HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-11-08, Page 3SUNSET COAST E WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING. 71, 1 19 27, In t thr ble f4 It Dr Imito a ss of the Creat West Told In :a Pew Pointed splendid new school is being at Imperial, Sask. lerta farmers are building a number of granaries. new hotel, costing $40,000, is " built at Le Pas, Man. antelope • was shot 20 miles -east of Bassano, Alta. thbridge bakers have made a 'Mien in the price of bread. al prices have advanced fifty a ton in the Okanagan dis- iere are five hundred dead let - weekly in the post office at se Jaw. dotter building permits at Re- a will reaoh half a million dol- e village of Gadsby, Alta., has ht a double cylinder chemical engine. ` anplaints are made that con- lerable electric wiring at Saska- n is defective. I rince Albert, Sask., has been mised a. $75,000 armory by the vernment, .ighteen gamblers were recently r d etrsts eaeh in E d �a0 n c dmon- a � y paliea court. pavi i King, of Lethbridge, 41ta., a potato an his ranch which gleed - four pounds. ``<1gary aldermen have decided a all bread offered for sale in t city must be wrapped. any crops of wheat in the Glen - oda Alta., district are yielding y bushels to the acre. ome Camrose, Alta., men have ranged a company with a capital $25,000 to sink a gas well. >'rade in Saskatoon and Alberta tes and towns is booming as _ a .ult of the very fine crops. uilding operations are very ac - at Weyburn, Sask., and several a'rtment houses are projected. Sternberg, of Young urnip which, when '+rimmed led top; Weighed 19X lbs. six seed fairs' will be held tghPe 'va•n Linder the direc- L Slti;, Ie; ouas'k., the arrest w.fs rs• who ` she V raI tis tn'"�d o se e h ,., e f • cIperated their machines on day. Jacques, of . Mirror, Alta., is ging out a consignment of 20 folk Punch thoroughbred horses his ranch. oose Jaw has bought thirty s of iron pipe this year, which s some indication of the city's t expanse. umber prices at Regina have in- sect from 15 to 20 per Dent., and tage of ears is given as th-e on by the dealers. New' Westminster, B.C., match ary is making a big bid for the ern trade, a -very large portion hich it expects to secure. the result of the police census, announced that Medicine Hat population of over 11,000, be - gain of 6,000 within the last e months. s than forty dollars has been ded this year in relief work a a, which is taken to mean the eople of that place are in geed circumstances. ing the summer carnival and visit to Moose Jaw, the hotel t place used ono thousand ef milk a day, and dif%eulty perienced in keeping the cit, with milk, so great was the d. Ross, the man who dupe niers around Fort Saskatche- laying the part of stock in- , was sentenced to 59 years He will only be confined ears, however,, as the sen - re to- run concurrently. PRINCES IN FIELD. Royal Personages Tak Chances Than Others. n modern history have s ces of the blood taken th the present war. It i eeping with the mediae- ah still lingers in the Bal- this should be the case. •ractice is against th kings with their troops much depends on the let. . In the Russo let the Russian grand ages engaged took a rt in the war. Ave a' prince of the outhA£rican War and ye., The Duke of in the Egyptian to Duke of Cam-: y deeds at Inker- gedy of the 1?.rince ed 'a deterrent to f this kind Gov, 5.;; t d 0 e .., .r.. ,•71k4 riejf a : e W7 i Vi a,, ,„” w�.. �!%7ddG0 6ae. kze 1 Y L �nr . tlp�a ,' , T,,' y 4 �,e,.. • y i 011l:DYEr0RALIKtNDSnra000s@ it's the CLEANEST, SIMPLEST, and BEST HOME DYE, one cnn buy --Why you don't even have to knowwhat FIND of Cloth your Goods am mudo of. --So Mistakes are Impossible. Send for Free Color Cold, Story Booklet, and Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors. The JOHNSON-RICHARDSON CO., Limited, '. Mont,oa 1, Canada. I. 1. I• ' T / every Pair Insured SSS 3. tbayri &against breakage Cords slide when you move. No pulleys. no harness -just comfort! ewe's, at-mpui "MEE" as Meitrs. 