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The Herald, 1912-11-15, Page 5
t ' zucorporateid 1855 '°GCORD Of PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS -1906-I911 R2r,i' ^ Correspondents nal' Agents 1 i i all the b>~anclzea 1a. Canada, a,alrc1 t. ,Principal Cities in the World, 1906 191] it 3,000,000 r' 4,000,000 3,000,000 4,600,000 is 23,077,730 35,042,31. and Investments 27,457,000. 88,854,801 Assets 33,090,7 92 48,237,284. A General Banking Business Transacted: INKS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed' at highest current rate. rich Branch – J. A. CONS'•€`ANTINR, Mgr. +.g,+++++++++++.++++++41 ++++++++++++4444+4 4+++++++ ve he Possible' OAF'S OUR MOTTO lere is nothing that weans 'h as "Quality" as applied to means everything that makes le and: service, richness of in cut, in tailoring, and in making such "Clothes" we king our customers life-long Can't- 'we make you one of We are anxious; to, and if appeals to you, we can ---so .et acquainted Now. }-IO LyTZ A N' • .. Alcre1iaiit Tailor CREDI ! ON, ONTARIL r e 1 is onlj ;ore Magnet.''feature and i riprovemeut. T.he dou• ble bowl' bearing, the easy turning, the -easy cleaning, the capacity change, t la e strong square gears and solid. frame, the Magnet {brake, the convenient supply can, and the positive guarantee are all good. reasons why you .should{ y a Magnet Many Thousands in Use Mittelhoit; Zurich •AN•0000e000®mo000o ♦����+��♦�6oe40000004aes house Cleaning ainting is part of it --just as much as soap- d scrubbing. There are spots that water t remove, and discolorations that scouring of take away. Use the paint brush in such cases. THE $HERWIN-WILLIAM8 FAMILY PAINT In .amai1 cans, els made to meet the thousand and one demands fora little paintabout the house. It is ready to use. Dries quickly witha good gloss, Can be washed. ' t; PR1 I Tl3R, .A,, ent, t ick 9'fll CONVEithIO1 d)l!' 14C31t 11I:11E Gradually the firing ceased, aao i t12o pair were left .to We awe-ius iris 1 1 silence of the veldt: kill npoili;..very little time in thought, with r inuttoi- ed voice for strength, he wormed_ .liinl- self lender the heavy form. of ; Mike, until he h8d him on his lack; . and, then rising, hu commenced t(a walk after tho retiring section: Cilspiiag with fatigue, he struggled on, halting now and then to ease his ,lira atliiug,, but afraid to drop his burden for fet>rt he would not be able Lu lite it again, On, oa, just to the next )till -top. 00, on, on; surely the camp noble far oh`' now. At last, as lie breasted a stiff slope, he heard the hoarse challenge of the outpost sentry: ',Mtn! .who goes there?" Mustering his last strength, he shouted. "Friend" and fen in-' sensibb, beneath' his burden, • •'''Hats. they found them, to tho rough liold Chums side hospital: (�11n1n ' still they lay . (1 . to r c la side; and the first sign of retuning consciousness was when the orderly" found then sleeping hand . iia: hand. Mike was the first to recover and when they told him. the, story of 13i11's heroism, he cried like a child. "Save hint sir," he would say to the doctor; "sure he has the heart' of a lion in that little body `ofhis. I could not have done it sir, big and. strong as I am. Four long miles 'it was,, they tell me, and him but edittle chap. D'ye think thatbeing teetotal made' him stronger than he looks lie looks?" "Yes; I should say that he nag,. a;c 6 is the poison "in ifiJnv 1 i' it n loo & than used fi iu:for dais sire, . Faith, sir,. ay Thi' what 1 owe to him, I'll itwann le clrcali c'�f dtill On*, u down co > t.raaal;.;t.;,ut-ailiE1c(l Boos and taxi`" i 'tri d before, to get him to 4 i' }}^l 11, a4 tuetota kr. 'fWlaeia t4ta111.6 :i'll tell you;" was lie day they ,jotarueyetl to titally:he 1ec1, er es5, ail 1111c1c;1' Corny any and ha 'It (me0 drift5 to the Protection.of {lurk()Y Mika, and :takes : heart from the story of Bill ths'Hi roe 1)1, _f� llf Toinpo.1ane( aide. The end` X E. M.. W. 'Press, t?tll)t, thut,1 thorn, Rua ye, savt de } .