HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-11-15, Page 7yl
flocs In The Land' That'
us Supreme in the Corn.
inertial World.
•ly 80,000 motor vehicles have
ee.;ll.registered in London.
n oxen and a dozen pigs were
whole in the streets at
rd -on -Avon Map Fair.
1Viansfield was charged at
ham Police Court with the
raurder of his brother.
rs wives in South Wales are
It against the new system of
m't under the Mines Act.
y Errington, aged eight, has
Hartlepool Hospital from
s received from a toy pistol.
number of public house 11 -
is decreasing. In 1908-9
ere 90,012 in England ; now
re 87,606.
London County Council he
acres on Plumstead marshe
zing purposes, at an annus
of $25.
rt Garside, of Buxton, an
river on the London &
astern Railway, has just
ted forty years' service.
,ndon mansions at Golders
ampstead and Chisola Park,
be turned into tenements by
don.County Council.
Sarah Sibton, who was born
home, Cambridgeshire, has
elebrated her hundredth
y, in the March almshouses.
y -seven members of the Col -
Borough Police Faroe have
ed the town council for a
of their scale of pay.
Whitmore is establishing a
or tobacco -growers at Meth-
orfolk, in order to encour-
eultivation of the leaf.
Lloyd, wife of Colonel
of Treffgarne Hall, has been
in a carriageaccident
her horse taking fright at
r car.
eriok Runnings, aged thir-
nd his brother Harold, aged
ere drowned while playing
Canal at Earlestown, near
ding has bestowed the meri-
service medal and an an -
f $50 upon Mr. Samuel
y of Islington, an Indian
I O Mi L •.
Should Beep Their Blood Supply
Inch, Red and Fure.,
On every hand you see `,women
and growing girls in the deadly
clutches of anaemia. Slowly but
surely a paler .aa of death, settles.
on their cheeks; their eyes groW
dull; their.appetite fickle ; their
steps languid. Daily they, are be-
ing robbed of all vitality and
brightness. The trouble, if neg-
lected, becomes. more acute until
the signs of early consumption b
come apparent: 'What women and
young girls in this condition need is
new, rich, red blood, •and there is
no other Medicine can do the work
of Dr. Williams'oPink blPo d in mak-
ing this new, g
Pills make girls and women well,
and bring back the charm an.
brightness of perfect, 1egula
health. Here is a bit of proof.
Lillie O'Oarroll, Norwood, Ont.,
says :—"About two years ago ray
health began to fail. I was weak,
run down and had no ambition fo
anything. • I had frequent head
s aches, would be completely ..-tired
1 out after the least exertion, and
had little or no appetite. A doc-
tor who was giving me medicine
finally told me he feared I was go-
ing. into consumption, which, of
course, made me. very much down-
hearted. As the medicine I was
taking was not doing me any. good
I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink
shall ever
and I
sh grateful
that. I did so. My story may be
summed up in the words ``nine
boxes of the Pills fully restored my
health—perhaps saved my life, and.
I am now as strong and healthy as
Any girl."
Every anaemic sufferer can ob-
tain equally good results through a
fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Forty milliu dollars yearly is
the estimated figure of the damage
done by rats to crops and property
in France. The publication of these
statistics by. the Incorporated So-
ciety for the Destruction of Vermin
has given an impetus to, the 'cam-
paign for the extermination of the.
rodent, which is also known to be
a transmitter of disease.
The examples set by several
American cities have been followed
with great interest in France and
have led Dr. Fontenelle to make
a special study of the subject. He
finds that the role of the rat and
the mouse has been very serious in
connection with cases of pneumon-
ia. For a long time it has been no-
ticed that this disease was more
deadly in hospitals than other
e places. The pneumonia microbe be-
comes extremely virulent in the
d blood of a mouse and, if a sick per-
t son Comes in contact with a mouse
microbe, he will be gravely attacked
by the disease.
