HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-13, Page 5l4++++++1 +++++++++++ +++÷+¢+ +4"14++++++++++++++++++++++ THE MOLSONSBANK Incorporated 1855 RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS -1906-I011 Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the -. P1incipal Cities in the World. 1900 1911 Capital $ 3,000,000 5.4,000,000 Reserve 3,000,000 4,600,000 Deposits 23,677,730 35,042,371 Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38,854,801 Total Assets 33,090,192 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Mgr. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS September 12, 13, 14, return rates from HENSALL Detroit .. $4.45 Ohicago, , ...$10.25 Port. Huron.:..:.. .......... ... $2.95 Bay City.:.., ......+u.35 •r •- Cleveland via Detroit,:, ,.,,,....$7.45 Grand Rapids... . .$7.20 Saginaw... ....... $5.25 St. Paul or Minneapolis all rail. ....... ... $28.40 • Rail and .Boat..„ .. $32.40 Tickets are valid for return to reach original starting point not later .than Monday, Sept. 30, 1912 FARMERS' EXCURSIONS TO NEW .ONTARIO September 11 and 25 Round tug: seconcl-class tickets will be issue cfrom Hensall to all stations on Teniskaming and Northerg Ont- ario Ry. including the following points: Haileybury New Liskeard E a rlton Englehart Montlgeitll Cochrane Matheson Tickets good going ;.;ept. 11, are valid returning Sept. 21, and tickets issued Sept 25 are good to return until Oct 1st Last Homeseekers' . Excursion September 17, via Chicago and return, $3400 Edmonton and return $42..00 Tickets good for GO days. Special ,train will leave Toronto 10.30 p. m carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepers. Full particulars, tickets, berth reservations, from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Duff, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont. Winnipeg Th e Best w Clothes Possibk THAT'S OUR MOTTO II There is nothing that means so much as "Quality" as applied to Clothes. It means everything that makes for style and service, richness of cloth, in cut, in tailoring, and in finish. By making such `'`Clothes" we are making our customers life-long friends. • Can't we make you one of them? We are anxious to, and if Quality appeals to you, we can—so let us get acquainted Now. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITO, .. Merchant Tailo ONTARIO A. WEST HURON TRUSTEES' ASSOCIATION A number of. Trustees' Associations have been formed in different parts of Ontario. It has been felt by many that a Trustees' Association for West Huron, would give our schools an in. spiration and an uplift. With this object in view a few Trustees met and decided to call a meeting to be . held in the Collegiate Institute, Goderich, on Thursday, Sept. 20th, commencing - at 1.30 p. m., to which all school -trustees are invited, for the purpose of organizing a Trustees' Association for this inspectorate. The announcement will be found on page 11 of the West Huron Teachers' Institute program, a copy of whiz 11 has been sent to the teacher to be given to the Secretary of the School Board', It is : only by united action that Trustees will secure . those changes which they believe will benefit .their children and their schools, If at least 9ne representative from each School Board attends the meeting on the 26th inet,'a strong Association may be •rmed whose influence will be felt in %l.eational matters throughout the strict, and will give greater t ul- t r pity and satisfaction in the man-. *anent of the schools. The teachers orrtenplate with pleasure the organi- zation of a Trustees' Department as a new era in educational affairs. May every teacher be present and every School Board represented a'40 ocleric.h C1onSept, 20th1912. J. ELGIN TOM, Inspector of Public Schools Goderich September 9th, 1912. TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS COPYRIGHTS &C. anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly aseertaln our opinion free whether an invention 18 probably patentable. Communica- tlonsstrlotlycon8dentlal. HANDBOOK ottPatents sent free, Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn At C. reeetV4 epecfai notice, withoutcharge, in the Scientific Mmerikane A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eir: eulatlon oC any scientific journal.. .Germs for Canada, $3.16 a year, postage prepaid. sold by 511 newsdealers. MuNN & co361Braadway, New yor r.� nrb nitre. 42r r, +3t, titsibin., Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ai1cl Diarrhoea Remedy It is almost certain to be needed and canuot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers.' we C,. T.•• V . 130B' S TABLE f+'IANN1+' 1'' It was the last day of school', Bob Barton ran home, his face ins with delight. 