HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-11-08, Page 51 al.
eser've s.3,G?7 7):,0 85,012,311 .
av:s and I:nvestmonts 27,457,000 t c �> 48,287,284
'otal Assets 33,4):)0,7..).
General Balikii.1:S Business TrausaQted
Inecrhorated 18(15
i� —4900-1911
, • rc , ,io all thc�•
e nadaL and Agents a1u1, C,uticsl;`anclo121as l
rai.>.ches i:n Ct Cities 1' 'World.
Principal Cities in the �� orld.
i a,00t),000
IhQ1Va[iat1ae1 0. 'i i"1 l4
to be bit by lis inw•rl col
by•the till?,1111•
'1'o be entailtile
Tho ses;•lion of l 1112 1 of the
a11i111C43) ht Lrlitlti'lerit, :';1,1311
open on the i, �r,t rnty 'lir at of t
month, Will Start oatwith a o,'
it the matter' (if (livoroki :it
The ti112e for Firing notion of
placation. for bi`tin (1 CO
not yet expired, 's t alio,
are 1.+' on the list t'li' t.lis o t •r
three were loft over i,tlte� at •,,
:lith, e,i11en 10 10 lir, 4K1ri� t'4:'
wlli(312 t't'1 thought la 1)11 1 t
nttlly 1n ge> gr•L ( ;)1xtee: . "
'holt tll(i applied II+ 1 H) (t' pat
Y ) ii ~ Tlf fu'r tlu, •1111 1 r.d t+: Y' 1 190 : In,
�d� L _ i'i i L0 1t C made by :'::slticltlt o_ 1'c,1 ..,G,,. :.
fly .E..1.i.
$, 1,;000„000
at all Branches. Interest allowedeat highest
q carrye^ntgrate.
(:h .. . .Aa CONS'rANTINE
°�t°.cY�7CilfSJ;'1 $A x.31 J.
42.1.21221-14++++.1244+4.42.1.+.1.+21- 44+214 .1-1442+21.42+44.1.21412++.12.14214.:-12.2'.--1-12-12
„t ,
d�est Clio
There is nothing that means
so much as "Quality"As applied to
It means everything that makes
for. Style and service, richness of
.and in.
cloth, in cut, in tailoring,
By making such "Clothes" we
tie making our customers life-long
'friends. Can't we make you one 'of
them? We are anxious to, and if
Quality appeals to you, we tan—so
let us get acquainted Now.
arrangement, all divorou c tr ns :a .
dealt with in tilt) 5enttti 11.. 1CaL`
corn nlittee,:f the rip'poi.12ouseh u
the evid(•nc( 11i ea1,1(^iu : stare
graphic report :;t -which •1 i poll
and Llistribttted to 1ne)1) i F�,;,1.:
Pii1 flslnlont, tie we ]t a%ta t*) genet(
and when tt di vor(ie i;:, gran tett
.t•he Senate.; litre tri taY((1 t' l 511.
laid beton) 1;;+ .i'i ,:.i+ 13 111.4 i
tnittt)c) pi t I141Coin-moms,
deals with the enat& 4 b115 e :t2
as with anv other private 'hill � 1
oomes before it. It it; bull rat
however, that the Senate's jt1L.
rent is upset, in the matter
divorce bill, l y the Cotumone, 1.
all divorce bills . are reerla•(lecl'..
"carried on divisioi ."
the reason that members w11cii
Roman Catholics are snp}icii, t�
vote against divorce 1(5 a mitt to;
religious principle.
Gone but not brgotttan . are
days when we paid ten cents
pound of steak, ten cents for.1
en eg„ s and got thr4v, nice:
herring for a dime.
1' (GrL1 : (:1B)it'()
;itiIll 1)(tt'(3f ac1•61)iilne proved. laill(1,,• , of good. hi1rd.
