HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-27, Page 5,g,.l.. l .g .g. 3 s so•,• 1 + § 7 •.'c ✓. ; ar s.¢ 1. ,...y .§•so 13r3 s� . F a, srar� ✓rrr g .r } •.;, ¢ .}
Incorporated 1855
and Agents �ancl Corres iits in all the
Has '8$ Branches in. Canada, onde
Principal Cities in the World.
Loans and Investments
Total Assets '33,090,102 48,287,284
A General Banking Business Transacted.
" ._°"
at alI Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Zurich Branch -- J. A. CONSTAl' TINE, Mgr.
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«, tlest Clot
There is nothing that means
so much. as "Quality" as applied. to
It means everything that makes
for style and service, richness.- of
oloth, in cut, in tailoring, and in
By making such. "Clothes" we
are making our customers life-long
friends. Can't we make you one of
them? We are anxious to, and if
Quality appeals to you, we can—so
let us get acquainted Now.
Merchant Tailor
Zurich Annual Fall Fair
The 47th a Runes. Unfavorable Weather Kept 111any
- Away. Finances in. Good Shahs..
The annual Fall Fair, the 47th for
this society, Held hese on Wednesday
and Thursday last, was a. financial
success despite the disagreeable
weather. The indoor exhibits were
not up to the average in quautity, ow-
ing no doubt to the rain on the first
day-. Thursday morning cadre in
with threatening weather, although
the rain held off fairly well, with only
occasional light showers, and the at-
tendance was just about equal to last
year, which was one of the bust in the
history of the society. The show of
horses was good and the entries quite
numerous, while the cattle exhibit
oompriseci suing fine anima.. The
sheep and hog classes were not well
filled but the animals shown were of
fine quality. The speed events, which
`are usually interesting, were marred
by the heavy track;, and matte a real
race impossible. The farmer's trot
was won by John I)rcher Jr; the
free-for-all going to 11, B3ossonhorry
for first money, O Eilber sworn" and
J Declier tined. Following is a list
of prize-winnere:
Class 1 Draught Horses
Brood. mare, T Harris, W McAllis-
ter, R Bell Jr; foal, T Harris, SV
Smith.; 3 yr gelding or filly, F Eller
ington; span, W Stevenson.
Class 2 Agricultural Horses
_ Brood mare, P Deiehert; foal, P
Dela-hors; 1 yr gelding or filly, R,
Northcott, W Smith; 2 yr gelding or
filly, R D ]3e11, H Volland; span, J
11110Bricle, A Reichert, L Rader.
Class 3 General Purpose Horses
Brood mare, M Gould, J Decher jr,
G Gram; foal, M Gould, A Foster; J
Decher iv; 1 yr, gelding or; fi11y, W
Davidson; 2 yr gelding or filly, J
Decher Sr, W Snaith; span, 8 J Pyln,
J Decher sr, L Rader.
Class 4 Carriage Horses
Brood mare, A Reichert; foal, A
Reichert; 1 yr gelcli>ad or filly, A
W Battler; buff cocliiii, W
Class 16 Pair pekb. chi
13' Brock, 33 Clark; tenet' ,
e se.
Tri:tonaiier; WBattfor ,
Bros, W Battler; turkeys.
Snowden 13ros; .ti .torsi(..
Truemner, W Battler.
Sararas and W b' Edai'.art
GRAIN M11) .iaF
Class 16 1 bus w hit
C Truemner; bus 'red
Brown, + Kropp) 3
sprung wheat, any 'relief's
bus 6 rowed barley, W Us de
A Bannie: bus white o;rls.;
G Clausias, 3) Dignan; lets sm
C Truennner, L'Wurns, Ca f."'
bus rye, W Battler, '11 Cteik-
black barley, 1) Dignan; .be
in heads (any kind) Ii Neeb,:
ins; Half bus clover seed, J:
Clausius, A. roster:; half bus •:t,
seed, D Dignan, L WULm, W
Judge—R A Williams, Zurirah
Class 17 Col aiiy'kind aZipl
less. than 5 each, 10. wars, 0 12tri
J Pfaff; plate -4 va>: fall applel.
each, II Rader, J Pfaff, 0 '1'rue`,
plate 4 vat winter apples, J Pti:
Truemner, J Ilaberer; plate '6 Ik
Tompkins, I Rader, W Smith;',
apples, 0 Trueuruer, P
northern spies, G Clausius,'D 1h, Ka ,r
baldwins, L Rader, H Rader;iR I
greenings, D Dignan, 3 Deeli rsl ir;
spitzenberg, II Rader, W SuaitYr; C'„ltil -
acla reels, C Truemner, W Sinitli rob -
son pigpen, Sl fail; golden rusielas, (3
Truemner, 11 Rader; ben davie, TT.
