The Herald, 1913-02-14, Page 4CENTRAL + ;®, //
STRATr••'ORD. ONT...—.
The best practical training
school in Ontario. Three depart-
All courses are thorough and pract-
ical. Teachers are experienced and
graduates are placed in positions.
We give individual attention and
students may enter at any time.
Write for Free Catalogue at once
Furniture Store
— –
We are giving Big Snaps
in Pianos and Organs for
the balance of the year.
Two big shipments of
Singer and Raymond Sew •
ing Machines must be
cleared out at once, at
a low price. t
A. big stock of Furniture
always on hand and prices 1
the Lowest. t
Dried apples taken as Cash,
Big stock on hand. Day or
night—call Central.
Furniture and Undertaing `
Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, i,
etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot. a
K.•C. H. O. live., 3. L. Killoran. I
Sales conducted in all parts. Satis-
faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms
reasonable. Orders left at this office
Fill be promptly attended to.
Crediton, - Ontario
Conveyancers, General Insurance
Telephone—Office la, House lb.
ce agent, representing the London,
Economical, Waterloo, (Monarch, Stand.
ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every-
thing in fire insurance.
duets of the Roy I College of Dental
surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University Painless extraetioz
of teeth. Plate work a speciality At
Dominion House, Zurich, every :Mon-
day. 7-26
Notary Public lie ode , Mortgages,
Wills and other 1.0Lrnl Documents care
fully and pr.mtptl' prepared. 08i,.0—
Zeller block, Zur'.•it, Ont.
District News
Miss Ella Beaver and Miss. Lillie
Fahner spent Monday in Exetd°i•.
Miss Clara Fahner visited for a
few days with friends in Maguire
Messrs Frazer Brown and Albert,
Morlook were in Brantford the fore
part of the week on business.
Miss Mildred Brown, who is
teaching near Zurich spent Sunday
at her home here.
Miss Della Brown, who has been
visiting with friends and relatives
in Dash wood and Zurich has ret-
urned home.
You can buy more expensite
flour than Model, but you cannot
buy better for money or marbles.
Try it Manufactured by Harvey
Bros., Exeter.
The 17th anneversary of Zion Ev-
angelical church will be observed,
Feb. 23rd. Rev. S. M. Hauch, of
Morriston will conduct the services.
She following Monday evening an
entertainment will be held, when ad-
dress will be given by Rev's Haugh
and Jefferson, interspersed by songs
etc., by the best local talent.
On Thursday last, Lorn Headen, son
)f Mr, Wm. Headen had the misfor-
une to get his left arm caught in the
Crediton Flour mill, with the result
hat it was broken and he received a
severe shaking up. The fracture was
.educed by Dr. Orme, and at present
e is doing nicely.
On Friday morning as Frazer, son
)f John Dickson of Maguire was play-
vith other boys in the woodshed at
c:,00l, the wood pile fell on Frazer
sitting two fingers of his right hand
ut of joint and cutting a deep gash in
he back of his head, which required
everal stitches.
The following is the report of Sep -
rate School Section No 1., Township
f Hay, for the month of January.
Catechism—Beatrice Denomme 92,
iichard Laporte 91, Armond Denom-
ae 80, Leo Denomme, 83, Fabian
lorriveau Si.
Good Conduct -80% and over, Dal-
Denotuuie, Lucy Denomme,A. Bed -
rd, S. Denomme, R. Bedard, N.
)enomme, Lerina Denomme, Adeline
)enomme,13, Bedard, Lottie Laporte,
roily Bedard, Richard Laporte, Leo-
pold Denoinme.
Home Work -90% and over, Dal -
in Denomme, E. Bedard, Lerina Den-
omme, R. Laporte, R, Laporte, B,
Denomme, Lucy Denomme,
Spelling --80% and over, F, Corri-
veau, E. Bedard, Lerina Denomme,
C. Laporte, Leopold Denomme, Na-
poleon Denomme, Adeline Denomme,
L. Laporte.
Geography -85% and over, R, La-
porte, R. Bedard, Leo Denomme, Ler-
ina Denomme.
Hygiene -90% and over, B. Den-
oinipe, R. Bedard, Al Bedard, C. La-
porte, Leopold Denomme.
