HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-27, Page 7Y BURIED TREASURE
In Three Years $100,000.000 Worth
of Coins Have Been Lost.
Trace of.
Statesmen and ,financiers are at
the present time scouring the world
for new supplies of gold, for there
is .a serious shortage of bullion. All
the same, there is an enormous
'amount of British coin remaining
buried, altogether apart from that
which has gone down with vessels,
says London Answers.
Passing from hand to, hand in the
United Kingdom are sovereigns
and half. sovereigns having a total
value of £113,000,000. Th.Lt is to
say, technically speaking, there is
that amount of gold coin in circula-
tion, although it includes the
amount of gold held at the banks
in their coffers.
All the same, this is nothing like
the value of the gold which has
been turned out by the Mint and
that received for remaking. In
fact, it has been stated by a reoog-
nized authority that in three recent
years the Bank of England has lost
trace of something like £20,000,000
worth of golden coins.
What, then, becomes of this mon-
ey? Every year the Mint, through
the medium of the Bank of England,
sends out an enormous amount of
gold ooin, and yet receives back
only a portion of the whole.
One reason for the disappearance
is that throughout the world the
English sovereign is held in the
highest esteem of all coins. Thus
on the Continent the writer has
frequently met with refusals to
cash German and other gold coins,
but never in any country has he had
the slightest difficulty in changing
English gold. Not only is this the
case, but the highest value is al-
ways attached to our gold coins.
Most of the British gold which is
lost goes out to India. There the
people hoard it up, and frequently
it is the case that a man dies with-
out giving any information as to
where his treasure has been de-
posited. In this way it is calculated
that in the Presidency of Bombay
alexia'' some £'1?;000,000 is hoarded-
in the form of sovereigns and .half
From this fact it may be imagined
what an enormous amount of Bri-
tish gold there mast be in the
whole of India. The natives of In-
dia also use sovereigns and half -
sovereigns as ornaments, partly for
the good reason that in times of
stress the ornaments may be turned
to a more useful purpose without
any lose.
The ,inhabitants of China also
show a striking partiality for our
golden discs. The same tale comes
even from the goldfields in East Af-
rica. As a matter of fact, the na-
tives are never paid in gold coins,
for the reason that the money
would be taken out of circulation at
once, and it is a costly job convey-
ing eoin into the backlands.
Again, a certain amount of ooin
is taken out ef circulation in this
country by jewellers and similar
craftsmen. When a. jeweller re-
quires a piece of gold for making an
ornament he takes a new gold coin.
There is a good reason for this, as
the coin, practically speaking, is
xaetly the value ef a piece of un-
orked gold, and so the jeweller
oses nothing by taking a coin in
reference to a, piece of bullion,
nether reason is that he knows
xaetly the' fineness of the gold, a
nowledge which is not bound to be
is when handling a piece of gold
ther than a coin.
Apart from this, there are hun-
reds of places in the kingdom
here gold coins have been buried
d their whereabouts forgotten.
ill, it is the East which swallows
aur gold.
The chief thought about salt in
midst of all holiday-makers will
in connection with the sea; but
has other uses and significance.
st people .think that spilling salt
unlucky. This superstition has
n handed down from the an-
t Romans. Two or three hue-
d years ago all the servants of
wealthy sat below the salt to
their humble origin, and this
m: was observed not so 'very
ago in Scotland. Salting a
n is' still prevalent among some
'ons, but the most curious use
which salt is put to -day is in
ssinia and Tibet, where cakes of
are employed as money.
location begins with the cradle
ends only with the grave...
are hatched in manure and revel in
filth. Scientists have discovered
that they are largely responsible for
the spread of -Tuberculosis, Typhoid,
Diphtheria, Dysentery, Infantile
Dfseaaes of the Bowels, etc.
Every packet of
will kill more flies than 300 sheets
of sticky paper.
See How
Failure to Vote in Belghnn
In this country noting
pulsory, and, therefore,
sion to do so when the p
comes round is not pueis
But the same happy; st
fairs does not obtain
There the franchise las
tremely strict, for fl?ti• lure
counted a• misdemeanor,.
penalty is severe. To pre
appearance at the polling -et
the . Belgian Government even
so far as to defray the experts
citizens who live seine :alis
away, and who can show a
quake reason for absence. In
Many natives of that oounvtry,.;:
cited fora time in England onb
nese, enjoyed a free trip hone
May in order to record their r
at the Parliamentary polling,
Nor is the Belgian content w
one vote. He can, if he will, obta
three. Besides that to which he
entitled at the age of twenty-
should he shave lived in the sa
commune for a year, he is grant
another if he reach a certain deer
of educational efficiency.
