HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-11-08, Page 170u s to The Official Orgari 0 1 1 oats Siit� )wase ei0..d When -in town, we want. you to come in and see' our immense m•mense stock of fall and winter clothing for inen,'wome .I., boys and girls.. It matters' not =whether its a fur coat, a new' Suit or a fall . cap we can fit you. Call ':111y way and. around. have a look �`. �ro � A few special lines will befound below. We 1nive a, large seleetioiY of velvets in corded and plain, all .Shades. The g()ds are very ilep .zlar, so you better call early tuid•have a good variety to choose from.. -- 'Wo have the Little Daisy and Little JDarling Bose for children, all sizes. Ladies Hose, casltmera, special at '?.gets a pair. ;lien's sex, all wool, special at '3 gets a pair. A complete line. of Peinnan' ecicbi'ated underwear for mens •women and children in stock. . . Young 11.1f111, )111 want you to sce our new fall and winter coats. They are certainly,,dandies. Correct in style and torrent in color.. The priceis right too. Call around. \Ve are showing a kew specials'ilt for ;Diads this frill, such as fur -lined coots, coon coats, etc: If yon neod nnything in the "1ii 'fu , 1,71:ha fr1,I1 st•o our goods and et our p:f nes before you hf1 \ , It will he e t, ., k. on S . r1t`. f ,11"se. LOCAL NEWS rm.") Miss Natio Stroetler is >,•' isitii; her hornet at Deeinerton'fol a few w Jamb T1c dingw. brought a turnip, which tiieighed 22il48,..ti Fritz. Found --'A lady's bl<lrt kid=1(i; o xner please call at O. s` stem :Mr. and Mrs, T. 1*'. C:�i1 he,l vrsi flit=l, ilaitgilic•r Mrs Morrow, at t too, ovor Thanksgiving' holiday's. !Hiss Lacy and Mr. Fred Pi.eete Dashwood wine in town 'on Sunda Mrs. Wm. S. Ruby has been IS a few clay the past week, Banns W ere.1)liblishe(1 at Si,. Boniface clnvch for the in i Ingo of Mr, August Miller of the 1 con., to Miss Laura Miller of J)ti=. wool. Auction ~,aloof horses and cel en lot 3, (' n i i Stanley, 1 guile no: of Blake, on 'Ctiesday, Nov. .1 commencing at 1 o'clock. ' (Minas, prop. .L. Losscnl,eiry,' CARE) OF THAVES We desire to extend: our stn thanks to friends and neiglrij for their kind assistance in • recent beroveai nesct,. Mr. and 11 )9. Ohttrles,W SALE POSTPONED Owing to the rain on Z' edilLS nay ale, comprising 68 Iie'i 1,11 ct3 o anal 5 horses, Ibis been ios,l +,vel: Tttrwd<av, Nov,1°illi. IV. A, Ross, lot 10, Con, 8, A WC`0 tJ)Eil[ TL 13.t1;, A:T\ For a groat big dollar's :v(ittl er flies ;° ({i` by the • l91-2. o:. or Petit .his 'band lti t week ;, wnale'working tlilraatb;ing .,rssac him). (Liniy 1 ;`t nr mad 'family .are to IIespelei, where they will fra+„ire Modelo. it z i' -Lieut omti of ' 1 iEike, is aaoiitba of 3fr ranch _i,Irti. 2trt(f.: on a,lnr,av, ( otiler of Hamilton areuts Mr. and :11i'h' os lr+ (,F Howard City, Mich. eLi, r)f;'; )lsla.woocl, visited at cp;•oti �iY =” 7+'tett>>; last week. r, a) lltt r ie brought to our a,l}f , s.evei l acne rasp: J11wll, S .hfvlii attached fine, nG 1 1 rr14 r:< r; .Sail!! etv Thielfound oil Friday, ripe r a-1fa)erries,"While walking,. ,o ugh his hinges; he noticed, therm= yt1{'rl tliti this �� tit 'Fonioin01•e� t1 oneron these b �s a) . 