HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-10-11, Page 39
litotesesea ep
oung Folks
Morning Father Bear and
er Bear went away to pick
l berries. Mother Bear told
le Bear to .stay in his own yard,
er his father and mother went
tt,,• ly, Little Bear was dancing a
s d:' r dance beside the lilac -bush,
a'stranger looked through the
lug, and said, "Are you one of
Three Bears? Is your father
led the Big Bear and your
Cher called the Middle -Sized
"Yes, we are the Three Bears
mily," Said Little Bear.
"Then open the gate, and come
ith me," said the stranger. "I
m Mr. Circus Man."
Now the circus man went into elle
orest on purpose to catch Little
sat. In his ihand he carried a
hain .and a collar. He wished to
nt the collar round Little Bear's
neck, and drag him by the chain
away from the forest. He wanted
to put Little Bear in a. tent with
ed this sign :
Balks Side Show!
hat I Bring the. ,children to see the
Little Bear, whose home was visited
by Goldilocks.!
Only Ten Cents Admission!
"You should go to the circus and
ear the band play, Little. Bear,"
id the man. "And you should see
e •circu.s tents! You should see
e clowns do tricks inside the big -
est circus tent ! You should See the
ig animals that belong to the cir-
us ! You should see the elephants
om India! They are bigger than
our house, Little Bear ! You
hould see the great hippopotamus
and the huge rhinoceros with the
horn on the top of his nose! You
should listen to the lions roar, and
hear the tigers growl 1 Will you
lnistf' come with me to the circus, Little
ns me Bear ?"
at th "I should like to see the circus,"
eird spoke Little Bear, "but I can't go
tett ,until my father and mother come
back from the blackberry patch.
Circus Man, I should think you
would be afraid of the big ele•
nets :higger then aur house?"
Oh, no, t' answered Mr, Circus,
1.. "1 aiii. eo brave, I.aan not
-aid; of the elephants."
i".l Should think," went on Little
:.hear, "that you would be afraid of
the great hippopotamus?"
"Oh, no, Little Bear," the circus
man said. "I am so brave that I
am not afraid of anything. You
come with me. You see, I am not
afraid of—"
Mr. Circus Man never finished
that speech, because at that mo-
ment Father and Mother Bear re-
turned, and Mr. Circus Man sud-
denly looked terribly frightened.
For half a second he stared at the
Middle -Sized Bear and the Big
Bear, and then he turned and ran
so fast that his coat tails stood
straight out behind!
Little Bear laughed until he had
s ,, hiccoughs.
ies "What' is the matter with Mr.
,y Circus Man ?" asked Little Bear, at
DI last.
rn "He was afraid of us," answered
an Mother Bear.
"Afraid of you," exclaimed Lit-
tle Bear; and then he laughed
rl harder than ever, because he
b though it was so funny that any
one -could be so afraid of his good
father and mother.
And that night, when Little Bear
laughed in his sleep, Mother Bear
roiled and said, "Maybe he is
reaming of Mr, Circus Man run-
ing away from us. It was funny !"
Youth's CGompanion,
fere a
he, a
id 5
he B
end d
ig a
it t
le .h
76'4711.6 0630,X,
O r '
DYE, one con buy --why you don't even have to
know what KIND of Cloth your Goods are made
of, --So Mistakes are Impossible.'
Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, and
Booklet giving results of Dyeing overother colors,,
Mont. cal, Canada.
Is the Washer for a Wolemil
In the first place, Maxwell's
"Champion" is the only washer
that can be worked with a crank
handle at the side as well . as with
the top lever. Just suit your own
Another Maxwell feature—Lever and
SalanceWhe el are so accurately
adjusted and work up such speed
that the washer runs along
oven when you have stopped
working the lever. There's
no doubt about
being the easiest
washer on
the market.
Write for
new Illust-
does not.
Ieetricity, Tramways, and Water
Works Soon Complete.
A Syrian journal gives some in -
resting details of the industrial
velopment of Jerusalem, which,
cording to the paper, will before
g be one of the most up-to-date
d comfortable towns in the near
large number of companies,
need by European capital, have,
s •stated, recently been applying
concessions with a view to or -
zing the public services on a
ern basis.
English company which is
a large power Staition will
ly electric current all over
Even the sacred hill will
eg be lighted with eler4ri-
complete new system of tram-
s is under construction by a
ch company, while a German
rn is laying mains for a house
use water supply.
complete the international
alter of the !modernization of
elem. a series of fire stations
more fire' engines and laddeee.
ing instiituted underetleTlitria41
German Railroads Have Special
Cars for Them.
