HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-11-08, Page 4YOU CENTRAL • ' genTAT•70'..n).Ot- Write for the large free eatalog- no 61 this school., mad on will learn how )iou can succeed. it will then rest with you to decide if You will succeed. We £L1 placin,,e, students in pos- itions paring S000 and 13700 per annum, and we have many euet aPPlications for help -which we cannot supply. The •besb time to enter our classes is now. Write for our Free Cataiodue D.A.ticLachlan, Principal, Dashwood • Furniture Store 4ti.--,45fadtory CREDITON Mrs E. Hodgins of Lieury, was the guests of Mrs. J. W. Lawson last Mon d y. Mr. POI 1101.17,11.10,11 ha if completed Air. Frank Fern's barn which is said to 1* one of the finest in the section Mr. Dan Sweitzer left on Vues- day evening for Algonquin Park. where they will malts their future home. The Globe offers to •send their Imorning (Alton to new subscribers for $1.00 to April lst 1911 Orders taken at this office. We are giving Big Snaps in Pianos and. Organs for the balance of the year. Two big shipments • of Singer and Raymond Sew- ing Machines must be cleared oirb at once, at a lowpriee. A. big stools of Fin•Litun always on -liana. and. prices the Lowest. • ' Dried apples taken as Cash. UNDERTAKING Big stook on hand. Day or • night--oan Central. p MoISAAa DA.SEIV.7 0 OD Mr. W. Geiser wits lionae ove,i' Mr. John. Graybeil was hoop Sunday. Mr. .Tohn Hoffman was in S a few days this week, on husives1 Mr. Win. Stroeder was t Monday. . Miss 'Minnie Elders spent Sua with Miss Maudit Brniu et Miss Norah Siebert was in ES, turned from there visit., at St:maze:4' N.Erg, Guenter and family bar Mr. Eli Lawson returned home on MonaaY. after spending a couple of months in Mr. W L. glace wasin Lon4 the West, at Snowflake, Artland and Friday, on Edmonton. • The envelope.system has been intro- Clifford, spontSttneday in Exotor.:. duced in the Methodist Church and Miss Sylva Pfaff bas returned'hn will no doubt prove a success as in after a lengthy visit at Staffa.,. o•ther churches. Mr. 1Nrin Bothermal who' Mr. Fred Irish, teller of the Cana- in Port. Huron this IaSt couple'. "•.- diem Bank of Commerce, who was was in town on Sunday. • inoved. to Toronto, has been trans- ferred to Halifax N. S. Rev. J. GretiebaCh •sent a days last week, visiting friende, Miss Eva Hirtzel returned home - on Monday, after spending a month inCapae, Mich. The Misses Wilson of London Tp. visited at Mr and Airs J W. Lawson's a few days this week. , . Mr. and Mrs, D. Pfaff and town, 6MOtent,..,4- 44filesitts' favor us with a call again. If ?k,satisfactory plea& let us know lid* will gladly make it right. - hisstore belongs to the people of •;:';',,,”rich and surrounding country for , - Mr, Paul iessner, -who :111H i.j;-4M.. ng Quarter, and 'we -want trans - Spring N left for Peace Ri,ver :Dis6i-c•i.4•40,,on to be pleasant and profitable to • returned home last week • • Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Mrs, C. Fritz was in town 6,:•.:• da&s, visiting at the home of Mr.',1a Mr. A. E. Wuerth and Mies Lu Mrs. J. Kellerman. 1.., Schwartz, spent Sunday at Zurich, at Miss Annie Gossman left . Thee the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Warm for Exeter, whore stie will work., Rev, M. 0. Morlock of Cincinnata the canning factory. Ohio, will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Suny daArr. Eldon Braun of Ciediton,.. morning . in town Tuesday evening, .eallVi,,, friends. What a lot of sad looking faces we see these days, for Mr. A. Hodgins is busy distributing tax notices. Cheer up men, better days are coming. Lame back is one of the most com- mon fornis of maisciilar .rheumatism, ,eneral Merchant, Zurich. • We want to increase the Subscription Li4t