HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-10-11, Page 4PAL i"i:'7, INT. i SV i'te fee tile largo free catalog - of tlas t 1.;e1, and: you, will Iearn how a: 4,'."'1n 4"51faceed It 44:11 .1)t , .. >., ,. tl;'z you ?3 decide if soft •et• @1.` 4uu AF. rep placing 4t,tltle11ts in pos- itic..att pat iltr $000 :anti 700 per an;:t,111,t : AJ w t s3 :;e" 1uanj rt),1 t,u1. for 1:1.11) which .Wt1 cannot stro t:r. 'roe I).,. t time to `1 i3 now.. Catalogue 7P A r L° L`9 ' ourFree Cat logue 1 • • 1 t' '0uf • Jai 1 Pialnag9 ,valiS !i I and 'o » '4e w i° •n ,� a Singer $33 New 'aE,r'.?r^nzs G�yE * .n Cabinet. 7.214 ;T3 on :1:11: •. a U .> ... '.. L3 tfF ,(1 4":.t . d x lc 111 ti eYl 1 l„ . CLllsel.. 2 31. .i + t 111!eft atti' . urniture and jade DASHWOOD 7Ir. Wein bt,r • of EE:xetcer spent Sun Clay at his home blare. •Mr. :;a.eh Eidt of 11.+11t,all sport SuntLay at his ilo111e hare&. ilehort Donhev 1 a ::t1rntd 1:'r /mine o lin Chicago. on '310,:tia.iS'. Rev. Brown (1t tliiil'l: h . S't`lot g thc of Rev.. t,11•ti13r.e baeb, 011'friesatt} Mr.. Henry ', i1.1t'rt shipped a large 1(''4.':4 of ,t,hoop on `.l't11?st1tt3', MI • ,1� s! 4t e ie of 11ensall ''spent Sunday t t 1 home here. t . 31.I• 11 z..i' Brown ant1 i�L'editoa #'-:'dist& ou inl.•alltt Mrs. \ W. L. tjiel,ert, S41ire;:i1Lesat,3 last.Mr andMrs F. ic'14 utuc ttt uI Za Jolt visited arr..:ikl ie11,.. 11, kinetti ie,r on +,n. Jay. l .aey and i'+a) 413.1 i i.�1 `t:iait.•, ca}:•1Lt S ml.t'--.' . .:1 Zt11„'l i`,xt�S Mrs. DanItf'bt4' :licl.. all and � Jl Jolla I rie'ni r e•te't, spei t ,"an ti :ty with .. _.,- .It'151 Li'd il:t'rt. �Mr. E: r:: ()t:Ftl'iellt r of r.`re11it4�,n was in town a fewflays x wt t alt' on irl�itiny.;, all.Iiottiled E, of Ie1u: it was a visitor of Ins 11r••..,,lt.a one t.y last Al e-ok.F4:t i_, Miatli ilt4 bt visiting re- itat.ive,s i11 Czecliic:l for a c uii lu of weeks. MissIda14 loft ls WgallesJay fu:, 1}t:troit ,tt et. visiting her part,: -141 yt11'ofi'S5`S1'' 111 .'_iii 711-;. IV. Lr icor tSi i:.st :1:t' 113:,;1 'Sunday Sunday with 2J'. t1 l Mrs. Lip- pert. a: x1..1:1:�a .•al .. , 1'.. <tF- 41_dtl+4ai I: i:' ..t_ 131 Zill•11'11.. . TI& (�. .1`allit:`l 1;)11 .: ;F) 1'.nuner;' of ('y a ,i t t . the •o of 2,1;,.. and 1, 11,t!,t;•:..t : a. i'#t , ley. ),. t t - .t F � �'. ' h a ;.S and got Cordon I, . ,1 , ' r r ' i l . .' :, spent Sat 't3 1t'it.. (.:-'Lt t .'',, �,,n. Town ii1'tl'1t 3-; . FA-Meit,`S a1111 i Tat r 152:1.' 1i `Stit`lP'Slt)Wll t :spent ” t #lay with real •l�:tt'i'1.' Frank1 ';t',. r tsl rruesi1O.Y with 7ti1'rs, )Vf i 1:454 14 t'�{:. (, t10y ill I:.ie)lliln );}.t1 t 1,ila l,a.+;ti D1' Ortne w a #21 Li/11,11011 :u l;Flit'}, rall 1:1144110.4411'. p .. I 1,;111! a)F,a�,lt ('. iSt Plitt i ife, at!.1l man att..; , .„, t.. 11,s' Ir. 1•i,1 Cin.rk of au ,•ti t C :-'7 to of Mr, 11.21. 