yawn attention .'to• Itis wood. btts18 11.iit1nc,a a1 11 linnet cu1t.i
lt�tt ,11:o •4+must, be holes in the ,vatluani vs•t"ll druial(:dl and i'el7ceil; largo
boleti Marls ;and good stolid
theory curiously euotl11
vrt t' 1 1 hen aviation
•" <ruud wt;lls '5'ltll O+indllilf; 1 1•!3 11U141s
l)1(>u lY;ncl 1 aviation ,
or tli l iuir;h possession will be .riven
11 �'
14(/141 Public' •1Lttelltielll, Tim Spiel lot. 1:1(113, but purchaser may go
>ll+iil le Ise pitfalls of on a.ilcl do #kill 'work; Fur. further
•uigli'; beset a person Parti-cnl`1r1 ((11111•1' to Willi>41111 Fee,
1„ f,ra the cel((4(11 iii„ the dark or
1 1034 1140111311 ice. Subst:gat011tly
1,f,' 4' Aviv'', de: erlbc;r.1. ft Ras;eko,rr ° .,p �� . f u�Mr�A ^ j P ' �7
1' J t T.. .1.: MoI. AIJG
e211�*.A.ti�lis'tttft lll�klersaa.
11o1(`i`'s' (Royal 'London t.lilt'.
Eye 3..laspiti(l and Goldesi•>r
�%'orli;a and Throat IIo�liitlti,' f
England. Ala) .<Twit t'1u !tt:
and Other (((utallr lit 1 :11(
Gt:looiritl I'rnrtieu with r l,cr:#'.' 1.
1o11 to Eye, Ear, ., oro al,+1
/Eyes tested °1i�t ti.ilna N(:(Y at'(
tlli'tlmose" �1)(d- rased) ;11.11 .,1.;1;:34'
plied nod. properly ad; .(1,i (('
(9,,•l:t•h+1t 1(11 1F, air 1(11(1 amt. 411(,1'. 12.4
1101 I'M t liO1< in it cerlept that
tititteO by something which a•+ not-
( ^l: t 1i.' aviator 11+a1? •0lf.
441 .Ili
ii,iwever, 11t1:, itself .rf0(11t-.
ali(.tredlted ()11 l;i.'oituds (,f'
i;1 ai't' (.i;s4:1'vatioll. 11 is quite likely
('tk at,,, °!!Dere 01111 becr,r-e .ze'
t ahi t, •: ,.•1111, placer tl'a1 (4.0
.,(41' 1),Ir 111 ..1,0 11,i111t thig 111(114.; ;1
€ollth101i(fn 41. tbonson(1 fro, 111,0‘4.
t1, :11:11 ilx.0 .;t c111Pi1Iy go 1041 an ;
1 precipice.' jiIi' ;;, 211, er;el•(1 1.01111.'
t;: 3110 atlr,, 1: t'4: :•(+'11 ((1 tuna°(1('
full tt
e .n i„l ilt,,,lit. • A hi rc1 that snd-
lienly cutele 'tho.e. 111 the air"
18 tat way entirely different from
he itclips of elle ,.tiionbling pigeon.
Thers is evidence titttt all accident
i.ltLpponed. The bird is intently
i1e 1#i'g straight ahead apparently with
za 1t premeditation it capsizes; the wings
(llvesled of their 1101(1 on the air,
¥.either gloss ftdilely or are forced up -
''ward over the back by the wei; ht of
:the falling bird. There is a ireick en-
:'deavor to right its*, with eztraOrdin-
*ry energies of the.wings, and ellnili-
irlin11 is regained after a fall of about
rent( five feet.
141 the Matter of 111:1 estate of t,
ift:r (f t'1�r.'(ie n.l,ih of lily
i11 the GIlullty ilakni, :-l,t,(°inal44 t',
dee:E t:4::41.
Notie6 1311Cre1}:,y viten p11rsu,intto t e
11 hate in the heliaii that. all persons bo'•
crura 1*at. ; tlie( i"•;ci the la o.A$1:111
1 (. 2a..il.1 ih14) (.1.(.1t ,,41 ill .11 .1.1'1 1td< - JL•, la
I311t 1012are 14;111urc1 o" os•.tae,r( the
11122 2lay of llOe l.l011 2=1 (.,.111 t't• t l
l ! .ighoil'er Da 11 r (1 1'. 0, one --i t1,c
N ( tlloab of -(11e * 1 u4 0101i 1
t L,it th1,>tior1 .tart 14rlt1.:me;,
andde,(erip,inn, the tail pai'ti.-1fl .ta
tL a at'-
their claims, 'and at 1 4ur 411a tS,£ <
('0 1.t(, and th(. 1 .40re S.A. the (e1uiitit_, i3
idly held byy thetll. And lu(•thttr 1111;24 no-
tice that after Such last mentioned date
the Executor;; will proceed to distribute
the assets of the deceased among the par-
ties entitled thereto, lowing regard only
to the claims of which they shall then
have noticed and the esec11tors will %lot be
liable for the said assets or any part there-
of to no,. person or persons of whose Blatin
notice 4,11a11 have been received at the time
of such distribution.