50C. c� at Dealers or postpaid for 500. iriJ k�rF Jit53 'Jgi.?l:"' (PRONout'iCEO EASY) OU SP En DER THE MI6 51151'ENDICO.TOROBT(d',CArt .BROY(ffS 'v TREE" ={` ' Atli If ,,� ,l•I 1/ ......:`� a °% VIII- j'''_ FOR FOR is CATALOGUE y;. AGENCY;. i''-, I,• _ vs BROW 1t15 NURSEIRIES, WELLAND COUNTY, ONT. How is the 'Firm to Think About your 7,s,• .I - Maple - t �t•.v,1,; Syrup .' * Business is '.r n, Consult any of sour neighbors who have used the `tClizenpion" Evapor. ator. They will tell you to install before the snow is on nice ground. Costs no more to buy now than in March. Write for free booklet. THE CRIMM MIsC. CO., LIMITED 58 Weil ington St., 1140 i'dTREA1i.,QUE That's What They Will. She—If fashion makes our dress- es any skimpier I really don't know what we women will do. He—I do; you'll wear the dress- es. WI !nerd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. That's What They All Say. "My husband and I never have a cross word." "My wife never has to ask me for money." "We live in the queerest neigh- borhood you ever saw. It's simply splendid. I'd Iike to sell you my place. It's just what you want...- Malta is the chief coaling -station of the British Mediterranean Fleet, r xlt"'� i A'• %aYlhr`.ti it�t t y�M jC i �D 0i i' i�j( ett �� +� H a h• f�� ft atAI) Il� SURPRISING STATIST C Great'Britain Grows Over Ralf Ue Food at Bore. R. Ti. Rev, C.B, a assistant secre- tary to the British Board ,of Agri:- culture, griculture, has issued in the agricul- tural statistios of the Board of Ag- riculture a resort respecting food, supplies. Nothing perhaps will more sur prise the average Englishman .then this re;iort. The man in the street is convinced that the great mass o the nation's food is imported, It is a perfectly common estimate to hear the home-grown, quantity put down at one-fifth, Mr.' Itew's re- port shows that, in reality, it is up- wards of one-half and that, in val ire, the home-grown produce is no'.. less than '£14,000,000 more than the.. value of the imports, This is a re velation which will ,Cause consider able enlightenment to the ordinary man in connecti'on with the quasticn of food imports in war time. The chief ' ,'ur'ee� `h so s of Wheat ports will also be a, matter of sur- prise to many people`. Itis popu- larlyimagined that Canada sup- plies the ulk of theimportee grain and that the United States is - a close second` while next to none .i s grown at home. As a, matter of- fact, the greatest individual supply is the ho'me-grown crop and after' this comes India, with Canada third- and Australia and Argentina not very far behind. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about these figures is than the home-grown .supply' has risen slightly on an average for the last septennial period and that while there has been a. small increase in the Canadian imports and a large increase in the Indian and Austral-'' fan imports, there has been a cox- ii respondingly large decrease in the �; imports ef the United States, the 'fedi actual figures being as follows : EAK STOMACHS } Ct TS NAPES PRIZE oar, Rich Blood to Restore to a Healthy dondition, y in need, of food to nour- body and yet afraid to eat ;Of the 'racking pains that That is the condition ef the from indigestion—a, choice • starvation or merciless 'gent need of all dyspep- everybody wheese organs of et have become unfit to per- sir important duty, is for tome -ohs that can extract crit from food. Dr. Wil- �ii1 Pills give, weak sto 1,',just the strength they need r,I ehing the blood supply, thus g tone and strength to the arch and its: nerves, and enab- c do the worknature in - •d to do, Thousands of of indigestion have been d @Is kiy Dr. Williams'W Pink Pills, which the following is but one tante. Miss L. A. Brown, 'Port eat, Ont.; says : "For a number. it-e.wasterrible sufferer a • to rible � su ferex estion, -and as a result I ple'tely run- down, afid `,from . ;fi.: rhes and nerv- it tiles as' -i. I had to force t0 At, but never enjoyed a ;ming to the av,1410ppins that d eating, Life' w,as beco m - tureen, and as medieine after iei:eel failed to [help me felt I coed to go through life a n•ant sufferer. Finally a mar- ister strongly, urged me to Villiams' Pink Pills, and I r son to be thankful that I c=d., her advice, as they have catered my -health, and I can cloy- all kinds of food with - ht least discomfort, and my say I am looking better I Hi'v'e done for years. At all ve its l ir'now I feel like a new per- So4 so C110 ,always praise Dr. tt 11- liaiais' I�xttk Pills." olel by all medicine dealers or b lrlail ,a,:50 cents a box, or six boxes , r o 2.50 from The Dr. Wil - gams' dicing r Co., Brookville, Country 1911 1907 United Kingdom 20.7 19.1 Australia 10.3 7.5 Canada 13.4 13.1 India 14.3 10.5 Other Bri. Possessions0.5 0.3 Argentina ... 10.5 14.8 Roumania .... 1.5 1.1 Russia 12.8 11.6 United States 14.2 ..... 