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The Herald, 1913-01-10, Page 8
The Quality STORE ry ti gazialailaglaiMMIlefilnautala Special Bargains will be offered in all lines of winter goods. Dress Goods Ladies Coats Children.s Coats Sweater Coats Underwear Toques, etc. FURS Ladies' Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs, Caps All at bargain prices. Men's Overcoats, Boys' Over- coats, Suits, Caps, Mitts, GIoves Underwear, Sweater Coats. If you require anything in these lines, it will pay you to call and share in this big reduction sale as I can save you mrney. Call and take a look through and get my prices before you buy, as all Winter Goods must be cleared out. Fresh Groceries always in Stock, Highest p] ices paid for all __finds of Farm Produce GENERAL 11E RCHA.NT Zurich, A ent rio Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR CeIebr: led r ad Blake Chopper I am operating the Blake Chopping Mill e v e r y Tuesday and Friday. Have a first-class new grinder, and will guaran- tee satisfaction. JACOB KIPFER BLAKE, - ONT,, �®opoaeoocoovo�oo©�oss�+cgoae Canada's pout]cTrack Lig CALIF ORIA MEXICO FLORIDA • .,� . AND THE SUNNY SOUTH The Grand: Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points Eat through Canada via Chioogo, Detroit, or Buffalo. Only Double Track Route Round trip tourist tickets, gyi choice of all the bost routes, tog�q, = er with full information, may, be obtained from any Grand Trunk Agent. Cattle Astray There strayed from the drowned lands in Bosancjuet 8 head of cattle, with slit in left ear and X brand in the left hip, 1 two year old steer and 2 two -yr -old heifers, one with pig ring in right ear, 5 yearlings mixed; 4 steers and one heifer, 4 with pig -rings in right ear..Reward for information. HARRY ELLIOT, THEDFORD. FARM FOR •ru'A.ri 4.'. Lot 19 N. B. Hay, 21- miles north of Zurich. 100 acres; about 5 acres of good bush; well drained and well fene- ed. Frame house 2 bank barns with stone stabling and cement floor, large root celler and good water system through the stables. Rural mail de- livery and telephone. Owing to ill - health of the owner, this good farm will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to W. C. Wagner. R. D. No 1, Hills - green , ills -green, P. C. NOTICE • Notice is hereby given that the 8811 annual meeting of the members of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the township hall, Zurich on Tuesday,.. January 14th. 1913, at one o'clock P. K Business: Changing the date of annual meeting; Receiving the Directors', Auditors' and treasurer's reports; Election of Directors and such other business as may be 'required for the good and welfare of the eonipany.. You are requested to attend J. E. SPARROW, HENRY EMBER» President. Secretary George and Elizabeth Patrick, of Parkhill have entered an action for trial at the approaching sessions of the high court against Irene Pearl llnapton who is also a resident of Parkhill. The plaintiffs are the executor and ex- ecutrix of the estate of John Patrick, and the defendant is the daughter of the deceased. They state that the de- fendant illegally and without their knowledge obtained possession of the two promissory notes, one for $200 and the other for $400. and converted them to her own use. They claim damages for the wrongs done by the defendant, and also an injunction re- straining the defendant from dispos- ing of the notes for a monetary equiva- lent. The defendant denies the alle- gations of the plaintiffs . and states that the notes were given to her by her father in return for a valuable consideration, Kenneth Goodman, of • Parkhill, for the • plaintiffs, ; and Messrs Meredith & Meredith for tho ro- fondant. George McGirr 'a young man whose bonne is iia .St« lilarys, has been sworn hi as a mze liber of the city of Lone - police force, to take the place of Orville- Muxworthy, who re4' vme weeks a go. get 3rou ' new Suit At Zurich's Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and satisfaction. guaranteed. Laundry in Connection W. H. HOFPMAN failor - ZURICH UNDERTAKING IIARTLIEBS' BIti STORE One Price the year round and that the lowest. Parties intending to buy a good Barnes this Spring should not fail to call on us, as we are headquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest prices every. one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team Harness with Collars at 525.00, Single Harness at $9.00 up Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain you can get here. A full stock of all kinds of F UI.;' NITURE In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us to cheaper and our customers get the benefit. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price @. 14 Prompt Service Moderate r'harges W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich. - Ontario Still Doing - Business at The Old Stand We have, been appointed Agents for the. celebrated. Massey Harris Implements We handle everything in that line, Seeding Implements, Manure spread- ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. Massey -Harris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters be- fore you buy, all our own make. Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs. Square Dealing Our Motto F. Hess & Son New Cutters Ready for inspection Dairymaid Cream Separator No heavy lifting up of Milk Easy Running Deering Machinery All makes of Plough Points always on hand Prang & Bloch, ZVRICH IEIBt IClU 4 R3�'-I HURON'S LARCEST_COMBiWATION STORE ar ce„ist s, fir in Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price Fe PHONE 19 _{_f1 NISCH - _ = ZURICH Christmas will Soon be Here ! Have you selected your Gifts? We have lots of fine things to choose from. Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Etc Ladies' and Gents' Mufflers in fancy boxes, 25c. and up Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ties. A snap in Men's Silk Ties in boxes, 25 cents. Sweater Coats for Men, Women, Boys and Girls, at all prices FANCY CHINA and LAMPS A large assortment of Fancy Chiur, Parlor Lamps, Water Sets, Table'Sets, Vases, Jardiniers, etc. Toys, Toys, For the children. We have a large stock of Toys to choose from. Something for every boy and girl. Groceries and Candies A well assorted stock of Fresh Groceries on hand. New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Peals. The largest stock of Fancy Candies in town Come and see, prices right. New Walnuts, Almonds, Brazils, Filberts, Pea- nuts, Oranges. Fresh Groceries always kept on II i .d All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 . U ;fit' de C. A SH 1