1. ( : Jirir. ot. ;`i!13?411.3 .Ia'i. Mx. A. ya :. :'li anti Siifi', :`u,1' t'i`:�in ani tl by at ti*44,(1.3 ' ;Antall, (;.13111;its'. C1111.4 Z ie t -t2° re tet 1 1lt'«,,.; Rerr N SW:V.; 1114 )1.g talo :,111U+” Ftlrin Prattal.ec. Master N. Sainhrook who has on the sic1, list the last couple r3: has l:.eoyelea, Mossrs Jake lLdtzinan, her ane Dr. Orme.antoci1 to Lci 1I1 1.11,r) t)rmeit .1�spendgiu 1 days with her sister .tatrs (1 lA.11 4 r; Lonaon. , Milt la 1Io111. left fur ;Loncl last ::eek, whore he has seeuit,1 pe:!li t'9Y7. ".11 \V. 4l 13'r illt8 quit wort 'in iras i 'Pitman t„. 1 1 1 tti' i s and SS`i 1 It ;tit a',aortly for- .tl.it41i t r1ti,• MLO,k� X: rl,tt Vii': "k,)i ii y ni tltn, vrratltlfre)t : C li:. 0▪ . II..w !arterial. r A�v3�i11= a CARDQ• .2 Asan liII P. P..1 Pe ales (0litl'l• i t,1 i 141 +:1t 1+1 t0Y1 gaartto - e f,, 'i'. nous. onalAct. 1) Ctrs 1 tt :,t liar of_iee be 1:,ro1lie, t'.' :.,;; t 13. B. W F. 11 IAS- VE. aS nst cl rte ti o e i I,'+1' Comity of n. Sales 4'11,1n ,t1 i in the cost ave? 11,t.1ait. iF, Satistaietion gultr- ad Dates can be made tit the ton ,+tar or aft the Bargain Story'. Ex ter. SLd kD �� & SON •edito i, - Ontario eyaneers, General Insurance vats hone—Office lay, House ib. a r 1,1,11; V.43.4- +. --14++++ HESS, EIRE INSURAN- tr representing the London, lett&, Waterloo, illouareh, Stand- Ilingtou aur Guardian. Every - fire insurance. E'LLE1ty", DENTIST, GRA - the Royal College of Dental , 'reroute, also honor gradu-. Fepartnlent of Dentistry, To- versity. Painless extraction Plate work a speciality. At House, Zurich, every \ion- -26 CONVEYANCER AND inti, Deeds, Mortgages, 3ter I egal.. I)ocument:a care ,,im,tiy prepared. Office— 1 /,4#lat.Ii: Ont. Ills, .1.'11c •eflu S on i eun41tly. 1iniube1' t)f p At',itt I001hero attended 8,<,re, Kte.,,rebee's 10141 on T111n sd1 y. • levy vs4111 .:1 .,1 t' f, :,.'t it; where Yii+•\• halt": t ll 1 r ;• 1J awe. :.1 F'. atfl: .'•I r-4. P,:11 111.e l::;u c 0141 .spent t ui'tlat;r .Sita :lr..::;1 a . i.'eo Md-Jlae. i ( r 1 ;,1'n t ,spent .'unday with 11 1 parents ?IL al :� auli,- Tobias tin C ruin tiler. . '1.'e11 :+1311 '111ttlla J -i in Huron CountY will rite on local option& at the January (.lee ti,)al.-.' 1It L.:il i ici.,,=rt,pxalzta couple clays this week \i,titin:, ber 'Ist Mrs.:f r days of Zitri::b. Miss Nota 1-iiel2rt i)f Dai 4t'.atsc7, i5 speildilt.5 a few Hayes '1' tli .sir, anti Mrs. Sam l.'rov n. 1 sii(4;1• .cto y f: S' fator• :is S it:i o call again. If 11:isfaetory Please let uk, know .:t"o' will :gladly:.make it right. 4tura I,c,longs to the people Of I lt(h •and ., tsirl remelt ; country for lime: Quarters, and 3 e want trans- iR tt) bo p101'S.ue t4ild 1)rofit3l,hle to :ttttet and: 1',t,:,talt =n a ("ash. x_=pie •a:m• Yp � @ 12.FA1 Merel1ELnt, %uriol1. 1a`.',slltl Nr . 