HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-10-18, Page 3IRA, OPLE NEVER BOWE TURKS. teak, and Rave tar a Small try. ("Black Mountain") relent Slav kingdom on e, between Dalmatia, ins and Albania. It has of 3,630 square miles (less ble the size of Prince Ed- ,l, land) with a population of ,'d' 275,000 (about 75,000 less that of the city of Toronto). lineate is hard, variableolives, With figs, s, corn, pomegranates and to being cultivated; It is mou- s, The National Assembly is sed of 74 members, 62 being by universal suffrage and officio. The population of the 1 . city, Cettinje, is under atene'gro gained practical in - .:knee from Turkey about from 1788 to 1896 the inha,bi- 11 in all the Russo - h wars. In 1878 their iride- s 1 ;nee was acknowledged. In after the annexation of Bos - Herzegovina, and Novi -Bazar ustria, Prince Nicholas de - that section of the Berlin • which restricts Montenegro's .m of action was no longer KffLSA SARDINES "The tasty touch that means Io uncheon. after. acono tea f or or asocial evening.. Delicious 1 Nourishing t Rot them From your Crow s. „� g, and this claim was allowed e Powers. In 1910 Nicholas • ed the title' of King. '5QU SII e. ns' n bet for Year nay• bore Ch enc 1 to 'lee' res cgs arse• nidi lit final 10 e ague llo, vtri en: es 305.:,: tier in net GOOD SOLDIERS. tenegro has been described erhaps the world',s best exam- tho nation in. arms.” Despite all population it has been de - that she can put 55,000 armed tilled- inert in the field in as a space of time as it takes to it om all, say, from twenty - thirty -six hours. Further - they are all :used to fighting irregular sort, for there is peace for Monte - frontier. to Brushes bon the etween s and Christians along this so. common as to attract no aa, not oven perfunctory tic 'r+epresentatians. Montenegrins," it has been "4a,re the, only one of the +plea who can boast that never,ebevt. their backs During the centuries the battle of B.ossovo, oombin�ed "night of ulgaria was smashed s, the scant handful of nobles, who had fled to the black rocks above the maintained a precarious poker" independence.. Count - es were' sent against them, were never defeated or en- ter' they remain to -day the rood,.. warriorlike people, a ;laic of a bygone age, useless from a commercial view, but serving as a stir- nder of things that were." HER OF HIS PEOPLE. Nicholas was born October SO that the declaration of owe his birthday anniver- e was educated in Paris. uded the throne in 1860, af- murder of his uncle, who upied the throne. He has d ."The .Ruler of Montene- Father of Its Inhabitants." cried, at 19, Milena, the ,,of -a Senator and Tice - of` the Council of State. children—three sons and ghters—have nearly all trimonial allian,ees posses- estined t�o possess, especial- Servia, importance for ro. E RAIN BORES ROLES. Trade supplied by JOfi 4 W. BI, :RLIt & t,11 NINO, HAMILTON. WHAT WLI,, HAPPEN. A Southern lawyer tells of a that camp to him at the eateet ,of career, wherein his principal wit- ness was a darky named Jackson, supposed to have knowledge of cer- tail" transactions not at all to the credit of hie employer, the defend- ant. "Now, Jackson," said the, lawyer, ""I want you to understand;. the importance of telling the truth when you are put on the stand. You know what will happen, don't you, if you don't tell the truth. "Yes, sir," was Jackson's reply; "in dat case I expects our side will win de. case." BABY'S BEST FRIEND. 11iil Pd sSuits FRtl1• DYED `ANt:tl Bast Work in Canada. Cold Medalist BRITISH AL'E' !CAN ©YEh 1C COd P. 0. n0Y23i. MONTS..AL Cured 'without operations• All who aro afflioted with this disease and' wish to, jbe curod permanently, safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent post"paid anywhere in the world with' full iratruotions for using so as to effect a permanent pure. 1'riJOHN Address Homeopathic Pharmacy, Arnprtar, canata. ny Tubes, Which Retain ater for 'Fears. din tails it does not ace c into Mlle earth, but bores forming tinny tubes, says eekly. surface dries the water roan the tubes, just as a pipe.If the tube takes longer for the rate. If one takes s; the ground after ,ks...the tops of the. or will stand in ?mels ef the ands, store nd raise a er year- rintwo n one, to Eight Delightful Cruises to the WEST INDIES AND THE PANAMA. CANAL Leaving New York by the Palatial VICTORIA LUISE .Tan.4a 18, 23, U Feb, 8, 816i, 26, 517ch 5 and up. 10, Also World, to andtheyAround , etca toe Sandler Booklet, Sating