Composition -85% and over, R.
Bedard, Lerina Denomme, B. Bedard;
Speeches ---R. Laporte.
Teacher, M. Iiilgallin.
Mrs. Cantin of St.Joseph is very
ill, being at present in St Joseph's i
hospital, London.
Mr Philip Bedard has returned to a
Chatham, after a pleasant visit with
Ms.. T. H. McCallum has resigned
the position of treasurer of Exeter
Court, Canadian Order of Foresters,
an office he has faithfully filled for
over twenty years.
Golden Wedding—On Thursday
last, Jan 30th' the fiftieth anniversary
of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John
Duncan sr. of Farquhar, was celebrate
ed at the home of their daughter Mrs.
Mantel of town. A number of their
near relatives were present. During
the day an address, to-gether with
money in gold and a gold trimmed
mantla clock were presented them by
their children. The presentation was
in the nature of a surprise to them
and this worthy couple were deeply
affected by it. As they are both bale
and hearty it is the wish of their
many friends that they may live to
celebrate their diamond anniversary.
The Usborne and Hibbert. Mutual
Fire Insurance Co. have just closed
the most successful year in the history
of the company. The company is as-.
suming gigantic proportions, the a-
mount at risk nearing the five million
dollar mark, and the cash surplus on
hand is gratifying to both directors
and policyholders.
Miss Mrry Johnston spent a few
days in London this week.
Mrs. Carling and daughter Flor-
ence attended the funeral of the
late Dr. McDougal 'on Monday.
Thay remained a few days,
This community extends its sym-
pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kei-
ne], who mourn the death of their
infant, a bright little girl of ten
months. The little one up to a few
weeks ago was in perfect health
but then became subject to con-
vulsions which caused its death.
This seems doubly mournful hav-
ing lost their other child a few
years ago.
On Friday evening of last week
Mr, P. Capling received 'the cad
news of the sudden death of his
son•in-law Dr. McDougal, of near
Embro. Definite particulars are
not to hand but it is reported death
was caused by heart failure. Much.
sympathy is felt for the bereaved
widow, who is left with three small
children, and for the friends here..
Mr. John Erb has bought a barn
on the 14th con, and intends nnov
ing it to the farm lately purchased
from Mr, Mike Jantzi,
Mr, J. Bechler, our local pump.
maker met with what might have
been a serious accident. Last Sat-
urday while operating , a cutting
box run by horse power his hand
in some way came iu contact with
the knife causing a nasty gash.
Mr. Joseqh Douglas and family
raturned to their home in the west
this wok,
The pupils of No 0 were treated
to a holiday on Wednesday while
the teacher with family was att-
ending the wedding of Miss Emma
Drysdale of Hensall. Mr. Allan's
ann Mr. Haugh's also attended.
Mrs.- McDonald is this week in
Varna nursing the sick.
Mr. P, 5lanson spent a few days
in Toronto visiting his brother.
Miss Jessie McArthur of Hensall
remained with Mrs, Manson dux
ng his absence.
lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Bedard. •
Mr Guinan of Mt.Carinel spent
Sunday with his brother
Mrs Oliver Corriyean, who has
been ill daring the" last few weeks
is nisch holier
C. 0. F. out Zurich No. 134o Dr. de Van -3 Peinal Pills
me.... every let and 3x.1 A reliable lF nn,:it regulator; never fans. These
numbly of ,sac li It at 8 o'clock t+ +,+ pills arc excr.t•:u.gly powerful in regulating the
generative ,, :. t, i of the female system. Refuse
in the A. O. t' ' ''..II. all cheap i;•=•' ,ns. Dr. de Van'a are sold at
f 1liS10:1,3t, t • ri " - ',0s, ' , r k+r CO. Mailed to any address.
y . -`-s- - ne Co.. Si. Vath*vtnes, Ontt
tha, "2nd and t r
at 8 o'clock.
