HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-10-04, Page 4++.t.+++++++++++++++++++++++ WILL YOU CENTRAL aai STRATFORD, QNT. Write for the large free catalog- ue of this school, .. and you will learn how you can succeed. It will then rest with you to' decide if you will succeed. 'We are placing students in pos- itions paying $600 and $700 per annum, and Nye have many such applications for help which we cannot supply. The best time to enter our classes is now. Write for our Free Catalogue D.Am cLachIan, Principal. +44+++++++++++++++++++++++ Dashwood Furniture Store Pianos, Organs and Sewing Mach i nes Singer $30 New Williams $27 Raymond $25 Model $25 Cabinet $23 large stock of furniture always on haud. Undertaking carry the largest stock in this in. Western Ontario. Calls de y ht will get your prompt atten- tion. Call central. '..MoISA O Furmiiture and d rtah g LEGAL CARDS:.:. c'ROUDPOOT HAYS & EILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. X. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. B. S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- eaetion guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. B. W- F. BEAVERS EXETER Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. Sales conducted in the most approved manner. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Dates can be made at the Crediton Star or at the Bargain Store, Exeter. ++++++++++++++++++++144-444, $. EILBER & SON Crediton) - Ontario Conveyancers, General Insurance Agents Telephone—Office la, House 1b. +++++++++444++++++++++++++ ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every. thing in fire insurance. R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GBA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 . ZDLLEII; OONVErANCiR AND Notary Public. De e ds ) Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS (j�''�i? Court Zurich No. 1240 ,lsOsF• meets every 1st. and 3rd. Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. J, J. Mp•;'xrp>;rt, 0. R. Distriet .—ialfr vim. CUEDITON The anniversary, services in the. Methodist .church Sunday and Mon- day last, were a great success. Rev L. Hauch of Morriston visited his aunt, Mrs John Hauch, on Friday last,. Mr. Ed Lawson has sold his farm on the Goshen Line, to Mr. Godfrey Nicholson of Crediton. Mr Fred Young is still confined to. his •bed. We hope for a speedy re- covery. Mr and Mrs. Geo Eilber returned. home from. New Ontario Saturday, where they have spent the summer Preparations are being made to ac- .comrnodate a large crowd at the Fowl Supper, this evening. .A. good time is antieipated. The large ditch on , main street is now completed and will be a great convenieee to property owners on main street.. Everything is in readiness for the big Fowl Supper in the Evangelical church shed this Thursday night, and promises to be a big affair. Messrs. Harry Sweitzer, B Brown, Rev. E. Burn and J. H. Holtzman, autoed to Shipka Sunday afternoon, to attend the Sunday school Rally. The latter two gave addresses. SHIPKA Mr Wm Sweitzer, son of the late Samuel Sweitzer, has purohased the Shipka Mills, which he intends running every day. Chopping days are Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day. Come and give him • a trial, and see if he oan satisfy you. ' In regards of apple butter and cider, running every day only Monday forenoon. Mr. M. Finkbeiner called on 3'. Gower one day last week. Mr and Mrs F Geiser and Mrs. S. Sweitzer, visited with Mr and Mrs. S Moriock, one day last week. What seems to be wrong with our telephone lines on both ends. Some dry one of .us may die --wait- ing. Quite Fta nuinber•.call on 0 niea:rn• Vital e freezer work? Mr ,and Mrs C Finkbeiner visited friends in Crediton, one day last week. Mr and Mrs. Norman, son and daughter, from California, Mrs. Oudekirk of Standish, and Mrs. Donning and children are visiting with Mrs Hannan, for a few weeks STANLEY Among the many teachers who attended the West Huron Te{ichers' Convention, at Goderioh on Thurs- day and Friday last, we noticed the following—Misses Mamie „La- mont and Ethel Stevens, Messrs W Robinson and G. S. Howard.. Miss Violet Stevens has gone to Toronto, where she will take a course at the University. Her nranyfriends wish her success, Mrs, W. L. Keys is again on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. G Jones of Hamilton is the guest of his uncle, Mr. R McLin- chey- Mr. W. H, •Stogdill and bride have returned from Toronto, and are the guests of the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Dowson, Goshen Line. - Mr. and Mrs G Sparks have gone to Toronto, in the interests of i1rs. Sparks' health.. On account of the continued wet weather, mann farmers having beans to harvest, are caused much anxiety. Come and get your new Suit At Zurich's, Leading Tailor Shop the only Place, where the Newest is always shown first and satisfactia:n guaranteed. Laundry ixn. Connes:tioa DASH John Bidt of Hensel with his family. here Mr, and 11relPetc in Exeter on MMTan Herman r�ylex. Sunday -with h Mrs A, i.11c visiting tier m Mr•Dave Tie Monday on,1aus john Ziler of as claywith his parents, Miss Axinie L-indenfiejc1- is visiting lier sister', 1',ir`e.