The Herald, 1913-01-17, Page 3?ACKPG P.kNT
Calgary Has One of the Most Destructive Conflag.
rations that liver Visited Western Canada
A despatch. from Calgary, Alber-
ta, says: One of the most disastrous
fires in the *eery of western Can-
ada occurred 'on Sunday, when the
large packing plant of P. Burns &
Company was totally destroyed by
fire. The loss, including carcasses
in cold sto.eage, will probably be in
excess of $2,000,000. On account of
the low water pressure the fire de-
partment was unable to do effec-
tive work. The loss is serious, in
that the local plant was the Iargest
institution of its kind in the west,
from which all of the western cities,
including Vancouver and Victoria
and the coast cities, draw largely
for their meat supply, and butcher-
ing in the open may have to be re-
sorted to in order to prevent a meat
famine. The storage plant con-
tained from 15,000 to 20,000 car-
The fire was discovered
12.30 o'clock Sunday morning. The
whole of the easement was in
flames, and the packing plant de-
partment, augmented by all of the
city fire department, was unable to
make any headway against the
flames. Repeatedly the firemen en-
tered the basement, only to be
driven back by the overpowering
ammonia fumes. In a short time
the fire had gotten into the grease -
soaked floors of the upper stories,
and when this occurred the water
had no effect whatever. Several
of the firemen had narrow escapes
from exploding ammonia tanks, but
no one was seriously injured. The
fire raged furiously all day and by
night little remained of the mag-
nificent plant but charred ruins.
The property destroyed was fully
insured, the insurance of the stock
in storage being in the neighbor -
about hood of $1,000,000. •
asNTnss OF ua0Etaacls
eases se carets, Crain, Cheese ens ono
Produce at Home and Aurae&,
Toronto, Jan. 14. -Manitoba Wheat -Lake
Aorta, No. 1 northern, 941-2c; No. 2 920;
No. 3, 89 1-2o; feed wheat, 66o.
Ontario Wheat --No. 2, 90c to 91c for oar
lots outside, ranging down to 70a for poor
Ontario Oats -No. 2 white, 33e to 34c at
western points, 37o to 38e on track, To-
Manitoba Oats -No. 2 C. W. oats, 411-4c,
track, bay ports; No, ,, C. W., 391-40; No.
1 feed, 391.40 for prompt shipment.
Corn -American No. 3., all rail, Toronto,
/December shipment, 54 1-4o.
Peas -No. 2, $1.10 to $1.20, oar Iota out -
B uokwheai-No. • 2, 47c to 48e,
Rye -No. 2, 75o to 76c.
Rolled Oats --Per bag of 90 pounds, $2.-
per barrel, b tt.2
4.85 h
$ wholesale, e
al Win
, deer
to Montreal,
62Barley-Good malting, outside, 60c to
Millfeed-Manitoba bran, $19.00 to $20.-
00, in bags, track, Toronto; shorts, $22,00
to $23.00; Ontario bran., $19.00 to $20.00, in
ags; shorts, $22 to $23.00.
Manitoba Flour -First patents, $5.30 in
ute bags; second patents, $4.80 in jute
ars; strong bakers', $4.60 in jute bags;
n cotton
bags, tt
teat cents mo
rk 4r p er 9WC.
Lard -Tierces, 131-2 to 13 3.4o; tubs, 13 3.4o
to 14o.
Bated Hay and Straw.
Quotations, track, Toronto Baled hay,
No. 1, $13.50 to $14.00; No. 2, $9.50 to $10.50;
No. 3, $8.00 to $9.00; Baled straw, $9.50 to
Montreal Country Produce,
erns, 13o 1 toJ 131-4 o; doe finest,easterns,
121-2c to 12 3.4c. Butter --Choicest cream-
ery, 30o to 301.4e; do., seconds, 261-2o to
271.2c. Eggs -Fresh, 550 to 60o; do., select-
ed, 30c to 32o; do., No. 2 stock, 21c to 22c.
Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 75e to 85o.
United States Markets.
July,, 88
Minneapolis, No. 14.-Wheat-May,1Jan ard, 11.c ; No. 1
northern 84o to 853.4o; No. 2 do., 82c to
833.40. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 411-2c to 42c.
Oats -No. 3 white, 300 to 301-4e. Rye-No.2. 541.20 to 581.2c. Bran -$19.00 to $19.60.
Flour -Unchanged.
