HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-11-15, Page 8xersoosemunkm er , xtttotd rSaving . fia;..,r-iaoods It is more advantageousfor: you to puroh ase your Waliter`:1'Vear at this. Store for iriany reasons,,, Our Goods are bought from the ,foremost manufacturers, ers, thi s we secured the newest and most exclus- ive patterns and the best quality, . at the very if, west price... Om. Jew prices: cn 'Winter Goods wilt please von. Call in and get our' j rices before yon buy, as we Call have., you money. New Dress Goods in all the leading shades and cloths 25cts. a yd. and up ,special in Velvets 22in. wide, all colors, 30cts a yard Ladies' and .Children's Coats We can save you money on these The very latest styles and cloths Furs! Furst!:.: Now is your time to buy. Call in and. get our prices on those ince Ruffs and Muffs, also Fur Lined Coats, and Ladies' . Coats with Fur Collars.- It is easy to buy here, as Our Selection. Large and Price the Lowest Sweater rid. is Sweater Coats Men's Sweater Coats, Seats each and up. Boys' Sweater Coats, 4,0cts each And up. Men's Fur Goats Men's Cloth Coats with Fur Collars. Hats, Cas Gloves, Scarfs, T;ntlerwear All at Bargain Prices Horse Blankets. Robes We handle the,genuine Newlands Saskatcli- erva.n Robe. There is 210110 other just as good. Fresh Groceries Always Kept on lit nd Call and take a look through. before mak- ing your purchases. No Trouble to ..Show Goods gayest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce iYA Adi GENERAL MERCHANT e Zur y q "� .1 tar Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR of often that Lia $i toi 'o "!►rix and Dairy listen toi. imaiz with -which we must t13,4ia1is- ay, roe., -ay,ree., Such, however, *SP ran ex- potionce , ,recently. The ,bscak'no,of.; the sermon Was the anniversaity of 1.io death of General :i3tock.. Its • sctlije'ct was what we choose ,to call `°1li)goistic ay peal" to the patriotism of:the • cion •oi by the painting of.tho.rnost l)ictures of the+dt><nger that' law throathen the British Eilj)i rer through the onevitable (according to 'that steitic er) onslaught of tlio Germane, . Arid We Were more than surprised , it note tho general applov1 with �vhicli this sermon was liytolled by flat *0al~l0itoo,, .Tag ab this time when Servide i' le- ing urged from rna.n'y sot S .:i in- crease her inilitary expendit i s IT,3'aiiso the so-called "German wai4-:41 e," let us look at this question in 4:144 san- er way than ib is generally raved It is a question that affects ti rejfr far- mer in this land, for it is wens a will be called on to pay the majoi'i rt of these expenditures: We fool safe in , saying tlgAt the great majority of the people4 :both Germany and England are: fo,leace; in democrat countaries 'Witherthethe majority is supreme. At the il,resent time the party iu power in <'u ,,, Ger- i Parliament, the Social'f4,? ocrats are pledged to peas*.. phis pt +';x• with their' allies represent felly th�'s� -,t.tuar- ters of the German people 1-r Ger- many the war sentiment is'kr»►, alive by a sinalt class of jingoos * �o will profit by war, "either #.nand ,lir* or through the changes., Of d'• il:ining Military glory olass, t a'ought the influence .t " - the,y3 exert because of their coutr t of - thit Ger- man press, are enabled `to ctt to an entirely false idea of the inten:�ons of the German people as reg�.11ls' `'the. Britsh Empire. In Great'13rii,{iii it. is the same class, military „nark and those who manufacture war• iipplies who aim to i,nstill':,irito the 3ritish people that fear of -the German jin- goes are endeavorii)g to • instill into their people of the Britisher. Allied against the- efforts of this, small class will be the ini1 fence 4 bankers. business •nien, tan ? pays generally. And in theioug run it is tbe- men who pay. the MilneY 'W4 10 ,17iL"o4 the determining voice ills- 'to whetior there shall be war or "not. • Ministers of the gospel do themselves tittle ereEdti It Il1,ed.@avoi ing to Sere,-• o e anti to' foster •at sen' imence';ths t might lead to war, the ii tlst: bartliirt tts unchristianlike institutions iu •.the world. Let us all iise-What ilifiuencci. -we have to promote the friendly relit ations that should exist' between -illi countries, particularljr Christie' countries.—Farrar and Dairyt UNANIIICiwIS VERDICT " News paper publishers and ctlt%rens generally throughout the, Dol{'►inion are unanimous in their. opinioif that the 'picture entitled. "Mother'.'' Trea-' li sures," given with the Family 'Jerald and,Weekly Star of - Montre• this season; _ is a most delightfii :and beautiful subject. Here is tile, inion of one publisher. "Miler's tires' is a marvel of bear ;The` .