HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-01-10, Page 3111
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The Lunch Basket.
Pity the woman who must put up
a daily lunch forher school boy or
girl or for the husband or son who
,is at noon a .hungry workingman.
That pity is deserved, but far more
of it should go to the average vic-
tim 'of those baskets.
No one will deny that the lunch
basket is a perplexing problem, but
it need not be half the bugbear it
has become if women cultivate a
little daintiness and imagination.
To some packers the sole idea of
a lunch is two or three coarse sand-
wiches, an indigestible piece, of pie,
stale cake and cold coffee. And that
lunch will be handed out six days a
week 52 weeks a year.
Why not variety ? It costs no more
than monotony, if it does take more
thought and, perhaps, a little more
time. If you have a basket to pack,
sit down and write out a menu for
it for just one week. Have that
basket different each day, and see
if ,,husband and children are not
Tumblers with screw lids are in-
valuable for the lunch basket. Into
them the woman of imagination
puts meat and vegetable left -overs
dressed as ' an appetizing salad,
pudding, gelatine eustard and
other desserts, stewed fruit, prunes
And. other delicacies.
Eggs for a Change.—Deviled eggs
take little longer to prepare than
hard-boiled ones; the oil or butter
used in mixing them is nourishing
and they make a nice change. Some-
times the contents of a boa of sar-
dines may be freed from oil and
put in one of these glasses with a
slice of lemon on top.
Remarkable ceremony in Constantinople, indicating that the peo-
ple of Constantinople are by no means all Turks. After death the
Patriarch Joachim Whirs, head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Tur-
key, was strapped in a sitting posture to his episcopal chair. The
people then filed past the body to pay their last tribute, thousands
kissing the Bible on his knees or the hands of the dead patriarch,
If meat there must be, why serve other is enough for a lunch for a
it in unappetizing hunks between hungry man,
thick slices of bread? Cold meats i Packing Iiot Liquids.—Liquids
run through a chopper and mixed are the worst problem. A hot drink
with a little cream, salt and pep- , is such a bracer that it pays to get
per, then spread thickly on bread, I a pintbottle or . jar that keeps"
daintily cut and spread with sweet liquids at an even temperature for
butter, make a nourishing sand- 24 hours. Into it can go coffee,
wich that tempts even a jaded pa- chocolate or hot soup for cold days;
late. And iced drinks in summer.
Cold tongue, roast beef, corned I Every baking day- add fresh rolls,
beef, lamb, bologna can all be ,cut a tartlet or other unexpected treat.
neatly in thin slices and carry well ,Fruit is healthful and not hard to
r 1Wiltet paper, pack.; an orange or a banana will-
' ly
italy with taus- often take the place of dessert. So
ID. a wrapping of
even when spree t
tarsi. «'
Of san M
c ll
sae— - ,'will .,figs,. ,dates:.. or a '-pat4wge.- of
s ereis such va t h It
swee c eco a e..
heated dishes, a thin paste made
from salad oil and salt is very geed.
Spread it over the marked place
and leave for an hour or more; then
rub off with a soft cloth.
Try tacking cheesecloth on the
pantry window. This *admits air
that is sifted free of smoke and soot
before it comes into the pantry
Try whipping the cream in the, up-
per part of a double boiler,, with
fine ice or• cold water placed in the
lower part. The cream will slot,
spatter so much and will be kept
cool and will whip Much nfere
tiiekiy.. . -,--. erre
To prevent ec'gs from stinking to
1 ' T31YS • OF 0o0SiP FROdl
a Jitt+table Judge -Wages of Girls-Setiio
Fine Positions -Agitation for
Divorce Court.
rcr is no more picturesque figure in
'oronw than JLct,fe Morgan, one of the
two Junior judges for the County of Mors.
heti Wag dowiag wnite beard and patri-
aicital, conntanance give him a veneri.b.e-
nc:,.sl'24 ilii evewn greater than his rs years n id
eleage Morgan is noted for three things:
his azurite/lobs of heart, his carelessness of
t e. conventions and his proianit,'.
•Bax kindliness of heart brings him work.
