HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-27, Page 1• The Official Or lacy Township Vol. XIII, FRIDAY WI egZi ILLINERY OPEr INC 1 WEDNESDAY AN THURSDAY Sept. 18 and 19 and Following Days Miss. Link is again in charge of our nilliney de- partment and is ready with a complete newrstock of all the leading and modish hats and trimmings We want you to call. Dress Goods' Just a wordabout our New Fall Dress Goods,, . The goods are now on display and comprise the le largest variety we have ever shown. Serges • in all colors, Ottomans in all colors, Poplins in all colors Tricotines, etc. See our new Coatings for childre i's and ladies' coats Sweater Coats A large shipment of Sweater Coatsjust opened up. These promise to be more popular than ever and we would advise you to pick one early, before the best shades aro sold out. :We have hem for, ladies, men and children. All colors and sizes. t• 1+1 A large new stock of Fall Coats for Ladies' wear. All the new cloths and late styles. Call in =Hook them over. School Supplies We have all the necessary books, crayons; pencils, etc., for the nest term of school for the children. Send them here for their test books as our • large stock enables us to supply all tiller needs. r are Our line of silverware comprises all the hest makes -1847 Rogers Bros., 1881• Wallace and all the loading manufacturers. Fre folly guarantee our silverware. t S n:, e, We are after you for that new range you aro going to buy this fall, Wo sell the Peninsula Happy Thought and Jewel Stoves'aucl Ranges. 131•1641. 3.3•6910•917117 Get our ' rices Before y.0 Buy Eavetroughiug, Etc. PRDDU E TAKEN IN EXCHANGE rreetei, elephone 9 ZURICH!) • eac wra6ra er'0..4'9e ,4a LOCAL NEWS. kratraf — .e—asr .a -A4 I.tr•, and Mrs. C. Eilbe.r spe day with relatives, in Credito A complete list of prizewinii the Zurich Fair, will be fol, page 5. <go Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Mc.Adatns ' 7+ moving to London about the $" October. Miss L. 'Well of Cavalier is visit Zvi th her brother Mr. - H. Well, other friends. Elmore Rupp, of Detroit l.° for a visit with his parents.- and a ents.-and Mrs Henry Rupp, • Mrs. J Hey Jr., lost •a parasol; the show hall on Fair day. Fit please leave at this office. Miss Annie Schnell of Detroi visiting at the home of her paren. I1r and Mrs J. H. Schnell. Miss s Macpherson of ,Ailsa Crib spent a few days at the home of 1 and Mrs. J, Biekbcil, Hist week. Mr. Wm. Ecksteinof Guelph, here visiting his parents Mr. and A Hy. Eckstein, Bronson Line. The Rannie Ladies Quartet; sang very acceptably in the Eva gelioal church, on Sunday evenitt Mrs. Iiampman• and Mrs.. Metz Berlin are visiting at the hone of t former's parents, Mr. and 11Irs. G Campbell. w "r. 27, 1912. i% and Ars. Sam Brown motored sltwoocl sad Zurich, cin Monday. ,iss,Yeda Weseloh of London, is ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Weseloh, fcr a few weeks. :r/wm Weber, who.. has been ting his parents for some time, wined to Portland Ore,, on Wed ‘sday, Higlicast market prices paid for, ve chickens, hens and ducks, ery- Tuesday and Thursday, at aby'& Gazebo s. `rile, Ladies Aid of the Evange• huroh, will hold their month - .ting in the church,' oh Tues. ,st of Oct., at 2,30 p, m. rs. S. Merner and Miss Ethel ,,''prams, le£t•,Tuesday for Blyth, 'attend the County convention of It Women's Christian Temperance An illustration of the potato cank- ,,disease is posted up at the post. st'ie. Potato growers will do well to Sig in checking the disease wherever ',:appears. ,Never leave home on a journey vithout a bottle of Chamberlain's iic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy t to almost certain to be needed and annot be obtained when on board the rs or steamships. Fir sale by all alers. Roland Geiger of the Bronson ins was rather severly injured, on nrich Fair Day, by one of his arriage horses rearing up and strik- g_ him a severe blow on the shoulder. Was knocked out of joint and he. v>ill be laid up for some weeks. What promises to be a great time of brseball takes place on the urioh Diamond, on Friday. be. ween Clinton and Zurich.: The anis,- starts at 4 o'clock. • Tasker ta& :Jle pitcher for the Brantford :Jana- ana—taiLeague team, will do the stirling for the visitors. It will be the aso season,. Do. not miss,' Fred and Billy'Fess have hough thousand telegraph poles, which cvi be eat intofence. posts, Place yot orders now. Mr. 3, F. Del of Port Huron who lias spent the past week at tl home ofMr. Wm, Stelck 14th Omit returned to his Monte Monday. Miss' Mary Brown 'of.