HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-06, Page 640i4+++++++++++.H.++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ E MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 13555 RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR FIVE YEARS -190e -'9i1 Has $9 Branches is Canada tinct Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Oitios in the 'World. 1906 1911 8,000,000 $, 4,000,000 ueserve 3,000,000 4,600,000 Deposits 23,677,780 35,042,811 Loans and. investments 27,457,090 38,854,801 Total Assets 38,090,192 48,237,284 A General Banking Business Transacted SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate, Zurich :Srancb - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Mg,r. ++++++++++++++++++44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ pita]. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Farm Laborers' Excursion $10.00 to Winnipeg VIA .CHIGAGO Plus half -cent mile from Winnipeg to destination, but not beyond MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton. RETURNING Half -cent mile to Winnipeg, plus $13.00 to destination in Eastern Canada. August 20th—From Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel, inclusive, via Stratford, and all stations South thereof in Ontario. August 23rd—From all stations North of, but not including Main Line, To- ronto to Sarnia Tunnel, via Stratford; all stations Toronto and North and East of Toronto to Eineston and Renfrew. August 28th—From all stations Toronto and East, and East of Orillia and Scotia Junction. August 30t1t-From all stations Toronto to North Bay, inclusive, and west thereof in Ontario. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tWeen Winnipeg -Saskatoon -Edmonton. New Fast Express Service between Winnipeg, Yorkton, Canora and Regina. Canadit a National Exhibition Toronto HENSALL TO TORONTO AND RETURN $405 ` Aug. 24 toter' ep,t. Q Aug 27 ane 29 7 inasivc.. Minimum Rate 25 cents A11 tieketa valid for treturn until September 10, 1912 Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for Full Particulars ' FOR HARiVESTI "GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG rine half cent per mile front 'Winnipeg up to MacLeod, Calgary, or Ldinon t. m. TED NG IN WESTERN CANADA " RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Plus hall' cent permiler= all points east of MacLeod, Calgary urlydinontontoWinnipeg GO! NG OATES AUGUST 20th—From all stations on all lines on and South of the Grand Trunk Main Line Toronto to Sarnia, including: all stations on the C.P.R. Toronto to Windsor +i:icia c i and Branc't Lines including Guelph sub=division from Guelph South and tom 13. amt+ton South. AUGUST 23rd—From Toro;:to, and alt stations north of, but not including the Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, and from Toronto east to, but not including king. ton, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew; and C.P.R. Lines west of Renfrew. AUGUST 28th -.Prom ill sr- tion; in Ontario, Toronto and' East, Orillia and Scotia Junction and ea .t; also east of North Bay, and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 30th—From Toronto and all stations west, In Ontario; North Bay and west; including C.B.R. t melons, Sudbury to Sault. Ste. Marie, Ontario. ONE-WAY SWORD -MASS TICKETS WILL DE SOLD TO WINNIPEG ONLY One-way second class ticket; to Wi.udueg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a verification certificate, with an rvtt.,:taa rnupon. When extension coupon has been signed la Winnipeg by a farner, show•i.'i lip 11.14 engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the coupon will be honored up to ti ,,tenrber Stith for ticket at rate of one-half cent Der mile ((minimum fifty cents) to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Tarifi • ft^ kvaya in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta; but not west of Edmonton, Calgary or 141.) eo I, Alta. .A. certificate will be issue's a rt,Ut,,ti f+urchaaer to a second-class ticket good to return any station en the Canwihn isarttiic, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacifi0 avays !tt Albrta, Saskatchewan an 1 Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton, original startingpoint by_ ttit oohs route as travelled on going ioutney on or before ovember