HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-01-10, Page 5(dial, i!4' 1++ `+.14.4.1`+ H.++ i 'H'++++1+ +++4444- THE +'r 34+ THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 6,5 RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FI18VE YEARS -1900-'911 Has 88 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. .1906 1911 Capital 3,000,000 $ 4,000,000 Reserve 3,000,000 4,600,000 -Deposits 23,677,730 35,Q42,311 Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38,854,801 Total Assets 38,090,192 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS . BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowevd at highest current rate. Zurich Branch .. J. A, CONSTANTINE, Mgr. 4.+++++++++++++++4.4 4+++++++.44++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO a GOOD TvICICHINEL The question of what machine to harvest with is an important one. An incorrectly constructed binder will not get all the grain, but will leave a large part in the field — good crows' feed, but a dead loss to you. Your harvest will be most profitable if you HITCH. TO C DEERING 215CHI2 f r Itlag Ioch, Agents for Brantford Windmills. ZURICH We ars Making A Slaughter Sale of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Hardware, Crockery, etc. Come and secure some of the Bargains. All will be sold as the owner is going West. R. N. Douglas, lake •••••••••••••••••40***** ,0••••••••••••••••••94+**... • 6 • • FLOUR COUPON • • • • 2 This Coupon is good for 40 cents on each bag of • • "SNOW DRIFT" our best family Flour, giving T • youi ae privilege of taking one to five bags, provi-• i ding this coupon is presented to us on or before • • w December 31st, 1912 • •Our regular selling price of our SNOW DRIFT Z •Flour without this coupon. is $2 75. If you pre- • • sent this coupon. each bag of SNOW DRIFT will • only oost`gou $235. • • o • •We also have •who wtrs pre y 9 • •In • •Ontario, c •seq y g i Z • w G t d e • • 2 I We sell Bran at $22. and Shorts at $23. per ton in ton t • We are Large Buyers of Beans •• Bring us out a Sample • •I 4 OurMill is Equipped with the Latest and Most Modern Flour Mill Machinery secured the services of a first class miller, previously employed byone of the largest mills en uentl we are offering this induce- ment in order to give every woman an opportunity to try our SNOW DRIFT Flour. Every Bag Guaranteed. eed . • ••••••••••••••••••••••04 •0 ••••••••NNA.e••••••••••• PRESENTED BY lots. H. COOK SOS & CO., Nensall, Ont. OedItextai Nsiosapf Kindly favor us with a call again. It not satisfactory please let us know': and we will gladly make it right. This store belongs to the people of Zurich and surrounding country for Trading Quarters, and we want trans- action to be pleasant and profitable to you. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, General Merchant, Zurich. SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST The following is the standing in. our prize Circulations Contest up to Saturday evening last. Miss Lottie Galster 5500 Miss Ada Wurm 4800 -Miss Blanche Laporte21900.,, Miss Sadie Melsaac 160800 Miss `'ietoria Daters 1500 Miss Gladys McNevin8900 Mrs. Tas. Hulnplli'eys 52500 Miss Tillie Johnston18200 . Miss Mary Gellman . 8500 Mrs. pan Koehler • 169400 Miss Ida Sipple1500 Having sold ;our premises which have to bevacated by Feb. l st we arr offer- ing our entire stock of about $ 10,000E for sale at greatly reducted prices. This stock is one of the best in the County of Huron4 and is composed of Dress Goods, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, Carpets, Wall Paper, Crockery, China, Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valises. :.YEverilt fPaFUw.,,, �r without reserve, and it will certainly be to your advantage to purchase from us. We can Save You from 20 to 40 per cent DR. T. P. MoLAUGHLIN, form erly Assistant Surgeon at Moor field's (Royal London Opthalmie) Eye Hospital and Golden ' Square Nose and Throat Hospital, London, England. Also spent tams at Berlin and other Continental Hospitals. General Practice with special attent- ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Eyes tested (Retinoscope and Op• thalmoscope used) and glasses Sup- plied and properly adjusted. Office Dashwood. Ontario. Trade taken at cash prices C4,tlLi, THE ELECTIONS ,The following are the results 'of the municipal elections held on Monday in this district. STEPHEN FARM FOR SALE Farm of 150 acres of choice im- proved land. 14 acres of good hard, Ater wood bush; balance• all under culti- vation; well drained and fenced; large r,„c.,, bank barns and good stone honso; rearley good wells with windmill; 1 1-2 miles COUNCILLORS LORA North Zurich, possession will be given Elliott 77 a2 r3 R3 41 7:3 :14 A lrfl 1st 1919 but purchaser maygo 1';nkbeiner, tau a7 ;t1 r:' �1 at .:� 1 � 1 Typllsiznan .St1 1r 1ti 7:i tui n2 3 on and do fall work. For further Noes 53 as 5r, 01 ss 11 �3 particular's apply to William Fee, .48Caz, OPTION' Zurich P. O. For 33 81 33 t10 11 :13 35 51 88--41i2 Against 28 1)8 38 41 3ti 77 37 el 21 337 15 shot of the three-fifths required to carry REEVE 1 1. 