No,1unort2ern484o;;hNo 2 do., 82c;dJu5y,
88 1-4o asked; May, 87c bid.
live Stook Markets.
eo a ato $6.50 to $6.75, fairsteers,
$$5 50
to $6, common at $4.50 to $5, and canners
at $2.76 to $3.25 per .100 pounds. Lambs,
.$7 to $7.25 and sheer. $5 to $5.25 for ewes
Per 100 pounds. Calves ranged from $3 to
$12 each, as to size and quality. Sales of
selected Iots of hogs were wade freely at
steady Prices.
Toronto, Jan. 14. -Cattle --Choice butch-
er $6.25 to $6.85: good medium, $5.26 to
. common,
$ to ,3
$ 75 _
i acwe 3
$$ qq , $ to
.,916�d5• W.
Calves -Good ism; t7r to $, c , to
Flour -Winter •vi''yaaJ;' t�ort'r, "80' $?„76. i7alvcs-dooq veal, $7 to S9; earn-
er cent. Patents,. is quoted at $4.05, to mon, $3 to $3.25. Stockers and Feeders -
4,10, delivered Toronto, and „ $3,90 sea. Steers,e' 550 to 750 lbs., at $3.25 to $3.50
a.rd,ding bulls, 600 to 1,000 lbs., at $2.75 to
$4.25; yearlings, $3.15 to $3,50. Milkers
'Country Produce, and Springers -prom $50 to $80. Sheep
Toronto wholesale selling,_ and Lambs --Light ewes, $4.75 to $5.25;
Begs -Cold -storage eggs, 25o to 28o in rase Rosaheav' ewes, fed 3 to
watlambs, watered, nd $8.25 5to
tots; fresh eggs are selling at 300 to 32e; $8.30, f.o.b.
Strictly new -laid at 40e, and American --,
Brew-laids at 35o
Cheese -Twins, new, 143.4o to iso and ,
u6rge, new, at 141.20; old cheese, �wfne, C&NADA'S WHEAT IN BRITAIN
1-4o to 1d 1-2o; large, 15c.
Butter -Latest butter quotations aro:- imports From Dominion Exeeecled
eamery prints, 31 to _320; do., solids,.
9 to 30o; dairy prints, 06 to 27c; inferior
Makers.), 23 to 24o. Only by Those From India.
Roney -Buckwheat, 9c pound in tins and
co in barrels; strained clover honey, A despatch from London says:
81.20 a pound in 60 -pound tins, 12 3.4o in A Government return shows that
0 -pound tins; 13o in 5 -pound tins; comb
btoney. No. 1, $2.60 per dozen; extra, $3 Canada sent here last year twenty -
ter dozen; N. 2, $2.40 per dozen. one and a half million hundred -
Poultry -Live chickens, wholesbale, e
to tic per pound; fowl, 8e to 10e; ducks, weight of wheat, the next largest
Mc to 13e; live turkeys, 160 to 17e; geese, figure to twenty-five millions from
o to roc. Dressed poultry', 2e to 3o above
-live quotations, excepting dressed turkeys the East Indies. Canadian cattle
at 20c to 21e.
Beans -$2.75 for Primimported Dorted totalled 6.800, as against
hand-picked. 42,23es and $2.85 for 9 in 1911. The value of Cana -
Potatoes -Ontario potatoes, 00e to 95o dian bacon ci
er bag; car lot sent here tYa'!
s, 80c; New s �1 175 -
r C 9
.l.n.o� to $i..i0 per bats.g, out of store; 95e 000, over six hundred thousand less C'
seanisoar e Onions -per case. $2.50. than in 1911. Tile United Kingdom i
sent Canada, 1,600,000 gallons of
Provisions. spirits. The most noticeable thing
about British exports to Canada is
the steady drop in raw material,
and the steady increase in finished
James Mackay, aged 20, of Ham -
Mon. ended his life with oa_rbolic
Passengers ort Allan Liner u'
Thrilling Experience.
A despatch from St. Jelin says; #:
narrow escape from tdestruc tl
from fire and severe experiences }J'
passengers and crew were reported
by the Allan Line steamer C.erth4i-
genian, which arrived here Ox1 F25..-.
day night from Liverpool, Tile
steamer left Liverpool December
28 for ,St. John's, Halifax and'
Philadelphia. Capt. McKillop said
that. when she was three days out
her cargo caught fire in some un-
explained manner. The flames
spread ,so rapidly that it was nece,-
saa'y to pump an enormous amount
of water into the vessel to drown
them out. The fire was finally' ex-
tinguished, hat for twelve hours the
water was knee deep on the lower
deck. It is estimated that repairs
to the vessel will cost $10,4000. ' A
large part of the genera cargo was
Jonquiere Woman Killed, Another
and Two Children Hurt; •
• A despatch from Quebec says; A
fatal accident occurred on Thurs-
day night at Jonquiere, 10 miles
from Chicoutimi, by which ono wo-
man lost her life and another wo-
man and two children were..badly
burned. In the residence of one
Hick, an employe in Price's paper:
mill, a gasoline lamp exploded, bl-
atantly killing Mrs. Lila,burn, , a
servant in the family. Mrs. Rick
and two of her children were badly
burned. How the explosion
curved is unknown. The house weft,
only slightly damaged; •
Unique Result, of Sending Icebreak-
ers to Fort William.