1L.iwyers' defending persons accused of all
sorts of offences know his peculiarity and
lei/tie, so stone unturned to gat their cases
traversed so that they will come before
hint: When Judge Morgan's court is in
session in Toronto there is a veritable
pl oeession of cases from the police court
tc his court, cases which, in the gene, al
coarse of events, would more properly be -
tang to the pelico ivagis.ra:e's jurisdic-
tion. The other day there was anon a
1st of these cases coming along that h'a
h ;tier. in a very literal sense, brought his
f t and his fist down and said he wo.ld
t stand for the imposition any longer.
1 ae language he used was, of course. rattan
mora graphic than that. He is perfectly
tank and candid in his mere.ful tenden-
cse. "You would be going to prison for
eilc months instead of on suspended sen-
tnnee, If you were being dealt with in
soother place, which shall be nameless.'
he will often say to an accused one
Generally he thre..ters the object of his
mercy with a terrible sentence if said
o' ,feet should not prove to be worthy and
i3hould be so unfortunate as to come back
oh another charge.
His Informal Courts.
.ludge Morgan does not believe much in
Vie trappings of courts, He will often re-
ceive lawyers on business bent in his pri-
vate room and like as not will hear their
case while reclining on his lounge, very
often at the same time smoking his pipe.
Tr' the summer he does not hesitate to
take his coat off when sitting on the
bench. When in the country, on circuit,
be frequently declines to attend the re-
gular court room, but will have the law.
Yen and witnesses come to the hotel sit-
ting.room to see him.
:Judge Morgan has held his present po-
!Witton for almost 25 years. He ie ono of
i;}•e few Canadiars who was born in the
teritisii West Indies, spending his early
fie on the plantations there. Over 0
are ago his father, who was an Ang1i•
• elere'ym. au, came to Canaria and set-
in Barrie. Judge Moreau likes to re-
n&'l that at that period he became juuier
cd;tor of the Barrie Herald, and on oe n -
cion ran the hand cress. The law claimed
him. however. Before his appointment as
incise, he nraet`:sed his profession in
Orangeville and Newmarket.
A Carrs Laving wage,
There are diseussioes from time to time
as to what, constitutes a living wege for
orals living away from home in Toronto.
Eontla emp1oyers do rot thank that they
have any pest+oval reeporsibility on th:s
m. atter While that is an attitude that
is dying out it is undoi:btedly true th t
:seat number of girls from the coun-
try living in boarding houses in Toronto
are barely eking out an ezistenee.
One of the leading employers of labor
recently used $6.00 rer week as the lowest
%age they would any any girl. It may
bo confidently eiee ted that it is quite
ii, teassible for a girl paying 'board to live
r irsa in Toi•etito at the prerent time
tr 1e z -p ..an tme
fant- Ql
if 9tReIi
fy Pet $
,. aiok ac tuslitl a :!bine wdatia It tidy
rioty that eot ter test 'them is sheer By careful buying and. utilizing the pari or breaking add a A soon-� P; wive» tains, but 1t can make no pro -
rove to be stall lent to get along on, for
laziness. Why give the sante old leftovers, the appetizing lunchbox ful of flour to the grease in which is etfo requires nA ouiitin n Ire Even ' giants.
sandwiches every day when delici- need cost no more than the unap- I they arc fried. x,ea in a way that is not popular in this It takes an arctic explorer to face
ems fillings can be made from rem- petizing, unhygienic one. And if it I To clean white and delicately col- day or generation. danger in the coolest, frigkiese man -
tants of meats, vegetables, tish, Plums for Capable ones, nee.
eggs, jellies, nuts, onions, peanuts some iris aro not e 4
and other tissue -building foods that h 1 fl for elevtr gills to gi t a at Braggs- "I am still one of those
are found in most households at all
Cut the bread 'thin—for children
the crust may be removed, and even
workingmen like the daintiness of
it, if a slice across the loaf is used.
Wrap the sandwiches in paraffin
paper. The club sandwich made
from bread cooked in butter as a
crouton instead of toasted and
spread with a slice of cold meat or
fowl on mayonnaised lettuce be-
tween two of the sections of let-
tuce, bacon and mayonnaise in the
Every Ache Gone
Thousands • Still Suffering That
Can be Quickly Cured
by "Nerviline."
The Case of Harold P. Suety.
"Three years ago I discovered
that a man subject to lumbago
might just as well be dead as
alive." These words open the sin-
cere, straightforward letter of H.