19.4 Other countries 1.8 .2.6 Dr. Alexis Carrell, Who wasNobel Prize the awarded for Medicine, may well be called a wizard of the medical world. In his laboratory in the Rockefeller In- stitute for Medical Research he has accomplished wonders with animal life that are analogous to the won- ders performed by Luther Burbank in the field of botany. It is said that Dr. Carrell has taken the heart out of a dog, put dog and heart in cold storage for a week, and then restored the dog to life. He is fa mous in every part of the world as a surgeon. New Burglar Safeguard. The more pretentious apartment houses in Vienna have a curious im- post levied upon them. The doors are closed at 10 o'clock at night, and after that hour every one who goes or comes must pay 20 cents un- til midnight and 40 cents there- after, until 6 o'clock in the morn- ing. The impost must be paid as many times as .a Elan enters or leaves a house. If, for instance, a person is in the home of a friend until 1 o'oloek he must -pay 40 cents 'P house and on leaving the friend's g another 40 cents on entering his own The money thus raised is ode- voted t ; greteetang citizen's against: is the direct and inevitable result of f irregular or constipated bowels and clogged -up kidneys and skin. The • undigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating them—on the kidneys, giving them case and strength to properly filter the blood—and on the akin, opening up the pores. For pure blood and good health take Dra Di arses sa !Indian aot5t Mothers having once used Baby's Own Tablets for their little ones will always be found using them.; as long as there is a baby in the home. The Tablets are acknowledged be I thousands of mothers as being their best friend in keeping the lit- 1 tle ones well. Whether it be con' stipation, colic, indigestion or, I worms; whether baby - is suffering from cold or has simple" fever, cr whether his teething is difficult, the Tablets are the . one safe remedy! which will speedily cure him. They are guaranteed by a government analyst to' contain not one particle of harmful drug and may be given with benefit to the new-born babe or growing child. Sold by 'medicine] dealers or by mail at -25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-ville, Ont, Practical. k "Do you ever pray for your bus- band 9" asked Mrs. Meek. "No," replied Mrs. Strong, "but he never gets out at night unless .1. go with him." IAA iVeyhe' - 'of ; ie electric light sys-' tom that It .overhead wire had fal- len dfi'n tl a crowded street. T, inspe u efor '. etook himself to therepee y. as kI + he could. as � arrived he fou? i the in- owd handling the wire in i v 'eeless manner. Luckily, is had oceurred. dIp ,icti the nearest man, pgeed to be an Irishman, rshed him severely in es, took a great risk," said the ,.ir.. "You had no right, to 'Ia ,:Pant wire. ',Why, man, do { 15`ow you might have been 1'iaright by the shock?" at,3'j:'rishman looked at the in - with aknowing air. said he, "I was mighty sorr 1 Sure;'" and I felt it c^a^filly before I took hold of it 1' •1 Cri A druggist oan obtain an imitation of honse at a very lovr price, and have it labeled his own product.' This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every Tont, Dick and Iterry lies tried to intro- duce. Ask for Id/NARD'S and you will get It. 111 hi lc,ct time , .0 F:G,NK of the suffering ttalert by neglected skin -- mental because igurataoll,, physical be- e' cif pain.. Think of the tree -d a clear skin, soft, ands, and good hair. lessings, so essenti41 ppiness and even sue- ) la life, • are' often only a little thoughtful, e selection of effec- dial agents. Cuti and Cuticura' Oint- 0, so much for poor t'r X;i(3ilfl, r -e 4., rough Australia's Rabbit Pest. - Australia, is still suffering feere plague of rabbits. Ceaseless slime* ter ef the bunnies is effectizal e in -checking their speed, Ter tktey breed so rapidly tbat exterznin tion seems impossible. Stock „ ers are wire -netting their proper,. ties, digging out the burrows et:!vernment is helping by wire netting at a nominal piece. In the hot districts they are poisoninp the water. Notwithstanding all trapping, poisoning, fumigat feteing wad digging out, the pee spreading. s the things th ot rob ea . GOOD laraT Tea, when you are tired, particularly if it'll' Li TO / Goes farthest for the money FARMS FOR SALE. It..W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. UNDRED ACRES -COUNTY RALTON- Good House; Buildings; orchard. Cheap and on easy terms. EVENTy-SIS ACRES WITIL • 0001) buildings and apple orchard;_ about fivemiles from Hamilton. