HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-19, Page 7and 8 meat freely. soreness and;qulcl to a>a healthycondi Ala Pre int; >n �a axe led an - Ida Cita gly ane zoo ,G axis ton - the ;; :oat ,Opp ;her I j este r ,oro - non. fled )yal hila rale - t of ants. has r. It s in elow aum- Tho gen- far no maga e in t it e et be lin- ith or be bles ,Sok hat o,v-. a dI link lose —as rur- oad me wn, me Opening. Wednesday & Th ur � dray SEPT. 18 and 19, and t'OLL Wednesday and Thursday, 5ept, 18 and 19th. and following dag s. This depart- ment will be in charge of MissDel Le Ree of Owen .Sound, a lady of wide experien- ce in this line, wlio will be pleased to show you all the latest in the millinery section dills where you May see the very triumph of:.clever hat making. Itis a showing of Eats that for style variety and general charm, will please the most fastidious. We invite all the ladies to attend our openings and take a look through before purchasing. New Dress Goods In all the leading shades New Blue, New Brown, New Green, New Crrdinals in Serges, Whipcords Wales Worsteds, Poplins, Santory oloths, etc Ladies' & Child's Coats Handsottie Coats for fall and winter wear New Cloths. New Styles. Do not fail to take a. look through our coats. FURS. FURS. Stoics. Ruffs, Muffs, either single or in setts in Opossum. Marmot, American Sable, Isabella. Sable, .Belgian Seal x ete. WOOLLENS SweateCoats. GlovesrUnderwear,rSoques, Aviation Caps,Mitts ete Men's and Boys' Wearing Appt rel My stook in this line is complete and prices as low as the lowest Mons Readyrto-wear Suits, Liens Readyto wear Overcoats, Boys Suits and Overcoats, Mens Fur Coats, Mens Cloth Coats -with Collars, (you will find our prices right) Shirts and Drawers, Caps, Mitts, Gloves Collars, Ties, etc. Two Specials in Crockery Dinner Setts, and Toilet Setts, the latest. imported, Grocery Stock Complete and Fresh. Call and take a look through our Large and Well Assorted Stock of Fall and Winter Goods. • No.trouble to show Goods careful ;11ea`tlrl l .; y Cha ndlerli,. tt'svill,'ren'tO y'r.estore,the zi on, For ',0 All .iaalers.. COURTESY AND COOT) C,o1iae ono has ,a d.;. vit one gets oti_ 111'140 I said ;give 1t boy ,ac Irlis111 Cflt and ; ,CU give mastery of : ,>>'E al ees 'and`;' wherever, 1,°e'goes.' 41Tlaen�` harles Dickensel ioome liis' pleasing adclvest;. ev, y one to liim like the kind t "big fire. A fine courtesy: is tune iii itself, all doors, fir o him who has it, A. hay 'with manners is as welcome as a,. day,"or as the sunshine. hest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce J. `GENERAL MERCHANT Ontari Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR elebrated- Broa4way vta. A b kTreck Tinel' 11104 13'' Excursion ' New Ontario September 25 nd trip second-class tickets will sued' from .stations in Ontario, ekville, Ottawa, and West, to all ons on Temtskatning and North- ntayrrd 'Railway, including the wing hiley'bury, Earlton, Englehart, nlhieth, Cochrane, Matheson, New card, at low rates.. Return limit Oct. 1st, 194, enure tickets and full particulars in Grand Trunk Agents. According to a bulletin is'it zb! the New York Telephone .and' graph Company, the Uni ed S leads the world in the total nunabe telephones by a wide margin.. T1 are in the 'United States #18,4 per ti of all the the telephones, and only:'; 8 per cent in 'Europe, As aga seven and one half million teleplio iu the United States, the Genu Empire has but little over one milli while Great Britian comes next ;u., nee:rly 649,000 and I!'ranee thine '232,700. There are in New Yorkk c aleue, more telephones than may b found in Belgium, Norway, Demma i Hungay, Italy and Netherlands co biped, while Chicago alone more telophones than France;. a Boston has more than Austria. THE WESTE• RN CROP A. special depatch to The Gieb from Winnipeg says:—Harvestiza� operations, including thrashing, ha again been delayed in nearly Wets by cold, heavy rains, 'svhi were general throughout the west Fi day and Saturday. In most pia the weather cleared on Saturday, '1 turned very cold, and cold winds hay; prevailed since. Frost is feared al though the weather is cloudy. Report of thrashing continue to show consid- erably better samples of grain' than expected. Grain shipped so far is far' ahead of last year's sample at the same time. But little wheat rela7ains to be cut, but there is still i, 1 standing oats,' in saiiie•litt green .that it will be, of no use aLs feed. ANOTHER BIG OFFER lir present subscribers who will w'for next year can do so for 60 which wiil include the Weekly he from the present