-the>'Go Una *nth, visitec1.. with #lige Miss Diana. I iokbeil left of day for Beeton,. having been Sal there owing to the illness of sister, Mrs Morrow. Bring us your live pdaltry Tuesday and Thursday' for: Highest Market prices. J. P Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. .Pei. Lista Stratford, were visiting the 1 uncle Mr. H F, Weselob,, for days, last week, Mr. and Mrs Theo: AfcAdii children of the Bronson Line, her cousin. Mr, and Mrs. Iso Greenway, last Sunday: Mr. Chris. Kibler of • Caval Dakota, formerly a resident of. ton, was in town on Tuesday; c on former acquaintances and fr' Ilo was the guest of Mr. and lies Holtzman, while in Zurich. Mrs Hy Demuth, who has ,13 W iiting her parents Mr. and Casper- Weber, for •the la; weeks, returned to Port Arthur, 011 Wied:na Mr, Henry. Eckstein- rl son Line, died. on wetxfi ing after a two weeks':' pleurisy, which clot pneumonia. The fun place on Saturday ,d,rttio the Isvangelioal ormeteis', Line. Further particular -given,in our next issue. k GEORGE SCHROEDE Geo Schroeder of Dashwood, as operated on for cancer, in on Hospital last Spring, died itigtirlay Sept 21st, at his home rehewas confined to his bed ':ice the operation, He was 'ci the best of treatment and at- ndan'ee during his illness, but the ‘.0ee,.d,;;cIiseerse had taken such it hat' his strong and robust .tion, could not withstand ages of the disease, and silo to its effects as above stated s well and favorably know n near, and was a friend to "t1y and enemy to none. He 1.3 extensive and successful ex at all the leading fairs, in c,nity. He wasborn in Alsace i;ngen, Germany in Jan 1859. ft his native home about 27 s ago, and along with his now ft partner, imrgratsd to this v settling down in the village wooer, were ho remained ,1srs, and was crowned By hard work and .he accumulated en inrldsgoods to make li*.u, 75 acre'farni, which toed 1.? miles north of .diver since . success ltnr and by the aid of dojrildreia, he succeeded g;arni. paying for 175 acres 'wn t at the time of his possessed of a fine hone ;fife Lind family. He was a Gland and father, art a e'igli bor and beloved by ot he came in contact with a. he was a Lutheran, and t�, areforrner, The funeral from bis late residence ';y at 2 p m,, and proceed - church at Dashwood. impressive funeral service i by the Rev. Mr. Than, if the church, his body was r?int in the Bronson Line The funeral was largely by friends from far and ich showed the high es-. lir• he; was held by every- .aat es to mourn his loss, . dauglrters, 3 sons, of 1114 M, , is. an implement I+t al'wood. Geo at irorno' �utberan minister, who ed Eat.?onibrno. e Ont One „lters is living at Fort d;�rest at home, [ :e is aged father, one 3. sisters in the Old besides other relatives, il+ tnotirn his untimely de. 'Pl e' sympathy of the u trill victnity, is extended. ones. THE' __CONCERT If anything will holp to st..4 Jyaseball in Zurich, the emdee- Thursday evening should. the history of the town was an>. ing's entertaimuent so W0.1 The proceeds amounted $115.00, with rt, net. surpips fifty. dollars, The hall was` to the doors and many bad. to:6$ ea away. The entertainers,' troop'from London and eon the following: 117: T. Meldri edian; Floyd: McPhail, barito1 Lown Smith, elocutionist:44 costunie; Grant Milligan, hov It would he difficult to pick ti ite no all seemed anxious to Pi audience, Andy Hess ado( Wurm had charge elf "a, and much credit is due them way 'the affair was, carried os'&.: believe that Atotho, appearml' this troupe sometime, t4is-,‘ winter would be greeted withs sl Store 'We cordially invite you to call and inspect our stock a Fall Shoes, which comprises a complete assortment of Au, thentic styles from the leading manufacturers, Butter, Eggs, Dried apples, and Duteh Setts, taken in: exchange for shoes. Shoe repairing done here. SAM. E. FAUST maw ZURICH eed Oats Feed Wheat Shorts na Food Flour Coarse ancl Fine Salt. Bring your Produce here for Best Prices. , Terms -5 per cent after 811clays WANTED A Live Agent for ZURICH anavicinity to sell. for THE FONT - HILL NURSERIES and take advan- tage of the wonderful development of the FRUIT BUSINESS in Ontario at the present thne which is creating an extraordinary demand for fruit trees, &c. Good territory reserved. for local & GENERAL SALESMEN. Start now. Outfit free. PaY weekly, Write for particulars STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto The . Latest See our NewPort Bracelets and Neck Chains4 Pretty Goods Right, Prices High, Et ESS NEW FALL 1 ES We have just received our New Fall Shoes. Just the kind for the wet weather. New Waterproof Shoe We also received a big shipment of Rubbera 'With Leather Counters. • The only rubber .on the market. Butter, eggs, dried apples, dutch setts and poultry taken in. ex,change at highest prices. Repairing neatly and promptly done T' rich Gall and See the Latest At Appel's Jewelry Store Small expenses means a saving of money to you. 'We always milt a Full Line of WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES, in Gold fdlek and Nickel cases; al§o Rings, Bracelets, etc, At present we a line. line oE Ladies' Necklets, .from $2.5Q EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Fine Watch and Clock Repairing A Specialty Batter and Eggs taken as cash. HAROLD A.APPEL JEWELER ZURI Shop in El AppnVs GeAtit Furnishing Strro.