P. Bushy, a well-known man ire the
plumbing and tinsmithing business,
"One attack calve after another,
and lumbago got to be a chronic
thing with me. I could scarcely
get in a day's work before that
knifing cruel pain would attack my
back. I used a gallon of liniments;
not one of them seemed penetrat-
ing enough to' get at the core of the
pain. I read in the Montreal Wit-
ness about Nerviline, and got five
bottles. It is a wonderful medicine
—I could feel its soothing, pain••
relieving action every time it was
applied. When I got the disease
under control with Nerviline, I
built up my strength and fortified
my blood by taking Ferrozone at
meals. This treatment cured me
permanently, and I urge everyone
to give up the thick, white. oily
liniments they are using, and try
an up-to-date, penetrating, pain -
destroyer like Nerviline.
"Please publish my Ietter the
world over. I want all to hear of
mom'®.."fO,�lte-"ta.'��'4?a'� •�"t®.'�Eb'0��
Physical Rewards of Self -Control.
To those who contend that sett.: ,'
control belongs to the moral rather
than to the physical side of h.uuiatt
nature, it can only be said that no
one yet knows how far these two
overlap, and that much treatment
of physical conditions hits to be
based on moral conditions, and vice
versa. It is safe to say that the de-
licate poise of physical health is
maintained only by self-control.
Health is based on good habits,
and good habits are the fruits of
self-control, For each of us no
day passes without many opportuni-
ties to test our strength of will.
You have decided that you will not
nibble between meals. Time and
again you have found out that the
penalty for that indulgence is indi-
gestion, headache, or a bad com-
plexion. Then comes that glossy
white box of the very purest candy,
or the slice of such unusual layer -
cake, or just one ice-cream soda,
and you fall again.
You have learned that late hours
are followed by wretchedness the
next day, and you have promised .
yourself that ten o'clock shall al-
ways see you read- for bed, A lit-
tle self-control would close that ab-
sorbing novel unfinished, or cub
short the exciting and nerve -ex-
hausting discussion.
But it is, perhaps, in the matter
Don't be cajoled into receiving of our moods that we may -see most
anything from your dealer but clearly how disastrous is the lack of
"Nerviline." Large family size self-control. There is always some -
bottles 50c., trial size 25c., all deal- thing to vtiorry about in the happiest
era, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buf- life, but worry and health do not
fait, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. go together. and abandonment to a
fit of the "blues" can upset the
Fact and Fancy. finest digestion in the world.!
Many young people constantly use
Laziness enables us to avoid a lot the word "nervous." It sounds
of seti_,us mistakes. better than "cross," but to their
Germany supplies the world's friends the words seem to mean
Christmas toys, much the same thine. Bad temper
Starfish are used in England as or Iow spirits usually have a physi-
fertilizer, cal basis, which should be aoulht
The straightest and most upright for and removed; but we should
pee ale ars the Poles, control the outward manifestatinns
Dried grasshoppers, a native deli-
cacy,out,of fetch $3 a bushel in the Phil- for those about ifs, and the inward
ippines. • manifestations for the sake of our
Our prisons tAti•ch us that we own well-being. You cannot have
ehc ld live ttcpording to our conic- perfect health if you''tvfskly yield
C `.
, E sn v elite £Pet to
Hier ..kel s veerg 3touth, s Cw
to anger and worry. and 1.-�'w spirits.
rn laic
peeve Slirt,:[:1ia ate heave'- beer, 2"!- «. •-- p.__..y.._..
habitee! by a race of prehistoric
should, the child who lunches well ored plumes not badly soiled, ,rub
each day will mere quickly increase them gently in a pan of equal parts
his studyingpower than one who ofsat andour.
cannot eat because his mother is
too indifferent to struggle with the
lunch basket problem. A MODERN MIRACLE
worth4 00 a week,
and thea neeravate the situation for t"o
wore comp etent. And there are opportuni-
tiesearn a great P
More than this amourt. There are in-
stances where women have worked them-
selves into positions where the salary al
SF high as $-3,000 or $4,000 per year in To.
ronto. It was never more true than at
Bre kfast
in every package of
n. t,
Crisp, sweet bits, of
toasted Tndiin Co -n, to be
servad with cretin or
lti,;‘ady to Eat
Direct From
Package •---
idvays Delicious.