Excellent fa-cilities are afforded
in Germany for transporting in-
valids and cripples, who are unable
to walk, according to T. J'. Albert,
Consul at'Brtu ewick The German
i fix 4ad , e este ' . yrr'oeiales.ra' fest n
ela,ss car for'xnvalide visa, can 'afford
to use it. This ear is fitted with
every possible convenience for the
sick. A special apartment, opening
,the level of the station platform,
with a double door, so that""a
stretcher can be carried in without
the slightest difficulty, •is set apart
for the invalid and attendants. The
balance of the car contains a kitch-
en, where meals can be prepared,
and a section handsomely upholster-
ed for members of the family or ac-
companying friends. For invalids
who travel second or third-class an
apartment on an ordinary car is
used, opening in like manner with
a double door on the station plat-
The charges for transporting sick
and helpless persons have hitherto
been moderate. For invalids
travelling third -glass the charge has
been the cost of four tickets, free
transport being ,granted for two
attendants. This rate is still grant-
ed when the car containing the in-
valid apartment belongs to a regu-
lar train with a fixed destination;
otherwise in the future six tickets
second class must be purchased and
an extra rate paid if the car has to
be specially ordered.
"Young man, I saw you put your
arm around my daughter's waist
last evening."
"And I suppose you noticed how
she struggled?"
A bite of this and a taste of that, all day
long, dulls the appetite and weakens .the
Restore your stomach to healthy vigor
by taking a Isla-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal --and cut out the "piecing".
Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets
are the best friends for sufferers from
indigestion and dyspepsia. 50o. a Box
at your Druggist's. Made by the
National Drug and Chemical' Co. of
''Canada, Limited.
Became ` a Student at .; Map
College, October 10
With his tutor, •a 11Iagelal ext
the Prince of Wales went into
dence at Magdalen, Orford, ole
10, oeeupying a large suite of rt,•.
in the cloisters. His roya] highs
will attend history leetures•,; but
is understood that he will, not t
fora degree.'
0 O
just the
y meal is
(table nor
As ansundergraduate at• Magda,-
agdalen the day of the Prince will be;
!mapped out about on those lines .,r
He will be called by his servant
at 7 o'clock. Breakfast is :art '5
o'clock and the undergraduate pia,
either partake of it in junior i;oni4
mon room or in his own rooms. I
will have tole1 his servant .when:
was being called what he will hey
for breakfast, which at Oxfo l ;1a
usually very copious, including bar
con and eggs, fried sole and salmon
Lectures and "reading" fres
9 until 1 o'clock, followed by a fru-
gal luncheon, consisting ordinarily..
of bread and cheese and beer or'
The time from 2 until 5 is de-,
voted oto exercise, and then . comes•;
a shower bath, a ,change of clothing,
tea and a eoupie of hours of read-
At 7 Domesa very excellent plain
dinner for about 2s. He must dine
a fixed number of nights in .hall
during full term—usually about five
nights in the week. -
After dinner the men gather in
the junior common room .and.' take
coffee or visit one another's rooms.
or go to the Union, where once a
week there is a debate, or to one of
the many essay societies, which are
a. feature of university life. It is
possible to leave college up toa
certain hour, outside which limits:
men have to get special leave from
the dean. But from 9 to midnight'
is for the "reading" man the pr.n
cipal time for work. If he "slacks".
during that time he is hopeless..
The True 'dray to Correct Nervolas'
Nervous troubles are more, often
caused by improper food and indi-
gestion than moat people imagine..
Even doctors sometimesover•
this fact. A in.an.sa;
aitil,tsve eysar
butter with.` meat a t
the main features of`riy l., akfasf
Finally • dyspepsia came on . and I
found myself in a bad condition,'
worse in the morning than any
other tirne. I would have a full,
sick feeling in my stomach, with
pains in my heart, sides and head.
"At times I would have no appe-
tite for days, then I would feel 'rav-
enous, never satisfied when I did:,
eat and so nervous I felt like
shrieking at the top of my voice. < I'
lost flesh badly and hardly knew
which way to turn until one day S
bought a box of Grape -Nuts food
to see if I could eat that. I tried
From Your Croner
ade supplied br
lelo & Dreoping, Hamittoel.
ry -Pair Insured 8615
yO pgairiSt brcaakago
s slide ,when You move. No
b9 , uo ltarueae�-just comfort
pates ntpmppd "r2n1ij°f re 6ua6Ur.
5 fe. as Dealers or
i,f postpaid for 50c. .�
k`sh to complain," said the
„ughtily., "about that flour
d me. It was tough."
gii, ma'am?" asked the gro-
,LL: ``Yes, 'tough, I made a pie
ads and my husband could
v cit it."