T+:1)IU1IU1`FER.- -Executors.
- Dated at l)ashwuotl, the 5i11 day of Novem-
ber, 1()12.
All accounts due to the above estate are
to be settled before Dec. 2nrl 1912.
. _
tla4' °x:11r
1R T
Dr. de Van ; Petna l Pill
i A re, abl1 terInstit rc dolt n n ro or tans. Tiles
pills are cc' 1 1 ,: 1t:c o (11 s r •ga;latiug th
( g,ceratl c rut t1< ;; turd!, Refus
all cheap a r to r 11a + o'a are sold a
r K 1: a •. 1 ') anyaddress
.. _,rte. 5i`Y. ..tta%at(nea, Ou
Merchant Tailor
_ w.
i5 01l.1k on.e111zt let feature
And improvement. The dou.
ble bowl hearing, the e a s y'
turning, the easy cleaning,
the capacity change, t h e
strong square gears and solid
frame, the Magnet brake, the
convenient supply can, and
the positive guarantee are all
good reasons why you should
* ,B'y
Magn t
Many Thousands in Use
A. Mittc1holtZ urich
W. C. T. U.
Man, bat ye'er a terror for ye'r size
said Mike, as he glancedadmiringly
t Bill marching steadily at his side.
he years bad made great chums of
hese two. Bill had hardened into a
ry soldier, and since the outbreak
war had kept his place in the ranks
ith hardly an effort. Chums are
ten great congrasts, and a greater
ntrast than these two- could hardly
found. Burly Mike protected his
alcor comrade from the very first,
d in return' Bill looked after him
en he Was, to use his own e;tpres-
, drownin' his sorrows. The en-
od abstinence of active service
sed hard on Mike. For hours he
1d picture the "glorious booze"
1 Which he would celebrate his re-
to civilization. Tell us, Bill, he
say does teetotalers always
zo Writ 1' c10 be Navin' Trow?
now, only the mechanical movement
of the legs. The horses, lacking the
motive spirit of the Men, needed whip
and spur, and already the guns
threatened to press back on the rear-
guard. Crash! The rattle of the
rifle and the sharp, weird whistle of
bullets acted like an electric shock.
Sections to the right and left! Away
the guns! Gone are the paths of
weariness when the brain calls up her
reserves. The section to which I3i11
and Mike belonged found itself de-
tailed to rein -force the rear -guard,
and quickly took 'up position on'a
small krantz, scattering among the
rocks to obtain cover. The two churns
settled down together and commenced
to fire at the ashes of the enemy's
rifles. After awhile the section was
forced to retire, and Bill scurrying to
cover on . the next slope, suddenly
missed Mike. A hurried inquiry.
down the line convinced . him that
Hike had been left behind, and Was
either dead or wounded. - Without' a
word he dropped back, and in spite of
the heavy rain of bullets, crawled to
'tclltld drink a brewery dry. his old position on the krantz. Re
tra'I211)1 tramp. No sign of a
et; On ahead the advance
tie looking for the one. great
•11 for a trumping ground --
found ..Mike lying . insensible and
bleeding from a wound inthe head:..
Crouching, close to ,the boulders he
boundup the wound, and.: statinalaed
1's02vtay a man groaned as he, ,the flow of blood with a 'sasit�.',,�' .old
;rj;se' the weight of kit and, e singwhich every, ,, soldier cit
Ft'ef ws.r:. -.All;li. ,of
The above' is l'a. picture of " Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first
inhabitant of CARMAN QTY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the farmer tills the land.
It is situated on *
Send., s
t, Co (,1
IURAL RAILWAY CENTRE on account of the topography of the country.
de Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has
VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town.
HIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business
ater �t
ur illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell in
Western Cana
Head Office :--SOI
Toronto, . Ont.
35 Sun Life Annex Sew
IVloney in the East; -. but invest It in the West
al Estate Company
1 Dominion Bank Chambers
502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont.
Please send me without obligation on my
part, literature containing facts, figures and
views of OABMANC1rAY.