Rick bell i:.,
Na. 3 93, 1,
v t.f eves y nt
lali, ;'1lcrncr
\Vi'i'wo=t ,
. t 'urich 1.toclr�
�•3 meets over
A •1th rl'tleso
O. U. 'W. +v clt;tin•
.1 .lien and
.j'ILLIAi1:CS, l h Collis•
Good ht n
ectrs « ¶ .3rer for Men ;(sari churc',
ehosphorac every nerve in the nods
.roper tension ; restores
vimand vitality r roars ire decay and all s txenl
weakness averted at r• +r,. Phosphonol w"Il
snake you a new elan. P. ir'r, 55 a box. or two or
$5, Mailed to an, ' The Seobal tl?'o'
St. Ca,ritra*..,
the month.
at 8 o'clot:k
I. ,1,,1 I. t'• r; t;; my farm composed of
:•rill?It l;: • Lot 5, Con :18, Statile}',
r•'t,111;ti 1, t.. .., acres, This farm is
r.nzt:it. stile North of Blake, on
l+• 1 )col. rural mail route and con-
!it telephone.- Is most-
tnd well fenced, with
val. water. Good brick
;clue woodshacl, good barn
stabling and cement silo.
;, 18 x 40 and good drive
lt• and ll haif from school
curl in a good neighbor.
rill with or without stock
and nnalc 'titsa,nd will give immedi-
ate 11.04;41., • n. Write for further par -
tic cline to Chris Sehrag, Blake P. 0.
or E. Zeller, Zurich.
Many in this neighborhood are
omplaining of severe colds.
The following is the report of S,
S. No 9, for January.
4th class—L, Manson, A. Finlay.
C Zapfe
3rd class sr—W. Manson, and A.
Zapfe equal, G. Douglas E. Finlay
equal, C Parke.
3rd class jr—L. Meyers, J Moyer
L Gingerich equal, R Zirk.
2nd class sr—A Meyers, L. Oesh
8 Erb,
2nd class jr—Harvey Moyer, C.
MoClinchy, Herbie Moyer.
Pt 11—A. P. Douglas, E. Meyers,
A. Boyse.
Pt 1—A. Douglas, E. Zapfe R
Zirk .
G. 5 • Howard, teacher,
Logs Wanted
The highest cash price will be paid
for all grades of saw logs, loaded on
flat cars at your station. Write for
full particulars, and state what you
have, approximate size, and quantity.
Box 29, Clinton, Ont.
Lot 23, Con 7, (Parr Line,) Hay
Township, 100 acres; 30 acres of
good bush. Brick house and good
bank barn. Well fenced and drained.
For particulars' apply to Duncan
Taylor, Hensall P. 0.
We 'nounoe the Arrival
of Several Shipments
and Invite Your Inspection
During the past few days we opened several cases of New Goods consisting of
New Prints, Ging-hams, Zephers, Dress � Goods,
Silks, Shirtings, Cottonades, Denims, Linens
;; Embroideries, Laces, New Dress
Trimmings, Etc.
See our Stock of Curtain Goods
WPiain and Fancy -Madras, Fancy Muslins
Curtain Netts, Lace:Curtains, etc.
ra,WWe are making special efforts this season
to have our stook more complete and larger
than exer,
Velvet and Tayestry Squares
We just received our first shipment of
Velvet and Tapestry Squares. We would be
pleased to show you the different patterns
and qualities we carry and quote you our
Wall Papers and Linoleums
Take a look through our samples of Wall
Papers and 4 yard wide Linoleums. We can
interest you.
Winter Goods at Less than Cost
We are clearing out a great many lines
of wiater goods this month at less than cost
Pay this store a visit and be;convinced.
We offer a nice even, woye heavy
wove Factory Cotton, 36 inches
wide at 9ic per yard. This is a
Clearing out our 1.2ioWrapperetts
at 7o, also several lines of Shirt-
ings, regular 14c to 16c, for 10c
per yard.
good heavy Men's Sweaters 90o
to $3.00. Boys 60c to $1.00.
See our 97 peoePorcelain Printed
Dinner Setts at $5.40 and $5.90
each. These are perfect goods.
new patterns and at bargain
Our Grocery stock is well -assorted with the very best
obtainable, at Close Prices.
We pay highest price for all Farm Produce.
Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Millet, Hungarian,
White Beans, Etc.
All kinds Farm
Produce Taken.
WE keep in stock a
"' full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
tr i�
444.44++++++4.+4.4.4-4.4.+++4.4-4.4.44 4.44-• .4.++•i;•i••:• •F•h•'ri•4••i
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�t- $
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