Liniment Cures Dandruff.
is. said that impetuous peo-
ave -black eyes." "Yes; and
r don't have them they are
•e„, e.et `them 1"
r. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
1ial`:is a speedy cure for dysen•
diarrhoea, cholera, summer
shit, sea sickness and corn-
s incidental to children teeth-
- lyes Mines fate relief t
it without telling the doctor, and 4t " s -Then you don't think an
liked it fine; made me Seel es if T I ;�' „Los s fe ?t haGillis—Oh,t aor 6 But
1.• with wo'ti-
tia'pidity and enever fails to
ju r the disease. No one need
c)xxlera if they have a bottle of
medicine convenient.
t: are born—therefore they
n s o, to be pitied than censur-
acrd's afanlment for sale everywhere.
o'is % I never see you about
yerang Flirton, now ?" "Oh,
tied him a fortnight ago."
had something to eat that was sat- 1.
isfying and still I didn't have that
heaviness that I had felt after eat-
ing any other food.
"I hadn't drank any coffee th
in five weeks. I kept on with th
Grape -Nuts and in 'a month and Ali
half I had gained 15 pounds, could"
eat almost anything I wanted,,
didn't feel badly after eating ai
my nervousness was all gone. It'e.
a pleasure to be well again."
Name given by Canadian Pesten
Co.. Windsor, Ont, Read the bool
"The Road to Wellville, in pkg
"There's a reason."
Ever read the above letter/ A new;;q I
appears from time to time. Tbei9:.
genuine, true, and fuil of htirrian lett?
Paterfamilias was a very "rr.i
man, but he called in the doe
If the truth be told, Paterfaiti;
was so healthy, so big, and se'
bust, that he had grown int-
habit of bullying his 'family
"I don't know what's the t ,
with my rattily,” he remelt
the medico, "but my wife xst
sus, my children are suff•el
something—I don't know w
fact, the whole household
All the servants are borde'il
nervous prostration. What d;
think about it?"
The doctor was a friend :c
family, and knew a little i $t
"I think it would he
said he, "if you took a six
tour of Europe—aim-tee"
"Me?" replied the f a:it
grammatically, in his, s ,^rK
"Yes," replied the doe' /
the health of your family, v''
a it think one that promises to
.ver 6 per cent. is.
plessness,—Sleep is the great
cys'a er and to be deprived of it is
'loss. Whatever may be the
of it, indigestion, nervous
gement or mental worry, try,
se of Parmelee's Vegetable
By regulating the action of
stomach, where the trouble
they will restore normal con -
mi and healthful sleep will fol-
"They exert a sedative force
• the nerv.,es and where there
rest they :being rest.
;clget left Ireland with an ex-
t letter of recommendation
her last mistress, but on the
:over the letter fell into the sea
was lost. Not knowing how to
work without her recommenda-
she appealed to a friend to
eS one for her, and he gave her
-following :—"To all concerned:
iaget Flaherty had a good repu-
n when she left Ireland, but
it on the way over."
• Sam Slick once said tha
were like„creation—ma.de
.thing and very good, J.
ISSUE 41-12
Asparagus was a great dish with
Dean Swift. Dining with him one
day, George Faulkener, the Dublin
publisher, asked for a second help-
ing of his favorite vegetable, but
Swift pointed to the stalks on his
guest's plate and said:—"Sir, first
finish what . is before you;"
"What!" exclaimed Faulkener,
"eat nay stalks?" "Aye, sir,'' bel-
lowed the imperious Veen; "eat
your 'stalks, or you will get no
more. King William 1II. always ate
his stalks." Asked onee, when he
was telling the story, whether he
really did eat his talks, Faulkener
replied: "Yes, certainly ; and if
you had dined . with Dean Swift you
would have been obliged to eat
your .stalks, too."
'Tis a Marvellous Thing. --When
th„ cures effected by Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil are considered, the
speedy and permanent relief it has
brought to the suffering wherever
it has been used, it must be regard
ed as a marvellous thing that so
potent a medicine should result
from the six ingredients which en-
ter into its composition. A trial
will convince the most skeptical of
its healing virtues.
Plain Citizen—"What is the most
necessary qualifications for a pub-
lic career—a good head 1" '
Proniinent Statesman—"No;
good stomach.'f
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs, --I came across a bottle of your
MINARD'S LINIMENT in tbe hands of
one of the students -at the University of
Maryland, and he being BO kind as to let
rue use it for a very bad sprain, whieh X
obtained in training for foot races, and
to say that it helped me would be putting
it very mildly, and I therefore ask if you
would let me know of one of your a.sents
that is closest to Baltimore so that I may
obtain some of it. Thanking you in ad-
vance I remain,
Yours truly,
14 St. Paul street,
Care Oliver Typewriter Co.