of our throe papers, Th llerald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, and t acconiplish this quickly we are offering some handsome prizes for the mos. popular ladies, martial or single. It will pay you to "get busy." Someon• is going to get a handsome $$00.00 piano. First Prize' SUBSCRIPTION 0 NTEST. The following is the standing in Mr. Harry Kraft with sisterti.... lettr prize circulation Contest up to and Marie Thayler, spent SundaYln'Sitturda,y evening- kst. Zurich. Mrs, W. Schroeder spent ',Elia giving with I\Ir. • and Mrs. Machu. •, A few apphea G10118 of Cliarnbeidaan$ ,4 4 - ,a. e soid.14 , ,noture • an er a," ‘-0, • y1. ,111t4' 'tee , • • .Miss'Lottle Galster ;5000 Mi8s Ada Winan4.800 Miss Blanche Laporte 20000 Arise Sadie AleIsaa,e. 141300 •, Mies Vitoria Daters.„1500 •Miss G adys.111cNevin .8400 , „,..cti6rtirs e to give tteiRicert pia.y into the house forinerlyol:n• Qemetime before Christmas. They Hander. , • ,,• AlissIda 1pide• ..... -• -.500 6' r)ROIMPOOT HAYS Si KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Godcrich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. EilIoran. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCT IONEER, Exeter. Sales condueted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or uo pay. Terms ressotable. Orders left at this <Mee iU be promptly attended to. 13. W. F. BEAVERS EXETER Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. Sales conducted in the most approved manner. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Dates can be made at the Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Exeter. 11. EIL33ER & ON Crediton, - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents lelephone—Office 1a, House lb. ANDREW F, HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, 'Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in' fire insurance, B. P. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- Auate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate 61 Department of Dentistry, To- ronto 'University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. are busy practising and will give our readers.• further particular latter. Rev, E. Brown preached a special sermon on Sunday last. it the inter ests ot the old people which was very entertaining to the large con- gregation. The local option campaign in Stephen has been launched. A vote was taken 3 years ago but the vote was a few short of the required three - fifth ma,iority. The Ladies aid of the Methodist Church will have a Bazaar on Dec. 4th, in the basement of the church. A large amount of both, plain and fancy articles are being prepared for sale, a lunch will be served. • Next Sunday is the world's Tem- perance Sunday, Mr. J. C. Dell of Toronto will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical Church next Sunday evening. A cordial welcome is ex- tendef to all. The best plaster. A piece o flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on over the affected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as much Sold by All Dealers. See our black beaver fur collared overcoats. This coat has a German otter collar Astrachan lined, interlin- ed with rubber, barrel buttons and loops anti well made. We offer them at $12.50 each, at Zwiaker's. itmosommeromesesnemon.remormuiransememommalmemme LODGE MEETINGS 0 11 • meCourt Zurich No. 1240 ets every 1st and 3rd 1,4tsclay of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. the A. 0. V. W. •• ,1, 3. Kim:5Na. C. R. Bich bell Lodge • NO. 3 93, meets 4• 4th yri1ayo every month ,M their Bali, Merner Bleek: VIrrwna _ Zurich Lodga NO,1 482 meets eVerf2•Ad. and •Itli Tuesday,. Tfre, Misses Susie Wain Mande aiL1eibgave xeter visit seturtly. We are pleased to bear this Ethel Kellerman, who had taki at Toronto, is improving. Messrs Melvin and Mat:321w Crediton visited with Mr. W. L. Siebert, on Tuesclay. • lir. and Mrs. P. limit spent clay with their daughters, Dora;'..ft y., Lucinda at Exeter. • tte. Quite a munberfrom here at. the Ford sale on Tuesday e Dashwood. Mrs. W. Rothermal of Exeter she Sunday with MT. and Mrs. .Fra Ca se. Nati - We are glad to report that Al Euloen Guenther is improving 'nl Her many friends hope to See out. around soon, • 'We are glad, to report that.