SOth 112, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) pet; innipeg added to 318.00 from Winnipeg, provided tate holder deposits the certificate with e ticket agent on arrival at destination+ and works at least thirty days at. harvesting., For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write— M. G. MURPHY,A.P.A.. C.P.B.. Toronto MONTREAL ;THE STANDARD is the National ;weekly Newspaper ;of -the ]Dominion got Canada. It is national In all, its aims. It uses the most 'expensive bngrav- Ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles are 'Carefully selected and its ""editorial policy, is thoroughly, indepeuderxt. A. aubscriptian ;-to`, ,The Standard costs $2.00 per year td any address in Canada or Great Britain., TRY, IT fOR 1912! c M®ntre> I Standard Publishing Corr, Limitezi, 'Publishers, SUBSCRNPTH 0011TE The following is the stani[i our prize Ciroulntion Cante.,t Saturday evening last. Miss Lottie Miss Ada �Vtirli? Miss Blanche Laporte 1 Miss Sadie McIsnao, . Miss victoria Dater.44*. Miss Gladys MeNe\t, It.lre. ,las. Humphreys. Miss Tillie Johnston.. ,,6,„ Miss Miry Galimit +t 11irs, Dan Xooliro ... C 00th' Miss Ida Sipple 506c, BREAK LJP THE OLD it This is a bit of . advice ,which finers in general would do Well to fl Sonie.of our Most troublesome find their breeding -places in land thit• has been left for some years under grass. Wire worms and -white grubs,'; which are often times very destructive• to crops of all kinds, increase and multiply in such places where the;; feed upon the roots - of the grass. Wire worms in their adult • stage ai'o known as Click -Beetles, oblong, droll colored creatures. White grubs turn into what are commonly called June bugs or May beetles. These wurns take from two to three years to grow to maturity and during that long period they feed upon roots and are out of sight and out of reach. There is a popular idea that salt will kill these creatures and the question is often asked, "How much salt should be used per acre?" • Like many other popular superstitions, there is nothing whatever in this material for the pur- pose. Enough salt to effect the grubs would completely prevent the growth f any vegetation and it is doubtful if ny amount what ever would kill the nsects. Man other snhstences have een tried but so far without success. The remeclyis,' therefore, to break np the breeding places. This should e done by ploughing the grass fields eeply late in the fall in order to ex- ose the grubs and their winter umbers to the frost and rain, and lso to the -various animari and birds which feed upon them. The safest crop to grow during the first year is Cas After that a hoed crop, prefer- 0 a b d p t1 a p :.-est Cloth OUR MOTTO nothing that Weans l38 .`'utility" as applied to znetiiis everything that Mali( s 'ie And service, richness of ria,' el ti,' 7.11 tailoring, . and in z:l�altiaa suoli. "Clothes'' We our • custorn or�s life-long Can't we make you one of i? VVe are anxious to, and if lily• appeals to you, we call—co s get acquainted Now. joss 1V1�i OLTZ Ay — Mereliant Tailor .?iRED1TON, ONTA'ilO• ANOPPORTUNITY For a Live Man in Zurich } la rllce some clean; honest Money, giving information to those who have .rec1>uested it, regarding an original Western. townsite—not a subdivision. This is a ' gent- lemen's proposition, and we want only mien of good standingwho Will. not ]misrepresent.. Address Western Canada eat Estate Con 502 TEMPLE BUILDING TORONTO :0,gY.r nausr x1Ai11c1 At ; ke gest �l,o"F 41444 after the second after the •secoiicl.y el,. ' . there will probably be no grubs left," t . Daring the first year any that there are in the ground would feed upon the sod that had been plowed under anal: would let the growing crop pretty well alone. To grow corn, grain, potatoes or mangers at the outset would be very risky indeed. Besides these two insects,; old pasture lands, especiallly -where the soil is dry, are productive breeding places for grasshoppers which spread from these fields to the crops. In the. Southern 'Counties of Ontario border- ing on Lake Erie, there is. another serious pest which also breeds in old pastures where the soil is light or san- dy. This is kown as the Rose Chafer. The beetle appears usually in .great swarms about the ti.lne the roses some and