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. ACRES -FIVE MILES PROM LON- sJ,,,l don market, soil elay loam, two acres orchard, frame house, bank barn. vi Will exchange for city, townvillage or 1 e ropertaor for larger Yarm The V est- ernRel Estate, London, Ont MALE HELP WANTED, �+�? TO$100MONTHLY L WAITING ITING IOQ➢� for ung men as Telegrapher° and Station Agents after six months' at- tendance here. Advancement rapid. Day and Mail Courses. Write for free hook 18. Dominion Scheel Railroading, Toronto. tifiSCELLANEOUS. CARCM,. TUMORS. LUMPS, eto. Inc �1J ternal and external. cured withont pain by oar home treatment, Write u before too late, Dr. Bellm as Medical Oa. Limited, rollingwood. Ont. "w EARN SILVER PLATIN G-PARTICU• i1. Lars free. Specialties Agency, Box 1836, Winnipeg. FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleaned.. These can be sent by post, ie per o; rhe best place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. b[ONTRiaAL. L — '�'i' X E CREIOSoTIB Protect — Preserve— Eseeuitify Samples and Bookieto on Application JAMES L,ANGMUUR & GO., l.lrWted I874i Bathurse Street TORONTO Throughout the world the total number of Roman Catholics is es- timated at 264,500,000, and of thehe there are 5,758,000 in Great Britain and Ireland. Cure For Consumption. -For consump- tion, weak lungs. lingering coughs. laryn- gitis and bronchitis. Names and addresses of those only given a few days to live by snoeialtet and doctors, after taking this cure are alive and well, will be tent on rennest. Write Wm. R. Copeland, 611 Pape Ave., Toronto, Ont. No Place. A man had been absent from home for sonic time and during his absence had r.aiged a luxuriant beard and mustache. Shortly af- ter his return he paid a visit to his sister, who had a little daughter of whom he was especially fond.; The little girl made no effort to embrace him or offer him a kiss, but hung back reluctantly. "Why, Eleanor," said the mo- ther, "why don't you give .Uncle Ed. a kiss?" "Well, mother," returned the child, with the most perfect sim- plicity, "I don't see any 'place." Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. A Busy Afternoon Ahead. A greengrocer's boy hailed a ves- sel in dock at Liverpool, says an English newspaper. The surly mate gruffly asked him what he "I've got some vegetables for the ship," was the reply. '"All right, you needn't come aboard. Throw them up one. at a time," said the mate, and sfood ready to receive the expected, vege- tables. "Ahoy, there, look .out 1" shouted the lad, as ;he threw a dried pea to- ward the mate,. "I've got a sack of theee." When NV an drive a horse why does', Will ha with the r Maypole Soap DYGO 5Q EASILY With Maypole ,sotp tlrure is no 3WP.bi a d -`z4 '110 an lia+ttkt dyeing. IJy-4.t:43tian, WOOL, srl?; oz. mixtures. 24 colors will give an shade Cakes rs 10c Black 15c --at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from F. L. R"t1EUICT & CO. Mantras! A Lucid Explanation. "That's a terrible noise in the nursery, Mollie," said her mistress. "What is the matter i Can't you keep the baby quietl" "Sure mum," replied Mollie,. a`I can't keep him quiet unless I let him make a. noise." Ott" 7;ei Are your hen& chapped, cracked or sore ? Have you " cold cracks " which „open and bleed when the skin s drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, frost bite, thilblains, or a "raw" place, which at times makes it agony for you to go about yoUr household duties ? If so, Zarn-Bulc will give you relief, and will heal the frost -damaged ▪ 'Anoint the sore places at night, Einn...tuk's rich healing essences will e ink into the wounds, end the smart- ing, altd will heal quickly. Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says : "My hands were so sore and cracked that it NVSS agony to put there. near water. When I did so they would smart Strld. burn as if I had scalded them. 1 seemed quite unable to get relief from anything I put on them until I tried Zam-Buk, and it succeeded when all else had failed. It closed the big cracks, Lova me ease, soothed the infito.tniation, AAA ta a very abort time healed my liana° Zam-Buk also C117•08 chafing, rashes, oesama, piles, Wears, festering sores, earn and bases, 4bseesses, pimples, rienmeor oats, burns, bruises, soalcle, sprains. dru,goiels nnd stores, or post fres front tho Bulb Co., Toronto. Price 50e a box.