P. S.—Hindly answer at once. .
"People are allus impressed,"
said Grandpa Stubblegrass, "by
what they can't see through. Many
a stream gits credit fur bein' deep
when it's only muddy."
A Safe Pill for Sufferere—There
ti,t4-411:Allkaps with'
purely vegetable, fire Ihineral per
.gative entering into their composi-
tion and their effect is soothing and
beneficial. Try them and be con-
vinced, Thousands can attest their
great curative qualities becanse
thousands owe their health and
strength to timely use of this most
excellent medicine.
All honest men will bear watch-
ing. It is the rascals who cannot
stand it.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Nothing will cause another to lose
confidence in you more readily than
a broken promise. A promise
should be a sacred duty. just as a
debt must be paid.
Warts will render the prettiest
hands unsightly, Clear the excres-
cences away by using Holloway's
Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly
and painlessly.
"Darling, I left my watch up-
stairs, and I'm too tired to go and
fetch it." "Sweetest, if you only
wait your watch will run down all
minard's Liniment Curet Stints, Eta.
Out of the eleven bailliee natives
of Egypt, only some 606,000 can
read and erite.
Complete in itself, Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator does
not require the assistance of any
other mediciee to make it effective.
It does not fail to do its work.
"Dickie, I'm awfully sorry you
use tobacco 1 I don't like it, and
m,amnaa simply loathes it. Will you
stop s, when we are married?"
"Isn't that asking a lot, dearie 1"
asked Dickie. "I wouldn't care for
myself," answered the girl, "but
you know it makes mamma very
ill." "Well, then," he promised
cheerfully, "I'll tell you what I'll
do. I'll never smoke when your
mamma is with us." She threw her
arms around him. "Darling," she
murmured. "That's so good of
you! I was afraid you'd insist on
sraoking once in a while after we
were married!"
The, real life you jive sets its
mark on you in the eyes of any man
or Nyoman worth knowing, and all
your'finery and education end cher-
ity can never cover that fatal seal.
Worth your while to test l(q
Sustains and Cheers.
H. W. DAWSON, NInetY Colborne Street,
Good House; Buildings; OrehaXd-
Mean and On easy terms.
buildings and apple orobard; abouS
five miles from Hamilton.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
monthly after attending here six
months. We teach railway statiou work
for Canadian Railways. Free Book 18 ex-
plains work and wages. Dominion School
Railroading. Toronto.
ternal and external, cured without
vain bY our home treatment. Write tit
before too late. Dr. Denman Medical 0o...
Lim ited , Coll! n sword. Ont.
Can be done perfectly by our Frenob process. Try it.
British American Dyeing Co.
Montreal, Toronto, Odawa and Quebec.
Ma Al. 1V OW ILT
Protect — Preserve — Beautify
Samples and Booklets on Application
1.37.4i Bathurst Street TORONTO
and station Agents' work: in all
its details are inc Lulea in the
course of blaming iricluded in •be
Central Telegraph School. 2 Ger-
rard Sb. E., TO routo. Correspmd-
once invited. T. J Johnston, Prin.
W. a ,havr, President.
Maypole Soap
p thtlre is u.:1
title 010 no tette,'
Dyes &non,
silk or mixtures. 24
colors -will give any
shade. Colors lOc.
Black 15c --at your
dealer's or postpaid
with booklet "I -low
to Dye" from
F. L. BENEDICT & CD, Montreal
ti- s
disinfectant sweeping
powder, is a life -pre-
server because it kills
all disease germs.
Floors clean; ear -
pets bright; home
fresh and sweet. .No
dust while sweeping.
,Ask your Dealer for it.
Madaren Imperinil Cheese Co,
Cole distributors for Ontario
Two black -faced minstrels wer
giving an entertainment on t
sands of a certain seaside holicl
resort recently, While One of th
was telling funny stories about t
humors of boarding-house len
ladies the other went among t
crowd making a collection. He
length went up to a stern -look
woman, who promptly snatched
tambourine from his hand
poured the contents inte her 1
As she returned the empty
bourine to the astonished mins
who knows so much about 1
ladies that I'm the one he fo
to pay the last time he was he
of the bowels is an absolute ne
sity for good health. Unless
waste matter from the food
collects there is got rid of,
once a day, it decays and reiesie
whole body, causing bilk* 47
gestion and sick head vs.
and other harsh Minerat
irritate the delicate lintle on
bowels. Dr. Morse's Inetiof
Pills—entirely vegetable
the bowels effectively withour
ening, sickening or griping.
re Morsei
Indian Itoot