Sold by Grocers every-
where. „
"Tile .M.emory Lingers"
Oanediau Poetitm Cereal Coe Ltd.
windeor, Ontario.
Useful Hints.
For a damp cupboard, which is
liable to cause mildew, place a
sanceful of quicklime into it. which
will not only absorb all dampness,
but sweeten and disinfect the
To remove broken glass from win-
dow frame cover the putty all
around the glass with soft soap,,
and leave it for several hours. You
will then find that the soap has
softened the putty wonderfully, and
the broken glass can be removed wrists. The disease first started in ,.omment, particularly amore t'li ren
without further trouble. i red blothes, which itched, and in" of 'mharriage matdeha n e sier belle
To polish kitchen knives mix a when scratched became , painful ,'tearer char•*'+ in the law is to make It
little bicarbonate of soda with the Bad sores followed,until- hi= a r-er to get married, they ear.
�O^e of the greiitrat b^refers against env
brick dust, and rub them thorough- hands were one raw, painful• mass; increase in the facilities 'for Rett'ne di•
i t'nrcea in Curds lies in the attitude of
ly, of sores. This state of affairs Coil the Roman Catholic Church. At pre: e''
Pickles served with fish give a i tinned for twenty-five years! (div to are
which, out of the87a"a"ia?
relish liked by many. In that time four eminent meth .e are Roman Catholic,.. These as, with 8
When boiling molasses or sugar; eel men tried to cure him, and others, ear therefore at env time throw
out any divorce application.
Canadians Co Abroad.
He Had Eczema of Years and Doc the present day that there Is room at the
tots Said i`No Cure.'' "tortyorkander9 ofbthat oth thereseeea is a whkeoenhdeanve bmanrain=d for
_ the physical and mental capacities to do
Yet Zam-Buk has Worked Ctiinplt'te
This is the experience of a man of
high reputation, widely known .o
Montreal, and whose case can read-
ily be investigated. Mr. T.' M.
Marsh, the gentleman referred too,
yes at 101 Del'prim er Avenue,
has had eczema on his hands and S°onie to the people rather th n male the
a +'orale come to it, hes reused conealeeable
things and, what is ceming to be almost
as rare as either of these, indefatigable
,industry. .
^I'a; Divorce Court Proposed.
E F. B. Johnston, R.C.. by his ad.
dress at the Bar Association, has started
afresh the discussion ed to wh••ther Can-
tacin' should have a Divorce Court. Mr.
3ohnston armee that wader the »res.'nt
s'tuation only the rich can secure divorce,
which is unfair.
His suggestion for the establishment of
r court which, like ether everts for the
Montreal. For twenty-five years he settlement of property disputes, won',
candy rub the dish in which it is each gave up the case as, hopeless.
being boiled with butter all around Natltrally, Mr. Marsh .tried reuse -
about an inch from the top and it dies of all kinds, but he, also, aft crease recent
years thereber hctivorrFR granted.
will not boil over. last gave it up. For two years ho The avers ke is. however, but 19 a year
When mending broken ;,hind al -
to wear g Dues day all night.- since ConPoderation on n anrne t avt+rces
had 1 d l foo i
so place it to st in a large box of I Th m Z $ k t But h all told have been granted 11v Pa.t.a
en ca a am- u u e soon trent. Four of the s railer provancer have
found out that Za,m-Buk was differ- Divorce Courts o£ their own, and it. in ate•
to stand the article in any desired
ed g
position, so that its own weight distinct signs of benefit, and a little Ecntaear sand British of )!limbs 8r nry it
holds the piece in place. When the perseverance with this great tterhal Of the divnrees eraeted be the Canadian
cement is hardening. balm resulted in what he hit.-) glvttn r ante t mere A very good substitute for egg
up all hope of—a, complete cure!
and bread crumbs is a fairly thick And the cure was no tem.�orary
paste of flouts and waters'"nip the cure. It was permanent. Ae was
fish or cutlet t t be fried in this cured nearly four years ago. I P
paste and sprinkle thickly with terviewecl the other day, Mie. Marsh
finely crumbled bread. When fried. said . 'The cure which Zan •Bul:
it will be a beautiful brown color. worked has been absolutely per -
When making "thickening" for cured t. From the day that I was
sauces, gravies, etc., use half flour cured to the present moment I have
had no trice of eczema, and I -feel
and half corn -starch. Much bet- sure it will never return."