Racier. D Dignan; swears, W. SIXaith;
wagners, 7 Pfaff, L Rader; manus; .ia
Rader; maiden's blush, W Smith ;73
Pfile; blenheirn nippen, 0 Truemnei;;; i3
Decher sr; pewaukee, L Rader, JP4Iff
colverts, G Clausius, J Pfaff; gid ;za
mundi, IJ Rader, W Rader; 2 oz
pippeu, C .Truenaner, W Smith; 1-
Northcott; J Decher jr; 8 year old
gelding or filly F perdue J Decher ,~r
2nd and 8rd.; Span J Hey jr; Buggy
horse in harness and buggy J A Glenn
L 0 Elliott; lady driver, .not
less than 8 entries J Hcy jr T Decrier
sr A .Etherington; Special by J. J.
Merrier M. P, Elleriiigton, Judge—
Allan Findlay, Chatsworth.
Class b Durham
• Cows, Beatty Bros., W McAllister
2nd and 3rd; 2 yr olcl heifer, Beatty
Bros., 1, 2 and 3rd; yearling heifer,
Beatty Bros, 1and, W McAllister;
Mill calf, W McAllister 1 and 2, A
Foster; heifer calf, • Beatty Bros, W
'Class 7 Other than Thorobred Durham
Cows, J Neuschwanger, A Foster, P.
Haberer; 2 yr old heifer, J Pfaff 1 and.
2, J Neuschwanger; yearling heifer,
J Pfaff, J Neutiehwanger, 3 Pfaff;
heifer calf, P 'reliever, W Smith; 2 yr
old steer, 3 Pfaff, W Lamont 2 and 8;
yearling steer, J Pfaff 1 and 2, P
Haberer steer -calf, P uaberer, A
Foster, P naberer_;• fat steer, P La-
mont 1, 2 Bred 3; jersey cow, Wm
arofi'man. Judge—H. Snaith, Exeter.
Class 8 Leicester
Ewe lamb, G Penhalo; Ewo baving-
raised lamb in 1912, G Penhale.
Class tJ Lincoln Sheep
G Penliale took all the prizes in
this class.
Class 10 Dine Wool
A Dunkin took all prizes in this
Class 11 13erkshire
Snowden Bros took all prizes in
this class
Class 12 Tamworth Snowden Bros
took all prizes in this class.
Class 18 Yorkshire Spring sow,
G Penhalo. Judge— G. C. Petty,
Reichert, J Koehler, rr Norland; 2 yr Class 1.1 Pair Homburgs, W Bat-
0-elding or filly, T Schroeder,: J Koeh- tier 1 and 2; pair Plymouth Rocks, W
er 2nd and 3rd;' 3 yr gelding or filly;
Ftherington; span, J Sparrow, R.
eiger; single in harness, 1Z R John -
ton, 33 J iz'Daters; Shetland
cony and colt, Teddy and clam Mer-
i r -Class 5 Roadster Horses.
33toad mare, Wm. I',fcAlister, F.
anis; Foal 1±' Harris Wm McAlister`
year olcl gelding or filly John Dech-.
jx, .o Truemner, Wm McAllistorl.
r.tsol.cl.,gelcling or filly L Raider, Il
Battler; pair Black Spanish,W Bat-
tler 1 aria 2; Black Minorcas, W Bat-
tier 1 and 2; Redcaps, W Battler 1
and 2; White Leghorns, A Ehnes 1
and 2; S o brown leghorns, %' Brock,
W Battler; R 1 Reds, o Truemner, W
Battler; collection pigeons, G Clausius
o Truemn er; buff wy. andottes, F Brock,
13 Clark; silver • lace wyandottes, C
Tv:ta ner, W Battler; buff coehin
bantams. ,ss?'`• Battler, 0 Clausi.us;.
a1 Iett oittnc'l, 'CV ,Battler:; langsbans
eet'`I1 Rader, W col
apples 4 of each, C Trnomaier,
col fall 1�
it tl : ea S 1 lir here •;
pelvis, "\1 ,Roder; col pears
iniei, P I:Iaberol', W 13attlei;
ears, J Haberer, L Rader;
eauty, F Brock; clapp's fame -
:Obeyer; plate of 6 peaches, E
elate 12 prunes, Mrs G 1less,
,'i,lato .0 -crab apples red 'lt,
Spanish radish A. Foster, IS Haberer;
caulfiower.k' Brock, 13 Clark; pump-
kin J Decher sr L Wurlim:; celery M
Clark 11 T3 Johnston; squash L Rader
II Neel) blood beets W Battler, W
Rader; rooted beets Snowdon Bros,
W. Battler; inuskmelons W Sinitli;.
rod tomatoes W Battler, Snowden
Bros; yellow tsmatoes W :Bros; sugar
iriangolcls L Mader, E Rader; col vege-
;` lkittler piste. a era apples tables F Brock. Judges ---R Drysdale,
it 13 Rader Snowden Bross be st 1 J Merrier.
grapes 3 Pfaff 1V Battler;' beat' , MANUFACTURES
apes ,'bunches of each not less Set buggy harness R Stade; double
tltran 8 varieties W Battler .1 Haber- team harness 1.1, Stade; hardware J
,rei best plate of •plums, not less than
Sreath, A Fop tier ; collection' of
loins, 5 of each 4 v=arieties 12 John -
:ton, Snowden'liras most valuable col
if waned friiit 6 Varieties . aro more
R Johnston, J Bechei sr. Judges---.