3 4 3 1; 7 44 51 00 of `9114 e7 31 33 34 38 3t3 :x3101 32 DErrry REEVE 54 41 53 66 28 48 32 35 :17 44 58 33 03 33 8 9 47 85--402 42 39--4:33 til 104-311 l 20--3t17 71 5.-41332 41 34--4.42 :: 91 —483 43 71-431 BORN BEDARD—At the Sauble Line Stanley, on Dec 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beclard, a son. Sme,ERus—At the Bronson Line, Hay on Dec 29th to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Surerus, a son. \'Vnnnn—At the Goshen Line, Steph- en on Jan 5th to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber, a daughter. MoBurn'c—At the Blind Line, Hay, on Jan 6th to Mr. and Mrs, John McBride, a daughter, OVER 65'+EAF' EXPER3EWOt TRADE MARKO DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. [anyone sending a sketch and description may Muddy ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably Patentabte. Communica., tione strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing_patents. Special notice, Without charge, batnn h Co.ereowjivR Scientific Min erkrant handsomely illuktratedweekly. Largest atr onlation of any scientific iournat. TermsIfcr " aCan llriadaewedesl, $816eYs a year, postage prepaid, Sold by . muNN & Co 5ranclz teroadway,New once, .!. the by..iaw. 120 blank ballots worn cast. Seaforth— Reeve— John A. Ste wart. Councillors—.EI, Stewart John Grieve, J J. Cluff, Charles Aberhart, George Cardno, H Sheare. St. Marys—Mayor—W. R. But ober, Councillors—B, T. Coupland, Win. Dale, Wm. Bartlett, Wm Pulleyblank, W. W. Halness and H. White, Local option defeated by about 36 of the required vote. Exeter—Reeve, W. J. Heaman Councillors; Mike Doyle, John Scott, John Hind, Thomas Harton. Local option defeated b,y 8. Ailsa Craig Councillors—John Alexander, D. MacDonald, W, J. Gunn and George Meadows. Reeve Morgan was elected by acolama. tion. MoGillivary Reeve—W. T.Mens Deputy reeve ; E. E. Murdy, (accla- mation) Council; John Robinson. J. Frank Nickells and A. Rosser Clinton -Councillors : W . J, Pais ley, D. S, Cluff, Dr. C. W. Thomp son, J. H. Ford, T. Manson, and A. J. Morish. Local option carried by small majority. In Tuokersmitin the vote to re- peal local option failed to carry. Robert McKay was re-elected reeve by about 100 majority. ROD AND GUN Rod and Gun (published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, WoodstockOnt.) for January has a somewhat striking cover cut, being a reproduction of a lady fox farmer. The same issue contains an article on the Culture of Black and Si' ver Foxes, under the heading"Value.." In addition there are stories of outdoor life and sport representative of both the Eastern and Western provinces. "Along the Mighty Mackenzie to the Arctic Ocean" descriptive of a trip from Edmonton to tile last post on the Mac kenzic River; A wild Goat Hunt in the Rockies; The Bear that Kept an Ap- pointment; Filling a big game License in New Brunswick; Mink Trapping; Good luck at the Kilmarnock hunting camps; and other stories in prose and rhyme, combine tomake an interesting issue of this• Canadian sportsman's magazine. An illustrated write up of the St. Thomas Tournament held De- cember 2nd to 6th, is to be found in the Trap Department, along with other notes of trap shooting. Our subscription contest positively closes on the 15thof next month. Send in your subscription now, and do not wait for the final rush. You have probably notieed the im- proved appearance of this paper. We have added new type and a bigger staff of correspondents and will make every eftort to make the paper a real "news" paper. .You can materially assist us by having your subscription marked forward to Jan 1st 1914. Do it now The Jackson Clothing Co. has eighteen sewing machines set up and have room for as., man more, The plant 'Swill be run with a gasoline engine, and a dynamo, the latter for furnishing light and also heat for the pressing irons. This industry promises tb be a big help to the town, and may bese theto mtownean. sof bringing other factor - BI LLE! Dress Goods We have placed some 200 yards of Dress Goods, ranging from 50c. to $1.00 a yard, for you to inspect. Clearing these out at 25cts a yard. Do not miss this opportunity. Men's and Boys' Clothing at a discount of 25 to 50% Youths' and Men's Overcoats at the same large reductions. Ladies' Coats We have a number of these coats which must go less 25 to 50 per cent. A few Girls' Coats at half price. Large Assortment of Furs at this early date, less 25 percent, Agent for Peabody Overalls Buy your Christmas China NOW Grocery Stock Complete Always Fresh and Clean Buyers of Dried Apples, Poultry, Setts Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy Beans, etc. Se Br 01 CREDITON STRAYED There strayed from my premises lot 29 N. B. Hay Tp. sometime in May or beginning of June. a two yr - old red mullet steer, point cut off right ear and ring in left ear, branded with X on hip. Reward for information. Peter Durand, Drysdale P. O