HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-08-16, Page 31RO10 BONNIE :SCOTLAND :t%/TES OF' INTEREST FIEJM HER TANKS 'AN» BRAES. What is Going on in The nigh/arida and Lowlands of Auld• Scotia. { During the past year the • esti- mated loss >b firein the burgh of Paisley was £2,371: 'he body of John Blair, hotel- man, was found in Cowdenknowes Dalt, : Greenock. ' • Robert William Skelly was found drowned in the River Leven, near Dumbarton. A two -manual and pedal pipe - organ is to be installed at Parkhead A. F. Church. ---- Mr. William White, chief booking clerk at Buchanan Street station, died suddenly. James Adam of Paisley-brike his leg by falling from the window of his house at Cotton Street. A young man named Michael Mc- Ternon O'Connor, was at Gobon fined £101or book -making. Mr. J. Barron, postmaster of Big- gam, has been appointed to the postmastership of of Tipton. One man was killed, and another injured in an accident that occur- red at the Nackerty Collieries. The uathmaster at Gourock swim- ming pond dived in and rescued a man who was near drowning. The wages of the city operative masons at Glasgow are to be in- creased from ed to 9%d per hour. Mr. Luke J. Boylan, former presi- dent of the Edinburgh and Leith Pawnbrokers' Association, is dead. Ewan George Macpherson, chief of the clan, who is at present in Australia, came of ago last week. The Aberdeen City Police have just been informed of the finding in an old hat receipts for 2200 and £400. The Kinghorn Boy Scouts have a fire brigade which has already dis- tinguished itself at two fires in the town. Nine Motherwell Shopkeepers were prosecuted for contravention of the Shops Act, 1912. Robert Wilkie was sentenced to 60 days' hard labor at Johnstone police court for neglecting his three children. Williaali.Meechan was fined los 6d r the theft of some ornamental e ss balls_ frons a, grave in Craigh- on Cemetery. — • J. Butler; apprentice caulker, met his death by falling a distance of 40 feet in a shipbuilding yard at Clydebank. Tho death is announced of Mr. Robert Jameson Torrie, founder of the firm Torrie, Brodie & Mac- Lagom, Edinburgh. Great indignation is felt through- out Lewis in the disbandment of the 3rd Cameron Highlanders, on ac- count of measles. Much damage was done by a ser- ious_ fire that broke out on the premises of the Church of England Labor Home in Edinburgh. Mary Scott, of Paisley, had a nar- row escape from serious injury when she fell through a glass roof, a distance/of fifteen feet.' To commemorate the coronation of the King and Queen 598 Corona- tion medals were presented to the Edinburgh police force. A young woman named Annie McKee, employed at the Calico Print Works, Thornliebank, was found drowned in one of the filters. Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll has collected £23 7s Gd for the wi- dows and families of the three Greenock men who were drowned in the Gareloch. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Talk isn't always cheap; it often costs a man a black eye. A bigamist is a man who has more wives than brains. A bent pin on a chair makes an excellent starting point. It's easy to earn a living, but getting it is another proposition. No, Alonzo, you can't make both ends meet by stretching the imagi- nation. Our idea of an optimist is a man who saves a little sunshine for a rainy day. An occasional failure encourages the hustler to make a more strenu- ous effort. Experience is a great teacher, but graduates are handed their diplomas by the undertaker. Love may not make the world go round, but it has that effect on the vh'eels in the lover's head. A piece of colored glass looks eautiful in a church window, but it oes not show up well in a ring. A man never knows how fleet- oted. lie really is until he has oo asion to 'make a getaway from a ap-year girl, And many a man's self-control is e to roe fact that his wife is big. ough and strong enough to it on occasionally, There are no dead flies lying about when are used as directed. All Druggists, Gro- cers and General Deal- ers sell them. YOU'VE GOT TO TAKE A CHANCE. If you go across the ocean, your ship is liable to sink. True enough, but if you travel on land your train is -liable to be wrecked. If you just jimmy around the home town, your automobile is liable to blow up or throw a tire and preci- pitate you "quickly into a ravine on your elbows and shoulder blades. If you go buggy riding your horse is apt to shy at a piece of paper in the road and kick you into the mid- dle of the following week. If you go out walking an auto- mobile is liable to scramble you up or a footpad is liable to tap you suddenly yet firmly upon the dome of thought. But if you sit still at home a hun- dred things are liable to happen you. You may have a fit, some weary wayfarer may come along and sell you a lot of Turkish rugs, lightning may strike the house, and then there is always the possibility of an earthquake. At the very best you have got to take a chance whether you want to or not. Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, C.11L.G., Whose institute for fishermen has just been opened in St. John's, Newfoundland. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta Being able to stay out of debt is commonplace; being able to stay in is artistic. When HoIloway's Corn Cure is applied to a corn or wart it kills the roots and the callosity comes out without injury to the flesh, FROM A WIFE'S DIARY. "I am completely disheartened, "To -night I entered the parlor suddenly and found my husband ly- ing on one of my lovely new sofa cushions. "How impossible it is for a wo- man to make a home in the true sense when she is married to such an insensate man ! "Sometimes I feel that I be glad to die." A. STRANGE RISK. Lloyds Will Insure a Girl igtalllst' Elopement. They will take any risk at Lloyd It should be understood that this great corporation has nothing to do`, with it, but that the brokers issue, the policies as individuals. Here are a few specimens ofrisks actual- ly insured : The uncle' of cof a' h. rr c heiress. Coal out a policy for ten thousand guin- eas against her eloping with a cer•, . tain man before a specified date He paid .a thousand guineas prem- .j ium and the girl did not elope, so the broker was in a thousand,guin- eas. A young Iran sued by a girl for damages for breach of promise to marry eight hundred guineas for a policy covering any amount of mon- ey the jury might award to the plaintiff. It gave her seven hun- dred pounds, so the broker made more than -.a hundred pounds pro- fit, A cablegram arrived at the office of a ship owner stating that one of his steamers was on the rocks in a dangerous place. The owner took out a policy for £5,500, to be paid to him if the ship was lost. He paid for this a premium of £5,000. The ship was saved so he lost the money. IIOW MANY OF US Fail to Select Food Nature De- mands to Ward Off Ailments? A Ky. lady, speaking about food, says : "I was accustomed to eating all kinds of ordinary food until, for some reason, indigestion and nerv- ous prostration set in. "After I had run down seriously my attention was called to the ne- cessity of some change in my diet, and I discontinued my ordinary breakfast and began using Grape - Nuts with a good quantity of rich cream. "In a few days more my condition changed in a remarkable way, and I began to have a ,strength that I had never been possessed of before, a vigor of body and a poise of mind that amazed me. It was entirely new in my experience, "Mee former attacks of indiges- tion hadbeen accompanied by heat - flashes, andmany t' condi- dyS• "1zin the head and ntears : - ...... in the chest. "Since using Grape -Nuts alone for breakfast I have been free from these troubles, except at times when I have indulged in rich, greasy foods in quantity, then I would be warned by 'a pain under the left shoulder blade, and unless I heeded the warning the old trouble would come back, but when I finally got to know where these troubles ori- ginated I returned to my Grape - Nuts and cream and the pain and disturbance left very quickly. "I am now in prime health as a result of my use of Grape -Nuts." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Road. to Wellville," in pkgs.. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. Willie—"Pa, what does discre- tion mean ?" Pa—"Picking out a small man when you are looking for trouble." Wise mothers who know the vir- tues of Mother Graves' Worm Ea - *terminator always have it at hand, because it proves its value. German . investments abroad amount to $7,500,000,000. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. fiT1J; CNOW MOTHER. �' will ba boys, except when tla re: little',' wretches, and Tommy rti J no eT cepton. lacl broken one of the school rules and th6 teacher told him to tell his .;mother about it, and also a,biotie tie penishinent he had re- vecl. i his, was foxy of teacher; ttr'su ht mother might thrash asked: ou'tell your about your 'bad behaviour ay, and how I punished miss," replied Tommy y; ;tll( "Well, what did your mother say ?z'. was teacher's next question. $aid she'd like to wring your neck, miss," replied Tommy calm- ly. RFIJL PROGRAMME. Great List of Special Attractions for the C. N. E. Ott r• Th.e programme of special attrac- tions for the Canadian National Ex- hibition has just been issued. It is featured by , the Imperial Cadet I.lev;ew and Competitions with representative corps from all parts .of the Empire, and the two Anlous bands from England, the' cots Guards Band and the Bos 0' Th' Barn Band, but these are.. small part of the programme. Th is enough vaudeville for half a d n ordinary shows, a historical spe ele, the Siege of Delhi, sixty nu re of Imperial fireworks nig , Wellington's Zouaves, the Ca Taboo, Motor Boat Races, Swi ing Races, War Canoe Races, At is Meet, Baby Show, etc. It is a ruly wonderful programme. CRUEL THING. Th ,:.impudence of some people !" snapped Mrs. Parvenue.