HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-08-16, Page 8The Quality STORE Big Clearing Sale of Summer Goods - 1 FOR 30 DAYS We will offer bargains in all lines of goods to clear. Below is a few of the many bargains we are offering. Call and be convinced that this is a genuine money saving sale. Dress Uoods, all lines, reg. 60o for 45c yd. All other; Dress Goods in proportion Summer 'Dress Goods Repps regular 250........ .._ . for 200 a yard Voils regular 30c _ . tor 20o a yard Rajah Stripes regular 150 for 12c a yard Shanting Stripes regular 25c for 20c a yard Colored Mulls ....25c for 20c Fancy Dress Linens .... ...... .... 20c for 15c Fancy Vestings 20c for 15c White Lawn Waists Trimmed with embroidery, also lace and insertion Regular $L 50 for $1 10 Regular $1,255 for 900 1 00 for .65 ,75 for 45c Corset Covers Regular 500 for 40c. Special line at 25c each Prints All Lair regular 12?,c prints and ginghanis to go at 100 the yard 10 pieces special print at 50 the yard. Towellings 5c a yard and up. 6 pieces, Art Muslin, regular 10c for 50 yard 8-4 twilled Bleached Sheeting at 250 a yard 8 4 twilled special Unbleached Sheeting at 25c a yard. Millinery The balance of aur Trimmed Sats, Shapes, Flowers, eto, at half regular price. All our 4 yard wide Linoleums, Lancaster .and Nairns regular 4,2 and IP 25 a yard, for $1;50 a yard, Tapestry Floor. Coverings Rugs size 3x3 .. regular $ 9 00 for $ 6.50 3x4 ..regular 12 00 for 8.50 3x4 .. regular 13.50 for 9.75 3x4 .. regular 14.00 for 10.00 3?:x4 .... ....regular 15,00 for 11.0.0 30:4 .... ....regular 16.00 for 12.00 Wall Papers at Bargain Prices to clear Men's Suits ,• ;Regular $11,00 for $8 00 Reg. $9 00, for $6.50 10.00 for 700 800 for 5.50 Boys Suits from $1.25 up, Men's and Boys' Straw Hats $1.25 for $1.00 50c for 400 25o for 20c All Spring Caps 35o to 60c for 25c each • Fancy Vests Regular $J 75 and $1.50 each, to clear at $1.00 Men's Collars Men's stand up Linen Collars, 14i to 17 size, 5o each, slightly soiled. • Groceries Best roasted Rio Coffee 20c Ib Royal Yeast 3 boxes for 10o Acme Gloss Starch 4 boxes for 250 Snow White Corn Starch 4'boxes 25c 5 lbs best 25o Japan Tea for $1.00 10 bars Merner's Laundry Soap 250 Canadian Coal Oil 120 a gallon. Fine Sarnia Salt, new, in 280 pound barrels, $1.25 barrel. 750 for 60c 35o for 25c Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce J. MERNER. GENERAL MERCHANT Ontario Telepho.ne 28 HEADQUARTERS FOR Celebrated Broadway • STEPHEN CO NW The Connell of the T,tivfis Stephen convened in tlx:; '.LOW Crediton, on Monday, the 5t4 gnst, 191.2 at 1 p. In,.-- Au iia; were present. The miiiilte� previous meeting were read azi ed. Yearley -Elliott. "That. Jo&91;1 clan be appointed, sheep vaivatol Elliott- -Yearley ," T1iat,Alon' gins be appointed tax collector,, the year 1912- Carried: Kellertnann—Yoa•ley: °'That law No. 196 to appoiiat Alenz0H. gins tax oolleetor, Having been r^ci4 the third time be passed and sign by the reeve and clerk and the seer the corporation attached ,tliereta Elliott-Kellerman:"That the petiole d ion of William Moffatt and others',4$ l ing to hays certain area drained iiia der The Drainage Act, be aceepb and the s i me be referred to I''. •Farncoinb, C. E. to report o The following orders were passe: Richard Davey Comiuissioner, lst.: Rd. $8.25. Crediton Star Printiiw $58.00 Hedden As Sims shovohia snow, $1.50; Municipal World count, .54; James Boyes Coma. s ioner, $3.75; Louis Willert Comini4 ionor; .50; Fred W. I+arncomb WOO' age awards, $71.98; Herbert Harltoii Tep. culvert 0.50; Jos. Brenner, 44 1: by -road, $3.00; W: E. -Sanders true; loads of stone N. 13. $2.00; Chested• Prouty gratuity, $25.00, James Haler!:, nan rep. wash-out, $1.00; Chris: Kienzle anct others grading, $54,6 Geo. Jiepbutn Rep. bridges, .4.00 Samson Parsons Gravel L. Rd. $25.0C J, Edwards ,.temporary road, $2,00; Wm. h11101 rep. culverts, $4,.09' Frank r $2,. 5 b iaiilc Lt•ieliner rep. bridge etc ,, o,aJ R. Seldon cement, $9.90; Henry Stpit> ham Tile abet work, $0.00; 1'niinl5 Statton flop. bridge L. li.•E S R0; Henry Carruthers Gravel $5,90.; Henry Carruthers (navel S]3, h.(,0;= K. F. Eilber Care -taker of lock -aryl: $2.00; Ezra Lampert '.