HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1913-01-10, Page 1The Official Organ of zil.l1ch and Ray Township Vol. Xj i` L1 FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. CO, 1933. N= ADRICICEMOZNE 36:384C3110C3t9Cill 3E3te 0 § P §i o0 o 4 o I o p p p 1 ,�,� o o a'y,� k' .p , p %4 p 4 p 1 pp p p p o o 4 c LOCAL NEWS. Messrs Valentine Gerber. and Rudy! Schwartzentruber left on Tuesday for , Milverton to attend the funeral; of, the former's sister, Mist) Nicholas Kipfer. Mrs. Beneteau, nee Miss Florence Laporte, who underwent on operatioi for appendicitis recently, is getting along fine, and is now able to sit i7}cif; a few hours daily. Mr. Allen A. Esler,of Sask., ttinc Miss Elizabeth Allan of near Blakiit were united iu marriage. on Saturda P armThat the Presbyterian Manse, Yarn- They ey will make their home near Iii�;lr i Chestnut and No 4 coal on hand. 3. Preeter.' Dr. Mckinnon spent part of last week at his former hone, near Toron- to, 14;1x. Mttirshall Zeller left Saturday morning for Stratford, to attend high school. 'Misses Mary Gallman, and: Susie Johnston, and 'Messrs Ervin and Louis \Yillert, all spent New Year's With 14Iiss Arletta Walpei': Mrs:Jamee O'Brien of the 2nd. con. d cal on Saturday', after several months il1nese. The funeral took place on ;tonday. to' Exeter cemetery. ur accounts for 1912 are ready for ignition. All interested will kind- ler same. All not called for hy'i Ob.let, 1913,will be sent by mail. J. Procter. Miss Maggie Krauskopf of F ',tuna, .California, and sister Mia Lzie of eaforth, visited the past week with their aunt, Mrs. McCoi'inick and other elt,tives. Mr. Alvin Surerus who has been 'isisiting his home at the Bronson Line for: the past two weeks, left on 'Thee- : morning to resume his studies at e Toronto University. Mr. Harry Yungblut was elected ' chool'trustee in place of Mr. T. Pre - ter, whose term has mired. The 191» Board is composed of Messrs F. Hess, 3. IIaberer and Mr. Yang- blut, Te M;wses Mary Koch, Laura Koch, Pearl Kraft and Messrs Louis Kraft and Peed Procter all of Dashwood, and Mr. 3. Doerr of Laird, Sask., Mu - and Mrs. Geo. and Milko, Thiel of Znrieh, all' spent Sunday with Mr.' ('.imore Theil. and 7.trs. Wendel Smith of the ;. Line 'South, are celebrating a , have invited their friends to assist in tte celebration, The Herald ex - gar, Sask. ' WANTED— Beef andhorse h+e Also sheepskins, tallow and furs r( 1 all kinds, for which the very • highs prices will be paid in cash at all tine g Fmmn WITWER, Exeter N.,. Hay P. tt, Mr. David Schwartzentruber a pair of heavy colts two and tht•or.! years old that weigh over 2700 paun.. They will make a fine farm team svi 4 plenty of weight when fully devele •r Two weeks ago six women star on a tramp from New I ork to Alban the state capital, to present a petition to Governor Sulzer, demanding vote s for women. One fell out by the wti. , I but the other five completed the jou^ ney in twelve days. The Jackson Clothing Co. are bu4' I this week installing tlac'r machinery and • will soon a,'c 1 ready to begin work. Mr. W lfv.4' Goodwin is in charge; s,nd applit'e ions for work may be addressed ie. I him. They will start with about.. si. hands, and will increase their state'. air rapidly as possible We feel, confit-`+ of hands. The new school was formally open- ed on Monday. The building is a coin - for table one, With room for' four tea- chers,' and we believe it rill be in the. interests of Zurich and vicinity to have a fourth teacher, employed.. We. Understand that Mr. Archibald is corn- pitent to take up high school work in forms 1 and 2, and the increased governmentgrant that would be earned 'resides a dollar a month fees from eh li scholar, would make the room self sustaining. Mr. J. A. Constantine, the Manag-' or of the Molsons Bank here, has bepn,. transferred to the Highgate branch' In Kent County. The citizens of town will regret the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Constantine, but wish them con- tinued success in their new home. Mr. Dunlop of Clinton, formerly connect- ed with the Bank at Dashwood, will become manager of this branch and those who know him speak very high- ly of him. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop to town. . Mrs. Dowding of Mitchell was very painfully injured on Friday and had a close call from being killed by being dragged under the train when, as she was on the cars seeing her daughter away, the locomotive started and she fell, in trying to get off. Her rankle was dislocated and the ligaments of the foot so badly torn that she .may. be permanently crippled. 