The Herald, 1913-01-17, Page 4Winter Term From January 6th. CENTRAL STRATvORD, ONT. �.. does more fox its students and graduates than do other simi- lar schools. Courses are up- to-date and instructors are experienced. Graduates are placed in good positions. The three applications received to- day offer an average salary of $1133 per annum. Three Departments — Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Write for Free Catalo¢ue at once D.A.McLachlan9 Principal. Dashwood Furniture Store We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared. out at once, at a low price. A. big stock of Furniture always on hand and prices the Lowest. Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stock on hand. Day or night—call Central. P. NIoISAAC Furniture and Undertaing LEGAL CAF 'bS c'ROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. EILBECB SON Credntd1i., - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office 1a, House lb. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every? o n - day. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS Court Zurich No. 1240 C. meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. :n the A, 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. MERNER, C. R. District News EXETER A 400day 3lock was presented to Mr Michael Eacrett of Brantford, former- ly of Exeter, recently, theoccasion being the fiftieth anniversary of his marri- age. The donors were the Members of the Masonic Lodge, Brantford. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett with one exception were all present to cel- ebrate the anniversary, and presented their honored parents with a purse of gold. Mr. W. H. Weidenhammer and fain ily returned f rom Streetsville on Friday, after spending the • holidays there. While away their eldest son Karl, had the misfortune to break his arm above the wrist, while playing with the other boys. Miss Lillian Huston, milliner of Dunnville has returned home. Miss Ethel Sweet, Miiliner of Orillia has returned home. Mrs. Ellen Morlock, widow of the late Julius Morlock died on Thursday of last week after a lingering illiness at the age of 09 years 0 months and 12 days. Deceased at one time lived in Crediton. One son William of De- troit, and three daughters, Mrs, Buck- ingham of Calgary, Mrs.McCallum of Crestline, Ohio and Miss Addie at home, mourn her demise. The fun- eral took place on Wednesday of this week to Crediton cemetery for inter- ment. Rev. Mr. Powell preached a tem- perance sermon in the Main St. Methodist church on Sunday morning His subject was "Am I My Brothers Keeper." In his remarks he showed the unfairness of the three -fifth vote. He thought that the voice of 25J voters should be•as good as 186 and said that none of the members of the present council polled as large a vote and that cast for local option, yet they were el- ected and local option defeated. . On Wednesday morning, Jan, 8th the residents of our town were shocked to learn of the very sudden demise of Mr. Richard Elston, Mr. Elston was able to be up and around and had gone to a neighbor'sfor his regular supply `of iiiilk. hile'gettiii Iiis 'iiiilk }ie seemed quite cheerful and apparently in good heath but on returning he had not gone very far, when he was strick- enefl with apoplexy and etpired. He A. OIT e • 1 'i'® Rick bell Lodge 41 VV No. 3 93, meets the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at -8 o'clock, in their Hall, !Verner Block FRED. WIrwER ,M W Zurich Lodge No. 432 meets every 2nd - and 4th Tuesday of the month, in tly t1. 0. U. W. hall. at0a'ccik'p.na. J. A.. Wzrzials, N. G. Mrs. A. McDonald, of Courtright, Ont. is visiting friends here. Messrs Fred and Milton Hariss arei visiting their mother. Mr. P. Lindsay was in Toronto re Gently. 112x. William McLennan, jr. is ill with la grippe. Miss Rumford, of Thedford is vis - icing with Miss Alice Young. Mrs.E Bissett, of Bad Axe, Mich.,: visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall. The W. C. T. U. will meet Wednes- day afternoon Jan. 22nd at the home of Mrs. C. Fritz, at 2.30 p. m. WANTED — Beef and horse hides Also sheepskins, tallow and furs of all kinds, for which the very highest prices will be paid in cash at all times FEED Wirwun, Exeter N., Hay P. 0. DASHVV OOD • Ae quiet wedding took place on Tuesday night at the Lutheran .liar sonage, when Miss Matilda Willett, daughter of Mr. John Willert was un- ited in marriage to Mr. John Kraft,. The ceremony was performed by Rev.' 11 Ir. Thun. The bride looked beauti- ful in a stylish wedding gown. • 'The groom was assisted by Mr. Louis Wit lest, a brother of the bride. The hap py couple will take up house keeping, at once in our village. Their many • friends wish them many years of of wedded happiness. Dr. Routledge was to London Mon day on business. CREDITON Mrs. Link is at present on the sick list. Mrs. Henry llotz is visiting this week with her daughter in London. Miss Laura Haist is visiting her sister in Chicago, this week. Mr. Wellington Haist is at present on the sick list. Mrs. J. Haist and Mr. Sylvester Wuerth are visiting friends and rel- atives in Sebewaing, Mich, • Mr. Matheiir Finkbeiner` and Mandy and Mr. Henry visited friends in Exeter, on Thurday last. Mr. Wes Brown