Dr. Fontenelle says that the hos-
pitals' of Paris, especially the old
r ones, are alive with rodents. The
- pneumonia microbe exists, there-
fore, in conditions calculated -to in-
crease its virulence arid its murder-
ous powers of destruction. He
urges the necessity of an immediate
and relentless extermination of
rodents in every hospital establish-
ment in France or se any
country where the rat or mouse
may be found.
The depredations of the rat in
France on property are enormous..
o �
that for a
It is reckoned
hectares of wheat and pasture lands,
the losses caused by rats reach an
annual minimum of $200. The de-
struction by rats about $1 to each
inhabitant. • t,ir. Fontenelle says:
"This is too high a tax to pay to the
rat tribe and the ever-present dan-
ger from the rodent's propagation
of maladies like the plague and
pneumonia shows the wisdom of
carrying on a determined war of ex-
s .
Of-perrtlend to Laid
Ben-thick,on the spot yyhere
found' dead a't Welbeck
ur years ago.
n nine months 118 people
eon killed in London by mo -
tees, the largest number of
eing in the Chelsea Police
A. Elcombe was seriously
through the sudden
of a
lo -
the steam apparatus
engine outside St. Paul's
result of a coupling break-
.ndon and Brighton train
n two near range Station.
sengers were shaken but
Lowther, Speaker of the
of Commons, has been sworn
re the Lord ChiefJustiee
er Judges as a ustice of the
or, East Suffolk.
going, to a fire the Wan -
'ire Brigade engine over-
throwing all the men into
et. Several of the firemen
rionsly injured.
A Martyr.
"She's very fond of her chil-
"That so 4"
"Yes. She* told me yesterday
that if it wasn't for them she
wouldh't live with their father an-
other minute.'a .
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper,
One Excuse.
find it 'wenclerfull$
England, "This' reals are., all at set -
tied hours, en tat these the 'house
party' faregatheka„ Unless there is
something special on trot, such a-
a akioot, oaoh one is absolutely his:
own master in the intervals. As
these 'house patties' are usually
composed of light-hearted young
men and 'rery. often of beautiful
Omen, there is eve,:y reason why
should !rave's delightful time,
e whole house and home of the
host is in the fullest sense of the,
word al the guest's absolute dispo-
sal. He has only to say the word,
and he can ride, motor, fish, shoot,
sail, play,tennie, or golf, .flirt-ev-
erything is at his hand. He has
only got to choose. The Scottish,
castle in which I found myself was
typical of this perfect hospitality.
ustains and cheers
riltrerkeilt, if *it 4sn'teMers.-11.-
What a stranger you are! Why, ifs
quite five years since 1 saw you.
Mrs. B.. ;Yes. Why haven't you
been to see me. know how
Mrs. A. -0h, dear, you
bad the weather's been.
rictus funeral procession was
seen in the Strand. It com-
a motor hearse and two large
-in ears filled with mourn -
el around the coffin sat a
of relatives.
report presented to the 1d.u-
Committee of the London
Council,. it is stated
radon school children were
swim this year.
reveltt Sutall Frauds.
is practised in many forms
oe,.but it is news that snails
eiving the attention of the
Iters. It seems that small
ts, have become so serious that
ety has been formed to stop
is called the "Syndicate of
eparers and Dealers of Snails
ince. As a Comestible the
has an enormous clientele,
are sold by millions. But
iisumers are not quite ger-
£ the origin of the snails they
The fraud oonsists of putting
snails ; . 'called the "Little
," i s aims the empty
e oafshells su-
tndy r
quality. •
:Time to Go Rome.
ell, dear,"
I guess the honey.
is ova.
y dei .you say that'!" pouted
Skit Al Covered
nth Eruption
N, fienri
'Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 Years.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured.
� .. ...-Y_: .,. „a..01r ny,il. End
1n the first place, Maxwell's
"fc hampion" is the only washer
that can be worked with a crank
handle at the, side as well as with
the top lever. just suit your, own
GOnYee. ' •'
patatlienieilercOlor. well feature-Leyr and
BalnceW heel are so accurately
the the ,washer, rtn,s along.
vin Wheeeyou'have stopped
war ne The lever. There's
ere doubt stutt+E'
lefaas tell'seCliemptena to
beta . the' east cit
ntng wa�cr c+rr'
tee .n:?irkct . .