'te_alr3'Lamport family, spent Stunlay, with 112 E:cetcr. 111± 4Y1''Si :met at tho Iton •- :7:4 AVt li:'. h111.41i1t1a'S [Sd.'1i"'.t; :;7 1A`.rViCe1Olevening was silo:: t. Mr nr.Mrs fiat' ofStie11• ll61414• 1 itif a tl t+ a.,,i- t:` of Mr. and on Sunday.. Mists Aaeieue Rata of New:- c.. kairg, spent a few day , sloth 1!#r. Chas. Zwicl,ar.; 11e 1-sIis e, It '1"ti li :l ie i A ncu111)C1' of oar Crediton ' 1.oys; spent Sunday owning in 1)o:shwood. Any attractions boys? Miss Euloen Gneni,her is very sick at her home here, with t)i.)ltoid fever. We hope her a speedy r,,coN t=ry. The'rain on Wednesday had it serious effect on the attendance of the Rayfield Fair. 13ayftelcl is usually favored wit.1 gooil weather. The Misses Ruth anti oda Grenzo teach who' have boon visiting friends for two months retained to their holo on Saturday last. By orders from the Provincial In- spector, all dons in the vicinity must be either shot or tied up very ti;'htiy for three months. Mrs. Welton who .has Leen under ill° Drs. care in London in the St. Joseph Hospital. returned home Sat- urday aioi is c ei 'Ling along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guenther an- 1ounces the engagement of their slaughter Ilnriba to 111, Prank Clark. Pilo marriage E4 ill td' place 011 Oc- ol)el' t, lrtl, In the Liltl'1:'r11 Church. illi•, Wes. 24?ill ,r, wino for the past slumber of yi rs 11°a s4 been working for :1:1.01..11101' t!5 1 11if,,hoir.r, has 1,li ned • )aid leaves for Pinker Creek Alta., on the Mot. of this mnnslt, ETINS �II�'fla?'L Zaa Ir -1; No. 1240 :r,1 1'4 tat• 4u'c1 ^rd 47.1 'a 3 0't. tul.k 3). 1x1, 3,3i'.uv'i.14, C. I3._ NL'Q.w„r lt,Y'1Y tit a� t. J.l,l l: tYY4 "v1+4. ii 0•, 1110C4.w & 4 ty of every wont!. 3. Ht11, :tlern1 Block. i::t' 4 1F, 0110 r 1 ,:t u.1 ..0 Or L,'il1l,et<10r i'ht..t_31ati3111, 1.::'.t pp 1,1.-110 Chntuber111;111'it Liniment will give. relief. Sold by All' 1) sli/.l.n: t AliliPTEE '+ 1, c7,- r,a .., 171, 1": .i,1111.17 .1. :aa'c•111,Li1 ry'' 311 • i i )ort. f..;.c'ill.tti 11 '.4,1tt•:it 111) to tere,2,' . vei111 I y,t, , : '1i,,.-- 1.',4 die, (11{1,:: . .th;0 : .1/ .11: \'1 t.11i,t .18110 • $ Mill Vile 1.,..11141 k3 i0;i0.1t) 4.4Sallie 4itli ,1a 1 ` I '.11) ii: Victoria is i t tt1 i s . 1.500 Kiss s GTlad s lie ::. ail. .i/i11O 1v, ads. 11.11Iupli1tys. )1:3U0 "ism Tillie Ja h11st.aa:1....8200 iter - al iaau .131100 1I1.. Roly, Geiger of Zlutiela• 1)1+ :"l in the Methodist eintrein. Sunday evenitv. Miss ilanVnian t?f Denfield; spell kw days l asst week as the guest of Vii: suint : iitl uncle, Mr. and Mrs. \1 "4. DOW 1410 n . Mr: Wellington Smith and lti_ \i'alter i)unie1't, of Berlin, were nue4 at tate 110111(3 of Mr. and Mrs. A. hill; on Sunday lest. \Ir. Louis C ':1•. y, founer junior c ' the staff , n tit.- 1,,ink of Commerce hoer : t 1.1a t,' 11'11 :L pleasant call one tit,v! a.