[.'ile, $ ,,70: Chris. Fabner Drawing gravel $22 .i0 'Henry Yearley Drawing $rayl $2.6'0.; Andreas Disjardine Work one L. Bd. $5.50; henry Eilber Deeds etc. $6.00 John 'McLean an Gravel; $20,401 ieli. Hill Gravel, $28.00; • John Fattier sheep killed by dog, $25.33. Tlie • Council adjourned to meet. again in the To 1,' Crediton, an 1' ii,ixi- F1ART1,1EB'S BIIiST ON'T NEGLECT YOUR WATCH WATCH is 'a delicate piece of -machinery. It . calls - for less attention than most achinery, but must, be cleaned rand .oiled occasionally to keep •tsperfect time: IP With proper care a Waltham Watch will keep perfect time for a lifetime. It will pay you well to let us clean your watch every 12 or r8 months. One Price the year round and that the lowest. Parties intending to buy a good Harries this Spring should not fail to call on us, as we are headquarters in Zurich for the best at lowest prices every one guaranteed, because best leather always used. See our Team Harness with Collars at x;25.00, Single Harness at $9.00 up Stoves and Hardware If you want the best at lowest prices call and see what a big Bargain you can get here. Promptness and Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop in Ed. Aipels's Gents Furnishing Store. Harold A. Appel JEW ELLER 1 UNDERTAKING. Nm• A full stock of all kinds of FURNITUR In Furniture we lead the trade as we buy in car loads this enables us to cheaper and our customersget the benefit. • Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price e. I-IARTLI3IB, ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION t3TORE t ) Henry Either, Tp. Clerk., PROVINCIAL SEED FAIR Prizes Offered By The Canadian Seed Growers' Association For Selected Seed Official notice is given by ' the above organization that substantial prizes in the form of gash and special trophies, are offered for seed grown in the province and exhibited at the next Annual Win. ter Fair or Provincial Seed Exhibi tion. The date of this exhibition will be made public later. In ad. dition to the regular prizes. offered to members of the Association, special cash prizes are offered t boys and girls between 12 and 1 years of age, for exhibits of Sprin Wheat and White Oats. A sweep stakes prize in the form of a beaut iful gold medal donated by Dr J t<. Robertson, is also offered to the boy or girl having the best exhibi of oats in the maritime Province' ..Qnebec and Ontario and wheat i each of the, Provinces' of Manitoba Seskatchewan and •Alberta ear of three exhibits is to consist of sheaf which must be at leant 6" i diameter at the band, and a ga.11o of threshed grain The plants f' this sheaf should he selected'- hand elected hand from the field before the cm ' is eat. Those proposing to pompe for these prizes should arrange once to make the necessary. sele tions and should also write Secretary Canadian seed grove" Association, Ottawa, Ont a obtain a copy of the prize list rill and special arrangements roast ing the transportation of exhibi No is your chance boys an.•gi, even if you don't happen to wing prize the experience you will ;gn will increase your chances time. THE VILLAGE SPOET. Hi- -clothes ate loud hist red his hat far back upon•is his hair profusely banged" ,rathei than ,get down to to work with men who stru backs he says he will be Brass jewelery his bosom fir; smokes the cheaper odd and p' ays'ha;nd at pool ragtime song he sings acid raft of useless things s"•'',1 learned in school. He, kn many rounds it took'the' Sullivan to cook Tug Wi ago and he can tea y watch how long it 1 Goteb to lay the Fre flknows the abor ii f Prompt Service Moderate r'haraes E� HOFFMAN A Zurich- - Ontario 151k. 4IFIENIMIR 1 Just to hand. • Br-ing in your orders. Close price FeCmKALLhISdll PHONE— ">, = _ _ ZURICH .gym a dream Separator No heavy lifting up.of Milk Easy Running Deering Machinery All makes of Plough Points always on hand rang dc Bloch, ZURICH Now Ready Stylish Buggies If you want to see the big- asG anri finest lot. of Buggies ,a1,1 at our wareroorn. If you mill to buy ive are coufid.ent e ;eau satisfy your- taste. Also Carriages and Waggons Prices Right Ail kinds of Repairs prom. ply attended. .e$s & Son A !achts:and. motor cars alas bis mime is dense .when asked the to build a fence or work a t churn, re neer -planted or trees such useless trifling s as these he never tried to `Thethings to .vihieh, held BRRCrAINS In S: xing tnd Suntiaer Dress Goods 'This is the time of the year that every girl needs a new Sumuaer Dress, and those who have not bought have saved money by waiting till now. Come and share in ihe bargains FOULARD In all the fancy stripes and shades, Regular price 25cts now. .for 20 cents LINEN In blue, cream, Old Rose, green, and brown. Reg price 25 for 20ots PONqE.I.TA In all the newest shades, Regular for 19ote price 25cts, now MULL In Cream, Pink, Pale blue, white black. Reg price 25 now MARQUISETTE In Pale blue, pink, cream white. Reg price 25 now and for 20cts and for 20ots We also have a fe ff other lines which we are sellitig at Bargain Prices, Notice Who have coupons for dishes tl-re requested to bring them en or btfore Aug 10th, and then we will give you the dishes you can receive fol. them, Remember After that date we do not give, or take any Wore coupons, so be sure and bring, them. El:ash 0-roceries railways kept on Ila P reduce Taken n Exchange PHONE, 17