ter. If you staffer from any skin trou-
Before cooking a ham take off a, ble, cut out this article, write across
thin "shaving," also the rind, end it the name of this paper, and mail
see how much nicer flavored your it with one cent stamp to pay re-
born will be. turn postage, to Zam-Buk Co., 'ro-,
To keep milk sweet put a tea- ront'o. We will forward von by re -
spoon fel
esloonfel of horcerrdish in a pan of turn a free trial box of Zam-Bek,
milk. This will keen it sweet. sPy- I Mi druggists and stores sell this'
ern! hours longer than without it. famous reteedv, 500. box. or three
To remove stain: from neliahed for , $1.25. Refuse harmful substi-
wood ,trays or tables, caused by tutes.
sawdust. By this means it is easy nlCcant that one of these, Prince Edward
est. Within a few weeks there were Island has Bever ranted a dlvwoe. Nova
P^ li n r. have been secured from
Toronto than from all the rest of the
country put together. As a matter of
fact these flenrea do not wive. much In.
dirntion of the real number of divorces
granted Canadians because a greater por-
tion of them who seek divorces go to the
United States.
"That girl has rejected me three
times," confided the disconsolate
youth. "Well," replied Miss Cay-
enne, "you should feel encouraged..
A girl who will listen to three pro-
posals from the same man must
think something of him."
lie's Suspicions.
t'tt no easy task to convince a
fainter that cite people ever get
up early-. enough to do an honest
nay's work.
When Cleaning the Teeth.
When cleaning the teeth it is ime
portant to follow these instructions ;
Before using a new -brush for they
first time soak it for one hour ; tails
prevents the bristles ben) coming
old-fashioned people who believe out. If you find your brush too
that honesty pays." Wags—"co stiff, soak it in hot water a few min -
am I. And I believe just as firmly rites before using. Use a small
that dishonesty gets paid." brush in order that there may be
room enough for it between the lips
Schoolmaster—"I have an im- or cheeks and the teeth.
pression in my head. Now can eraAlways brush from the gums to
boy tell me the meaning of impres- the grinding surfaces of the teeth.
sion?" Small Bov—"Yes, please, never brush across the teeth, as
sir, an impression is a dent in a soft this habit makes it impossible to
place." • reach the parts requiring it most,
and frequently cuts deep grooves in
the necks of the teeth, necessitating
fillings and causing the gums to re-
The proper method of using a
brush is as follows.— Beginning at
the back teeth, place the bristles
high up on the gums and by rotary
motion carry them down past the
ends of the teeth; in this manner
you have the benefit of massaging
the gums, and brushing off all fore-
ign material from the surface of
the teeth. After having brushed
the teeth thoroughly in this man-
ner, it is sometimes wise to plane
the brush with the bristles against
the teeth, agitate slightly se that
the bristles penetrate between the
teeth, then rotate towards the
grinding surfaces or the teeth; 'con-
tinue this procedure until you have
covered all the teeth, brushing
downwards for the uppers and up-
wards for the lowees. Any d'if eul-
ty experienced in using this method
soon disappears with practice. All
persons should brush the inner and
grinding surfaces of the 'teeth as
carefully as the outer surfaces.
i 's the "Best Ever"
Send Post Card to -day for particulars.
74 St. Antoine St., Montreal, Can.
Own an interest in some good
Corporation, by buying the First
Mortgage Bonds of the InStltu-
We can offer well secured,
high-grade bonds of established
companies, to yield 6 per cant,
We also have some most at-
tractive Proferred stocks, to
yield over 7 per cent,
Write for Prices,
Ira 15o
Guardian Building, MONTREA9.
Royal Dank Building, TORONTO
Good Reason,
"Can you come to our meeting
for .the suppression of gambling to-
"I'm very sorry, for I am hand-
and-and heart with you in the cause,
but this is the day our bridge club
meets, too." -
His Choice.
"You said when you proposed
that you'd rather live in eternal
torment with me than in bliss by
"Well, I've had my ttwish."