'Tal ,=s hastil iii 'called upon ever a ledgers "on,'"""Origin, Cliar- atur1 Sigtaiixcnuce of Romantic ' at the University of Toronto e(ln`osclay,°°the 18th inst. He will ton J, fi.00in Zurich till the encl. ,of crit surprise' party was arsday evenin • of lit' fthoitt 20 women Bath r. lei farrne of Mrs. Harry : 't'Iie evening was spent in. aaiies and u dainty lunch eti, 'All report 'having ii tae(i} . O 7s ].Taass i" lea a capacityas . }.dO1Yt," 'Was to'in etele ,Rey. E 1' "....2.:67s,idnnt of the Can aft Teronto.on 1 11iz(lzy a We handle the famous Peninsu- lar Ranges, Happy . Thought Ranges, Grand Jewel Ranges. And alarge stockof I3asebur viers, with?and without oven, oak hea- ters for coal or wood, etc,, etc. 'Every stove or heater we is fully guaranteed by ourselves and the makers. See our new steel range r ls, s a b'eaiity. The price is right. 2110Joe Vrork o o a t ave rou ping, Etc„ JCC A' IN EXCHANGE. is Lc ultttt'ut tnd cva r' ltoin Iia C'rtiY 1(lrt: will be the 1) to i.l.•: or having ,t t';111 lfi the 'tense. '!'lie 1+:tnailt= llcrrtlil"'i),(t Weekly iiia), bri„liter and bettor ever, along with stioh taro, all foo (010 dollar, is a kr ig. Gina should bo taken atdvant i c r is only flit Family I3erab1 and ly Star that can oiler sttell a p,,, free with a 'piers snbscrrj tun 1'r wonder Now it can be done ~; it i e clone, ivid the people benefit.” , At the present critical pea when eveiv means to faellit transpol tlttion shonlit be a(Ioir"'. to get millions of bustle's of q,r to the Markets, a widespread 8tl:.',' in the Freight Department of Crf adan Pacifo Railway Compan would bo a general xnisfortan( Yet it has been declared that by •O'' end of the week ON employees the Comi,any will have gone strike, and that ,every divislayc the railway will be affected. . fionitios -will concentrate area Ft. William. and Pt Arthur; w1 etre the: iitain distributing eenf' b: of western grain: Both grain ors and tl.o railway aro bout u &offer, but not so much as the NSf ern producer ttncl consumer grain. A cheok in transportat;� would limit trade in grain to' producer, and advance prices 3� would follow at points of constn tion would be felt by the constun A Board of Conciliation has be proposed to settle the points of Gf pute. Mr, 11lilton Weber, son of i . i itlrs. Charles Weber died rather ,.,r' daily' 'on Saturday inornillg, at ,'; age of 2;0 years, 7 mouths, a : it Tho yonng Blain had bean nilinf ^ about two years', and early in,. t Spring he and his ln•nthet ,rent' :` Alberta where the (111111.10 5t( , agree with glint fairly well r Gil"t7 wokl (10 lit' l•4t11ril(a n/a., iu ill fair 11(i ulah, bnb 011 1+'iidaiv� he Lir( au attack of elate, and chi)kin: , and iue(1ic;il atdt' a:nil1Tnonecl. to rec nee to lnit, ton over l;los• spell about 'lupin, wag sto fill iuplaet_trn,nees oat of do and llr, parents retired Abon in, his iLintlier went to ifl•i 11011.1/4:JVI.4 found him hi 'a 'normal slanfl,t f 'Mem 5110 family arose About Cti O' !Iloy ii•,rs01)nf•ri(110 1) lind.aJ. 'n hod. _ Thi; fnue .1.1 1tiottlo.ti= tt1`lra We cordially invite yon to (-fall and inspect our stock of Fall Shoes, which comprises a cc:)1lpleto assortment of A :,, theu> is styles: from the leading manufacturers. Butter, E s, Dried apples, and _.Duteb Seth, .tail:e xehange for shoes,, Shoe repairing clone here, W' ztJR ,01 car 114 f eb4�r4ay�t�4:;4�+�9�4�b�®9�4��R�O±Ba� lV e are doubling our Floor Space+ aura are ready to take in 'Butter, eggs :..Dried <11aple or Dun Con same as ' cash, in o:.ellan ,e for any •ri,our, p iliiils. 1t1i?i IVIi's. Dan leoell , y14t1 0D �i%. ;R.rtirp lie,vW'tY+il.R.P.bc1itor once lsc tictr:(l'in an eitchange the proud iir notineeinent•' that +•Giradyville tl;{ a s. girl NN11o.