Cruise. IIA. ORURG-J.1FIERIC AN LINE, 4145 Broadway, NSW YORK. e a, tip £ r c e—Yes, brit r'long friend-. paw— p PURITY FOS I -CUTTER is entirely different from the ordinary food chopper. The barrel is in two closely fitting sections clamped together by one setscrew. Canadian made machine. Better iu quality capacity and price works better, better quality, less in ,rine. Five different cutting dates. "MAXWELL'S Pen.lrsr" is the only food cutter made in Canada—and in ease, convenience, perfect cutting and durability,, is superior to any; thing .imported, If your dealer does not handi�t ':da�:.tre.i3 l'nraty' ,t rite .us., * DAV r4/1.rie . St. Agar s e. Ont. = � f ?D 132 Baby's Own Tablets are baby's. best friend' and the mother's great- est aid, They cure constipation, simple fevers, break up colds, expel worms and regulate the stomach and bowels, Concerning them Mrs. Napoleon Pelletier, `St. Marcel, Que., writes; "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and simple fever for both my little ,girl of three years and my boy of . four months and have found them en- tirely satisfactory, and always keep them in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Peggy's in a terrible fix." "What's the trouble V' "She just counted up and found she'd refused a dozen offers of marriage, and now, though she's crazy to marry Dick, she's afraid to accept him, because he's the thirteenth." amiloiltra nticuratx- iii Uutll 191) Ili, J., 1') , e ,, s $ • „ '. 0 0 • N ,. N • ., 0 0 eeteeeeen rt r ��. nes Mothers! Are your little ones suffering from itching, burning eczemas, or other torturing, disfiguring skin troubles? Are you, yourself, worn out with long, sleepless nights and cease- less anxiety in caring for them? Then you should know that, in. most cases, a "warm bath with a icor rr;; oap and a gentle application of Cuti cura Ointment bring immediate re lief, the little sufferers sleep, tired, fretted mothers rest, and peace falls on distracted households. Although Cntioura Soap and Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everytvbere, s. s 1 0 druggists Dept, 2NI, 3loston * eta t secure a liberal Namnle of each with 32•p. book on- ip t f ` and scglp, all treatment of th r e et,tions,. h �1)a.J�'WG'4l.ffi�'.r3 111-114 4, the ge • of 11 a ilii 2Su, a jio' sir n NOTES OF SCIENCE. Ali electrically driven machine to split kindling wood is a novelty. The population of Jamaica has in- creased 30' per cent. in the last 20 years. Electrolytic etching is used by a new process to produce hardened tel dies. Liberia will be given a wireless station with 2,500 males radius by a' French company. Operated much like a job printing press is a new rapid printing ma- chine for photograph. According to recent expert esti- mates China produces almost 10,- 000,000 tons of coal a year. • A redbot poker will soften old putty and make its removal around window panes an easy matter. London has more than 2,000 mo- tor omnibuses .and the number is being increased at a, rate of about thirty a week. ItIC11 t11. Make -the , G A eeleli'r,., the interest there are .�or�e at nine eikteele ataiine :o'clock` my other Itnrii has also. disi±ove tags of 140,0 is less at thrct) ing" and three- noon than',"at :axi , explanation i adv tial .f . • o'clo a;ah ''microbe heti int ailment ttgh'of their ylolds to in action r drxrti^t'st` Aoki, oo, `d''7CIMJG. _ rouble at Nine DESPERATE, She entered the grocery, store with a jar of marmalade • In her hand and fare in her eye. "See here,"' she 'said to the clerk, "I bought this stuff because the card in your window ,saye it's an .excel- lent substitute for butter," "Yes, ma'am, so it is." "Well, it's a grand substitute, I must say 1 f' tried frying a bit of Ash with it this morning, and the taste was so' awful I had to throw the ft'sh all 'away," +kms-- -- - SUFFERERS FROM PILES! Zane -Bak Rias Cured These! Friction on the hemorrhoid veins that are swollen, inflamed and gored with blood, is what cause the terrible pain and stinging and smarting of piles. Zam-But ap• plied at night' will be found to give i tte,. mist has made unoemnent that' ober in tale air morn* and ht than ing ease before morning, the day. He Mr. 'Thoma5;•.Pearson, of Prinrs at the pe'cen. Albert,'Sask., writes "1 muss he .atm�o. • , el'o :thank you for the benefit I have re c leelt; ±& the u . 1 eeived • from Zam-Buk. Last sum $' in in the "a .er-: m r I suffered greatly from piles 'it.lier tunes. 