While the third isobtainable a
the age of thirty-five—bbat'is, .if - .the
citizen pays a house tax of five
francs—$1.02 a year, and is either.
married or a widower.
no bones—packed
st Olive 011.
rn from Your Croner
`Trade supplied by
hn W'. Sickle & Greening, Hamilton
Ilaber'landt Says He Has'
land Them in Tree Leaves.
er • long experimenting and
Prof. Gottlieb Haberlandt of
titanic Institute, of Gratz, in
declares that . plants, the
ken in its widest sense, 'and
ng trees, can see.
professor says that he -has
ed through photography and
e of the microscope on the
organs of plants. The
es included objects at different
ances, and even persons and
ses. Plants may, he says, be
assed with the inferior animals in
this respect. His observations have
been ,confirmed by Dr. Nuttall and
I)r. Harold Wagner.
We . are still so ignorant of ani -
Mal, plant and insect life (because
we do not understand their lan-
guage.) that we fancy the plant, like
the insect, is not conscious of what
it sees, but that is probably a dis-
covery for the future. At present
we are forced to accept the theory
that they are not conscious.
But that they do see, Prof. Haber-
lwndt says, he has satisfactorily
proved. He has found the same
minute eye such as belongs to bees
and other insects in sycamore
• leaves, in the sugar maple and in
the Peruvian acanthus. The eyes
of plants appear different from the
eyes of insects in that they have
no coloring matter, though this is
not yet determined. •
The professor is continuing his
experiments, and he expects to
make further interesting and sur-
prising announcements. He says
that plants and trees have eyes its
undoubtedly a proof that all natur-
al life is linked in one long chain.
The Wringer Board extends from the side,
out of the way of the cover. This allows
practically the whole top of the tub to open up—
makes It easy to put So aad,take out clothes.
No other washer has as tares au opening.
No other washer can be worked with. crank
handle at side as well as top sever.
Do you use Maxwell's "pavorlte"..-the
churn that makes quality butter? '
Write us for catalogues If your dealer does
not handle them. 89
and Stattun Agents' work in an
is details aro' included' in the
course of training included in 'I he
Central Telegraph School, 2 Ger-
rard S. E.. Toerpto. Correspond-
ence invited. T.V. Johnston, Prin.
W. Ii, thaw, President.
"Can you sell this shawl cheap-
er 4"
"No madam. Fifty dollars is
really the lowest possible price."
Well, I'll take it. But make out
two bills, ane at twenty dollars to
show my husband, and one at two
hundred to show to my friends!"
A masher is a despicable creature
who gets a good deal of encourage-
Soap tuidOintfflent
No other emollients do so much
for pimples, blackheads, red,
rough and oily skin, itching,
scaly scalps, dry, thin and .failing
hair, chapped hands and shapeless
nails. They do even more for skin-
tortured and disfigured infants.
Although Concurs Soap and Ointment are
sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a liberal
sample of °Koch, with O2=page booklet on treatment
of akin and hair, Will be sent, poet -tree, on applies.
Mon to ''Cutiouray" Dept. 8DA, Boston, ir.. s. A.
Inspector `An
something we can
not touch, Can
example V'
poker !"
abstract noun is
think of, but rex-
you give me an
sir; a red-hot
No child should be allowid- t°•
suffer an hour from worms• vsrhell!
prompt relief pan., be ,got_. in ,e„
ple but strong remedy-'Mo.e
Graves' Worm Exterminator«
Too often it is the things we
shouldn't do that seem to make life
worth living.
lwtnard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Agnes—"This novel looks adful-
ly interesting. Is it goad?" Gladys
—"It's perfectly splendid. I'd lend
it to you in a minute, but it be-
longs to inc."
To Men Who Live Inactive Lives.
--Exercise in the open air is the
best tonic for the stomach and sys-
tem generally; but there are those
who are compelled to follow seden-
tary occupations and the inactivity
tends to restrict the healthy aetion
of the digestive organs and sickness
follows. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills regulate the staomaeh and
liver and restore healthy action. It
is wise to have a packet of the pills
always on hand.