A despatch from Fort William
says: Ready with the first brei.
of ice in Thunder Bay, and Lake
perior to steam out of the ha.
to their destinations, sixty vee
are tied up at the elevators in F
William ,with 13,000,000 bushels
grain in, `their holds. This we
which has never been equaled
the head- of the lakes, is due
keeping the harbor open after n
cl sod.
o The
were ablemove
O d` '`
Iyer cant s, s.
✓ ators with little or no assists
and without any undue enieh. Ic
breakers are breaking ice -two f
thick in the harbor and will c
tinue to keep the river open un
January 20. Practically all t
vessels here have been loaded, a
there will be no necessity of we
being done after the ice breake
Colossal Scheme to be Subject of the Next British
Government Legislation
A despatch from London says:
The Government has decided that
the next great work in its pro-
gramme of social reform, to be un-
dertaken as soon as the Home Rule,
the Welsh Disestablishment and the
Franchise Reform Bills are dispos-
ed of, will be a colossol scheme for
improvement in elementary, secon-
dary and higher education.
This important announcement
was made on Friday on the author-
ity of Premier Asquith and Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer David
Lloyd George by Viscount Haldane,
the Lord High Chancellor, at a po-
tem of education was chaotic and
must be altered. It would be an
expensive problem to handle, and
the expense must not be borne by
the taxpayers. It would be a pro-
ductive expenditure, and was abso-
Iutely necessary "if our productive
power is to be maintained in esom-
parison with that of our rivals," he
The explanation given by the
Ministerialists is that the land
question cannot be dealt with until
the land valuation scheme under-
taken in David Lloyd George's fam-
ous budget is completed and that
lltical meeting in Manchester. Vis- this will require at least another
count Haldane said the existing sys- couple of years.
YE ..R
Gain of Nearly 23 Per 'Cent. Over the Dominion's
Record for Previous Year
A despatch from Ottawa. says:
Canada's total trade for the twelve
months of the past year passed the
billion -dollar mark by a little over
five and a half million dollars.
Final or detailed figures will not
be available for some weeks yet,
but the returns received so far by
the Trade and Commerce and Caa-
toms .Departments show that the
t billion -dollar mark has been well
passed. As compared with the
Dominion's trade for 1911 this re -
,presents a gain of -nearly $189,000,-
1000, or 23 per cent. Imports for
g j the past twelve months totalled ap-
Su, ;proximately $654,000,000, while ex-
ports amounted to nearly $352,000,-
sels Oct). Thegain `,
in imports
ly $140,000,000, while exports in-
of creased by nearly $49,000,000. Only
one .country in the world rivals
Canada in the percentage of trade
growth during the past few years,
namely, Argentina, By the end of
the fiscal year it is expected that
Canada will have reached tenth
place among the countries Of the
world in respect of total trade'. The
Dominion's trade has doubled
within the past ix years and treb-
led within the past thirteen years.
The principal gains in exports
during the past year have been in
' exports of agriculture, mines and
!manufactures. The increase in ex..
j ports of agriculture has been ever
twenty-five millions, in urines over
twelve millions, and in manufac-
tures over seven millions. Exports
of the forest and of animals and
their products have sheave a falling
off of ,several millient, due, doubt-
less, to the increased demands of
the home. market
P '
Ai tee t.anadian Clue by the C. P.
nne 1 Il. is uill
R ored.
fel; A despatch from Montreal says:
Mi,, G. M. .Bosworth, Vice-Presi-
en dent of the C.P.R., would neither
lie confirm nor deny the rumor that
nd the Canadian Pacific Railway will
rk shortly inaugurate an Austro -Cana-
dian steamship service.
company," Mr. Bosworth said,
"has not made any definite decis-
ion regarding such a service, and
' as the matter stands now it is only
a rumor," The rumor current in
to London is that the proposed line
will run directly from Trieste to
s:Canada, and that Montreal will
o, probably be -the landing port in
of summer and St. John in winter.
Canadian Central & Labrador
Run front Cochrane Eastward.
