HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-10-04, Page 8int
1 Wanted—Two good gills' Wan
once for upstair<a'and diniit€l-ree?;
$15.00 'wages, German. peel
Rotel Harrison, London.
Toronto Connell decided to
with other municipalities in :as
the Legislature to permit the ',61`
.exempt °Orkin inproveiiients,,,b
assess landat its full rnurket .-i3O,I;i
For only . 25 cents We • 0,11
paper for the balance;' of the `y
any place in Canada. _ Send in
name now and take the privil
vobe in our Piano Contest..jam.
Four hundred births here re
in Arenrreal last week, This
to be the highest record i
in civic annals so far as
concerned, There were oil€
and one deaths among child
five veaas of age in the same
Biliousness is clue to a thOotdei.
Condition of the stomach Olinb
lain's Tablets are essentially ,n stoin-
nidi medicine, intended eapecildly t "
act on that organ; to e1e u se it ;
strengthen it, tone aucl invigorate it;
to regulate the • liver. and to' ba�nisllq� asp,,,,,
biliousness positively And e#Tecttlmlly V cl) tu; i ,
Solcl by All Dealers. i.'�.Coboc
• Vis:ry
e ing
Wednesday Thursday
SEPT. 18 and 19, and FOLLOWING DAYS
Weclnesda�y and Thursday, Sept, 18 and
19th and following -days. This dep.art-
111ent will be in charge of MissDelLe Ree.
of Owen Sound, a lady of wide -experien-
ce in this line, who will be pleased to
show you all the latest in the millinery
section allcl where you may see the very
triumph of clever flat inaking. Itis a
showing of Hats that for style variety.
and general charm, will please the most
fastidious. We invite all the ladies to
attend our openings and take a look
through before purchasing.
New Dress Goods
In all the leading shades New Blue, New Brown,
New Green, New Crrdinals in Serges, Whipcords
Wales Worsteds, Poplins, Suntory cloths, etc.
Ladies' & Child's Coats
Handsome Coats for fall and winter wear New
Cloths. New Styles. Do not fail to take a look
through our coats.
wtoles an
Ppo8$:uin �azsaa
Sable, Belgian-Seatl '.e'
11"4*; ejl1 or: single • or in setts in
t¢;' af3.it►kx3eii'151e .. Iseabellti
Sweater Coats. Wool Shawls, Scarfs, Hose, Mets
Gloves, Underwear, Soques, Aviation Caps,
Men's and Boys
Wearing App rel
My stock in this line is complete and prices as
low as the lowest Mens Ready -to. -wear Suits,
Mens Ready•to wear Overcoats, Boys Suits and
Overcoats, Mens Fur Coats, Mens Cloth Coats
with Collars, (you will find our prices right)
Shirts and Drawers, Caps, Mitts, Gloves Collars,
Ties, etc.
Two Specials in Crockery
Dinner Setts, and Toilet Setts, the latest.
Grocery Stock Complete
aucl Fresh, Call and take a look through
our Large and Well Assorted Stock of
Fall and Winter Goods.
No trouble to show Goods
,hest prices paid for all
kinds of Farm. Produce
C a s
o�tx lolii• c
onitt; -Excursions
25th to Oct. _ 10th
?tow RATES TO •
Wash Nelson, 13, 0.
r, $. C Portland Ore: etc
moiseo,.' LOS Angeles
Mexico ,City.
y Secoad•,Olass Tickets
to rates from all stations
o above and other points
, British Columbia, Califon -
o) 14°'sico, Oregon, Nevada,
ali'and Washlo g ton.
jan.terst Excursions
bene 'er 'Round„ Trip (going
7th to Nov. 9th
'o Points in Teinagaini, Eta
17th to Nov. 9th
inn ;Lakes, Lake of Bays,
midland,. Lakefielcl, Severn
ay inclusive, ".Argyle to
Slusive, Lindsay to Hall -
9 lburton in4save,:Madawaska to Parry
The following names are in o1de:
of merit Room 2
Junior Third Hazel Fritz, Albe1
Hess, Roy Foster, Alberta Mlitte
holtz Mary Zestel equal,, ,Cealre ;=
Disjardine, Carrie Brenner.
Senior Second ; Graham Merino's;
Gladys Fisher, Marnrett Hess
Clarence Foster, Earl Zettel,'Et1 th
Ropp, Frances Zeller equal; Magg
Dieohert, Elmore Ciausiu8, Russel
Senior Part 2; Marjory Fri'
Jacob Haberer equal, Iva Kalb
fieisch, Hazel Foster, Alfola,Lieba
Ivan Kalbfiiesch, Margret Thisl
Ervan Fisher, Leonard Ran. "''
Junior Part 2 ; Lennis O'Brien
Lizzie Ropp, 1anriaDeitricb, Mary,
Mittelholtz. Edna Zettel,. Dorthy
Campbell, Lloyd Sararas .'Emma.