- "She told somebody I did nay dwn washing !" "Well," replied Mrs, Manor, in- nocently, "whose washing do you do ?" Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is prepared from drugs known -to the profession as thor- oughly reliable for the cure of chol- er ' dysentery, diarrhoea, griping pain:' and summer complaints. It has 'Om used succes by medi- cal ,xlietitioner r of sufforir gfro com- plaint;' it is just the mei: 'cine that will cure you. Try a bottle. It sells for 25 cents. Last;s'year 4,525,000 Frey squirrels, 1,50Q,00o white hares, 00,000 er- mine, ".and 12,250 sables were killed in Siberia to provide various gar- ments of fur. rrrz � L�� . _. rxl� �,:... y� ,1�7a � ➢... I �{ §` _ ° 70' �. T�i•A4 a_• Ar �yrix�' Pik. 4.} Q ray` �Sd�^ 'CIMS:-..:G.i�.•ipuxwF:��t1��.+� I'tiy111,1 6\ W."L.'�.ANCIAA %MAX 7t\y\iVuY\Y,11)S ICZOM4MOM\AILAKIMIS CM. M \M 1ge\V\l/AWU\•Wie Ontario Veterinary College - Affiliated with the University of Toronto and under the control of the Department of Agriculture of Ontario. Apply for Calendar. E.A.A. GRANGE, V.S., M.Sc., Principal. Toronto, Canada Re -Opens OCTOBER 1st, 1912 vintr COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER It peva to keep your stock true of hies—contented cows give % more milk; horses work harder and on less teed. Costs less than 36 cent a head_� pPer day. U110Cooper's Fl, Knocker and save money. Easy to use— economical—elpelent—sae, Quarts (Imperial) 500: Gallons (Imperial) 61 25 Speelal circular free—tone what others say about Cooper's. Any dealer or 6981. COOPER g NEPHEWS - TORONTO AFRAID OF DRAUGHTS. "Did you ever see any one so afraid of draughts as Aunt Mar- tha?" "No; she'd put a wrap on if she came into the room and found a bureau drawer open." A Standard Medicine: Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and sa- lutary effect upon the digestive or- gans, have through years; of use at- tained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. TIME TO STOP. "Now that you have heard nay draughtesing, would you advise me to send her abroad to finish her mu - .4 41es?" , of .hem r�;`uu tete and now ?" Minefrd's. Liniment Cures Cargot in Cows. 'HUMAN PERVERSITY. "Isn't that fellow ever going to repose ?" "I guess not; he's like an hour- glass.". "l3Fe)w's that?" "The more time he gets, the less and he has." Snail but Potent.—Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are small, but they re effective in action. Their fine unties as a corrector of stomach rorbles are known to thousands nd they are in constant demand verywhere by . those who know hat a safe and simple remedy they re. They need no introduction to those acquainted with them, but to rose who may not know them they represented as the best prepara- ion on the market for disorders of be stomach. p s a 1 a e w a ti a ti t Further extension is being made to their shipyard by Messrs. Caird '& Jo., Greenock. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. ,Over 2,200,000,000 eggs were im- On little Arthur's birthday, he received a present of a very large furry to monkey. Two days later, his father found it lying in `a corner with both eyes missing. "My boy," asked father, more in should sorrow than in anger, "why have;: you spoiled that beautiful monks by pulling its eyes out?" Bad $good "Didn't!" replied Arthur bri; is the direct and 'inevitable result of 157. irregular or constipated bowels and "Don't tell any untruths," an clogged -up kidneys and skin; The ed father, more in anger than. undigested food and other waste >.nat- sorrow, "or I'll punish•you 1 ter which is allowed t o accumulate poisons the blood and the whole did you out ll pull the money, s'` system. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills a act directly on the bowels, regulating "Didn't!" repeated little Artl, them—on the kidneys, giving them defiantly. Then he hurried on,- ease and strength to properly filter the father took off his slipper. "I. ". p Pole pure blood and good r'<arted in one year into the United 'ingdoni. Parasols were used by the ancient E i ptians, blood—and on the skin, opening op the ores:' pushed them in I Health take t6 The average annual output of Dr. Morseworld in rubber is 90,000 .t Indian Boot Pallas valued at $200,000,000, ISSUE 83—'12 Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Gentlemen, --I have used ;,TIN:LRD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a. voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bo:.tle. CAPT. F. R. DERJARDIN, Sehr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamouraska. PUTTING ON STYLE. Street Urchin—Where yer goin', Maggie? Maggie—Goin' ter de butcher fur fi' cents' wort' uv liver. Urchin—Chee ! Yer koin ter have company fer dinner, ain't yer Its Virtue Cannot be Described.— No one can explain the subtle power that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil pos- sesses. The originator was himself surprised by the wonderful quali- ties that his compound possessed. That he was the benefactor of hu- manity is shown by the myriads that rise in praise of this wonder- ful Oil. So familiar is everyone with it that it is prized as a house- hold medicine everywhere. Horse -racing, in the reign of Charles II., used to take place in Hyde Park, London. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Barber—"Getting pretty thin on top, sir. Ever use our Miracle Hair- growine?" The Man in the Chair— "Oh, no ! It wasn't ,that that did it." MAKING GOLD FISH. A large trade in goldfish is now being carried on in Sicily, the col- oring being obtained by keeping silver fish in water containing cer- tain chemicals in the form of peat, chalk and iron. jAfter a couple of weeks in this "mixture," the fish are transferred to another bath composed of iron and tan, which has the effect of coloring them red, or black and red, or black, red and silver—according to the length of time, they are left in the 'solution. These fish fetch a better price than the ordinary silver fish, found in large quantities in that region, but it is remarked that so far they die young. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto! 1 IGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL 1J buy beautiful hundred acres int Northumberland. County, including Stock and Implements. There is in the stock 4 horses, 10 cows, eto. This is a snap. and can be had on easy terms. Possession at once. el00D FARMS IN LINCOLN, WELLA D iIalton; Peel, York, Durham, North. timberland, Prince Edward counties at reasonable prices. .A LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN ANTI Manitoba lands in large or small blocks. Ll RUIT FARMS—ALL SIZES. IN PHD PK.'' Niagara Fruit Belt. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto, MALE HELP WANTED. RAILWAYS REQUIRE YOUNG MEN for positions in stations. These men are placed in positions as fast as we can prepare them. Railway officials endorse our School, Now is the time to make ar- rangements for Fall studies. Free Book No. 18 explains. Dominion School Railroad inc Toronto. GOOD TINSMITItS WANTED STEA 1)Y work, A.. B. Ormsby, Limited, To- ronto. A'7(7" ANTED—BY WELL KNOWN MAIL T order house, dealing exclusively is woolen's wearing apparel, local represen- tatives to take orders from Catalogue. State occupation and experience. Apply, " Styletex," care A. McKim Co., Toronto, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. AY AND FARM SCALES. Wilson's Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ('1 ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. In. �l ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write MD before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Co.. • Limited, Cellingwnod. Ont. • TON SCALE GUARANTEED, Wili+onre 0 Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. ' OXHOUND PUPS GUARANTEED. 11/,,LPxlte, ,:Chas iesbeck, Vanleek. IE111, Ontario. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SU/TS Can be done perfectly by our Brunch process. Try it. British American Dyeing Co.,., Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec. CREOSOTE Protect — Preserve— Beautify 3ampie5 and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCER/II & CO., Limited 1374E Bathurst Street TORONTO COW COMFORT is guaranteed to keep Flies off your Cattle $3.00 PER GALLON Dilute with + gallons of water. Write for a gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO.. LTD., W00DSTOCK, ONTARIO. Solo Mfrs,—The Sapho Manufacturing Co., Limited, Montreal, All goods imported into Turkey, with the exception of tobacco and salt, are subject to a tax of 11 per cent. on their total value. "Mueh of our worry is useless." "Yes; it is. I once bought some stock in a rubber grove and wor- ried two winters about frost before I ascertained that the trees hadn't yet been planted."