HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-02-21, Page 7RE lily s oats, stiles e an L, to rated the the eters Di a like. in a here ancy s is,. for Then and Hon, and , Or - [`MM. F r.ruea- i ree- con- and nem - blue thief the and per - d ing per - Akin felon cent- [low - at a one The over ap- and a o tater It e in it of on ' the pare neri- ping bled, s in- • to dice. Mous free. were i, 36 uses be a8,ee ages only t In DOM - ,ems Lown Of ' the .d It ars, the MUNN lug r. any ,ue, COM in 15p8 this for S.A FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM ITER BANKS AND BRAES. What is Going on in the highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. 'At Wishaw last year there were 979 births, 371 deaths and 163 mar- riages. Gourock Town Council have de- cided to erect a new gasometer at a cost of $25,000. The Duke of Hamilton has again given $685 for coal for the poor on his several estates. Hamilton Town Council are to erect a new hospital at an esti- mated expenditure of $100,000. The dullness in the building trade in Leith continues, and the pros- pects for 1913 are not encouraging. Bee -keeping is to be included in the curriculum of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Agricultural Col- lege. The death has occurred of Mr. William Beith, the oldest inhabi- tant of' Campbellttown, at the age of 99. The number of marriages in Edin- burgh during the past year was 1,865, as compared with 1,850 in 1911. Paisley Hospital. Saturday Fund has allocated $800 among local charities. The sum collected was $1,060. The fishing village of Crawton, about two miles south of Dunnot- tar Castle, is now left without a single inhabitant. A new picture theatre, situated in Lauriston Place, near Tollcross, to accommodate 600 person's, has been opened. Plans of additions and alterations to Dalbeattie School at a cost of $13,500, have been' passed by the Urr School Board. Ayr Town Council have decided to form two public bowling greens at Newton Public Park, at a cost of $6,000. The new water scheme at Lang - helm is making but slow progress, due, it is stated, to a scarcity of "-n; S+vzes• It is said that a company has pur- chased ground to the west of Younge.r's Bottle Works in. O11oa for a new shipbuilding yard. According to one Hamilton town councillor, the burgh is faced with a capital expenditure of $500,000 to meet municipal requirements. The death has occurred at Edin- burgh of Mrs. Sutherland, widow of Alexander Sutherland, rope and sailmaker, Leith, in her 102nd year. Mr. William Stewart, headmaster of Frederick Street School, Aber- deen, died suddenly while sitting in his chair in his room at the school. Glasgow Savings Bank with its eight million of money is the largest institution in the country, and Edinburgh comes next with five mil- lion. At the meeting of Ca.dder Parish Council a resolution was adopted to make application to the county council to have a ten -mile speed limit imposed. At the wedding of his nephew on Hogmanay at Killearn, Mr. John George of Gillieston, who is eighty- seven years of age, acted as heist man. "Am interesting collection of Grace Darling relies, the property of her cousins, George and Robert Hinsley, of Orsi, near Berwick, has been made at Berwick. The Arbroath Town Council have resolved to increase the wages of their employes in the roads and bridges department by %d. per hour and two additional holidays. J. Frost, D.A. There's an artist esuoh an artist .Never yet was born nor made— And he comes when least expected In a garment white arrayed. And the earth is his palette And the atmosphere his brush; But his pictures put the finest Living artist to the blush. He loves to come at moonlight With the universe abed, And upon the chilly windows Of the houses he will shed All the magic he possesses— And he has a goodly share. Then the world gets up to marvel At the pictures painted there. But'the jealous sun, peeeeiving, Sends a million magic rays, And they play upon the windows In a million magic ways. So the work of art 'grows misty And the sweet design is lost. Yes; the sue was ever jealous Of .the work of Mr. Frost. OLD PROSPECTOR TELLS 1115 STORY HIS REAL TROUBLES STARTED WHEN RHEUMATISM GOT HIM. Plasters, ointments and sulphur were alike useless, but Dodd's Kidney Pills nrade a new man of him. Princeton, B. C., February 17 (Special).—All over Canada people are telling of the great work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing, and even in the Rocky Mountain fast- nesses where nature hides her mines men are telling of cures made and suffering relieved by the great Ca- nadian Kidney remedy. Wm. Mur- ray, sixty-six years old, who has tramped the frontier as lumber jack, rancher, prospector, miner, hunter and trapper, and who has friends all over the west, is one of these. Many a tale of hardship and danger he can tell, but his first real trouble came when Rheuma- tism claimed him. "I slipped on the mountain side and strained my kidneys and then my troubles all seemed to set in at once. I had nearly all the symp- toms of Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- ralgia, Diabetes, Dropsy. and Bright's Disease," Mr. Murray states. "Then I broke out in a terrible rash that spread all over my body and kept me in tortures. I tried all sorts of liniments and ointments and took sulphur enough to start a little hades of my own. But it was all no use. Then I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills, and all I can say is they made a new man of me." It Depends. "Could you learn to love me I" "I don't know,." replied the girl. "What is your particular system of instruction ?" Fairville, Sept. 30, 1602. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—We wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON, Mrs. Kawler—Isn't this sofa cush- ion the one I saw you making •for Clara's Christmas present? Mrs. Kaye—Yes, but when I got it fin- ished it was entirely too pretty to give away, so I bought her a ready- made one. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PASO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch- ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In I to 14 days. 50e. Relatives of a newly married cou- ple never interfere—if they haven't any. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, Hobson—"So you've bought a piece of property at Marshville. How does your land lie?" Job- son—"Not nearly so well as the agent who sold it to me." Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Via Chicago and North Western Railway. On sale daily. March 15th to April 15th inclusive, from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Van- couver, Nelson, Roseland, and nanny other points. Through Tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full information as to rates,, routes and literature, write or call on B. II. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. It Does. His Dad—"M'boy, I made my million with only a common school education." The Son—"But it takes a college education to know how to spend it. ' ED. 7. ISSUE 8--'1$. ALLOWED TO GROW UP. As a result of some very outspok,- en comments by the Queen of Nor- way, Princess Mary, the only daughter of the King"and Queen, is at last to be allowed to "grow up." Consequently, when next her Royal Highness is seen in London, she will be wearing clothes more suited to her years, while a few simple articles of jewlery 'are noW Princess Mary. permitted to her. The young Prin- cess will accompany their Majesties to Paris in the spring, while later in the year her Majesty proposes to take her daughter to Florence and other Italian cities for a, brief visit. It will, however, be fully three years before she makes her formal debut at Court. tp Weak, Tired Folks Givens New Vigor Strength Returns, Health Re- newed, Vitality of Youth Re-created. Exhaustion and Bodily Tiredness,.•ver Day Being Turned Into Vigor and Ambition by Dr. HamiltOn's Pills. From Cheboeue Pt:, N. S., comes the following from Mrs. W. A. Reynolds; "A year ago my health began to fail, I lost appetite, became nervous and sleepless. My weight ran down, I became thin, hol- low -checked, and had black rings under my eyes. I really felt as if the charm of life had left me and when springtime arrived I was in the 'blues.' I read of Dr. Hamilton's Pills and got live boxes at once. "Within a month my appetite and color were good. I gained strength and felt like a new woman. New life and vigor returned, and my friends scarcely knew me. A medicine that will do this should be in every home." Good health means much to you. Sue. cess and happiness depend upon it. The maintenance and source of health is found in Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25e. per box, or five boxes for $1.00, at all drug. giete and 'storekeepers, or by mail from the Oatarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. •z• That's a Net. The visitor was 'examining the class. "Can any little boy or girl here tell me what a fish net is made of ?" he kindly inquired. "A lot of little holes tied together with strings," smiled the never -failing "bright boy." When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy. No Smarting—Feels Fine—Acts quickly. arty it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated Book in each Package. Merino is compounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent Sied- lolne"—but used in successful Physicians' Prac- tice for many ears. Now dedicated. to the Pub- lic and sold b ra ets at 25o and GOc per Bottle. Murino Eye Sa vein Aseptic Tubes, 26c and GOo. Pik:rine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago First Pump. The first pump ever invented was the heart of man or animal, and it is to -day one of the most perfect pumps in use. The heart as a pump is decidedly up-to-date, and engi- neers unanimously agree that its principles of construction for the highest efficiency are correct, and that it is not surpassed by any pump invented by man. •It is not only a powerful force pump of in- credible efficiency, but it is self - repairing and self - renovating. While the iiechanism is in action, it cleanses and purifies itself. For its size and work, it is the greatest pump of the age. "The best capital for a man to begin with is a capital wife," saga a woman writer. SORES FROM ELBOW TO FINGERS. Zam-Buk Worked a Miracle of Healing. Reverend Gentleman Fully Corroborates, Miss Kate L. Dolliver, of Cale- donia, Queen's Co., N. S., says : ' `I must add my testimony to the value of Zam-Buk. Ulcers and sores broke out on my arm, and although I tried to heal them by using vari- ous preparations, nothing seemed to do me any good. The sores spread until from fingers to elbow was one mass of ulceration. "I had five different doctors, and faithfully carried out their instruc- tions. I drank pint after pint of blood medicines, tried salve after salve, and lotion after lotion; but it was of no avail. "My father 'then took me thirty Miles to see a well-known doctor. He photographed the arm and hand. This photograph was sent to a New York hospital to the specialist; but 'they sent word they could do no- thing further for me, and I was in despair. "One day a friend asked me if I had tried Zam-Buk. I said I had not; but I got a box right away. That first box did me more good than all the medicine I had tried up to that time, so I continued the treatment. Every box healed the sores more and more until, to make a long story short, Zam-Buk healed all the sores completely. Minister Corroborates.