HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-06, Page 8You are cordially invited to call and examine the New Fall and Winter Goods, which are arriv= ing daily. One of the ad= vantages of early buying is the extra large assort= ment you have to select from. New Dress Goods New Wrapperettes New Flannelettes Ladies' Coats Cowie earl look them over at any time. The styles are decidedly smart and becoming and will appeal to you Sweater Coats for Men, Ladies and Children I L COLORS — ALL S1Z1:ti UNDERWEAR Men's, Boys' Laa1:es' and Children's iu Natural Wool, All Wool, Fleece Lined, Etc. Fnnelette Blankets in White aud.CGrey, 10/4, 11/4, 12/4 Special Prices eady=to=\Vear Clothing liens Suits, Boys Suits, Odd Vests, Odd Pants, Boys Knickers, liens Special Paramatta Rain Coats Crockery I have just opened a crate of Import Crockery con- sisting of Dinner Setts, Toilet Clover leaf ware and white -ware. Yon can save money by buying your crockery here. A Fresh and Complete Stock of Groceries .always on hand. Call and take a look through our Large Stock of Merchandise before making y.,our Purchases. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce J. J. YERNE' GENERAL f18RCNANT Zurich, = -entari Telephone 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR Celebrated Broadway CLOTIIIN6. 1tEt.'ULTS CD'EN.l'l .tE *t WITH AUTUMN SOW0 1 ? l HROU(WQ't''T`. Uiy'['A1 Three :hundred and • twen,n farmers throughout Ontario co experiments with autiuinu,sotvr during the past 'year, Repo:' been received frownethirty;-one counties of the ,Proyine average results of the oare£tl;,, ductedexperinients With ',a ttut' crops are here presented iu concise form. Winter Wheat. Five , oar winter wheat were cli autumn to those farmer to test some of the leaclii their own farms. The per acre, 24.8 bus.; Americ 1.5 tons, 21.8 bus.; Crimea tons, 21.5 bus.; Banatka,l 21.2 bus.; and Tasmania Re tons, 21.0 bus. It will .be seen that the. Amber has again given good throughout Ontario as well av Ontario Agricultural. College .American Wonder. which •ga average of 2?- bushels per ac than the Imperial Amber, is a grained variety resembling veru:. the Dawson's Golden Cha °t°iinean Red Winter wheat has grown at the College for ten and is one which yields very"( deed. It possesses wheat of es. quality, but the straw is s:onx; t weak. The Iianatha, produce of excellent quality for bread tion, Winter Rye. Two variet winter rye were distributed !tritium) of 1911. The results that the Mammoth LVhiteW i came at the Bead of the list iii y grain with an average of 28.9 per acre. In experiments throt tt Ontario for the last six Seal'', f 'its 1laiuniof1) -White surpassed the iron rye by an ann nal average , Iry fonr bushels per acre. Fertilizers with Winter itt. In the co-operative experiment ; } th different fertilizers applied antuinn to winter wheat, the ' ee yields of grain per acre for eigh,:irs are as follows: Mixed Fertilizer bus.; Nitrate of Soda, 22..5 •. is.; Mtuiatte of Potash, 21.5 bus.t. nil Superphosphate, 21.2 bus. On sifilar laud, Cow Manure, at :the We of twenty tons per acre, gave an, averag 2,5.8 buss. la, r. c4y4,,a►1.,?: :and which receivers neither fertilizer nor manure gave an average. of 18.1 bus. per acre. The Superplios hate' was applied•atthe rate of 820 Ibs the Muriate of Potash and the N of Socia each 160 lbs per are, Mixed Fertilizer consisted of one of the quantity of each of then three fertilizers here mentioned usual cost of the,featilizers, as rs this experiment, is between fon five dollars per acre. In another experiment, it was, d that Nitrate of Soda applied .'i the spring gave 1.8 bushels per acre ore than when applied in the an ,gin. Nitrate of Soda increased the yit ` of wheat more than Common Sall 'bei applied ei tber in the autumn or ; the spring, Winter Emmer and Winter A comparative test of Winter F' and \Vinter Barley was made Mai out Ontario in each of the pa, years. The average results f three years show that the Eniner gave 1,890 and the \ Barley 1,812 pounds of grain lief Satisfactory results from this ment were received from onl in 1912, and according . to et those reports the Winter Ern: passed the Winter Barley in y grain per acre. Hairy Vetches and Winter. Fodder. Three good reports been received from farmers wb: Hairy Vetches and Winter Fodder Crops.' In each ins Hairy Vetches gave a- con larger yield of green crop. yield is due principally to the atijely wet, cool summer. Distribution of Material fe meats in 1912. As long as the slips material will be clistribnted charge in the order: in which plications