` hagen.,. Misses Mead arra 'Bee( Detroit are spending tliei with their father,'111 .Joe lw Miss Arleness of 41ruwo` ing at the hothe of: 111r, an Nadiger. ; Gordan .Goetz returned' on Thursday, after at toricl ding ofhis brother di1 Mr and Mrs Hari 1r Hap: are visiting at the tains Rinker, .Sr. Mr and Mrs .P ercy ed to theirhomo iu tending her sister's -cv ent'sFurnishing Department • Wher'o you oae get Ready -Made 10Ilf 'tithing or Suits ade-to-Order. 'A splendid ; scleetion of Fancy .Shirts, "loll.ais, ";1.'ies, Trots and Caps at very •reaso utile prices. We want to increase the Subscription List of our 'three papers, Thi. Herald, Zurich; Pioneer, Dashwood, and Star, Crediton, to 2000, and t accomplish this quickly we are offering.some handsome prizes for the mo; .popular ladies, married or single. It will pay you to iiget busy," Sova,eo is going to get a handsome $300.00 piano. First Prize See our Chiidren•'s Wash Suits and Romper Suits. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. ii. -.�� 'eturn-}eneral Merchant, Zurich. Mr Oliver Graybcil1, ` +wed to Hamilton on Monday, to, u i e his duties in the iVIolsons Ban ` Several of our yoUngroe`, +# to'ivu attended a raffle and. dancl' 1Vxr., F i:' Ducharme's on Tuesday ev g. Quite a number frown lioi ' titended the Crediton Fowl'Supper,` 4 Thurs- day night. Mr. and Mrs 0 .Hartioib' retur ped to their home in .PittsUurg Tuesday morning, after visitieg 111'. tiici `'Mrs,. Jac Hartleib, Mr•and. Ifrs Ett W11101%41, Ciraml l3encl, pa id our town a visit„On. day.. • Mad dog scare-0n'1'i ssday ing T. Luther's d, : of ; 31�ivste ; and proceeded tIitouglr it e +toil ' to Mt Carmel,• where xl4•i, 5paithers,: ancl,;.tlien SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST The following is the standing, in our. prize Circulation Contest up to Saturday evening last.. Miss Lottie. Galster 5000 141iss Ada Wurru4800 lilies Blanche Laporte 19900 Miss Sadie 11lclsaac. 131300 lliiss Victoria Daters1500 Miss Gladys McNevin 3400 .:lyIre.. Jas. Humplireys.51500 '1lliss Tillie Joh'nston8200 [iss Mary Gallman8000 Mrs. Dan Koehler....182800 Minna Sipple.., .........500 3+r � -way to Dal i ' y'0' :::.';111%10 r1]a cam in contact +ithata riv eyery bbg in town, AAsa$iting •sews _FExailk Siebert, Loire SEiiith-J lel Liao although no -scar or mlc' ita,left`by his bite, He then, starts& east lint• Wit shot by Mr:,'Siebert • Ailf 1.146d 's sent to Toronto, but tlruis.l'o word has been received fro+ . `the epar_ t ment. . SHORTER HOURS- ;AND ,BETTER PAY _. Railroad operators rosvv have shorter hours and better jiay. -`?ax bitions young men do welt bo Jake ,a course in the telegraphy ; liaptrneut of the Stratford' Rusin- -College. The principal of said depa,e .)t; Mr. R. Lamour has had more road,;es- perience than the 1i ;ructor ...in any other telegraphy + & Amer- ica. Yon :nay enter. ar' 1 ...une. 'Write for free catalegue' .; 8. Not only does a Canadi pp railway lead those of North Anaericiti rn,crea- se of earnings for the nrox $ t o'f. Aug. but two others rank;tfrnonnhe first five. Canadian Par' `glitreaohics its American rivals' :'' s.813 '600 increase against'th $884,725, and th $678,655. The Gi fourth with -$463,77 gran Northern fifth Following these is roads. • Together t roads increased $2.. half : of . the eggs ;of twenty-four. rods $0,270,721. This tributed to no specia normal growth. • rton our Mills Manufacturer of all grades of Roller Flour. We also sell the Five Roses Flour Gusting and Clioppiv.g prom• ptly done Oats Rolled and Chopping done at 5 ants a bag. I. SWEHTZER. CREDITON Meat MAR} -:.ET We keep ::f stock a full line of frac;h meats, etc. etc. Our cuts are not, ed for their tenderness and wholesonrness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our sausage. Give us a call. i`ichio1sonLawson CREDITON. ' Anyiytotelfiting it 10 teats, i,,,s5ce�tuin at} ptiventiro0,I p1YbbapP iron$ ntr btlycon sort $•e0 05iagt • e.4tnnt5 taken Ratanbticd, wEl inti A h:indaombpg ipk. cuptmo of any $t c4'"d4 - den.leto.vcrd. a yes _.. Fat -It -net s That Want THE BEST Call at 'The Massey Harris Shop: Our 'Machines spea for. themsel•a es. We also , handle Olds 6iasolne Engine.. e Ae-t x 1if Beautiful Mendelssohn Piano H. Wells, Agent, Zurich. See it at his store. ,second Prize Ladies' Fur Liued'Coat Value $75.00. May be seen at Zwicker's store Crediton. 7 hird Prize New Williams -Drop-Head Sewing Machine See it at P. Mclsaac's furniture store, Dashwood. Fourth Prize Ladies' Gold Watch Fifth Prize Set best Plated Knives and Forks 4th and 5th prizes, See at F. W. Hess Jewelery store, Zurich, NOW LADIES, "GET BUSY” Subscription Values New Subscriptions 1000 votes Renewal . 500 votes Arrears for'each year 200 votes Standing of candidates up to Saturday evening of each week will be lished the following week. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.4++++++. Voting €-otipon I Vote for .«> , .. . Amount Paid Sent by,....... As the most Popular Lady New Subscription .......... ......Votes Renewal.-- .. . . . .... ..-..... .... .Votes Arrears. Votes Address a Name of paper sudscribed for....... ......... ....... d4++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++1 m rp ,� cif ► n : 1Z vi ' 1�+