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The Herald, 1912-09-19, Page 1
d3 The Official Orga 31:3*3E 3 #3 f 11:10 3i 3E3911011E1C Ell ss MILLINERY OPENING WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Sept. 18 and 19 and Following Days to Miss Link. is' in charge of our nailline de - again5 Y partlnent and is ready with a compete newrstock of all the leading and lnodisli hats and trimrnngs. We want you to call. Dress Goods Just a word about our New Fall Dress Goods. The goods are now on display and comprise the largest variety we have ever.shown. " Serges in all colors, Ottomans in all colors, Poplins in all colors lrlcotines, etc. See our new Coatings for childre I's and ladies' coats Sweater eoats A'large shipment of Sweater Coats just opened up. These promise to be more popular than ever and we would advise you to pick one early, before the best shades aro sold out. We have ;het: for ladies, men and children. All colors and sizes." large new stock of Fall Coats for Ladies' wear. All the diet' cloths and late styles. Call in and look thein over. 1 Schooi Supplies We have all the necessary books, crayons, pencils, etc., for the next terra of school for the children. Send them here for their text books as our large stock enables us to supply all thier needs. Silverware Our line of silverware comprises all the best makes -1817 Rogers Bros., 1581 Wallace and all the leading manufacturers. We fully guarantee our silverware. Stogies & Ranges We are after you for that new range you are going to buy this fall. We sell the Peninsula happy Thought and Jewel Stoves and Ranges. FRIDAY` 1: Township 1912.` LOCAL 1 Ems'' it it e• crab- ;'g.41,4-"vi.o..4 s Mr. Sol Hardy of . ' Exeter.. visitor in town, on Saturday lac. Miss Pearl Wurtz left on Th morning, to visit friends in Debt The brick work on the new 1 is completed, and ready for. the Dr. McKinron spent a few •dG . Toronto, the' ore part of the we iA number from town attend Exeter Fair, on Tuesday. A Miss Mildred Brown visited'( aunt Mrs. J. Preeter, on Morda A full list of Fair prise lv! will appear next week. Mr. Edmund Deichert of A Minh., is visiting with his .t'. Mrs. J. -Deichert Sr. Mr. Ferdinand Schnell, is 'vis W4friends and relatives in town' vicinity. -- pi Rev. Morris Ehnes of New - is visiting with his.parents, Mr. Willrs. A. G. Ehnes, this week. a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood of Lon are visiting the latter's parents, and Mrs. John Hilderbrant. Mr. Krueger of Detroit is visit his mother-in-law, Mrs. Sippel if other friends in town. Mr. Tal Wurm left on Thnrsa. A to visit relatives and friends in lit troit, for a few weeks. tiMr. Peter Laiiaont has been on sick -list for a few days recently, . is now slowly recovering. • Mrs. Samuel • Geiger • of Sena; Sask., who has been visiting her p ri ents, near Crediton for Some time, .a :Miss Laura Geig3r of town left Tuesday for the West.' Mr.' Solomon hler...and; ,Le 4, b.) . .r,. • red Witwer and son Ronald, eter,,a t,tended the Fair here this Jacob Rabereris snaking some tons. to his town property at the end. Nuhn Frit of Guelph is visit h.' his brother, Mr; Charles Foster of Zurich,is engaged ting a "cement wall - in Harry er's barn, Orland. Johnston who is attend-. is ton' -Business College arrived 'Fair Day. 1. gilber got a division 6f first uond money at the Exeter Fair his cart was badly smashed in fthe heats. • ▪ : Brenner and family of Michi ate visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. Albrecht, and other relatives in dor a few weeks. r. Tobn Hey Jr , has a nicely (ed pair of roadsters at present. are high steppers and would a fine city team. • and Mrs. George Baldwin of omas and a party of ten Fiore, in town on Saturday evening in toinobiles. s Olive Prang and Mr. George of London were quietly mar - ere last week. They wall re- London. ted—Two good girls want ed a or upstair and dining -room work 0 wages, German prefe rred 'Harrison, London. C: Simpson of Guelph, is visit - the home of Mr. and Alia: Win. Goshen Line north, and latives, for a fewweeks. die,Faust who' i#as. elected ill ind:triage an: �( " r r'a r O. aus1 's Sh�e Store: We cordially invite you to) 610, and inspect our stock o; Fall Shoes, which comprises a e.onnplete assortment of Ate,-. thentic styles frora the leading.mauufaoturers, Butter, Eggs, Dried apples,, and Dutch Setts, taken in. • ,excliangg for shoes. Shoe repairing: done here. .' • say. E. FAUSL deed Oats Feed Wheat Shorts e,nd Feed. Flour Coarse and Pine Salt. Bring your Produce Here for Best Prices, OMP IMO ZURICH The Latest - See our NewPort. Bracelets and Neck Cha last week, at. tike Evangelical parsa 6 et rreport oat Tuesday a ening.. c.. Regies N. Denonirne- of the Mr and Mrs Knetchel and children, Bauble -Trine and Mrs Bing of Chicago 0 age, by Rev.'.G.,.F..'Brown. Regies and Gerald, and Mr and ; vcre, united in.marriage, on Tuesday Mrs Herman Yaeger and daughters; °last,,'in St. Peters church Drysdale, May and Olive a1l of Berlin, visited at Eby Mr J. Preeter's on Monday. Right in your busiest season where. 