. 1llittolholtz and Jacob Meyer.
Class t8 '
e Elephant potatoes W Rader, 33
W Smith; colorada red A Fest- i LADIES' WORK
l Btock;New Fork A Foster, II. i Ornamental
eeb, \ Rader; early late G elansuis I . Class 22
roster, P Haberer; Ainer'icttn Won- ; Tea cloth F Wickwire, Mrs G Mess;
ei L Rader, A Foster, 13 dark; Em- I'Itray cloth T Johnson R Geiger;
pire-11 Krueger, A Ronnie, F Brock;>I-centre piece F Wickwire Ii: Geiger;
white beans G 01ansuia, J Brown; sideboard scarf E Klopp, T Johnson
any. variety L Rader, 11 Neeb; yellow shadow work 1\Irs 0 Hess, 1? Wick-
eorn H Krueger, 33 Clark; sweet corn wire towels 1t Geiger, 13 Nile; hand -
l? Brock Snowden Bros; black cora J i kercheif Mrs 0 Fess T Johnson;
.Brown, dent corn W Rader 0 Klopp; cushion R Geiger, T Johnson; hard -
red onions F Brock I3 Clark yellow anger F Wickwire, R R Johnston;
onions B Clark J Pfau dutch setts R wallachian F Wickwire, J Decher, sr
mount inelick I' Wickwire T .John
son cut work T Johnst.in 1' Wickwire
cross stitch I+' Wickwire T Johnson;
5 lbs batter W Sinitli, J Decheg sr,
M Clark; butter in prints 13 Prile, A
Reiehert, R Geiger; cheese 0 Klopp,
13 :Kopp; bread G Clausius, Mrs (.r
Hoes; hooey J Haberer, CG Clansius;
collection of honey 1 Haberer honey
in comb J 'Taborer; Maple syrup W
Battler, 7 Smith.
Geiger, 0 Clausius; white carrots E
Rader P Haberer; red carrots W Bat-
tlerSnowden Bros; red garden carrots
J IlabererW Smith globe mangolds W
Battler; W Smith red marigolds A
Ehnes, w Battler, H Krueger; yellow
centre piece R Geiger 13 Pfile; em-
broidery 13; Johnston, T Johnson;
pin cushion T Johnson 1I Well; work
mangolds W Battler II Krueger; Ox- bag R Geiger F Wickwire; battenburg
ford cabbage.II Well, ERader; dram- lace I+' Wickwire Mrs G Hes;:; tener-
head cabbage Mrs G Mess, 33 Rader; (Oon tinned on page .1)
13. T. P. l41eLAUGHLIN foln
erly Assistant Surgeon at:14Ico
feld;s (Royal . London Opthalmie'
Eye hospital and Golden_ Sgguar
Nose and Throat llosl,ital, London:England. Also spent time as Bern
and other 0014i3 till Hospitals:
General Practice with ;special aatient'
ion to Eye, Ear, -IS ciao and Threat
Eye, tested (ltetinoseope and Up
thalmoseopc used) and glias: es stip,
plied and properly adjusted. •Of ic_`
Do slrwood. Outurio.
a a m BmU Vsi'etS a m,,
MEAT ,.,� a:.t
E keep in stot;k a
full line of fresh
meats, hangs, ete. etc
Our Guts are • noted
for their tenderness
and Yrholesotl�euess.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the, best.
We make our ovwu
Give us a call.
t ,1C 1!T
Dr. de Van- 3 Female Pill
A reliable French regulator; never faits. The
pills are exceedingly ppowerful in regulating
Lgenerative portion of the female system. Ref
cheap iniirations, Dr. de Vaea's are sold
965 a box, or three for$1e ^•railed to any addres
rag. goober lr'na Co., Su- ^atlaurines, Ou
The above is a picture of " Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first
inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the farmer tills the land.
aila VTheat
CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRE on account of the topography of the country.
It is situated on the -Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has
VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town.
OUR PROPERTY isiTITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business
Send £car, our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell in
Water !!
ork fo
oney in the East, but invest it in the West
Western Cana,. Estate Company
Head Office :-5
Toronto, Ont.
IS Sun Life Annex 3 •11 Dominion Bank Chambers
502 Temple Bu lcling, Toronto, Ont.
Please send me without obligation on my
, literatture containing facts, figures and
ws of 0ARMANGAY.