who has been. visit- ing in Bay Port, Mich. arrived 'home was not found until some time later. last week. The funeral took place on" Saturday. Mrs. F. Sando from North Dakota Mr. W. Kellaway of Killarney, a is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. former Exeter boy is visiting friends Robt. Sweet. in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman of Mr. Bray of Virden, Man. is visit- Dashwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. her father, Mr, Richard Delbricdge, Chris Fahner, • on Tuesday last. Mr. George hockey has moved into Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mawhinney Mr. Wes Snell's new house, on Main visited Mrs. and Mrs. Robt Keys- of Street, Parkhill, on Thursday of last week. Miss. E. Willis of Duluth is the Mr. Sam Finkbeiner left this week guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm Damien. for Chatham where he will take a Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westaway and cour:•o in the bnsiin 's college of that.; family left London this week on their cite, return to the Mission field in China. Mr. Henry Stanley of Kincardine,. Mr. Westaway is a brother of Mrs.. A. tv'lm is well known here, had the mis- J. Ford of town. fortune last week to fall from a scaff old and break four ribs • and is now. confined to his bed. ''electric Restorer for Men tobosuP,i'l1onoi restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vire nod vitality. Premature deea'y and all sexual iveaknces averted at once. Fhosphonal will Make .You a 00w men. i , ssC he Seobelt Dins, LUCAN A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnized on Wednesday in St. Patrick's church,Lucan,by Rev Fath- er Corcoran, of London, when Miss Kathleen McIlhargey, youngest daugh ter of the late John D. Mcilbargey, and Mr. P. J. Buckley, of Mount Car- mel, were married. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Cecil 11Icllhargey, and was prettily dressed in alice blue silk trimmed with pearls, and wearing a black hat with ostrich plumes. She was attended by her sister, Miss Tena Mcllhargey who was becomingly dressed in velvet, with suitable trimmings, and hat to match. The groom was attended his brother, Mr. John Buckley, of Saginaw. After the ceremony was performed, the couple and friends drove to the bride's home, where a very dainty breakfast was served. Among the guests were, Annie Buckley and her niece, Miss Cecelia McPeak of 'Saginaw. The bride's travelling gowns were castor whipcord and black velvet, The hap- py couple left for Detroit, Saginaw, Mackinac Island and other eastern points. On their return they will re- side on the 2nd concession of McGilli- vray. PARK HILL Mr,Harry Watcher, of Edmonton. Alta., is visiting friends here. Mr, Dan Steel, who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, under tre- atment for some time, but has been at his home hear, owing to the dea SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST The following is the standing in our prize Circulation Contest up to Saturday evening last. Miss Lottie Galster 5500 Miss Ada Wurm 4800 Miss Blanche Laporte29400 Miss Sadie Mcisaac 169200 Miss Victoria Deters 2000 Miss Gladys McNevin3900 Mrs. Jas. Humphreys 52500 Miss Tillie Johnston13200 Miss Mary Gallman 3500 Mrs. Dan Koehler 172900 Miss Ida Sipple1500 Cu wicker's, CreUitoij We thank our many customers and friends for their liberal patronage dur- ing 1912. We now announce a Clearing Sale of our stock, in order to make room for ex- tensive Spring Purchase, due to arrive within the. next 60 days. • 4 We offer Special Bargains -in a great. many hues. This is a Genuine -Stock reducing Sale and a great many lines will be sold regardless of Cost. - It will pay you to visit our Store and investigate Highest Prices paid for Red Clover,'; Alsike Timothy, Beans, Millet and all Products of the farm. A CALL SOLICITED TELEPHONE No. 3 All kinds Farm Produce Taken. C. ZWICKER • R. T. P. McLAUGHLIN, form erly Assistant Surgeon at Moor - field's (Royal London Opthalmic Eye Hospital and Golden Square Nose and Throat Hospital, London's England. Also• spent time at Beni and other Continental Hospti� General Practice -with special atm ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes tested (Retinoscope and Op} thalinoscope used) and glasses sup plied and properly adjnsted. '.Office Dashwood, Ontario. O . de Valf 3 Fe'#fiale Pills A reliable French •regulator; never fans. These pills are exceedingly 'powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations,, Dr. do Vane are sold at iS a box, or, three for $10. Mailed to any address. " obel1 DrtxgCo.. 3t. 4bt'harfuet , O'4J t. maximarowommoommammanerrs ■■■ZURICH■■s MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a ��- full line of fresh • meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make oin own sausages. Give u's a call. YIN BLUT dICCEST, _ 4.4..H4++++.1.+++++++++++++4444+++++++++++++++4+++++ :11,. '�oi�n Goupon... .1. I Vote for 4. $ •1• • + •F• As the most Popular Lady .� 4. .1. 4, •l• 4. Amount Paid New Subscription Votes 4 Renewal Votes 4. • $ Arrears Votes 4.. + 4' 4. iSent by - - 44.' + Address .4. Name of paper s„rlsnoiberl for . ++.144.+++++++++++++++++++++ 4•++++++++4'++4'+++++4+94 1