•t w•ot lc. '— LAA a a. 171;,:j.;} At Zurich's..Leading Tailor Shop the only: Pae.ey where the Newest is a,1 ay shoed fust and. . t ati.thLCtioll guaranteed, - • Laundry” in Con eetioll n611 tt iii iwit,4 4A fat' gor ', JR1.h3'• Wit\ c tyattat4oacaap, 4't"ivies 1 crit .L'1:7'11 4 rvl'ef 3 ast g tl4iax 11 axttl! I, a t'.4 lnrfllltafel is &Jeer, 1 o 31 tt ar i,r tlouf 8tilotl1e n4lftlolittA. ,cut free. 01414111 t.1144lry llsattutll 11/111111 11,c 011 It 14 i -a tt.t t tilnilf" t f1't'f1� Ite‘ tl 1,44410111 41 , '=1° +:d'+ _ 110011 141 'tny i 4 :• ('anrutt $3.4" ab. 3) , 1t 1.. •„ r ; 411 newsdeoltus•• 1 t' 1(111 e 411 r tti].Ufa1(ttil'1)i• 4)C all grades of aiollc)t 'lour. \Vo also sell the l"vre Roses ;gall* and Chopping prom. ptly (1011e 00's Boiled and Chopping 41'sd.oxu.e at y cants a bag. 1: WEIMER ort 1teepuw} stock it full l.0 of 17:&S.a Bleats, ettt 0th hilts aro not. ed. for tltr.'r tendcrneet d ivhole11onmeFls. Out ifl is to Beep nothing -41., the boot. We make ala•stt'tlatige, Give• ns a call. 33,g0p rV'04, a. a1 The Massey - Shop. 111 Shop. , Vac'tames , spea 1,a xA R1138 441 7 Il a x1.11 r.+' e.1 . E4 We, want to incre tse: the Substript'ion. List of our three papers, The Herald, Zutic14.Pioncer, T: ashwootl, trail Star. O ' � treeoili 1lish hir' uicl;l� we ere offering ,,. 1 l'cllton, to 2000, and t 1 q Ire offering some ha1La somo Nina for the, most popular ladies, married or i iug1r, It rill pay yoti to "pis busy." Someone is going to get'a Il isome $$00.00 Fitrst Prize 1,a Beautiful Pia110 11 -Wells, Agent, ' Zurich. l IJ it at his store. . . • rI ▪ e Ladies' Frk Lined o f Value x;75.00. May be seen et Zy1iektr's store Crediton. i[ rd Prize New Williams Drop�y �-Ie ad Sewing i "[whine See it a:t1). liers:nit'- nitilre ctille. Des11wtuld. Fourth Pe Ladies' Gold watch Hitt.~ Prize Set best Plated Knives wad Forks 4t1.1 and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Ile>s dcwelory store, Zurich, NOW LADIES, "GET BUSY" Subscription Values - New Subscriptions 1000 votes Renewal 500 votes Arrears for each year 200 votes Standing of caudiclaies :up to Saturday evening of each week will bo pub- lished the following week. < 44+++k++'t•+3'•;4 t.r'1'+3'•€t•I'• 3••i 3••3'44,::.++.i..;..1..+,..; .1.-14..-.i.y+.1.3•++.1..Y, 4. 3y New Subscription Votes 4. Renewal Votes. Arrears... Votes. '4° 4. .4. 4. 4. 4, 4. .3. Smithy aFP. a,. VOUP° d t) °Upon Vote for As the most Popular Lady Amount Paid #' X�i"t>: a:ha,m�.s'-iee.•arF.....Z_..+rw+Oda:GoeGAW^..::�cz.[q.+... .u:, Address lnrr,—..^t<4�". " �-an�a"`t.L ":s....n-.h.•atis.. ' °�" A`,re"•.¢ u'c'. 03 '41'nS?D".":i'. sttaiisi 1. ,.4', tor. ,.. - .,,....+. .,•.. qa oil 'a. ¢> s t .:.,,.ei. ; a. y¢,I.y IF., . 'i.'S .,a..j.e+ yr:doa�i.t.Ot n.�a y..,..� t..;y.ryu, .� •i..y..;..y.., .Y..l..,..i,o� at. � <,.."„�, Ie p i