* Ethel Kellerman. • -who, has..-, seriously at.Toronto, is ipi&ri and is expected home in a week'''. The Y. P. A. of the Evangel went to Creditor( Friday niglIO spent a social evening. The - gramme was given by the •'Y.. A's, while the Credit= Y. P. s The following is the report of S. 5, No6 Stephen for the month of October. IV—Veronica, Hanover 1177, Irene Mawhinney 990, Peter Regier 449. III—Edgar Mawhinney 778, Bertha Hartman 758, Catherine McDon- ald 70. St II—Satn Broketishire 436, Jr II—John Hanover 802, •Tillie Hamacher 217 Pt II—Alphon Hartman 234, Ed. ward Hartman 226. Sr. Pt, I—Vera Wlawhinney 403, N Florence Hanover 388, Alice eeb 266, Ethel Wild 243. Jr Pt I—Edlie Keys 103, Harold Lawson 98, No on rail 17, AVerage. attend- ance 12, M. P. PfErsons, 1 '1 L • ',W• ay. ed a lunch, REDITON teat ET We keep .;1 stock a ful! line of facia meats, etc. etc. Our cuts are nab ea for their tendernesk and wholesomness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our sausage. Give uS a call. Nicholson&Lawson CREDITON. FARM FOR SALE ,That first-class farm being situated north part of lot 12, con 10, Town - Ship of Stephen, 2.1- miles •froin • Orediton and about three quarters of 1 a mile from school, rural phone in house, containing, 50' acres of choice le,ta. On the premises is a good 11151110 dwelling and goad bank barn all buildings in good repair, good or- chard, well fenced and well under- thained and in good state of eultiva- tion. Never failing well of good opring water at thekitchen door. Soft va:ier.. well. This property will be oa to suitpurchaser; possession given suit purchaser. For particulars Itpply to. Wm. H. Martyn on the pre- VhidseS, Crediton P 0., or Oct 1—Sin one9 On • pd k.• Come an get new Buit At Zurifoh's Tailor Shop .the only where the 'Newest is OM shawl." first and. satisfaei guar am t d.., 1,,annelk.y. ovE:i oVEARn EX PE nittlez TittADE MARISA I 4 DC814148 • COPYkIGHTS &a. 14.0.00 ending a eketelt and deserlottori Inas • 0.41ifoltly asdartaln o r Widen. free Whether an • YiSltion is 'PrObab liatatitab Cobinalmiclt. brit stridtly confidential. HAND BOOK on Parents &it /NO.Oldetit i01,1181311rIllouttento. Patents thr aken terto Munn tic "Co. reitelitti 4taids,Isit 00 dilative. Ill tlio ' . µ I Znriuh.s his sinie ecottid 00M- Ladie0 Fur'Lliied:Coat • Value $75.00. May be seen at Zwieker's store Craton. 1 hird Prize New Williams Drop-HeadISewing Machine Seo it at P. Mclsaac's furniture store, Dashwood. Fourth Prize Ladies' Gold Watch Fifth Prize Set best Plated Knives and Forks 4th and 5th prizes, See at F. V. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich. . NOW LADIES, "GET BUSY" Subscription Values New Subscriptions 1000 votes Renewal 500 votes Arrears for each year 200 votes Standing at candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will be lisped the following week. • Votino Goupon ... I Vote for +4. + 4* 4.4. 4.4. 4, + 4, Oteritail eldp.• al; ok' 4, Sent by 4' As the most Popular Lady Amount Paid New Subscription Vol Renewal Vot Arrears... • Vo Address .. , . •• • acsOntaatessmonvmmeame/ibesmiotahn,00raorometwortmorsernurnemonaroftensenanene..reetwartennn..amme • Name of paper sudscribed for.. "r,',"1.4444.444.44++4,4•44t+,4,4.44+++++++++++++ Offi