—The Rev. W. B. M. Parker, of Caledonia, Miss Dollover's minister, writes: "This is to certify that the testi- monial of Miss Deliver is correct s far as my knowledge goes. I have known her for a year and a half, and her cure effected by Zam- Buk is remarkable." All druggists and stores sell at 50c. per box, or post free from Zam- Buk Co., Toronto, for price. KITCHENS ON THE SIDEWALK Mechanics of Kavalla Work in the Open. We arose early one February morning, says a writer in the Chris- tian Herald, • and left our fairly clean hotel in Neapolis for four hours of travel over the modern road"ear 'the Via Egnatia, which eh:mild take us to' ancient Philippi. Our vehicle was a somewhat dilap- dated hack, such as we are familiar with at almost every railway sta- tion, but a surprisingly comfortable conveyance for this part of the world. Rattling down some steep. roughly paved streets, we came to he centre of -the old Neapolis, assed near the great Roman ague - net and ascended another steep treet on the other side of the mar - et place. Early as it was we found that the eople of Kaval1a were up and do - ng: The stalls of the fruit men ere attractive with oranges, pomegranates, lemons and dates. The vegetable dealers displayed a tempting array of cauliflower, cab- bages, onions, okra, leeks and pota- toes: As in all Eastern cities, there was no privacy. The cook was preparing his breakfast on the side- walk; the shoemaker was plying his awl, the tailor his needles and the blacksmith was shoeing his horses, almost in the very street. Twisting a Moral,. Father (to lazy schoolboy home for the' holidays) — "Late again, Tom? Now, when I was your age, I once found a purse lying in the road at 7 o'clock in the morning— and all from getting up early." Tom—"Well, sir, the man who lost it got up earlier." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. t p d s It p i w The steamboat came splashing along her course at full speed, and the first thing the passengers knew she had crashed head on into the pier. "Mercy 1" cried a passen- ger, as the splinters flew. "I won- der what is the matter." "Nothin'," said Pat, one of the deck hands. "Nothin', ma'am—it looks to me as if the captain just forgot that we shtop here." sample tree If you write National Drug & , CltemioalCo. of Canada, Limited, THREE MILESTONES. how It Feels to Be First Called an Old Man. An octogenarian sighed and said: `There are three milestones in a man's life. The first, a very joyous milestone, is when he ceases to be called a boy, and for the first time hears himself called a young man. Ah, how happy that makes him! A young man. "The second milestone is a mile- stone of gentle melancholy. It is when he ceases to be called a young man, and for the first time hears himself called a man. A man—not a young man any longer. That causes him to take thought. What has he achieved thus far? Is his life going to be a success or a fail- ure? A man, not a young man now, eh? How fast the years have flown! So he muses ruefully. "The third milestone is a tra- gedy. It is when he is first called an old man. Ah, how that stabs him. An old man. He will never forget the innocent person—the child, :the youth, or, perhaps, the girl—who first applied that phrase to him. He will never forget the scene of its application, a happy scene, perhaps, which suddenly turns funereal, dreadful. An old man—he who first hears those words applied to himself quivers, for all his wrinkles and gray beard, for all his fat stomach and bald head, with an anguish more poignant than youth has ever felt. An old man—how it cuts and tears. How it saps the strength. What a heavy, limp, hopeless feeling of des- olation it leaves behind it. "I am 80. I have heard myself called an old man for a good many years now. But it always tortures me. It is the literal truth that, even at this late day, I'd rather get a blow in the face than be called old. It would hurt less." Cured Stomach Gas, Stopped Hiccoughs Pains in the Stomach That Yield to Nothing Else, Pass Away Quickly If Nerviline Is Used. Read Mr. Braun's Statement. "A few weeks ago I ate some green vegetables and some fruit that was not quite ripe. It first brought on a fit of indigestion, but unfortunately it develop- ed into hiccoughs, accompanied by nau- sea and cramps. I was dreadfully ill for two days — my head ached and throbbed; I belched gas continually, and I was unable to sleep at night. A neigh bor happened in to see me and urged me to try Nerviline. Well, I wouldn't have believed that any preparation could help so quickly. I took half a teaspoonful of Nerviline in hot sweetened water, and my stomach felt better at once. I used Nerviline several times, and was com- pletely reetored.7 The above is from a letter written by G. E. Braun, a well-known stockman and farmer near Lethbridge, Alta. Mr. Braun's favorable opinion of the high merit of Nerviline is shared by thousands of Canadians who have proved Nerviline is simply a marvel for cramps, diarrhoea, flatulence, nausea, and stomach disorders. Safe to use, guaranteed to cure—you can make no mietake in keeping Nerviline for your family remedy. Large family sire bottles 50c., trial size 25c. All dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Can- ada. g Half the world is on the wrong scent in the pursuit of happiness. They think it consists in having and getting and in being served by others. It consists in giving and serving others. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure E. W. GROVE'S eignature is on each box 25e. • Even if a man is the head of the family it doesn't follow that he's the brains of it. Mineral's Liniment Cures Distemper. Lots Drawn for Verdict. A new method of administering justice was invented and applied recently at; Villa Franca de Xira in Portugal. A prisoner was charged with coining, and as the jury was evenly divided and could not -agree, they determined to draw lots. Two pieces of paper were procured, one was inscribed "guilty" and the other "innocent." They were then folded and shuffled, and one was chosen by a juryman. It happened to be the one inscribed "guilty," where -upon the prisoner was sen- tenced to the maximum penalty, four years' penal servitude and eight years' transportation. Belle --•I thought you could keep a secret? Grace—Well, I kept it for a week. Do you think I am a cold -storage warehouse I FACE COVERED WITH PIVPLES Spread on Limbs, Red and Inflamed. Became Sores. Had to Tie Hands While He Slept. Well, Thanks to Cuticura Soap and Ointment, St. Cesaire, Quebec• .—"My child was scarcely two months and a half old whey his face and arms became covered with little red pimples which a little later spread on his limbs. The pimples were very red and inflamed. They were like a little red spot which soon became, a little larger and raised up. There were four or five together. These pimples caused hint ' to scratch so that we had to tie his hands while he slept. The itching made him suffer so much that he cried part of the night, waking up most of the people in the house. The pimples became sores and 'were very painful. "I used without success several remedies which were recommended to me. I then used Cuticura Ointment and Soap, giving him a bath every morning with hot water and Cuticura Soap, and then applied a •thin layer of Cuticura Ointment on the parts affected. They gave great relief with the first application. After using one box of Cuticura Ointment and a little more than one cake of Cuticura Soap my child was completely cured. Thanks to the Cuticura Soap and Ointment my baby is perfectly well, and I shall always have them at hand." (Signed) Mrs. N. Jobin, Jan. 4, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment ars sold throughout the world. A single set is often sufficient. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 82-p. Skin Book. Addrest post card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept, 87D, Boston, U. S. A. Millionaires are getting so com- mon now -a -days that it will be all unusual wife of the future who couldn't have married one. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. FARMS FOR SALE. II. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. I OOD STOCK FARM OF 500 ACRES .F with Three Houses; large Bank Barn, Must be sold quick. Price is very low. Q EVER AL DESIRABLE FARMS IK L, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewanq that can be bought. Worth the money fot quick sale. HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontariop on my list. If you want a farm consuls me. es DAWSON, Toronto. ONE HUNDREDACRF.9 TN' =mina County—Soil nice clay loam; frame house; frame barn on stone wall, other outbuildings. Close to Railway Station 11.2 miles to large cheese factory. Rural mall delivery. Would f,xchange for city, town or village property or for smaller farm. The Western Real Estate, London. Ont. STAMPS AND COINS. 6s`i TAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DIT. i 7 ferent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. vT ANTED — LIVE WILD ANIMALS, V all kinds. Pearson, Poultryman. Guelph, Ont. BARGAIN — REGULAR 25e. SHEET Music at wholesale. Sample copy 5o. Specialties Agency. Box 1036. Winnipeg. CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, P; r0., internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Writs, us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited, Collingwood, Ont. GRAHAM BROS., FUR RANCHERS, wants all your live, uninjured. Black, Silver, Cross Foxes, also Mink. Marten and Fisher. State price expected Give full description and nearest expresit office in drat letter to save t xtra t" rre• spondence. Dougal L. Graham, Pople* Hill, Ont. ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND SLAB. der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments poeitivel$' cured with the new German Remedy, •Sanol." price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes -Mellitus, and sure cure, It "Banoi's Anti -Diabetes." Price $2.00 front druggists or direct. The fin nol Manufaea turfing Company of Canada. Limited;, Winnipeg. Man DV ElNG I CLEANING I J r tin• cony hest, send your work to the "RRFYISH AtilEIMAN DYEING CO." hook fur agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa, Quebecb The Heart of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the `OT At 1tIlAGELvm Piano Action OILERS New and Second- hand, for heating and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKe STACKS. Agen7s for Sturte. rant Ventilating and Heating Systems. ri3li.SOW Ili MLInonus TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders MarlET SEND for THREE JOKES, PUZZLES, or TRICKS and our beautiful illustrated 28 -Page Catalogue. Only 25 Cts. Special prices to merchants. NOVELl'Y HOUSE, 834 Notre Dalue West, MONTREAL