time to ,Tan. 1014. In this way you get the ekly Globe for 16 months for the +ail slim of fiifty cents. These fig- s of course apply to Canadian sub- liptions only. This offer should 4g hundreds of renewals during the t> few weeks. TLIEB'ic) BIG STORE One 'rice the year round. and: that the lowest. Parties intending to buy a good Harnes this Spring should not fail to call on us, as we are headquarters in Zurich for tbe• best at lowest prices every one guaranteed, because best .leather always used. See our Team Harness with Collars at $25.00, Single Harness at $9.00 up Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what & Uig Bargain you can get here.. A Lincoln, Neb.,- girl writes, "1 d been ailing for some time with onic constipation and stomach able. I began taking Chamberlain's' machand liver tablets and in three s I was able to be up and got for right along. I an'i the proudest d•in Lincoln to find such a good edicine." For sale by all dealers. UNDERTAKING A full stock of all kinds of FURNITURE In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us to cheaper and our customers set the benefit. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price PHONE 3 e. ART El. , ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION STORE Gar Best Shnig1es . Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price IN BEING ON TI113E b Success in life is the child of twaa, very plain parents, punetuality an accuracy. Promptness takes tli drudgery out of k boy's tasks an gives them interest and ginger. Puf ting oft usually means leaving off forgetting altogether. Great men were usually careful i be punctual. Daniel Webster used t; answer his morning mail before bre"alp:; fast. Walter Scott said: Do install' ly what is to be done --and have good time after business --never bel - fore it. George Washington's secretary of apologized for lateness, blaming lz watch, Washington replied: the sou must get a new watch or I a ne)v': secretary' Lessons in prouipttieS for a boy often will make the difie +' encs between victory and defeat, ,sur cess and failure, eat,,::. :-.....,-4.,,..„.: iN \-- roxipterice 'Moderate r"ha'rges W. H. HOF'FMAN Zu=rich, - Ontario OHARA CTERIN THE BACK Have you ever noticed ,that th back views of men and women air intensely oharaoteristio of the po' sons? Then look carefully at It very ordinary yotttig man who 11 passed yon. Be has one hand in ii; pocket, and shoulders slight stooped, Frons what you can $; of hind, his head is bent, and eve now and again be gives an ainul. little kick at some object in'„ path What back view coailcl,, more eloquent of indecision'" character? Now glance at that ceding bank of the man. who passed you by, Why does it fill with an instinctivesenSe of rel lity? Becauso there is siren ii';,not necessarily physical nieilt,n.l. The back is straight alert .-'The heal is held well °h the erne** • wing easily, an walk is buy; nt eonfident,h* Now direct t r , gaze tier*. street a maroon here gees who under o oureal, "' ertitip the person fieaat is ,1+; < tat can do. Wali'~ .hi way and take goo stop back view presented to yo soon discovor that the 'e, fringe net hangs ' clown . nn coat collar', The col1ai+ of the, is done tip with a ':largo pin: Middle seam of 'the skirt is ni its p1hcip tbmre is a lira 'lb. stocking jet show th0 ai klea i sing airymaid Cream Separator No heavy lifting up of Milk Easy Running Deering Machinery Ail makes of Plough Points always on hand rang 86 Bloch ZURICH Now Ready tylish uggies you want to see the big- nd (zest lot of buggies t' our wareroow. If you to•buy :We are confident s tisfy your taste. a?TiageS ,gird Waggons rites Right ds of Repairs prom - attended. on XALIi a L1ISC ZU RICA C MILLINERY. OPENIN WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPT. 18 and 19 and following days. Miss Thiel is in charge of our Millinery Department for the fall season, and we have a large stock of stylish hats and trimmings, to show you, Come and. see them before purchas- ing. Dress Goods Now is the time to buy vour New Dress for Fall. Come and see our stock of Serges, Poplins, Worsteds, Etc. 'We can suit you. Flannelettes and Wrapperettes A large and well assorted stock of Flannelettes Wrapperettes, to choose from. Sweater Coats For Dien Women and Children, in all styles, and colors. Flannelette and Woollen Blankets and sizes We have something brand new in Flannelette Blankets Come and see them. We have everythiing in School Supplies. Fresh Groceries alweqs kept 022 IIS All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange PHONE 17 ...i & OASCH