W nrm Gorden Zettel equal„ Ionian
Weseloh, Clara Sararas,Author
Senior Part 1 ; Inez. Yanaigblut,.
Dorthy Fritz, Minnie Uttley.,Tulia:
Davison, Clair Merner, Hennetli_
( puud i, el usive. All tickets valid for
return uu 11Thursday, Dec. l2tb, 1912
sgxcepttf points readied by steamer
Ines Tu sday November nth,
i ull 1 iculars, tickets, etc from any
rand Trunk Agent, or write A. E.
3JUET,`D. P. A. Toronto Ont.
))soli—tit' the Babylon Line, Stan-
ley, on Sept. 261h, to Mr. and
11Irs.:John. Dowson, a son.
Junior Part 2 ; Theodore D
ert. Dorsine Foster, Peari'Gall
aldol, Hey'` Luella D d en
gar °73enier,'Gerald ,'spar
L.` H. Diuiholland,te'f
One Price the year round and.that
the lowest.
Parties intending to buy'a good FIarnes this Spring should not fail to call
on us, as we are headquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest prices every
one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our TeamHarness
witb Collars at $25.00, Single Harness at $9.00 up
Stoves 'and Hardware
If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain you
can get here, 'l
A full stock of all kinds of
In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us to
cheaper and our customers get the benefit.
Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price
The following is the 'repo.Lor.:.
Room No 3,
Tr III Margaret Fuss; TLeura Sri)
aras equal; Ada Howald, Pani Jeflicy.
Leo Mittelholtz, Ward Fritz.
Sr II Jean Campbell, Ruth Ial t
leib, Janet Thiel, Mildred'11.offnaan;
Freddy 'Weseloh, Louisa,'
Rose. Hess, Lindsay ZVttriti, ' Pearl
Dueharine. •`
Jr II Susie Deicheit", Olive .Zet'te1.,
Theodore Leibold, Ernie, Beuc1
Amina Dreuner, Pearl Wslper, Al
Uttlev, Leroy O'Brien, LaurenceR
Celia Hildebrandt, Clarence Breun
Alphonsus Dieterich.
Sr I Ethel Dieterich, Lloyd -Hi
Gordon Rau, Eleanor °Duoka7
Aline Zeller, Mabel Bender,'-H.e.
Ne b.
Tri Hilda Neuschwanger, Etl
Geiger, Luella Foster,:.P-earl ;l
Gordon Waiver.
First Class Edna Sararas; Tr
LTtiley, Russel Foster, Ruth Bre
Vernon Davidson, Ethel Hese
Gladys McNevin, ''cadre
The following is the i elicit of e
rate School ssetion, No 1, Town
of Hay, for Seliteoaber c xaminations;
Sr IV RichaardLaporte '.
Sr III Lawrence Denom
Sr II Lerina Denounn
Bedour, iLlbiaia Becloitr•.
Jr II Stella Denomr
Denouiniie andBcatriee 1
Fir I Lottie Laporte.'.:
l\Tary Iiilgallr
Zurich, C Ontario
Telephone 28
Celebraied Broadway
No heavy lifting up of Milk
Easy Running
`' Machinery
kit makes of Plough
Points always on hand
ng S6 Bloch.
ow Ready
u gies
We have bought fcl..
Telegraph Poles. 'f 6,e'se on
from tis by the mile as the
cut to any length.
Farm of 150
pxoved land. 14 a
wood busk; bald c
vation; well drain'
bank barns and
good wells with.
North Zurich, pos
April lst 1913, bt t
on and ;do .fall \
Car Be4st
Just to hand. Bring in
your orders. Close price
71_, Ci . KALBF'L]ISCJ
you want to see the big -
and. finest lot of Buggies
at *olir wareroom, If you
to buy we are confid.en.•t
ear. satisfy your taste.
arriages and Waggons
:;prices. Right
1=(inds; of Repairs prom -
ply attended.
and following clays.
Miss Thiel is in. charge of our Millinery
Department for the fall season, and we have a
large stock of stylish hats and trimmings, to
show you. Colne and see them before purchas-
in g.
Dress Goods
Now is the time to buy your New Dress for Fall. Come
and see our stock of Serges, Poplins, Worsteds, Etc. We
can suit you.
Flannelettes and
A•large and well assorted stock of Flannelettes
Wrapperettes, to choose from. •
Sweater Coats
For Alen Women and Children, in all styles) sizes
and colors.
Flannelette and
Woollen Blankets
We have something -brand. new in Flannelette Blankets
Come and see thein.
We have everything
in School Supplies.
Fresh Groceries always kept on 11
All Kinds of Produce Taken In Exchan