'T Ze: atarted to use Zam-Buk and faunc ,34.4 for the parµ 'at gave me relief, so I continued it for n and after using three or .four boxe, ^la,r• x th.st. it effected a complete cure." Magistrate Sanford, of Weston plc, Front &ve to King's Co,, N.S., says : "I suffers+ ding th are going long from itching piles, but Zam s to illiclrvarkilig' Luk has now cured me." ollt'by the enoveanents' at pe nine in the moat from theii,x. o131 places, and' frenePfive'to` nine in the evening they.' ark •gain jourueying through the etre>, either home- ward boo .d vx sure. He note o'clock evee7 It has been estimatede that , it casts: a -dollar to stop aXi t .. ' .00,41'iaWat :. mile speed.• An international congress on hy- drology, climatology, and gemology will be held at Madrid in October ef next year. For treating goods returned by customers a. New York department store has installed a complete ster- ilizing plant. Of Spain's 4.130 coal mines only 601 are officially recorded as pro- ductive, yielding but about 4,000,- 000 tons a year. An electric cab which is finding favor in Berlin is a three wheeled affair with the body and seats com- pletely inclosed. Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies bad been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial, the mai- eine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. . .:Why did you insist on having your wife join the Suffragette Club 1" "Because," replied Ms; Meekton grinaly, "I want to de,3f that Suffragette Club get all the trouble that's coming to it." search of plea- -fir.; about six ig . andeven- Mr. William Kenty, of Uppe Nine Mile River, Hants Co., N.S. says : "1 suffered terribly fro" piles, the pain at times being almot unbearable, I tried various oini he rents, but everything I tried fails to do me the slightest good. 1 wa ing ohere'tf', ail;e>lrf h" tired of trying various remedies approach .; 1ai l .c8f-aerobe "rush" when 'I heard of Zam-Buk, an hour, Fro $rthama„_le, on until nine thought as a last resource I wouJ o'clock tht a,tnio:pJier'e, became give this balm a trial. After.a, ver more and ap+. re nr`obd :with germs short time Zam-Buk effected a eon of all�;'1.;�s, 'name cad, ;�oane good and” o'cl til i abot his x , safest. time ;r a '.sap. ins plete cure." un- Zam-Buk is also a euro cure fr and skin injuries and diseases, eczern to ulcers, varicose veins, cuts, burn the bruises, chaps, cold sores, etc. 5C box all druggists and stores, or pe free from Zam-Buk Co., Torent di- . for price. Refuse'imitations. T: Zam-Buk Soap, 25c. c. tablet: ions An expert cabinetmaker can ta;: cope a new piece of furniture and dna: this it look as if it was 200 years old Pills, and so . can the average small be e on The Real- e nn edtiately after nine tide3 ;an 'to ebb, e, j; is a . lowest around 1 ee 'cloi Ad ording earchpsa af+l er lunch is Do it Now ': D,' rdez e of the gestive apparatus should be dealt with at once bef ire rcompliioat' arise that may lee diffee lt to with.: The surest' I�Mt I' to end and one lint ie '�� reaeh all . is Parua I ' r. able P la,ledativ tt lsiv mutant's t.inimmnt for sato everywhere, A DIFFERENT THING. Henry Hawkins, junior, was about to be married, and onthe eve of this momentous occasion he was discussing the forthcoming event with his father. "Well, father," he was saying, "I must confess that I don't feel so sure of this marriage business as I did at first, In fact, Irm funking it altogether." "Nonsense, my boy 1" responded his parent. "What do you Mean i Maudie's a nice girl, with a little money and plenty of common-sense. What more do yeti want,1" "Oh, yes, I admit that!" replied Henry junior. "But it's all very fine for you to talk, father. You married my mother; but I'm mar- rying a total stranger J" e t stomach r bei She --Di, y . : Belie ' man knows when he is :._ eve . --Y.s ; and he doesn't, know anything; else. Mtnard's Lihlrn nt Cured tundras. He --So' y itt: Iost':that handsome little dog you had Bl,—,:—Yes, in a railroad actklont. '1 wl.e saved, but thedog ."vas• .killed i What a pity i A Remedy: for Earac';e :To have the earache is tei endnee' torture. The ear is a'deliemte ergo a and few care to deal v*,dth it, e i idering it work for a rlbetorn< Din Thomas' Eelectric Oil, offers ' elbaple rem- edy. A feeve%iiitepi .eipetia a;piece of lint or medic cleotto• d placed in the ear -VA wn 1 is in re- lieving pa,i Nearly every inare wants credit for knowing raore than he really A man man dress ip ten minutes, but it usually takes his wife an hour or iraore te straighten up the house atr does Let everyone 'i tlin of himself what: be lo'Fn d he. mall know in his heart whatesort ef a mark he is. as. is of a gree {lt. , Auntie --t el, de grow J" Tommy -••g' water me A.stonish'et'. too : much 1' Tommy, me every n; lo*aas: Nearaisla.. marriage h failure and things ne end, if care "°• ' ilei.' ai 3?3y. chi •nic state of debility. The v best medicine to arouse the liver healthy aebien is Parmelee's Ve table Pills. They are oompount of purely vegetable substances careful selection and no other p have their fine qualities. Thev not gripe or pain and they agreeable io the most sensit stomach. k they ater you , they bath such a rich BRAIN WORKERS of all elat;oes delight in it Relieve!! that tired, feeling sustains and Oh.eers. . FARMS FOR SALO. N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, -HUNDRED .6.01tEs—Conia Tr liALTON; Good House; Buildings: Orchard. Cheap and on easy terrns. i3O buildings and apple orchard; about H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. i 9‘) AORES 6 MILES FROM LONDON' * ,Q market; soil, clay loam; good ' buildings. Will exchange for city, town . or village property, or for larger farm. . The Western Real Estate, Louden, Ont, , At the raoment St. Andrews is speaking -REAL ESTATE WANTED. " ‘,1 ELL YOUR PR,OPERTY QUICKLY 1-.7 for cash, no matter where located. Particulars free. Real 'Estate Salesman I. ACENTS WANTED re !KDAY AND UPWARDS MADE WITH s our feat selling XMAS goods; ex - parlance unnecessary. Either sex. Samples ; free. Send postage, twenty' cents. it MALE HELP WANTED. d et. BARN' THE R/LILWAY STATION .1..„1 work and earn more money than in 6s any ether trade. We qualify for all 3. Canadian railways. Positions seeured, A Write for free hook 18. Dominion School ° Railroading, Toronto. 4 MISCELLANEOUS. —• 7 ri ANGER, TUMORS, LIMPS. etc. in, a- ki ternal and external, cured without nein by our 'home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co. er Limited. canteeseeea. Ont. a, T EARN SILVER PLATDTG—PARTIOU- s, JL..4 laps free. Speeialties Agency, Box le 1836, Winnipeg, St Ty ke ke Action, Insist era the Planes Action SOTM 115 ay is74. Bathurst Street TORONTO led of Ms do . ANK AsgiDISIZSMOkS. ' and Flues, Wa- ter Flumes Eneines and Boilers rine t'‘.11 al IROq WORKS. VTIMIIAITIlt Mother—vNellie and her hus- band are still quarrelling." Father —"What, does he still oblect to her wearing high heeler Mother —"Yes, and why should she lower herself to please him." Bear Island,. Aug. 26, 1903 bilnard's Liniment Co., Lrraited. Dear Sirs,—Your traveller is here to -day and we are getting a large quantity of your MINARD'S LINIMENT. We find it the best Liniment on the market, snaking no exception. We have boen in business a "'ears and have handled all kinds, but have dropped them all but yours; that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to 'get rid of. W. A, HAGERMAN. r„'What brand el cigars do you like best, Spenker r "The brand yeti have in your pocket." Only the mninformed endure the agony of oorns. The knowing ones apply ,Holloway's Corn Cure and get relief. Throw mud at, a, inan and most ,of it falls 9ff ; thriew flattery at him and it sticks. B,Ig'neers and '9, irlinard's Liniment Cul'es Burns, Mo. Anyway, a married. man never has to waste any time in making up his mind. Maypole Soap FOR HOME DYEING Washes and dyes a one operation, giv- ins remarkably clean, bri,sht, fad colors. Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mix- tures. 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 10c, black 15c at your dealer's or postp"cl with trom F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal Most Economical Odorless ht ever invented. Burns ordinary light all night for Postpaid 14 of a cent." Recognized as the leading speci- fic for the destruction of worms, Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor has proved a boon to suffering ehildren everywhere. It seldom WHEN. "When does your „et-et:abated find time to do all his reacting V' - "Usually when I 'want to tell him something important," The •sinaller the man the bigger leo st A. SURVEYER 12 St. Lawroruni FREE TO GIRLS Wo will 'give this beautiful Expanalou Braeelet free of all charge, to any girl or young lady who will sell 40„..sets of our handsome Season Greeting, scenic and floral post -cards at 10 tents a set (six beautiful cards in each set). The Earprinsion Bracelet is of rolled gold plate, and fits any erne Send your name and we will send yOu the 'aunts. When sold send us the $4 sod van will send you the bracelet. A.ddress UREN