A despatch from Ottawa say
A railway from Cochrane, Ontari
across the great new hinterland
Quebec, to Cape St. Lewis, in La
radar, with branches to the moot
of the Hamilton River and tt, t
ty of Quebec, is projected. The
anadian Central & Labrador
railway Co. has given notice of ap-
plication too Parliament, this session
for a charter for the undertaking,,
Dive -year-old Son of Rev: `It., O.
Jollifl'e Shot by Chinese Robbers;
Wholesale dealers are selling to the
trade as follows:-
d 1and 4tor Dry Salted
to 171-2o; heavy, 151.2c to 160; breakfast
Sases, 15 1-2o; long clear
(plain), 211-2x; backs
ISeameal), 22o.
Green Meats -Out of pickle, to less than
Pork -Short out, $26 to $28 per barrel;
Mess pork, $21.50 to $22.
Startling Results Announced by Chas. F. Whitley
at Eastern Dairymen's Association Meeting
A despatch from Kingston says : the Province, and the cows that
IIhe an address far more romantic were riot money-makees were being
than the story of Cobalt, the great weeded out. Disorder and chaos
possibilities of the dairying luaus- were giving Wav -tee system, saris-
try of Ontario were revealed to the facti<1n ,and profit. •
Comparing the performance of
.tDairy°men'ss Association of E reterit tite three ler wired best cows in. On-
9ntario by Charles F. Whitley of tario with the three hundred poor-
tahe. Daley Division of the Federal est, Mr. Whitle • said the recorders
Department, of Agriculture Even working under hie direction had
t.g{'' most inveterete optimist enlist obtained smite amazing intormatieu
have- been :startled, last Sear. The three hundred poor
''Ontario has 1 2,35,uoo Milk animals had yielded $33.33 each,
.sows," said Mr. Whitley. "With the .cost being $3:I leaving a profit
en increase c f only $10 each the of 3:3 cents. The hest• three bun.
extra, revenue derived from them dyed cows yielded $104 each; feed
alright easily be ever $12,000,000' a cost $40, leaving $64 profit per ant -
pear, and that ie 'very ,conservative. mal. The hest three hundred gave
'he possible extra• profit is '$24,- over two • milliop; pounds of milk
t)ti,000-" • more than 'lam' poorest :three bun-
1litr., Whitley :said that systematic deed. Thus the startling discovery
naw -testing, the bedrock principle was made that each , one of the
•$of dairy herd improvement, was be- three hundred good cows made as
>�, ple4n6ral faritigl)att# emelt profit as 105 of the poor kind.
A despatch from Pekin says;
Chinese robbers shot and killed
John, the five-year-old son. of the;
Rev. R. O. Joiliffo of the Canadian
Methodist mission. A party of
missionaries were returning by
boat to the town of Tzeliutsing,
when they were attacked by the
robbers, between Chengtu and
Chungking, in the province of
Szechiten. One of the robbers was
captured, but the rest; took to
Struck on Ledge While Manoenvs.
ring for a Pilot,
A. despatch front Halifax Says;
From the stranded steamship
Uranium: 880 passengers were -taken-
off at CIre'bucto Bead, atethe fret'
trance to Halifax Haulhctr, true{
reached Mere in safety. hTri IiuP 3°
were lost, 'idle, Uranium 'struck.,
11 o-'eloi'k on Sunday morningt,.
thick weather, She crashed on efieS.
ledge a, quarter of a mile north Of
Chebucto Bead light and kg :std -
tion. Vow the captain got out elf:
his course in this way is a mystery.
'He was manoeuvring for a pilot at
the time. Word was at once sent
to Halifax for assistance, but there
was some delay, and it Was 2 O'clock
before the Government steamer
Lady Lauticr, the Bridgewater and
other elate e t do.ivn't
Woman at ,Sussex.N,.B.. Fair to
Roily From A no esthetic.
A despatch from Susst e, \.13.,
saes: Mrs. Harry Seeley, of Mark-
halnville, near here, died in it 41Prt
List'''s chair on Friday. The v itulg
woman was having some teeth ex-
tracted, An anaesthetic Wats ad,
ministered by at, physician and the
operation carried through, but Mrs.
Seeley failed to rally afterwards.
Canada, the Empire and the World
in General Before Year
Canada's field crops in 1912 to •
talled in • value $500,000,000.
John Brooks of Lindsay commit..
ted suicide without apparent rea-
The Duchess of Connaught is out
of the dangerous stage of her ill-
R. T. Woodside, of Cornwall,
dropped dead while going home
front work.