� frame_i sole inheritance from a, drif kitIO : f af.kerltl ;;lrinth(r. Chin you ,4 pr' 11uw' that 1 :bate tlic t ,,Eg>d -ul' S1' .'r'Gtt t i )risen �, , , ae;iVa V Eto as little cuing,. A nee >.nxuntoshe stood, in ,trier lin` 1'l1iitaarice( i grave, 011(1 {iiia„ to .111ikro, 'S,ta(i• 'There ic0tlier, iiillc(1 by' drink, over liattlii'iseu nay frillier lives ti liio xatin ,it by di'iul;. I little -brother and sinter.' stirtiii>, and tins oti'intud tlrinJ "VI' ia ,'little cause ye have to {otic it alis v h 1 never=- cuailcl tii:ll a ?; i\I1.},ex but I: (,hen prayed that I H,'•:ht lleaao tc).;aaholy what a tooto xa'ecSti ' z :tool. Pt~ pill spot, a i" xrlliti tib)i3 t ?,,01t 1,t lies''b; tongu that's', yeti' was th 'tlionp strong tY� . lean fi,r ,h gethcr,icl itli l e Y;eors ago , ding on .this' • I have .,been tri© shame 'that has., tied' my tie the heart ie lily t'afe to ? .11 . acs'that •i dlife to- Miketells Notice to Creditor In the matter of the estat° of Adam Edighoffer of the Township of Hayy, in the County of Iluron, shoemaker,' deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Stahlbe,iu the behalf that all persons haLv. claims against the estate of the late Adam Edighotfer who diccl on or ;Lliout tho 3010:: July 1912 are. required 00 of betore the 2ud day of December to deliver to Ctengo B. I:4101o11'er Dashwood P. 0. oneof the Executors of tlae estate of the sai(L deceau ed their chrdstian and surnames, ri(l(aressea� fuandll .• 4 description,- 'n - s tL �' i ❑ the all )li 7 t la 1 r i ul# as of their claims, and statemelnts 1 thele an . counts and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And further take nn.' tide that after such last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute• the assets of the deceased among the ties entitledithereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall tlreii have noticed anr';the e) ecutor$ Will )106 ire, liable for the sa,el assets or any part there- of :to:any person or pen -ons of whose claim notice shall have been receivedat the time of such distribution I?, DIG II.Uh'1 R11.—Lxeeufors Dated at Dashwoocl, the 8th day of Novel ber, 1f12. All accounts due to the aboveestate are ,gall to be settled before Dec. 2nd 1912. w.•• yOJ 1Ja,ldon Ol:d� t,laoalll2ml�li) os7atd1al#f, • %tldviacluaro `1h oet 11L4 Stat ifirbt,'lak:)(. Also spoilt tn.1. tit ;Berlin, wad ' ottter eon tiinnial hospitals..- Ue)norial Practice :tvat]iait at;ci.ttil • Nose l toalt Sinn to :Eye, E a{N , ose a.nd 'f;hroa Eyes torted (13ctiza i oope and. Op ill"ala xof.30,o ao ivied) and glasssos Bap.; plied glad properly adj ti t)(1, Office 1.)nslrivt)od. Ontario. MEAT MARKET WE keep ill ;tcic,lc ,a full line of frith. meats ;harms etc . etc Our -cuts .<ti't noted' for their '041(16 11 II if Y'1 41. dill sauba.ges . Give us a call. ti i j ) r et... a"i rnl Ck',9 mutt ti. on t. or three for $10 Pail( is ' 3izrs,+eD tarty: The above „*iso E pxct>Itie of Chief- Little Bow," who was probably the : first inhabitant of CA RMANG Y, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the farmer tills the land. Railways,: eat, Coal an.ater !! t.- CARMANGAY is a NATURAL R;ILWAY CENTRE on account of the topography of the country. It is situated on the Little Bow -,R1 er, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has - VAST ;Q ,6tITIES OF COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the T N LIMITS a and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell in Work for yogi ,Money in the East, but invest it in the West CUT OUT THE COUPON f. l r O r� AND SEND IT . TO U lr rrSIM Western Canada Rea Mate Company Head Office :-502 TEMPLE l t JILDING, Toronto, Ont. BRANc1E5�:� MONTREAL, QUE. HAMILTON, ONTP o LONDON, ONT. 25 Sun Life Annex 30g Lister Chamber 1 Dominion Bank Chambers WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE, CO. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send -me without obligation on xtty part, literature containing facts, figures and vliews of CA1 N .NQAX. Name ...... Address • smentswanormemmeamilemine