}1 jest is one that will have a tencle ey to strengthen home • ties. We, i the Salm business, wonder how yoi .- can afford to give such value in '.)tures beside tiie vast amount' of good One's' in the Faintly herald and , e'kly Starr. Signed., E. W.. Ilieharcl "Ilio Mirror, Millbrook. No .vine iiCaii- ac1a, should. be without this befotiful picture, • One dollar nays ra full `tehr's subscription to The l:'aiaily l l'ald and Weekly Star, including'thc p mo- tive, which is ready for framil), sire 28 by 29 inches. It is a big do ar'•s. worth indeed. WAtitnu.ro:v ITERALD the temperance people in W elkerton %i join the hotel -keepers in one,t: fid rally for bonze if all the beyerag ,, orae put to the same use as that wiliero1in liornlann, of thellartley Hens& acre diel with a flask of whiskey last w. e1r. It was while returning in liis auto front the Liefso wedding in 131aij)il' latehour of the night the': lights lights. 00 , John's car went alit for want or water in the cn,rbtt) ator. 'As the night was ton dark; te,• 1 there was no water to b611a0; ,leu seemed desperate .tato one i the patty produced a- finok of whiskey from his peeltet ••This svlis poured ol) the carbide `rad '17roriltectl: beautiful Light that guiclecl�,tlie pli,"• "" home.. While boozeFlias put Mai man astl 0 this i, prol)abl& ahq 'lime .it .ryas ever -used' Celehra4ed.v iroadway C • 0V.D1:19!rztc 9: Li ne, Ty Winter Tours to California, Colorado, Mexico and Pacific Coast Points The Grancl_Trunk Railway is the most direct route f'ro`m... all points East through Canada via Chicago FEATURES Double Track, Fast Service, Finn Roadbed, Modern Equipment, Unex,,ceilecl Dining Car Service All elements of Safety, & Comfort To the Sunny South No more desirable route than via the Grand Trunk to Detroit, thence via Cincinnati to Jacksonville, Palm Beach, Nassau, etc. Pound trip tickets,. together with full information and reservations from nearest (xrand Trunk Agent or writo A. E. Dull', a P. A., Toronto, Ont, UNDERTAKING 1 One Price the year round ,a, the lowest. Parties intending to bay a good 1-larnos this Spring should not fa r' on us, as we are headquarters in ...rich for the Vest "lowest price one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team with Collars ab $25.00, Single Harness at $9.00"up • Stoves and Hardware If yon want the .best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bai can get bore. A full stock of all kinds of C In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enab cheaper and our customersget the benefit. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price HURON'S LAt CEST COMBINATION 3TOR'. Prompt Service. Moderate rha•rcxes W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich, - Ontario Still Doing Business at The Old Stand celebrated Massey Harris Implements We handle everything in that line, Seeding Implements, Manure spread- ers, all kinds of Plows, Seed Drills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, etc. Harvesting Implements Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. err iij5 ointed for the Massey -Harris Cream Separators All kinds of Plow repairs, Gasoline engines. See our line of Cutters be- fore you buy, alLour own make. Bug- gies, Carriages, Wagons; Sleighs. Square Dealing Our Motto F. Mess 8c Son Dairymaid Oreah. Separator No heavy lifting up of Milk Easy Running Deering Machinery All makes of Plough Points affrays on • hand rang Bloch, s igIe Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price � PHONE LALBYLEISC zuR MILLINERY WEDNESDAY and'THURSDAY, SEPT. 18 and 19 and following days. Miss Thiel is in. charge of our Millinery Department for the fall season, and We have a large stock of stylish hats and trimmings, to show you. Come and see them before pireha.s- in g. s Dress Goods Now is the time to bny your New Dress for Fall. Come and see our stock of Serges,.Poplins, Worsteds, Etc. We , can .wait you. Flannelettes and 'Vrappere ttes large and well assorted stock of Flannelettes and W,ralapeiettes, to choose from. Sweater Coats For Men Women and Children, in all styles, size's and :(colors. Flnnelette and Woollen Blankets \Ve have something brand new , ill Flannelette Blanhets Come and see thein. We have everything hi School. Supplies. Fresh Gxe09521e$ always kept: Kith Produce Taken in &dad PITON 1+. 17 n'T "_,