Hamilton tcutperance folk may
call for a recount of the license re-
duction ballets,
A Montreal convent employee
was arrested on a charge of trying
to thrust a. little girl into a fur- ..
Mr. -Lewis Toole, Mount Albert,
was elected President of the On-
tario Agricultural and Experimen-
tal Union.
Canada's revenue for the past
nine months totalled $124,577,500,
and is likely for the year to exceed
r 17 0, 000, 000.
Mrs. J. H. V. Simpson, formerly
Miss Minnie Bloor, teacher at In-
gersoIl, was drowned in a British
Columbia wreck.
Looking for a gas leak in the
London. Institute of Public Health,
Christopher I'cake, a plumber,
found it. Many windows were bro-
John Butler, aged 75, of Haste
Inge, after attending church ot8
Sunday Morning, visited some
friends. very soon became ill, and
expired in a few moments.
Mrs. Thos. Taylor is dead from
coal gas, near Wolseley, Sask., her
husband, two boys and a domestic
w ere all seriously affected, and the
youngest boy may not recover.
The Eastern Ontario Dairymen's
Association voted in favor of estab•
Irshiug an annual national dairy
n, aP
a committee
� � confer with . representatives of
tlie. daocla_es.
Itepe ting to -the- Eastern Ontario
)airynten's Association,
uddick, dairy commissioner, Ot-
wa, said that in 1909-11 the value exports of - dairy pro -
ice increased by .several million
liars, but the figures for 1912
owed a dcei'e t.see in the quantity
all products in total value of
$5,000,000 compared with 1911.
Canadian .statistics did not -show a
single pound of butter as having
been shipped to England since
April 1 last.
(,treat Britain.
A iie'rce' gale and snowstorm swept
nr,'r the British Isle on Sunday.
The• Irish home rule bill made
further 7ri'mgre-ss in ceIumittee.
The sick benefits of the British in-
+tiranee act; onme into force Mon-
riti h net,rc.stes decided to pick=
Huse of Commons during fra•n-
se bill debate.
he. engagement is announced of
ycuaagt'St daughter of.
Id -Marshal Earl Roberts, and
or Lewin. of the BOy el Field
Melee She is $7 years of age.
•lE'u� .l3alr
rat ..
'a-,eu . ,
M1 1••t)lldilipl..,t3
Trinity Kills Two Children.
A. despatch from London,- -Ont.,
says: John Murphy, the eighteen -
months son of John Murphy of
Blackfriat'e5 street, West London,
died at Victoria Hospital on Wed-
nesday of ptomaine poisoning. His
four -•ear -old. sister, (:'hristina, suc-
cumbed to convulsions induced by
the came cause en Tuesday-: The
malady is attributed to the eating
of bacon, -which is said to have been
in a state of putridity.
Company Shortly to Erect One of
700 Rooms in Montreal.
A detpatt ch fret, Montreal :rays :
Mac loan .' • t;
/rt e. Mann, ler' Flit,'. t. `ana,-
dian .Northern Itailwa�'. will Alert-
ly comutence lin' erection of a. large
Qe' w't�
n-luutc:irrd ruont hetet in Mont-
real. The n"iv ttotrl will face en Nt
McGill Vol leg' avenue; nee be em
within etas Melee :of the n' -w (. ; , `T
R. station.
The six -tent' -„id .se,it of Lorne Maj
Jackson of Mount- l+,,rest was Jet
thrown "if a, sleigh,, breaking his
United States.
There is aI; e pide.Itlie of spinal
meningitis at Cairo.
The Empress and Dowager -Em-
press of Russia are both ill.
Irretrievable damage{ was done le
the lemon and orange. •crops in Cali-
fornia owing to heavy frost.
Interesting evidence wan given aus
to huge profits befe,re the United
States money trust inquiry.
A wunuau was executed at Shang.,
hai for persisting in the use of
It is reported that. the powers
will urge Turkey to cods' Adriano-
ple tothe Balkan allies.
The President of the Hungarian
Chamber fought another duel and
wounded his •tntagoonist.
!II & KIN el GI OLD Il T' - L('HHE4 T.
Two Men Sentenea'4 for Stealing.
$2.250 of Alchemic. Gold.
A despatch from h orae:,, Eng -
laud , eat s : Thet there cexrsts a
company fear the nothing of geld by
alchemy was disclosed in a cele
heard in the London Sre etrins, when
two men were charged it ith steal -
inn thirty -once hnndr-edit eight of
a.leh,saris' gold of the value of Q$11450,
from the prosecutors, the AWeeny
Gold Co<mpatn,', Limited. The men
were convicted.. and senrtr'noed •rev