'Street accidents in New York city Mf during the year 1912 caused the death of 582 persons, Statistics. made public by the National. Highway Protective Society show that 280 of those victims were children, of whom 108 were run. over by automobiles. Of the total deaths .221 were due to automobiles, 184 to trolley cars and 177 to waggons. Tur- ing the same period 2,868 persons wore injured. The deaths from these accidents in 1911 numbered 423. Ninety-one drivers of motor cars ran. away after the accidents. customers a Happy and. Pros- 0 erous NewYear, 0 0p 1 J.Preetero Telephone9 - - ZURICH P P P o 1 p p o p o p o p o P o P 1 § 0 ci P 1 0 P 8 p p P p V €3>Rfl £it F. 31125E. .3 t 020BO3 #' IN MEMORY In loving Memory of our darling little daughter, Grace ararie Stolle, who. died a year ago, Jan lath. 1912. Peacefully we laid her down to . rest,,. Placed the turf kindly, 'over her breast; She, is sleeping in Jesus beneath the tod While 'her pure soul is iesting;in God Thep N0,24 Everything you Need i the Line of Winter Footwear SA' Men's Heavy Rubbers and Sox Men's Overshoes and 'Rubbers Men's Felt, and Felt lined Shoes Men's and Boys' Heavy Mitts Women's Overshoes and Rubbers Women's Felt Shoes Girls' Felt Lined Shoes, Girls' Cardigans Women's fancy Felt House Slippers, various colors Men's and Boys' Hockey Shoes E. FAUST 4,-;-++++++++++i +++++++'. e 4 ' +++ ++++ rn • on hand tend best wishes, HIGHLAND PARK ;trr. Roy Geiger preached a very im- pressive sermon, Sunday. miss ryrtle Horner returned home Sunday, from a visit with friends in London and St. Thomas. rr. Tilton Ortwein of Hensall spent Sunday in our Burg. ti r. Chester Smith of St: Joseph and Mr. Irvin Smith of Paulding, Ohio., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and 7rrs. Wm ' Beaver. Mr. Blake Horner spent New Years days at Peach Grove Farm, St.Joseph. miss Flossie Geiger returned home after spending the holidays with friends at St. Thomas. Mr. and tirrs. Joel Erb of Tavistock° visited at the latter's sister, :sirs. Jos. Gascho. mm. ' Herbert' Kruuger and sister Freda, spent the holidays with friends at Sarnia. irrr. and airs. C. Truemner entertain- ed their many friends with a party and fowl supper, New Years day. MERO—FIVENS A quiet wedding took place on Tuesday 7th inst , at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Joseph Mero, in the town of Goderich, when their third daughter, Miss. Emily, was united in marriage to Mr.. Adolph Givens eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, A. Giv- ens of Paris, Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Father Mo Oras, ptlator of North Street Rom- an Catholic church, only near friends and i elatives being present The bride looked lovely in a charm- ing gown of sky -.,.blue satin, with brilliant silver shaded trimming, and a large handsome white Beaver hat. Miss Margaret, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a dainty golden barown satin dress, which wad very becoming. Mr Thomas Andrews of ' Seafor.'th acted as groomsman. The bride received many beautiful gifts. '"The gift of the groom being an urn ported sealable coat with,bea,uiful sable collar and cuffs After the naretnony the guests eat down to a dainty wedding dinner Tho happy couple left on the five train and after a short honeymoon they will take up their residence in Paris, Ont. The bride has been a resident of Goderich for the past two years, and was very • prninlar, among a large oirole of friends whose hearty congratulations go with her to her new 'home, Also Bran and Shorts. Coarse and Fine Salt. SOME GOOD BAKING FLOUR Louis tl"rey General Store For Sale I am offering my general store and stock for sale, on very reasonable to,!ms. This store is now doing a good business and is considered one of the best country stands in the County. Post -office and telephone in connec- tion. For further particulars apply to R. N. DOUGLAS, -Blake, Out. Mr. Roy Faust left Monday to re- sume his studies at the Stratford Business College. Wishing you a Happy New Year F. W. Hess G. R. -Hess eweliers, - ZURICT Now is the Time To Buy IioI'isay (ii'its Why try to think of a better Gift when it isn't to be had? Let us show you the FINEST LINE OF SHOES you ever looked at. We have everything you need in Winter Footwear. Come and examine our Large Stock. We have the Right Goods at the Right Price Butter, eggs, dried apples, dutch setts and poultry taken in exchange at highest prices. Repairing neatly and promptly done . FRITZ. = Zurich The Home of Good Shoes Thanks to my Customers for Past Favors and Wishing All a Happy and Prosperou, New Year llao]'d A. Appel JEWELER