HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-09-06, Page 1• The Official Organ 0: id 7 '1:1. ownsb.i.p FRIDAY 0 NV takr-areer-earcee• LOCAL ML. and at Berlin over Labor Def Sitting of the Divisididfie heldon Monday, Oth jwzr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clerk of Bend were in town, on Nea Miss Ella Moser of 'fli visiting with Mise Diana Rk Mr. Harvey Weber of Pret„ spent the holiday at his home heree, Miss Flossie Ilavtleib left last Fr Jey &rattail the Toronto Exhibitio The Editor of the Brussels Poet - taking his annual "week offel„. week. • MiSS. Esther .Leibold and broth Arnold, spent Leber Day with fripe 111 London. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schmitz Berlin, aro -isiting with Mr. and I'i Petet.Ropp. • School re-openeel on Teesday.e.T11 attendance is small, especially in th principal's room. Quite a, few of th huger children are employed at .0.tile work, but they should be sent ` school as soon as possible. Geed r mite can only be obtained by regril attendance, • Mrs. Henry. Walper :ala mother, Mrs. David Sararas, relatives in ,Baden and. vicinity eye Labor Day. Mr )Nrin• 1-1: Bender, is moving ,t1; 'Week, to the lipase he recently pp: chased at the north end, fronf Bauer. A peat deal of barley and oats seriously damaged- throughout t conntry owing to the continued rain Flax is also suffering from the earl cause, to • P -r. 6, 1912. re will be a big rush to the ar Fair, from this section, next Deielierb . of Detroit, is with his Mother Mrs. J. peel-, Sr. • iim Deichert and•son, Nor. :i'N e [faxen Mich., visited rel - es m town, this week. of New Pall Goods. We are • opening large shipments of new fall and winter goods al= most daily and the variety and selections afforded the early shoppers must be seen to be appreciated. You are heartily welcome to look over the New Lines. • e".1,71t 4.."Creel.• .N.."...94018indinnIESERDES Sweater oats • A large shipment of Sweater Coatsjust opened.* . These promise to be more popular than ever and we woulthl advise you to pick one early, before the best slut dee ar sold. out. We hate si them for • ladies, men and, children. All colors..and sizes. • .. hen belonging to Mr. Thos. APP - n laid an egg which measured seven 'a half inches in circumference, Lts 12 Zeller spent the Deleor - holidays with her parents, Mr. .)Irs. L. 13. Marshall, at Merlin.' t will be -worth your'while to study pie we are making to new and lei's. Read. them. carefully • A large new stook of Fall' Coats for Ladies' -wear. All the • • § School Supplies We have all the necessary books, crayons, pencils,eto„ for the next term. of school for the children. Send themhere for their text books as our large stock enables us to supply all thier need.s. new eleths and late styles. Call in and look them over. •NO LABOR DAY RAGE ,;; What promised foI.3 g'itho , sport on Monday, was eltagett spoiled by the heavy rain in the nm ing. The track was too wet to eN think of races. In the afternoon t boys of the Senior and Junior ba ball clubs "pulld off" a spien game, which onlookers elainrwas best game seen on the local diamo this season, The details of the ga will be found in another column. elieick-work at the new school completed. The recent wet r:ter delayed the work som'ewhat. fr. An d' Mrs. Sehluchter and child- . of Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs. S. wn and daughter Erma,. of Creeh- ,•Were visitors in town, this reek. Irs, A. Knechtel and two children Stratford, and Mrs. E.• Smith of alley, were visitors at the• home of mud Mrs. C. Hartleib, over Labor .f,ioe summer diarrhoea in children ti S give Chamberlain's Colic, elfaa and Diarrhoea, Remedy and ter nil, and a speedy cure is certain Sate. by All Dealers. • • eitlieran Church—The eYenilai -ice in St. Petee's Lutheran -pelt, will be co.uc"tii1ei biEnglish, to subject of meditation rill be, w..k.rhrists Chalfont. ' ' : :Vol-, only 25 cerits'We mail this per for the baIenCe (4 theyear to y place in Canada; Sad in" your e how • and. takeztho privilege, a a ,our Piano Contest. ' • ' - $611601 QhilClren:. not forget s j•. zeuee- offerieg nrizes for. mmer Shoe for Only 51.00 Cash NO. Es Nowlsyou Chance for a Good Linirrier Shoe for the smell sum of $1.00 cash. These shoes are all new stook ant"; are well worth the money. Men's Harvest Shoes, regular 1 rice $1 50 1or $1 00 cash Boy's &heel Shoes, regular pric a 1. tiO fo 100 cash Women's Evelyday shoes reg. paiee 1 50 for 4, 00 eash Girls' One Strap Slipper reg. price 1 35 for 1 00 cash, Bring your Feet "and get them Fitted for. the small sum of $1.00 We do Repairing Butter and 'eggs taken in exchania SAM. E. FAUST, ZEIJICH Peed Oa Feed Wheat $liOrtS and. •rod Flour • Coe and Fine Salt. Bring' your Produce here for . Best Prices. • Terms --5 per cent after 30 days 9-ais Jeffrey • .1* A. • es, tImthave Passed entrance eXams. Messs. F. W. Hess and William rien returned on Tuesday from eir fishing expedition at the Sallie • or.