flat cars at your station.
I 'Write for
Andlaut rarely could he be prevail
. work of the new addition, 20x80 feet full particulars, and state what you
ed upon to touch it at any othek,
time. Tom grew up with the cus was given to Mat. Mains, of Lona.- I have, approximate size, and quantity.
tom His glass in the beginning sboro, at $420. The ce.ment foun- Box 29, Clinton, Ont.
was not so large or so full. But idation will be built under the super- i
there it was, and he learned to like 'vision of Inspector Torrance and 1
Logs Wanted
it. Maggie the only daughter Manager Mutch, help from the in-
to get business Just because a few duu., would never touch. it, and was one „.1
months in the year appear. They i a t e very few members of the
na as poseible, and this will reduce i
• local Band of Hope, which niet1
the cost considerahl .y-. 'The basement !
fortnightly at the Methodist chapel,
will be used as a shol, for which i
She -often urged Tom to copy her
example, and gave him many a there is no provision at present, and i
splcy hit from the speoehes heard i yet such shelter is much nueded, and I
t the meetings Rat Tom was It! the upper floors will bo used for stor- !
everlastingl keep at the advertising
end of their business.
A man doesn't discover that there is
a boundary line between his own lot
and his neighbor's until the first snowi'boy,.antit would do what his father proaraqs of the farm. Ilona Coln,
f Your Purchase
falls and he has to clean the walks. di.i. If father drank, he would ,
An exchange says that gossips have
motor cers beaten to n, frazzle when it
comes to nuining people down.
The parcels post will do most any-
thing but darn socks and rock the
A soft answer turneth away wrath
but has no affect on a book agent
The very time to be pleasant is
when the other people are cross.
(To he continued)
Tom had been out all day deliver.
ing turkeys, geese, ducks and
many of the other wonderfnl
things that are offered by the
poulterer, particula.rly at Christ -
018.9 time. And he was not only
tired, he was also extremely sad.
Conscience had received so many
pricks that days, and in such nu.
usal ways, that he was almost be-
side himself. Five years before the
date of our story . Tom was a
bright young fellow at home—this
fathers,s right hand man in the
village store. Mr. Phelps wee an
holiest an industrious man, respect
ed and trusted. alike by all. It was
evident to Observing neighhora
&ink, for it could not be Wrom„ to ;11,
oopY his example. Little by little
upon ! the Ilayliela Bridge, to A. Hill en, I
the desire for drink so grew
that be would do anything to This will hi% five feet I
gratify it. First a few coppers, witle ate' will cosi aliont
then silver, secretly taken from Ronew N- )1e, 4' +1
Stat g'.et the 110111(.1 news. We
the shop. till, went the way of the
village alehouse, and With aliqtte,t,r. har \-1'; 11:11(1 many retiewals and would
°Tog prlaobtee ‘uvnasdoaingswoiff thisonceh Fgui like all owe subscribers to look at their
labels, and if not marked ,Tan 101.1
gentle rebuke the father passed to
please have it done. Ilre will apprec-
open. threats, whilst the mother,
sorrowing grievously over her son's iate it. It means only $1. to you, but
condition, blamed him not so much it moans hundreds to us.
as the father, v,ho had set him tbe
example. and in her own way sou
ght to persuade him to break away
from the fetters which were surely
coiling themselves eround him.
It was of no avail. Tom. would
have the drink. The crisis catne
on apace, The father discovered
a serious leakage in the shop's acc.
aunts, and (barging the son with
having rcibbed him, ordered him
off the place. Tom obeyed ; not,
however, before his mother plead-
ed with him to beg his father's
parcien, sign the pledge, and make
another 'start. For once he was
l'Ude'.to his mother, and defiantly
marched away.
Dr; de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never facia. These
pine aro exceedingly powerful in regulating the
gedotative portion of the female system. Refuse
all,theap imitations, DI% de Van's are sold at
$5 a box, or three for MO, Mailed to any address.
I am offering my farm composed of
Smith half of Lot 5, Con 18, Stanley,
containing 75 acres. This farm is
situated one mile North of Blake, on
the proposed rural mail route and con-
nected by rural telephone. Is most-
ly drained and well fenced, with
plenty of good. water. Good brick
house and frame woodshsd, good. barn
with cement stabling and cement silo.
Good hog Pen, 18 x 40 and good drive
shed. A mile and a haif from school
and church, and in a good neighbor-
hood. Will sell with or without stock
and implements and will give immedi-
ate possession. Write for further par-
ticulars to Chris Schrag, Blake P. 0.
or E. Zeller, Zurich,
Kindly favor us 'with a call again. If e
no 'etactory please let us knoif
an .11 gladly make it right.
ThA klongs to the people of
Z re surrounding country for
Tra.din 'darters, and we want trans-
aetion to'be pleasant and profitable to
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
General Merchant, Zurich,