"Too bad Mrs. Smartleigh always
has such abominable weather for
her afternoon teas." "Yes; .she
never pours but it rains."
Cholera and all summer com-
plaints are so quick in their action
that the cold hand of death is upon
the victims before they are aware
that danger is near. If attacked;
do not delay in getting •the prep
medicine. Try a dose of Dr J". D.
Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, and
you will get immediate relief. It
acts with wonderful rapidity ane
never fails to effect a cure.
It's all right to build castles
the air if you're willing to work n
to them,
On Sale Everywhere.—There may
he, country merchants who do not
keep. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil,
ugh -they- are few and far be-.
tw:.ien, and these may suggest that
some other oil is just as good. There
is nothing so good as a liniment or
as an internal medicine in certain
oases. Take no other. The de-
mand for it shows that it is the
only popular oil.
Poverty has helped many a young
man out after he has fallen in love.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc.
"What is conscience?" asked the
Sunday school teacher. This was
followed by dead silence.
"What do we call the thing that
hhscks us when we do wrong?"
asked the teacher.
"Grandma," promptly replied
the little girl in the class.
Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast via
Chicago and North Western Ry, Sept. 25th
to Oat. 10th from all points in Canada to
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland,
Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Melena,
Butte, Missoula, Kalispell, Pocatello,
Nampa, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand
Jet.,; ete, Through Tourist sleepers and
fres reclining Chair cars from Chicago.
Variable routes. Liberal atop -overs. For
information writ., or call on B. H. Ben-
nett, General Agent, 46 Yonge St., Toronto.
It is sometimes a good plan to be
sore the other fellow is right—then
fellow in his footsteps.
r., ..
ard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Re sure is, an optimist."
:t o question of it."
tit I heard him growling yes-
ay because he has hay fever."
is just the point. He's had
n years, but always he is
t he won't get it next
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Try to win the friend
your butcher, so that you.
to his icebox and pick etra
own steak.,
It is easy to screw a Iawn-nt
up so tight that your nes
can't use it -after he has bor
It is no longer fashionable."
a boy's hair by putting a large
on his head and trimming ` up
the edge of it,, Take him to a bit'
tier and pay for the hair -but out'''
the boy's savings bank:
There are a few homely remedies
for seasickness, such as stuffing the
ears with •cotton wool, taking a
strong cup of very hot coffee or a
teaspoonful of newt Worcestershire
sauce just before embarking, which
may tide the poor sailor safely over
a, short journey. Chronic victims of
sea sickness, however, should give
the liver a rest for 24 hours before
going on a -voyage, eating only food
of a simple and readily digestible
nature. Rest, with the head low-
ered in a eonlfartable position -with
the hands and feet kept warm,, lis•
the first rule in all cases.
An - eminent ,scientist, the other
day, grave his opinion that the most
wonderful disoovery of recent years
was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Just
.think'i As soon as a single thin
layer of Zam-Buk is applied to a
wound or sore, each injury is in-
sured against bilood poison! Net
one species of microbe has been
found that Zam-Buk does not kill!
Then again. As scan as Zam-Buk
is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to
akin disease, it stop's the smarting.
That is why children are such
friends of Zam-Buk.
Again, As soon as Zain-Buk is
applied to a wound or to a diseased
part, the Dells beneath the skin's
surface are so stimulated that new
healthy tissue is quickly formed.
This forming of fresh healthy tissue
from below is Zam-Buk's secret o€
healing. This is why Zam-Buk
cures are permanent.
Only the other day Mr. Marsh,
of 101 Delormier Ave., Montreal,
called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and
told them that for over twenty-five
years he had been a martyr to ec-
zema. His hands were at one time
so covered with sores that he- had
to sleep in gloves. Four years ago
Zam-Buk was introduced to him,
and in a few months it cured him.
To-day—over three years after his
cure of a disease he had for twenty-
five years—he is still cured.
All druggists sell Zara-Buk at
50c. box, or we will send free trial
box if you send this advertisement
and a. lc. stamp (to pay ,return.
postage). Address Zam-Buk Co.,
"How old-fashioned they are."
"So I"
"Yes, they still keep their fa-
thers' pictures hanging in the liv-
iving room."
A Remedy for Bilious Headache.