Wsite forneeeP 1
h .d10
til .
° &sEti+is.
11.244., °Pl.
But Change of Food Gave Final
Most diseases start in the alimen-
tary canal—stomach and bowels.
A great deal of our stomach and
Imwel too much `starchy and greasy foobles come from d
The stomach does not digest any
of the staxohy food we eat—white
bread, pastry, 'potatoes, oats,; fife.
=-'tilgs VIttig,"t1 aevirlieeele4"moi' :1? •
small intestineB,'tilid if we eat.too
much, as meet of tie do, the organs
that should digest this kind of food•
are overcome by excess of work, so
that fermentation; indigestion,, and
a, long train of ails result.
Too tench fat also is hard to di-
gest and this is changed into acids,
sour stomach, belching gas, and a
bloated, heavy feeling.
In these conditions a change from
indigestible foods to Grape -Nuts
will work wonders in not only re;,_
lieving the distress but in building:
up a strong digestion, clear brain'
and steady nerves.
A woman writes :
"About five years ago I suffered
with bad stomach_ dyspepsia, indi-
gestien, constipation --caused, 1
know now, from overeating starchy
and greasy food
rm years with-
outI doctored'£or `tali
any benefit. ,The doctor told
me there was no cure ' for me. 1
could not eat anythingwithout suf-
fering severe pain inetly bask and
ANC) 'clams
Smoke Stacks
and Flues, 'Wa-
ter Flumes, Engines and Boilers
vo urea iR y1 tIT RBS, TORONTO
ogineersand shi,ihuldo s,
Don't pin your faith to nothin',
Tey son. Ef it won't stick without
a pin it ain't wuth -stickin' tew.
Some fellers' <necks reminds nm o'
bosses. They ain't no airthly use t'
nobody ontil they're broke.
The great trouble with a lot o'
fellers I know is that after they've
laid down their principles they lay
down onto 'em.
Some habits, gentlemen, is like.
eggs --ye don't never have no idea
about how bad they be till ye try to
throw off the yolk.
The trouble with livin' these days
as I sees it is that every time a fel-
ler earns a dollar out o' somebody
else, somebodyelse earnsa dollar
and a quarter out o' him.
The chief trouble with the general
run o1 road commissioners, gen-
tlemen, is that they spend more
time thinkin' about the commis-
sions than. they do thinkin' abaout
the roads.
I tell ye, Bill, I've lived mound'
these here parts pin' on to 62 years
now, and I hain't never sold my
vote to nobody. but all the sante my.
alien been
$6 aday to somebody on'lleection.
day. a:
erre one can buYa-why Yon don't oven tut") to
Lwow what gu' r1 of Cloth YoUr Goods : aro Wade.
o5 -•so Mistakes aro Tm9osalblo.
Send for Fro Color Card, Story' noottlet, end;.
BookletElvls0reautta of Dyalneover other calor&•
The JOH1,150N-lucaARDSON CO.. Limited,
Mionneol. Canada.
The Crowe Prince of Germany.
has 'Writ+''n a book anent his hunt-
ing exit +'ienees in Great Britain i
and Indict. He'recalls:them with
evident eleasure,.and throughout
he adopter a.very appreeiative atti-
tude.. He was partieularly impress-
ed th country house .life and
hospitality,--as• the follow-
ce Cs Wee "These English
Baby's Own . Tablets ar
good for all.babies..: -The
are good for the netibora
babe er the grawir cl i
the : babe' who , ell m s ,l
constipation or t
%eething Cie of fficull't
as ixlcligston, colic;.
y'gf"the other babyho
'Ifitent,5. „•. *'be 'Tablets; b:?ri-
ish' 'all these troubles --they
are perfectly' safe; being
guaranteed by a government
analyst to contain no .opiates-
or harmful drugs. Sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
A Quebec swan, H. Rend Tardif, of St.
Casimir, writes in a letter dated Mar. 81,1911:
"I had a very bad skin, Z l covered had aA of
eruption, eight years ago.
both my shoulders covered with it, and the
high part of Aly arms, and my race, but it
was the worst en my shoulders. X tried many
different remedies to euro it, but nothtrg was
any good. At last X wen�to an apothecary.
%Ie asked me if I had ever used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. X told him no, and X
bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and a
cake cura Ointment, buts t tun glad boxes
the same, for Cuticura Soap and Ointment
completely oared mo of my skin eruption.
I spread the Cuticura Ointment on all my
sore parts. and I think•that in washing my
face with the Outleura, Soap, it hindered my
eruption from itching end burning. X tried
many remedies during three or four years
but Cuticura Soap and Ointment eared me."
(Signed) N. Henri 'Sardif.
Outleura Soap and Ointment Me sold
throughout the '`world, but to those who
have suffered much, lost hopo and are -with -
Of withitlt in -
with lta d2 -p. booy klet liberal on he skin
and scalp Will be mailed free, on application.
Address Potter Drug Chem, Corp., 50
OolUrnbus Ave., Boston, U. S. A.
and sl) kinds of house hanslntre..1..
sides, and I became discourage •
"A friend recommended Grape -
Nuts and I began to use it. In less
than two weeks I began to feel bet-
ter and inside of two months I was
a well woman and have been ever
"I can eat anythingI wieh with
pleasure. We eat Grape -Nuts and
cream for breakfast 'and are very
fond of it." Name given by Cana-
dian`Postum, Co., Windsor, OI't.
Read the little book, The 'Road'
to Wellville," . in pkgs. "There's a
ever read the above lettere I. eels! ono
appears from time to time. They are"
genuine, true, and full of 'human tnl,orest.
ItEcisys:rgiItvc u °K Kcal, 4"
Write to us about yours. Gold Medalist..
.r}}11111T1811 AMAGI-.la
enreati nVE1NO 00..l., sox
[553'3Sy,,M Xt.
Zs Aka A Girl' VFd x 78.ti. E'S
protesert - proeerva--- ES'eautify
Semple# and Booklet's On Al,DlicattOn
JAMES LANG(1 UIl & GO, :Limited l ..-,, e
fiermau" Growl! Prince.
til' lt;bst,'elegant and at the same
fl ,,,.the most comfortable places
e Mable. Inlay Indian sketches
sr .a e already paid tribute to the
woiierful hospitality of the Briton,
and'`,;should like to mention it
agent now. Each guest is delight -
fells/ Oared for in a house of this
' kixe. ,, and the care is so quietly and
cha1-iningly exercised that the .recip.
lentieie neverallowed to realize that
the ,hast is putting himself to any
trouble on his behalf. The English
excel' in this art' of genial and
thallghtful entertaining.'.'
He. contrasts the mistaken idea.
flied's- prevails in "Germany that a
griest; must be always amused :
6iety. Thousand fira�1tippets new seed es -!,
their Raw Fees, Why sot yon? Wm
Pak •highest prices aid express charges li
eharso no commission and sand teoney:aaat>:'
day seeds era received. Minions of dolls`„
are paid #rappers Ciel, Year; Dail Keith of
rotlablo Mosso. W ar@ the lamsrat!a o>sr
tine iinCCCanada.
FREE t Oar dtthminute"
aatsEchtiott of
a book of 05 pares. mailed FREE.
larrite Midi
I1ept.8n TORUNTO.1to jobs 111tr Hallam.
t 5
N. W. DAWSON, Ninety:Ylolborne Street.,
II"�' �"�"�'iv�icn�: ouss'r�r 1�.�n�o:� s
1 "{blood iir2nitildiuga: ,Orchard,
Cheap and on oa terms, ' w - . _
v • buildings and apple orchard: about
eve miles from Hamilton.
14. W. `DAWSON, 'Toronto.
' tories in - two thriving owl ns
Western Ontario. Doing good
Splendid opportunity . thhndon,�On om..
