HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-13, Page 116,
The O 6.cia,i Organ
and ilk. To vrushi p>f
Vol, Xi l I.
E PT.. i 3, j 912
you 1'
13 ter
Sept.= .$ and. 10 and ' Followi.tig-Days
Miss Link is again in:: charge of our:.milliney de"
partment and is ready with a complete new stock
of all, the leading .and modish hats and trimmings:
We want you to cAll.
Dress Goods
Just a word aboutourNew Fall Dress Goods.
The goods are now On display and comprise the
largest variety we have ever Shown, S
es ��al
colors, Ottomans in all colors, Poplins in all colors
Tricotines, etc.
See our new.:.-' „Coatings for
childre and ladies' coats.
.5."'6.i�':�••:». .e.Wh' .".&: „,;-.44 %,; '- Yi; -}',:'r+r.�k",1 ".i ::a %je
A large shipment of Sweater. Coats just opened tip. These
promise to be nnore•popular than ever and we would advise you
to Dick one early, before the best shades aro sold out. \Ve have
thevn for:ladies, men and children. All colors and sizes. .
�eaK•ac�.���.� s�<
MissRosie Lilber is visiting
in London, this week.
Mr' Earl Weide is the new e
0. Hartleib's hardware store.
Miss Druar of Buffalo N. Y .is.
bag ,at the home of Mr. and stirs,
N O-• 7
' The 'Vest Huron Teachers' meeting
ill` be held at. Golerieh on Thursday
act, Friday, 26th and 27th inst.
Mr, Lee Hoffman, who has been
rnpl oyed at Ruby and Gascho's store,
has accepted a position at J. Preeter's.
L onnd—on Saturday, by 11Ir. A.
ereher, Bronson Line, nearliis gate,
a Sys' coat Owner call at this office.
Ikfiss Ada Wurni left on Friday for
Detroit where' she intends taking a
acourse in the business. college.
Miss, Miranda Brown, who has
been holidaying in. Sebringville and
Stratford the last few weeks, returned
,route on Wednesday.
Wanted-Ttivo goodgirlswanted at
once for upstair and dining -room work,
$15.00 wages, ;German preferred.
Hotel Harrison, London.
:11ir, Charles. Greb of Berlin was in
Own over. Sunday. He left for
hove on . Monday onc1ay morning; taking
his invalid brother John to the Hospi-
tal at Woodstock.
During the absence of Rev. G. P.
Brown, Mr. Roy Geiger has kindly
consented to take charge of the ser-
vices in the Evangelical eliurch next
Sunday, and -the following Sunday.
School children should not forget
that E. Zeller is' offeringprizes for
best penmanship exhibits at the
Zurich 1?alI Fair. Open to all scholars
thutliavc not passed entrance exams.
: Next 'Wednesday and Thursday
being 1 grin='itayls in Zurich. all "copy"
.forpublication should be sent in early
in alae week Corresponil.:nts please
bear this in.mind.
..'or -summer diarrhoea in children
always give Chamberlain's Colic:
Cliolera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
castor oil, and a speedy cure is certain
For sale by All Dealers. .
';lot' on y - cents we: mail this
Mr. Garnet ATagel and sister G'�
of Detroit, are visiting ;relativ-
town`ancl vicinity.
Miss Link has returned;
and.is again in charge of- J.
millinery .department.
Dr:' O. Persons of Wisner.,
braska was visiting with Dr, Ste:
for a fews days:
AIr Henry Eckstein of the Bro
Line is laid up with a severe . a
of pleurisy.
Tho Clinton baseball,., teaom.
Crediton at baseball on Vedne
.evening.. It was a .close garnet
score being 7 to 6.
1)o not :\liss baseball concert m
Town Hall Zurich, . on .1?ail, 11
SEPT. 199th. It prnoiiiisos LQ i3r a
Rev and; Mrs. G.: F. 73iown,:
conajrt ted by Leo. and Mrs L,
tier of Mildma3 left for Sebe
Mich., Thursday, ma a short v.lc
Mrs. (Rev.): C.' J J. Maass Vis:
ed on Monday evening front Pie
acconipaoiga.;by... her daughter 1,
Bernhardt, who expects to r nrar l rx ' si.
town for a few months. ;
Owing to the scarcity. of ho
Mr. James Whyte, the local Bea,.
Harris agent, had;to mroyeto Er
7 e+, a'.e igen' '.c
readily rented if they were to: be
Sprains requiir earefatl
Keep quiet and a ;,ply Chain
Liniment freely. It will, rtr, t e lse
soreness and quid !y restore`. t a t
to a healthycondi !on. Far
All Dealers.
The second quarterly incl
ion service of Zurich'. Lx
church, will be held neat 8
the 14th Con. Rev. S. R.
P. E., of Berlin, will oil'iciaf
Mrs. Fred Souticott, (i
Helen Nannie) has returned''w•
parental home, on Mends
spending the last few mon
Bend. After a short stay;
Mrs. Southoott expect to
California, in the forepart
And now for the annual Fal3
As the Labor Day sports had;
abandoned owing to the w
everyone should prepare to ma
Fall Fair a big success. Oux.
exhibition is always good ba
extra effort in the way of disi
decoration will add to the inter.
attra., 'veiress of the Fair. P
are Sept. 18 and 19.