- They caught nearly a hundred 411, mostly pike, some of them matting over two feet in length. Mr. Louis Letson of Goelerich form- ly Miss Melinda Randall died on ednesday after a short illness. he funeral takes place today (Friday) St. Boniface cemetery Zurich. Fs. Lts= is the yonngest da,ugh.ter • ;lair.ltaid Mrs. Henry Randall, and las about twenty two years of age. • BASEBALL Silverware 1 Our line of silverware comprises all the best makes -1847 • ri Rogers Bros., 1881. Wallace ana all the leading manufacturers, )1( We fully guarantee our silverware. 1 Stoves & Ranges • • We are after you for that new range you are going to buy this fiat We sell tho Peninsula Happy Thought and jewel Stoves and Ranges. miletienrimmill01001.010••••••••••••••••. § On Monday afternoon 'a game of balrwas played on tho diamond.. Some of the veterae.: so-called "habeens" ball -playing really is,e4robably;`,.' most noted of whom waiTela.li'Tp'. who has aeen nanny inininers. winters on the bull field. Hisfi ing was marked by some brilliknete tempts, in the outfield and in .s.s innings he almost captured 211?etii4 Bill Hoffman, a noted emenari by -gone days, was very much iii my ace and was openly accused ()PEI to throw away the game to th0/. iors. Then there was GooTge 013, 8rd Mild Ed. Wurm behind' both • of whom (with their haA:.: could still is s for Juniors, ill fine game, although George culated the highthof some Thiel, the South -paw junior the box for the seniors and ed pitched a good game and it was:' ly owing to his geed. work •;:f, juniors were held down to . on His shrike -outs were many. ' juniors plyd. Well, and Hoffman in. the box, the hit well scattered, and, only three were scored by his opponepte Hess acted as umpire, and k openly accused of partialiA, tithes lost the location e plat. The game was theTh season on the 1°01 g mm0: most interesting from starti Tliefollowing is the Iiie•upni Seniors F Thiel, Ed Wurin c, A. Edighoffer lst, E Brown 2nd, Geo Brock 3rd, Tel Wurm ss, 0 Fritz if. Get our Prices Before you Buy Eavetroughing, Etc. •PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Preeteri, zuRic. • )mins require careful treatment. ep litiet and I .ply Chamberlain's J• 4niniertt4e1y. It will remove the 4"Orenoss- shd.efuh: y restore the parts l'healthycond i Dn. For sale by All Dealers. Messrs Herb and Roy Fa iner spent ilreclay at Clinton. They IICCOM- ralia the Exeter ball team and as- -istd in the playing. It was a fast :dame the score being 1-0 in favor of Tkp tp r .—Credi ton Stat • Gunn of Clinton was in town r.fUeday to operate on Mr, John breelit's hand The bone had to eraped, and it is said that the tatient is suffering great pain, but it S'I.ioyea. the hand will be saved. .• .Right in your busiest season when .,,'op have the least time spare you are tMost likely to take diarrhoea and lose Several flays' time, unless you have iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhc.,aRemedy at hand and take a be on the first appearance of the lisease, For sale by all dealers. • roof is this week being • iced on. ?Jr, G. .Merner's house, now ?ter of the oldest houses in town. It *is. built nearly sixty years ago and *as tho first hotel in town. For a eittnaany ;years the house has been ied as a private dwelling house, and 10s till in good repair. Mr. C. Hart - 'is putting on the new roof,. J. Telephotte 9 itt3fiattrAOCNICIWICK Xl:refOXiCSOCIOPOIngtfal.= and yieinity to sell for THE FONT - HILL NURSERIES and take advan- tage of the wonderful development of the FRUIT BUSINESS in Ontario at the present time whicli is creating an extraordinary demand for fruit trees, &a. Good territory reserved for local a; GENERAL SALESMEN. Start now. Outfit free. Pay weekly, Write for partionlars STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto' BARGAINS IN SUMMER SHOES Just now we are selling out a lot of odd lines in Wo men's Tan and Black Oxfords. Regular price $2.25 to $2.75 for it g Cash or Credit... ... „.. ..„ .50 s..r? Also a lot of Women's fin g low audit high shoes for Cash or Credit.. GUM E W Hoffman 3f. ,", R Kalbfleisch et, (3110V By Innings. Juniors . 1 0 00,,0'ffi 5Quiorp 9 Q ; And now for the annual Fall Fair 4 the Labor Day sports had to be *maned owing to the weather, •:eceeyene should prepare to make the Pair a big success. Our annual 1.eathibition is always good but a little tra, effort in the way of display and d• ecoration will add to the interest and Aleactiveriess of the nth:, The date 'are.Sepb. 18 and 19. .00 Watch our window for bargains, Now is your charm for bargains. Repairing neatly and promptly done e. FRITZ. = Zuric The Home of Good Shoes "If you buy it of Appel, it's all righ Special Watch Values Different styles and sizes, with plain or engraved cases. For a strong and serviceable watch we recommend MIT 15 jeweled Waltham in a solid nickel case, special Price $8 EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Fine Watch and Clock Repairing A. Specialty HAROLD A. APPEL •• JEWELER • ZU Shop in Ed. Appel's Gents Furnishing •Store,