The Western ,Meal
---!177P36773.17-11u i' mHFS died''' sin
A J mill rndtiir t Five litge •
''and Station Agents. Good
lid advancement rapid.. S°'blin'i'.
ti: 'b.Y'raliwa, a and has direct tele.'
i r wire couneetion. Free Book 18 ox
of . Dominion School Railroading,
.__ lscat,t.ANEOUS.
TUMORS. LUMPS, eta i.. ho
externaI., cured
atee. Dr.' home tf peau J3edft. oalgfSo
�AKnd� "ollir•t;wnnd O,�t'
ii5.:i$i3 st ESC t t d rSEu1.-yettatSee'•. r
late 'free. Specialties Agency Ilea
i .'.G. 'C4inuipeg- _
Expression of Vacancy.
"Wb° do you suppose he has such
a vacant expression:9"
"Well, he thinks of himself a
good deal."
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,' -I have used 1,IINARD S
LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family
for years, and for the every day ilio and
accidents of life I consider it has no
I .would not start on a voyage without
it, if it Cost a dollar a bottle.
Behr. "Storke," St, Andre, Bamouraska.
Natural for Them.
Husband (impetiently)ee "ls: is
possible, my dear, that you cannot
keep those children quiet for 'a 'mo-
mentI" mtNow, John,
Wife (soothingly)-
don't be harsh with the poor little
innocent things; it is natural for
them to be full of spirits, and
they're doing the beat they can.
Husband --m `Well, if I could have
a moment's peace I';would sit down
and write that cheque for fifty dol-
lars that you've been bothering nae
far." (sternly) --"Children, go up -
Wife, (st>�rnly)-�-
stairs at once, and if I !rear another
word from you to -night I will pett-
ish you severely.. a
Tho Heart Of'ss. Plano is the
Action, heist Ors the
Piano Action
"Only once in my life have I
thoroughly agreed with my wife."
"When was that!" . "When our
house was on fire. We both want-
ed to get out first."
Cure For 'Consumption. -For coneuniP'
tion. weak lungs lingering eoughs, laryn•
gitis and bronchitis. Names and addree4el
of those only given a few days tolive by
specialist and doetors, after taking this.
cure are alive and
well will be sent
request. Write R. well, Fo
During the past thirty years the
population of Germany has increas-
ed by twenty million.
Minard's Liniment Cures • Diphtheria.
Toy Steam Elision ;: r,•
has blued steal '
boiler and are bo
fitted with et
whisele, 1
valve and single
w.ok .spirit burner,
Polfehed braes fit!
tangs. Almost one .
foot high.
name a d yo addrea
and we will seri
you 30 seta ax
cerise:woe tootle
and floral post`
cards' to sell at 10
cents a set (sem
beautiful oards in
each set). When
sold send us the,
money, and we wilt
send you the ere
gine, all charger)
day. a Add ee
its tor
Dept. 138, TorO„.0
"A young man should learn- to
do one thing well. This is an age
of specialists. Is your son conform-
ing to that rule I" 'tina way. His
sPecialty is rolling cigarettes."
Minard's LinimentCures target in Caws.
"What a lot of nerve that man
"Isn't it sol Why, he even has
the nerve to put pennies on the
ohurch plate Sunday morning and
look the man right in the eyes while
he's doing it."
Wrote Bads.
A friend once wrote to Mark
Twain a letter saying that he was
in very bad health, and concluding
.-"Is there anything worse'' than
having toothache and earache at
the same time!" Twain wrote
back—"Yes---rheumatism and St,
Vitus's dance."
Mrs. Bacon -I understand one
can learn different languages from
the phonograph I Mrs. Ebert—Well,
since our neighbor got his 1 ,know
nay husband has used language 1
29 Broadway, New 'York.
"X bought seine of your GIN PIL
at Victoria, p. C. last September. '
rentedy 1 B.C.
at 6o years of ag
give perfect relief from the Keine
Bladder Troubles incident to one
to fr a ds asj
being o t�heend one thi
dots see good." . G. WOOD
,Stio. a box, 8 tot, $2.5o. "Mon
if GIN PILLS fail. Sample fr
write' National Drag and be.
of Canada, Limited,