devours, not only these flowers,; but all sorts of others that may be growing in the garden. The worst damage it does is to the blossom and. young fruit of grape vines, of which it; is particularly fond. These for' serious pests, which are extremely (l)f' ficult to control, may be greatly re- duced in numbers, if not got rid - altogether, by a rotation of crops an, especially by keeping pastures no(tl more than three years tinder grass: C. 3. S. Bethune, Ontario Agricultur- al College, Guelph. Come and get you new Suit: + Paints = r.. Varnishes Stains Enamels Colors � 4 best ,+.quality :1 product for every kind of surface orfrnisb. t, That's my advice to you. You've seen it in our windows. Now you see it here. It means paint and varnish and everything that makes the home bright outside and inside. It means "Spring" and "cheerfulness" and "boost," and finally 110#1141- PAINTS it PAINTS AND VARNISHES the real "Brighten -Up" stuff. The Little Paint Alan, 11 We want to help make easy much of your worn of cleaning 'and renovat- ing this Spring. We can save you much of the back -breaking labor of Spring cleaning and improve the ap- pearance of your property, both inside and out, at small expense.. No matter what you want to "brighten up," we .. can supply you with a Sherwin-Williams specialty -for that exact purpose. If you have not tried our way of "bright- ening up," there is a surprise in store for you. Come in and see us, We are pleased to talk paint and varnish at any time, especially now. For Sale by J. PREETER, °Zua icla: SE Fl September 6th to 14th, 1912. London's Great 'Exhibition xlerelPrizes Instructive Exhibits Speed Events each Day Art Building filled with Magnificent Paintings A.TTEA,.0TION S yroairlxne Twice Daily, Live Stock Parade Daily At Zurich's , Lie � ,y Tailor Shop the only. ,'1 ..o; where the Newest is al shown first and satisfy; guaranteed. Laundry in Connccti W. :r i oi:eii 1".ilor • Besses o' the Barn Band f Cheltenham, England, One of the greatest Brass Bands in the World and seversl others. -er.al Acts, Comedy Acts, 'Tram.boline and Acrobatic Acts. Seabert's Equestrienne Act, 'rind others. The Midway better than ever. Fireworks each evening r INGLE FARE RATES over all railroads from Kingston to Detroit. Special Excursion. Days, Sept. 10th, 12th,13th Pria.,eLists and all information from."11 't - rt tam, Pre* erlt+. A. M. HUNT, Secretary, 5 4. O e d 0 DR. T. 1?. McLA.UGHLIN, form" elly A;ssistant'. Surgeon at Moor - field's (Royal Londbn Optiialznic) Eye Hospital hard . Golden Square Nose and Throat. Hospital,: London,. England. Also spent time' at Berlin and other Continental Hospitals. Goner'it1 Practice with special atteiit ion to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throats Eyes tested (Retinoscope and Op. thermoscope used) and glasses stip- plied and properly adjusted, Office Dashwood, Ontario: CREDIT A eat MARKIN We keep ,1 stook a fill! line of frith meats, etc. etc." Our cuts are not, ecl for their tenderness and wholesomness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We:nlalke our sausage. Give ns a call. icho1 o &Lawson, CBEDITON. Crediton ♦ Flour • ills ♦ oManufacturer of all grades of oe ; Roller Flour. m ; We alsoosell the Five Roses Flour Gristing and Chopping prom ptly done Oats Rolled and Chopping done at 5cents a bag. 11. SWHTZ[R ■ • • ZURIOH r r r MEAT MARKET 11 lino of. fie meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the hest. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNIBLUT !NORM. Farniet s That Want THE BEST Cali at The Massey - Harris Shop. Our Machines Spec, . for themselves, We also handle Olds Gasoline Engine, gine, Jas. Whyte, Ag't MASSEY-HARRIS CO OVER Cti ' EAR 5' Ext°r'1:S L CD TI1Ant MARKS Destutva COPYRIGHTS &C. tatn>Anyone sending a sketch and desorlpAtfon ins. kly ascertain our' opinion.freb whetitol� an Invention le probably a�atentable. CommUntc tionsstrictlyconfidential. ygND80tlK on Patent. sent free. Oldest agency' for securing patents; Patents taken through Munn & Co. room 3 spectal atotice, without cbarge, in the A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eulation of any seiontitte irrnal Terms . Canada, ettie a year, gostabe iizepald. So ,l pall''nrre(w�sdealeree�.9 muNN & co.361Oroedwnti MAW T.tt ,nett C+anm. SIF