1 made the.114, average throughout the session;of boy or girl in school, father, he c' as he handed his parent leis m, card. That's a splendid record, ,s replied the father prot'd1y.t i. fine, in 'fact, that I am , going •;toy courage you to .keep it' up by a`„ ward of merit. Would yon r fel, gold watch, or to go with me .to; Louis next week, and spend ;_ gar clays? "St Louis for nae" cried •B I never went on a long trip fir life. ' Very well. Mother will you ready. We are. going to stay aeit fine hotel, and will meet some ,riiife people;. Are you sure Bob ivill noii•b in the way? asked Mrs Barton ani: onsly. "You know be is only eleven; and has never been away from holx except to visit relatives. I, would no like to have hila left alone at th Tho following teachers in training hotel," I'll not leave bins. He is old;i `re in attendance at Clinton Model enough to accompany me eve y >he> l,"�ehool;— I' go. Then, remember, my boy, you. it. Louise Beaton, Clinton; Zella If. must stay close to your father -ane,>inrown, Chesterfield: Ethel 13 Case, mind your p's and q's at table, Mr' ' :Aungalinon; Florence A. Chapman, Barton added with a smile. I- willipley; Edish F. Deadman, Brussels; mother, Bob promised eagerly, r.ecal lnieda Finkbeiner, Crediton; , Edna ling various reproofs he had receive 114 . Lavis, Clinton; Ellen G. Levy, on the subject. At the dinner Mrs: ii°r aglow; Richard W Lsyy, Carlow; Ray gave her Sunday School class. illiau McCallmn, Stratford; David J she said we were all little gentlemen VcClinebev, Auburn; Grace A. Me - The time we had a lesson on 'Bels haz; can, Kintail; Mabel E McKinley, zar's feast, she told us all about how Blake; Edna C McEwan, Goderich; to behave at big parties. I trust you, Alm Macpherson, Ailsa Craig; Stella will find her instructions helpful', V. Morrish, Goderich; John S New - Bobbie, replied the mother, wondering :ton, Lucknow; Margaret Peck, Bay - what connection there could be be- field; Milton Plunkett, Auburn; tween the ancient king's drunken,'''"Harvey Reid, Varna; Fred Sloman, 4. *shad modern table etiquette. l3ob d every mile of the.longjourney city,-' At first he was awed at cushing vehicles and electric oars, the hurrying . crowds, but he nsily,became accustomed to the hied bustle, 11is father was a ant, andhis business took him. many beautiful stores. Ti 1..y. boy .was greeted .with kind s and cordiality, by all whom he He ..was ever 'watchful of his uct,and did not mortifyhis u,' by making mistakes. One fig. while in the office of Mr. fraan, a great wholesale 'mer - t, Mr. Barton received a pressing •cation: to attend a banquet to be en` by the Froo-froos at their sub - pal club house. It will be a very et affair, with only a few out of Is &guests present, Mr Kaufman To be continued E. M, W. Press Supt, N ` TRAINING AT CLINTON MODEL SCHOOL inton; Eva M. Sparring, Beechwood Margaret 11. Smith, Lucknow; Ella S Stanley, Purple Grove; Herbert W Toll Blyth; Wm Vickers, Loddon; Leslie J Wasman, Clinton; ,Frances P White, •Kinkora; Henrietta Wingfield er, Rostock; Rebecca M Woods, Bay- field; G E Stevenson, Drayton; Bert MacDonald, Ripley; P Opper Viilver- ton; Margaret Webb St Helens. HOUSE OF REFUGE MATTERS On Tuesday last the regular quar- terly visit to the House of Refuge at Clinton was made by the County Council's committee. Tile accounts for the past three months, aggregat- ing $2405, were improved, and a general inspection made of the build- ings and grounds. Everything was found satisfactory and the 94 inmates, at present are being well cared for• A grist of detail items were reviewed, mostly concerning individual cases in thehouse. The health of Supt. Illutch, who has suffered greatly from rheumatism, does not make the pro- gress wished for, but he still does his. onerous and exacting work with all zeal and faithfulness. A GREAT BARGAIN By a special arrangement with the Toronto. Weekly Globe we will accept subscriptions for our paper and that splendid city weekly for forty cents, to new subscribers in Canada for the balance of the year. Our present sub- scribers may secure The Globe to the end of the year for 15 cents. Think this oyer and act quickly. f R. T. P. MoLAUGULIN, ' form* erly Assistant Surgeon at Moor field's (Royal London Opthalmio) Eye Hospital and Golden Square Nose and ` Throat Hospital, London, England. Also spent time at Berlin and other Continental. Hospitals. General Practice with special attent- ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and .Throat. Eyes tested (lletinosoope and' Op- tha1rnoscope used) and glasses. sup- plied and properly adjusted. Office D,a,shwoocl. Ontario. •a■ZURICH ■■■ MEAT SRT l ]E keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNG LUT ! ;1CRURT. Dr. de Van a Femalt. Pills A reliable French regulator; never faits. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de' Pan+s are sold at 85 a box, or three for 510 Nailed to any address. fibs Scobelli Drag Vo.. Or. Catharines, Ont. The above ,is a picture of " Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the farmer tills the land. Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water P. CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRE on account of the topography of the country. It is situated on the Little. Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OFa COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell in Work VI CUT OUT THE C( AND SEND IT TSC Western . Canada Head Office :-502. T Toronto, Ont. BRA MONTREAL., QUE. RAMII.T'O 362 Lister 15 Sun Life Annex lr onely, in the East, but invest it in the West N NOW !!! Estate Company E BUILDING, ES: LONDON, ONT. 11 Dominion Bank Chamber* WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE Co. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send ine without obligation on my part, literature containing facts, figures and views of CARMANGAY, Name Address