The Bayfield and Blake
teams were to play a gams;
Saturday evening but a nuia1,
players did not turn up,
game could not be pulled
'licked up teams gave" they
that had gathered, an exh'ii
We would like to see these t'
come to town some : evening,
would be certain of a good r
Come along, boys.
A largo new stock' of Fall Coats for Ladies' wear. All the
new cloths and late styles. Call in and look them over.
School Supplies
We have all the necessary books, crayons, pencils, etc., •for
the next term of school for the children. Send them. here for
their text books as our large stook enables us to supply all tiller
• Our line of silverware comprises all the best makes -1817
Rogers giros., 1881 Wallace and all the leading manufacturers.
We fully guarantee our silverware.
Stoves& anges
We are after you for that new range you are going to buys
this fall.. We' sell the Peninsula Happy Thought and Jewel
Stoves and Ranges.
Get - our Prices
Before you Buy
arn;y r ratce•'#n a---'&- ' eft u c eu
na.zne now and' take the privilege of a
into rn -out Piano Contest. •
CI,Ep Central Business College of Str
atfon ct re -opened with a record attend-
< nce.It is surprising the work the C B
is doing. Many 'of last term's stu-
nts are now receiving from $750.00
$1200 per annum. You may enter
College at any time. If interest-
wl:ite at once for its free eatalogue.
k. quiet wedding took place at the
iz `Street' ''Methodist Parsonage,
voter,. on Tuesday morning last
Pinot f; o'clock when Mr. William
oareit, one of Hay's popular farmers
as united in marriage to Airs Smith,
of,,El a sante township, the ceremony
ing performed by Rev. Powell.
incl Mrs. Consit took the train
e sante morning to spend a short
oneymoon in Toronto.
Mr. Alfred Melick lost a heavy
mare worth about $000.00 on Mon-
day evening, from sunstroke. His hired
Tian Mr. William Theil was hauling a
a,d`of flax to Kalbfleisch's mill and
itwithin a quarter of a mile from
e -mill, the animal dropped on, the
gad, <and was -dead three hours later.
Tr. .ilelick has sustained several
losses. this season.to his horse stock, his
total; loss being estimated at not less
ail five hundred dollars. -
Eavetroub hinb , Etc.
Telephone 9
Notice is hereby given, that
law watts passed' by the canna
'Township of Hay, on -the, 7th;:
September A. D. 1912, provi
the issue of debentures to. tlre`
of $7000.00 for the purpose of
for a new 'school haute in
Sehool section Nro , 7, and- the,
bylaw wasregistered in, the i
office of the county of Huron,
10th day' of September A. 1). 1
Any motion to quash or set
the same or any part thereof,'
mac`le within three ruontlrs -11
first publication of this note
ZURICH cannot be made thereafter. .::'
Fred. Hess Sr , Cler
. .-t t fes ootanas ;.. Datod the 1:1.` •.f Sept. A1
Fall Fair
16, 17, 18
Powers' Performing Elephants x
Very` Great Hit at Ottawa,
and Toronto Exhibitions
Ilidhland Pipers and Dancing
Clean and Lntertaing
thus' Glass Blowers, Etc.
We cordially invite you. to call and inspect our stock o
Rall Shoes, which comprises a complete assortment of A.R.
thentio styles from the leading manufacturers,
Butter, Eggs, Dried apples, and Dutch Setts, taken: in,
exchange for shoes. Shoe repairing clone here.
Feed Oats
Feed Wheat
Shorts and
Feed Flour
Coarse and Fine Salt.
Bring your Produce here for
Best Prices.
Terms ---5 .ilei cent after 30 days
See our NewPort
Bracelets and
Neck Chains
A Live Agent for ZURICH
and yieinity to sell for THE FONT -
HILL NURSERIES and take advan-
tage of the wonderful development of
the FRUIT BUSINESS in Ontario
at the present time which is creating
an extraordinary demand for fruit
trees, &c. Good territory reserved for
Start now. 'Outfit free. Pay weekly,
Write for particulars
Goods Right, Prices Righf,
Jeweller, - ZURICH
Just now we are selling out a lot of odd lines in Wo
men's Tan and Black Oxfords.
Regular price $2.25 to $2.7.5 for
Cash or Credit...... ... .. .. I ® kS
Also a lot of Women's fine low and
high shoes for Cash or Credit..
Watch our window for bargain. Now is your chant
for bargains.
Repairing neatly and promptly done
e. FRITZ. Zuric
The Home of Good Shoe
Call and See the Latest
At Appel's Jewelry Store
011ie to Ooderich
ka<*.<ii°4 C -•w +1;4 o+.0 '$4
Small expenses means a saving of money to you. We always ca
a Full Line of WALTHAM AND ELGIN WATCHES, in Gold fill
and Nickel cases; also Rings, Bracelets, etc,
At present we a. fine line of Ladies' Necklets,, from $2.50 up
Fine Watch and Clock itepniring A Specialty
Butter and Eggs taken as casb.
Shop in Ed. Appel's Gents Furnishing Stare.