• kneads bread with kloves on.'' ',That's nothing" itrientedtlie editor: "We need ;l • w01t our gloves on or our .ts' oft. In -fact if some of our 'eribrrs don't pay up pretty we'll need bread without a gan}"' WAN T. A Live Agent for ZURICH and vicinity to sell for TFIE FON T- 11ILL NURSERIES• and take advan- tni c of the wvonderfnl development of the FRUIT BUSINESS in Ontario at the present time which is. creating ale extraordinary demand for fruit Qn-aro il+a1 experimenting on your I trees, &c. (rood territory reserved. for when you. take Chamberlain's local & GENERAL SALESMEN. erred} for a euld as that pre. itit+t1 hos won its great reputation 7 extensive sale by its remarkable of col(18, and can always be (le- 5,: (1 upon. It is equally i valuable AultS and children and mayl,e 11 to •young children with implicit u.aaidence as it contains no harmful' j 'rn :Sold. by All Dealers. - .13EEIiEEPEIt'S 'MEETING ie ,ailualil meeting of the Huron 'tty c'Iie, er's Association carts 4d ,rt 'Clliito:i on Thursday. The itda-iie t.lt, not large but matters aLId. interest were disen3Sed and i11(s1a' 1i}i() missed this meeting Sed , ilia best au(1 educative gather - 'ever field in the Clouuty. The yt iiteittl Apiarist Mr: 'MorleyPettit �' o Liable to attend but he -provided b1,; substitute in 1Ir,' Miller the• o,,Canelpli. The spcaltor hand- . hiis ' it1laect, very ftl,l;y la iiig .Mailageuieiit of Bees and neen11tg." lie pointed out the " , trtnice of leaving good queens in ;dive, really to raise a goo(! sup - it .young bees in August and Sept. dins have strong colonies in ng. The necessity of reglicenin g trti ngly ilnpressod and the eas- _ili(l. Lek methods explained. The • ' 1'Cahe'r Was ,)11. E. 1+'. Brainard' t alboih, 11Es ;i 1l; ect "Outside Ting of Bees" was st tilliely atfl(i el eiy beeltee1)cl will profit. '.frit" the' 11101101(1. be ally oat- " it . 'i"linl.;a i 'Fraser of Brucee- sl)ol e on `'lienefits of the As- ti. Jia t('; the •inenibers." lie (le - 1c. iatei•Ghn.ngo of id ais .!on-1)raCticit.l btclal0n i1"tlfl fl, bteat tiitl"I uiny .vanlaatl7lo suggestions ka 'antrii in f1 way that, 110 a- t tyf book -theory colll(1 , atl- ;l bi-' atdV,)e.atel a caareflll atu(lyof 4d. bee journails.• 'l.'ha c,iliccrs ,at --_Isaac Dodd,' Clinton, 1:11YL1 F11a .ci•, 1:1111c111(�1,1. co1r 'Llla1)ere.r, 'Zurich (d 1:1 .1111>ly'th, ;1 • litu.111ears4 Start now. Outfit free. Pay Write- for particulars STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto go( s, Xs coital? Our iep Brie),, dk. pai client for promptuwis, 11)1,1 expert work- manship. COOL RIM Prices Eight. F. W. Hess `:.II. R. Hess jewellers, - ZURIC 0Q4.444O Qoo4a(.a,1)Qaodmo a ti FT -ILL a -1-4P,'We have just received our NOW I+'itill Shoes. Just the kind for • the wet weather. 4 Co le nd exk mine ur New Waterproof Shoe We also received, a big shipment of Rubber with Leather Counters. The only 'libber zt the market. I3utter•, eggs, dried apples, dutch setts awl ppoultiy taken:Li exchange at highest prices. Repairing, neatly and promptly done The . H of P of Good S hr p s 01.10 ..Store'gs Policy .1,, to represut pods exaetly as to their quality; to .k.11 tO vlio know, tmd those AdLo don't loam values, ILL a nikiic; fair prieo; to fulfil all vaar iliac:es and idiot cerrL,et-,) takes; to deserve yonr confidence by always !-L:iving rink: 'Watch and Cie.ek Repairing A Spocial* Butter ard Eggs taken as cash. ALJEWa,..„.