0 you have the least time spareyou alp: most likely to take diarrhoea anal several •':ays' time, unless you haye; Chaml's ..lain's Colic, Cholera aif ? ADiarnc( allemedy at hand and take s dose on the first appearance of reit l disease. 'or sale by all dealers. . ' Sooner or later it Will dawn on till X directors of the Goderich, Seafort3 Exeter and Zurich Fall Fairs, that' change in dates will have to be mal. n by some of them. It is utterly . iii pi possible to have four successful >. Xcrowded into one week, within sue sanall radios, and the sooner the ft Boards -realize this the better for iliThe Women's Christian. Te WOnce Union, inet Wednesday eve Sept. 11th, at the home of Mrs. Ehnes. The President, Mrs. Cl': rock conducted the devotional e w cises, after which followed the elec of officers; resulting as follows; p! Mrs. S. Mercier; Vice -President, Al Ethel Williams; Cor -Sec., Miss Williams; Rec-See., Miss Anna Treas., Mrs. C. Heyrock; Auditor, E. Zeller; Organist, Miss. E. Ra Superintendents—Lumber mat's sion, }hiss Ethel Williams, A Hess; Law Enforcement, . Mr. Koehler; Sailors, Mrs. A. G. Mrs. E. Zeller; Pres., Miss; Williams; Purity and iiaotber'f itis, Mrs. Heyrock; Terperaa Sunday • Schools, Mrs. Fritz, Heyrock, Ethel Williams. t ev. Father' S•troeder of Zurich. essrs. }lodger's Bros., clryg©ods at Goderich was badly damaged re, on Friday morning:. The loss icl to be about $45,000.00 and is peed by insurance. The firm will to l . amp• again at once. il�tie four conduetors.on the G. T. R. ltO-were charged. with taking money nsiiead of tickets, and not reporting '814 .e; admitted before. Jude Winches- jiii. Toronto,. a violation of the tw eret Commisio.n Act: of 1509," and fined $100 each on two counts, the warning that the next der would g;et, jail without fine. i ,Tuesday afternoon at the home Mr 'and Mrs Daniel Oingerich, tion Line, was the scene of a y event, when their eldest daugh- iss Emma was united in marriage . Valentine • Gerber of Stanley. ceremony was performed by Rev. der of Tavistock in the presence u number of invited guests. We h the young couple a happy wed - life. 0 Get our Prices Before you Buy • FARM FOR SALE WANTED A Live Agent for ZURICH and vicinity to sell for THE FONT - HILL NURSERIES and take advan- tage of the wonderful development of the FRUIT BUSINESS in Ontario at the present time which is creating an extraordinary demand for fruit trees, &c. Good territory reserved for local R GENERAL SALESMEN. Start now. Outfit free. Pay weekly, Write for particulars STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto reg Goode Rita Prices Right, F.W.11ESS Jewe16ier, - ZURICH BARGAINS IN SUMMER SThES Just now we are selling out a ]rot of odd. lines in Wo men's Tan and Black 0' forls. Regular price $2.23, to 8235 for 1.50 Cash or Credit........ Orth of 150 acres of choice im- ved land. -14 acres of good hard clliush; balance all under cniti- n; well drained and fenced; large ' -bairns and good stone house; ,wells with windmill; 1 1-2 miles irZurieh, possession will be given via, 1918, but purchaser may go and do fall work. For further fietL1grs apply to William Fee, lith P. 0. sommulle Eavetroughi:ng, Etc. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE J. Pre&ter, Telephone p R i C NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that law was passed by the council To -Wt -ship -of IIay, on the 7th September A. D. 1912, provi the issue of debenturesto tli:n of ,$7000.00 for., the lnix.pose' for a new school house ii School section No 7, and, tea by.law was registered iia the, office of the county•of Tdttion,;,r 10th day of SeptemberA.g D. 1 Any motion to smelt of set the Sande or any, part thereof, l4 made •within three menthe ..af first publication of this erotic; cannot be made thereafter. Pred:'.Hess,,S Also a lot of Wonaen's,fine low and e high. shoes for Cash or Credit.. .00 Watch our window for bargains. ' Now is your chane for bargains. Repairing neatly and promptly done . FRITZS = Zuric The Home of Good Shoed NOTI CE otice is hereby given that a Court be held, pursuant to The Ontario Lists Act, by His Honour the of the County Court of the It' of Huron, at the Town Hall, luch, on Tuesday the 8th day of bber, 1012, tit ten o'clock a. m., to rand determine complaints of atorsand omissions in the Voters' ast of the Municipality of the Town- of Clay for 1912. Rod ' the 10th day of Sept. 1912, Fred Hess Sr.. le the Municipality of the ip of;Hai,,:. Call and See the Latest At Appel's Jewelry Store Small expenses means a saving of money to you. We always eti • a Full Line of \VALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES, in Gold fill and Nickel cases; also Rings 13racelets, etc, At present we a fine brae of tattles' Necklets, from $2,5O up EVERYTIIING GUARANTEED Fine Watch and Cloak Repairing A Specialty But:er and Eg i taken as cas''i. HAROLD A. APPEL, ,JEWELER, ZUR Shop in Ba. Appel's Gents Famishing Store.