are received irrort , ; farmers wishing to ej peranveh report .the results of any following tests: 1,; three- Winter hree Winter Wheat; 2, ttivo va:t Rye, 8, five Fertilizers, t Wheat; 4, Autiunn plications of Nitrate' qi. Ss Common Salt with Wit* 'Tit Winter Emmet: and `Winter Hairy Vetches and Winter, Fodder crops. The size of is to be one rod . wide by.';.. long. Material for •nitnibeis willbe sent by expre=ss arid, the others' by nmi1. CHEAT BARGAIN! Iepeeial arrangement with ' the aro Weekly Globe we will accajat r:iptione for our paper and' that 14441 city meekly fin: forty cents, w;`subscribers in Canada for the pre of the year.Our present sub - 'kers, may secure Theee Globe to the Pic year for 15 cents. Think er .rind aot quickly. T1IE WESTERN FAIR b`tiaten ber Gbh to. 14th be, Western Fair as a Live Stook xliibition is in 'a class by itself. 1h itors always report good results from ing at London.. Surrounded as it uch an excellent farming coun ire ,is always a good demand for stclass stook' of all kinds. The up- to-date farmer waits for the Exhibit - Mu when he can see the best and ,maks his choice. The Exhibition :of dais year will be re exception to the axle, but every eft is being made by the management to surpass previous years. The prim. tab has been revis ed and made very liberal, not only in classification' but in .cash. The prize. money will all be paid if the animals are worthy, even if there should be no competition in certain sections. Exhibitors are therefore, always sure of being well treated .at this old and reliable Exhibition. Prize lists, entry forms and all information given laoinptly on application to Secretary, A. M. hunt, General Offices, Rich- mond St. London, Ontario. A Lincoln, Neb, girl writes, "1 bad been tailing for sotile time with e- chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I began-taking'Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets and in three of day.- I was able to be up and got „s better right along. I am the -proudest firs iu Lincoln to find such a good medicine." For sale by all dealers. INEREINFERGEMBEINGEMEEESEM UNDERTAKING and ate Jae ird her Che' 10 ud. ey. Tier gh- Prom.gt. Service Moderate (ha'cges W. H. HOFFMAN Zurich. - Ontario BIfi One Price the year round and::. that the lowest. Parties intending to buy a good llamas this Spring should not fail to call, on us, as we are headquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest 'prices .every one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our. Team Harness with Collars at $25.00, Single harness at $9.00 up airymaid Cream Separator No heavy lifting up of Milk Easy Running Iter theDe.ering iter Machinery Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and sea what a big Bargain you can get here. A full stock of all kinds of URNIT.UR In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us : to cheaper and ottr customers get the benefit, Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price ere. eri oily All makes of.Plough 1 Stt�L'- of Points always on hand 1'of or aye ted as he ot. 'Jq. late. iaf ,f ter iir: 5, .6, rGS plot ds Prang & Bloch. ZURICH Now Ready Stylish I-IJ4RTLEIB, ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COIUIBINATION STORE Buggies Ca Just to hand. your orders. editS Bring in Close price .���,10 KAT PHONE If you want to see the big - est and fi n.est lot of Buggies earl at our wareroona.. If you vs to buy we.are confident rv'can satisfy your taste. „.JJ.so Carriages and Waggons Prices Right All kinds of Repairs prom - ply attended. H.ess &Son. 14 Y9 BOB ZU RIC In S i zing tad Sunnaer Dess Goods This is the time of the year that every girl needs a new Summer Dress, and those who have not bought have saved money by waiting till now. Come and share in the bargains FOULARD In all the fancy stripes and shades, Regular pride 25ots now........ —for 20 cents LINEN In blue, cream, Old Rose, green, and. brown. Reg price 25 ........for 20ots PONGEITA In all the newest shades, Regular price 25ots, now....,, for l9cts MULL In Cream, Pink, Pale blue, white and black. Reg price 25 now for 20ots MARQUISETTE In Pale blue, pink, cream and white. Reg price 25 now for 20ottg We also have a few other lines which we are selling at Bargain Prices, Notice 'Who have coupons for dishes are requested to bring them on or btfore Aug 10th, and then we will give you the dishes you can receive for them, Remember. After that date we do not give ortake any more coupons, so be sura and bring them. Fresh groceries always kept ou Produce Taken n Exchange PHO1SE 17 RUBY ��QA S