—To those subject to bilious head-
ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
are recommended as the way to
speedy relief. Taken according to
directions they will subdue irregu-
larities of the stomach and so act
upon the nerves and blood vessels
that the pains in the head will
cease. There are few who are not
at sometime subject to biliousness
and familiar with its attendant
evils. Yet none need suffer with
these pills at hand.
"Your beau," remarked the first
summer girl, "doesn't seem to care
to spoon in secluded nooks!'
"No," responded the second sum-
mer girl, "the poor gink only has
four days in which to acquire a coat
of tan."
Caterliall, Nfl d.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—While in the country last
summer I was badly bitten by mosquitoes,
so badly that I thought I would be die -
figured for a couple of weeks. I was .ad-
vised to ti. your Linkilnent to allay the
irritation, and did so. The effect was
more than I expected, a few applications
completely curing the irritation, and pre-
venting the bites from becoming sore.
MINARD'S LINIMENT is also a good ar-
tiele to keep off the mosquitoes.
Yours truly,
W. A. V. R.
It doesn't take very long for the
worst to happen.
Corns cannot exist when Hollo-
way's Corn Cure is applied to them,
because it goes to the root and kills
the growth.
One of the French marshals who
had been defeated by the Duke of
Wellington in the Peninsula tried
to insult the duke, when the latter
was visiting Paris. But in the ball -
acorn as on the battle -field, the
victory was Wellington's.
Louis Philippe of Frince had just
introduced the marshal to the duke.
Smarting under the memory of his
defeats, the marshal thought to
slight Wellington by ostentatiously
turning his back�t to him. Louis
Philippe was greatly displeased,
and apologized for his generaI's
"Forgive him, sir," said the
duke, t'I taught him. to do that in
the Peninsula." ,
. tr
millions who drink
it recom. mend
Goes farthest for the money
•x.ar. N,t a.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne St.,
bras in gibsaasersand Alberta at right prices on
district of Ontario. AU sizes at right
stook, grain df dairy farm consult me.
H. W. DAWSON, Toronto.
.4 work and earn more money than in
any other trade. We qualify for all
Canadian Railways. Positions secured.
Write for Free Book 18. Dominion School
Railroading, Toronto.
Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
(`f ANQER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ete. Ia.
lJ ternal and external, cured without
vain by our home treatment. Write ne
before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical. Co„
Limited. Collinawo,d. Ont.
, Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel,
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively
cured with the new German Remedy,
"Sanol," price $1.50. Another new remedy
for Diabetes -Mellitus; and sure eure, is
"Sanol's Anti -Diabetes." Price 52.09 from
druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufac-
turing Company of Canada, Limited,
Winnipeg, Man.
For the very best, send your work to the
Look for agent in your town, or send direct.
Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa. Quebec.
..41116. - 1 `il:T 13IEt. 'EDI
Protect-- Preserve— Beautify _
Samples and Booklets on Application
JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., ? imlted
18741: Bathurst Street S ORONTC
Maypole Soap
Gives rich glowing
colors, fadeless in sun
or suds. Dyes cotton,
silk, wool or mixtures.
Use it yourself at
home. No trouble—
no muss. 24 colors—
will give any shade.
Colors 1 0c,black 15c,
at your dealer's or
postpaid with booklet
How to Dye" from
F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal
disinfectant sweeping
powder, is a Iife-pre-
server because it kills
all disease germs.
Floors clean; ear -
pets bright; home
fresh and sweet. No
dust while sweeping.
Ask your Dealer for it.
MaoLaren Imperial Cheese Co,
Sole distributors for Ontario
Every young man when starting
in the race of life should stamp into
his being the fundamental principle
of all moral philosophy -that the
real dignity of a man lies not in
what he has, but in what be is. Be-
ware of being infected by the moral
contagion which more or less taints
the atmosphere of every rich trad-
ing and • manufacturing community
—the contagion which breeds a ha-
bit of estimating the value of men
by the external apparatus of life
rather than by its internal nobility.
Dae. Morse's
Indian R.00t Pills
are made according to a formula in
use nearly a century ago among the.
Indians, and learned front them by
Dr. Morse. Though repeated at-
tempts have been made, by physi-
cians and chemists, it has been found
impossible to improve the formula or
the pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root
Pills area household remedy through-
out the world for Constipation and
all !Kidney and Liver troubles. They
act promptly and effectively, and0
Cleanse the + 7atet: