HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-11-08, Page 8a:+K xarxLVYSJ C. ptarsog"-"^ N�v:,mccvM� NrL'Yb[sAl'm0.: twS "��u. .. aa,N'R—--w'+�A. ��"Ww��tlr�•�wln'a..wR>.�wuua±R'au'.ax�...sn. J..✓+u_.w...uoxv.?x��L'Scv..s yi 7i' is in';l'e advantageous for you ,to • purchase v :ur Winter Weal' at,illi":Store for 11191111" reasons, Our Goods aro from the foremost manufacturers, ' thus \i t' :� 'titled. tiie UEr'VE'st acid most exc1u; 4l 16 . i)quality. .; t 1 CMS. it11d� tile best i;t at .the ( t very lowest price. Our 'Winter Goods will 1)1eai;, yen. Cull iii mid get ()u1' prices 'before you 1tiI' . ;its. V e' ('a?1 Savo you 1ll(ane . New DressGoods- in all the leading shades and cloths 25CtSe it yd. and up Special `in Velvets 22in. wide, all colors, 3Octs a yard Ladies' and Ch Idren'sCoa.ts- I:tl ;11 x ;'f1.I IUO11('V (3111.liE'.Se •ite t`i'' : tt ststylces and cloths Furst ,Furs!! Nov.-.i1F chili; t•i 1 tat' ('a11 .111 and get on? A.92:.., e'11 til.�tit` iI re Tuffs and ;tlt9ffti, .tl,l+ 1'itl' I:ined ('`oiris, and Lodi,. t'Oats e )D I" bc'It,-. iC Se4F--dic& is - Le: ge uwd Price the Lowest Sweaters and }�'r er4. oats r " x ('a<.e.s, acts mei: and. up. •13 -„ t,:'.t i E�'t)91t:i, Wag each ectal up. 'It Fen's Fur C. ;cis.. ('It,th ('gents with For Collars, Hats, C`.tl , i\.lit: (ilc vet . Scaife, t-iicl iw(.ir All at Bargain Prices Horse Blankets. Robes Zee Jiantlh: th genuine Newlands Saskatch- ewan hobo. Therm is clone other just as gotta. Fresh Groceries Always Kept on lit nd Call and take, a look through before niak- ing your purchases. No Trouble to Show Goods prices paid for all hells of Farm Produce f1ERC1ANT .:.:Ont Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR ("ousted tict;` on 1?•ttt" : this of Nov.1912. ail w;;•r pr ( t t); (e1'0 r1.1 lU )fllt" t tf1C" to clavi) )' .,�t l;ralucll t�t,lttlir •, eh' 1nC l 0111.. `J 1„ ,a^^i';11, it retrue tett the f,,c tti ll:l%it 1'.t:st .11r:t!l(:1i (lt)nla�.�i a)tu•. • ;� �1'tic e cult iI {ll9 lif.;ti thta f)ot111G11 tate 1 tn.v A g ic. Society, it'nilly�t to leilu v tti ta,: i the. eillYo th ail tar Sh o1) t;le1111' litl't1.1 i`t' of at ttlt'[llt4 ore.. ',1'111 ct.titr'il will lant.t,)l .tt aii ttlt,4 (ivy they i tat data i kr)(tulul)t,l ill talc allt.11lt':'ll. SCHOOL 1`) PORTS',. Ti,(: following is rel). rt for 1;J tit 1)1 t./.,t•l),it r. 9 l.it s :tit' iu fai't[I'1 of then r ; intim 11 TT •:Jr 1.1C- -Carrie 13r. inc t 200; t i?, �,t, { < o 1 Fri '?()) Cul`t t.' Alberts <I!t + tc1 1lu}i \:1itl,:lilnlyi ` o t S 117; \lar 1 ttc1 I1 � Sr 11--Margrel Bess Zeller 271; Gladys Fisher :he 2 T; 1. [ 203; T otitly ;. rll 1 200; W. !nitre Ciausis 170; Rtissel l.i + ` ie Deit:lit:rt 1,7,0; (ThiroiL:ot,,:. • t+. 1;tnult littlp 110. . Vj t. Ste Pc 1 t`.u1 try Fritz 1.1 iiilabe er 102. 11ac li'o to mt.; 1, Eltabilio.sch 100: i,.lt'nn 1 x9 bteld 11 Kalb-Iltt.:Atlf Ervin 1 ist :►.•1 11c 1'lK-11 1(t LOotlimt Ran 8.7 Pt II Edna' etcel Dorthy Cam bell 11.1; Eflnfia Wenn 108: Lfitif` 1't e 1adt.)11 JAM; Leiltlz`5 Olith+tl 1�! Tlary Mittellloltz 101; Iiieli<- r1 vah,, tun: Lloyd Sarai s 00 Clara S alit i 9:i: Gorden Zettel 0)2; Anthony, Mitt{'. hvltz 71. • Sr Pt I—•Ines Yol ngblut 201; Der {thy Fritz 288; 'Minnie t'ttley *•�` C'1ar 'Mauer 208: Fenneth W'el)e; , Julia 1)axisdnn 1,89. ,Jr Pt •T11(.3(0cire Tide siva•.1 oiter, Luella Deeper; nom, Milton lley. J' t (,lints---•\Iorlti .flow Benda. Gerald Jlat(lour. L. IL. Mulhulhui c ,i`4foi1 T1: Jr III—Ada 11nwt 1.i1 1� Sr ll:_ 1ek2•'n Cam 171a:'i1';;,:/0". lett,: Janet Thiu1, :lildrePA's` i Rose Hess. Freddy \'ti ci•'8 .c,AV61ea mat Duohnrine, Lindsay \\ iuoutouc,..4At1t- fioistal(1. - eco; vegan sequtat+ au Jr II—Susie i7lclieit, ()li'' a no Theodore •I ib,1c1 I?ctar?e); „[ � Arntina Brenner, Ernie 118ra Agl rod' O'Brien. &ljnu l tti;,;e,ls �ti Hildebrandt, Laurence Itttti,'�' lis; enco Brenner, Alphon is Died Margeret Sierniou ik CA an ,✓+ nter T l rs to tl"Doi It?; Colorado, Mexico tt Pacific Coast Points. 13 6:mud Trunk 'Railway is the t( t dil'G('t 1C I1to from all points . t 1133lulgll Canada -via Chicago.. FEATURES U.tl'al ii .itt k, 'ai t Service, .fine i utltlbclEy :\,() coil Equipment, 1,..eetwelled 111 : 1-ig. t •tr 1 ryiee. t 11 elements o1 ti t: faty;, k comfort To the Sunny South 1Lro. iii -me dt.xir,Ilo rout tlow. vita, the (sea)nd Tridil•. t) I +tr( ea, thence vitt; -. Cir e)tl 4i i to Jack,oville, Palin rt.f:. etT `-; trip cichet , together with full, 11 i G(a iilainl)s tau) fe;eas,t,uu.. from 1tC'a7:t,at taaand TrUnk Agent or write) Duli', 1). P. A., Tor:tgtr, Out. LitIO { 46..W..-MtMil ". One Price the year round. and til the lowest. Parties intending to bay a• good llarrnds this Spring should nob fail to c on us, as me aro headquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest prices e (ano gnaranteed, because best loather always used. See our Team darn€ with Clo11ars at i2f .00, Single Harness at $100 up Stoves- wad -Hardwape if you want the best at 'lowest prices call an see what a big Dargaai can get her. • A full stock of all kinds of 1 1 yo In Furniture we lead the trade as we bay in car loads this enables us to cheaper and our customersgot the benefit. •' Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price 0 MA IL _ PHONE 3 9 ZURICH ;Mows LARces ' COMBINATION ,STORE tf�ta,�• � ta,:r. 1:) .,: 'Prompt Service Moderate Cha.ra-es U F A aux ick- - Ontario e 4,124 Jest to hand. :::ring in your orders. Close price till Doing pusi ness at PHONE KAL °P1 I yo,Leola 16(f lollr;Lted• ul.stsey Harris implements 1.17c, beev adle ot3•lliing in that like, ":1.17c, Inlpienlefite, llanure sp ead- t, 11i kinds of Plows, Seei1 Drills, flora,\I's, Cultivators, Dean 1.i-e•stels, ole llarvestinng Implements ,)tilers, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc, 1t Sr 1 Shill Dietrich. Lloyd. lfey? i 1elnc.re Dttchttrnita Gordon Alice Guileir, Mable Bander, I.I'trt)er.:: \Neil, Jr I fanlituie Geiger. I111da. Neti wauster, Ionone Foster, Gorr .t Waiver. Peati Lcibeld Fir:•t C[tiss-l; Inrtt. L ttley. Mot ';alra.ras. Ruth 'Brenner, Russell Fester Ethel less, Vernon David a an. , Gladys MacNevin tet {lie, appointed .tot 1t t ail BLAKE Messrs John 1131(1 Joseph ',Vie of FtlirIcrow), Mich. who were of utteiading the funeral of their tut the late Allan Douglas: of i3r't\ field, called en friends in the ne` bt)ttt'hriod, the neitghbors near and 'dist( turned rata this week end diti 11 \Vrn Wagner's plongllilag.• Such' practical cbri•tiani[y, Most people are having trot'ti trying to sore their potateos syjltl! Ian rotting in the cellars . Muster Denouly Wlio 'ar( Ilia titin er.Ilile picking ap]) (ti is:P gressing nicely` Far to eta are hasteninri�«'a�r%it ploughing. Some liaavo finis while ot•hure have ci-altsideraable '10 yet. • Mr. .1' 'taeys is tiaakin3 'Some lrrovetnent on: 111a chort3tt r1 making water- v waysand grayoil 'i'IIC fulltncing Phr,wq thc+ rr' o; ilio pupil's of the 'C7. S. B Stanley fol October. IV. Finley, iii de It lifot ride. • Sr Tit (`Lavas--F. Finlay; (`i, Tl las, O. Parke, „ Jr III Cilia's -T. ;\Foyer, A. t, ( ns;crieh. Sr If t )ass ---1,, ().4c1.1, Jr l:1 ('hiss—Ha is y'lcayr r, (J Mot' 1.i li i )n& 11 Massey -Harris Creap Separators \11 •lcind> of Plow repairs, Gasoline n ilio?l. See our line of Clatters be- ' re kern Int,y, all our own Italica. Dug- it's, Caari.'itges, \Va en , Sleighs. c aare Dealing Our Motto • e c Son ..rym. i ar:0211 Beparator No Iet>t:15' l data; laic of t`i11z 'East Ittitlnfaing Lori All Machinery tankof Plough always on hand Bloc "WEDNESDAY awl THURSDAY, SEPT. 18 and 10 and following days. Miss 'Thiel is in. charge of our iMTillinery7 Department for the fall season, and we have a large stock of stylish hats and trimmings, to Show you. Cowie and see thein before pui'clias- Dress Goods Now is 1•he tinte to bay your New Dress fol: Fall. Come and see our stock of Serves, Poplins, Worsteds, Etc. Wo • can suit you, PI 1 nnelettes and Wrapperettes A large n.nd well asserted stock of Flannelettes and •\1'rappo):'ottes, to choose Froin. Sweater Coats For Men Women and Children, in all sty les; ancl'ct)lors. Flannelette and Woollen ::I nkets sizes We have sonicthini brand new in Flannelette l3lankets Come and See thein. We have everything in School Supplies. Fresh c- ocelle a always t e t lts PKK ne Taken iia Ex it PHONE 17