HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1912-08-16, Page 1The Official Organ 0
We have decided to hold a mid -summer char-
ing sale. This'is going to be an annual event,aucl
to make this first sale a memorable one we have
picked out a few Iines in our large stook and cut
the prices in half, These are no shelfworn, bought
at a bargain ;roods, but are picked from our regular
stock. We ask you to call and look over these
1111 es,
10c. lluslins for 5c
A. large and well a sorted stock to choose foom, All No. 1
Regular 35c muslins, sale price 25c
Regular 80e miislins,.sale price 20e
las i .d ti noeslinex eeleey. c' ) eee
Regular 10e r .uslins, sale price 56
30c White Vestings for 15c
A fine line choose from and at these low prices should
sell quickly.
Regular 50c Vesting sale price 85e
Regular 30e Vesting sale price 15e
Regular 170 Vesting sale price 12e
Crinkle Cloth
This is a special white and colored Crinkle Cloth, wash-
able and does not need to be ironed. Special at 15c a yard.
Men's Summer Suits
Special big discount given on all Summer Suits, two piece,
etc. We have some very neat suits and our prices will aston-
ish you,
Seasonable Hardware
Paris Green—Canada Paint Co.'s and Berger's English
Window Screens and Doors, all sizes.
Fly Killers—Tanglefoot, Pads and Wonder Fly Killer.
-Hamnaoelcs—A necessary thing for hot weather.
Fish Lines, etc ---We have a full supply and army other lines.
Plymouth Ropes and
We are selling agents for Zupich and vicinity
for Plymouth Ropes and Twines. These are the
best goods we can buy of the kind and a guarantee
goes with every foot we sell.
Gold Medal Twine
Is t world standard add We feel confident that it is
the best that can be made.
See Paint advt. on page -G.
Eavetraughing, Etc.
J. Preeter,
Telephone 9 - Z 13 k 1-C H g
e t-e-racarxraea sees4seev
t aeraee:.frera eeesee-s•cyasa�
Mr. J. D. Merger of Encircle visi
ing in town this week.
Miss Irene Pope of Hensall was
visitor in town, on Tuesday.
Bowling is the popular sport t
season and the Zurich lawn is ie fill
Messrs John Schafer and Phill
Sipple of Parkhill were in town C
Mrs, Wm. Finkbeiner and daugl
ter of Milverton are visiting rely;
tives here.
Misses Tillie and Ida Nell of T
ronto are visiting their parents; 4r
and Mrs. II. well.
Miss Brock of Wingham spent%
pat of the week with her. cousin,•
Mr . Geo E. Brook.
Misses,.Ernistine Truemner, Emig
eidern fri and Laura Steffens motore
to; Grand Bend on Thursday. "'--
Mr Roy Faust has returned witEi
his mother froin Napierville and wil
likely remain in this country.
A meeting of the directions o
the Kay Fire Insurance Co., }wit:
be held at Crediton; on Saturd''ay.
Mrs Adam S. Faust retuenecl
from Naperville on Tuesday even.,
ing and will become a resident of
Zurich Her many friends will
welcome her back.
Miss ROSO and Lillie Pflle who
B. and H. Plile 74th con. returned oxiI
Saturday last to their home nearfe
BaslAxe, Mich.
Lutheran Church—The pastor be-
ing absent next Sunday their will' -'be
noeservice in St. ^ •'r -:Lutheran
ch. Benda
Airs. Ed. A pe elle
treated their• visitors, Mrs, J.
Roedcling of Berlin Miss -Selma SipplO
of Detroit and a few local dames, tri
picnic at Grand Berid, on Tiffor
day. It was a strictly feminine of a t,
even the driver was a suffragette..
The shipments of grain from the
port of Montreal for the week ending
Aug. 10 were: 548,967 bushels•of
wheat, 201,264 bushels ofoats; 102,-
071 sacks of flour; 1,875 sacks of
meal and 68,286 bushels of barley.
Mrs. Joseph Reno and two daugh-
ters, of BadAxe Mich. are visiting
her father Mr. Alexander Denoin
Sauble Line, Mrs. Reno left th
French settlement about 25 years ago
and her friends are very pleased tete
see her. She left on Wednesday in Are
.Hess's auto to visit her sister ltlree
Joseph Jeffrey at Goderich.
Mrs J. Northwood of Windso
visited her ,sister Mrs. D. Koehlet
over Sunday.
Mies Helma Sipple of Detr;
spent a few days_ in town, ottef
way home from 1 Toronto, Niagat
Falls and Berlin.
g ha
he crop is not 'lip
e Selma W'Veseloh visited her
Migs A.lvada in London, for a
igs+t,' week.•
sV.1. , if, • .R;oedding ' of Berlin
ted relati ves in flown for a few
th'ie week.
ee.Latira Steffens of Detroit is
i her- friendMMTiss Emma Heide-
etv weeks:'
Iaeonard Klopp of Stratford is
ng•his' brothers and ' other re-
s in this vicinity.
ster"Rudolf Heideman of Detroit
-siting,. his grand parents Mr.
Mrs .& Heidinan
vesting is in full swing and
promise -good yields. Wheat
ing has 'commenced.
sand Mrs. Whiteide of Kempt-
are visiting with the letter's
r; r;' Mr. J. t1. \' illiains.
Blyth post office was burg lariz-
y Wednesday morning and a
quantity ()ketones stolen •
Frc:iil:, 1,ricl;Wire, intends' tak-
e easiness trip to Saskatchewan.
ell .leave izie day nest; week.
^is will be several interesting
the.' Ziu?ich Fall Fair, this
nilorne'goocl racing will be
Alt iii Nic1'Meon of Blake left
carr with a car of settler's effects
1e West. Mrs NichoIsnri will fellow
tis eek
lac ys;. of ge %e, f .r the Caned.-
kresters is in•torr, lllis week and
euied auniribe a : ,members
local letige •
3obn Albr
YL} fll
eital ... ent.
Mrs Charles Stickies of Detre
spent last week with her moth
Mrs Henry Greb. She returned.
her home on Saturday afternoon
Mrs. Henry '\Vnrm left on Tues
on a. visit to her daughters in De
acrd other parts of Michigan.
1)r. Geo Schellig and wife of°
troit were visitors in this section
Mr. and kers. Harvey Web
North Dakota, are visiting relativ
town for a short time.
Mr. William Weber, Mrs. H
meth, Mrs. J. Laidlaw and Mrs
Beers arevisiting their father Mt
Weber, who continues quite ill.
Mr :Elmore Krueger of Hes
is visiting his parents D3'r: alai
Henry Krueger. at the 1 -4th Ce
Miss Flossie Hartleib' .ieturi e
Saturday evening from a two ,w
visit with -her .aunt:•Mrs. Gus,,e
at Wingham.
A runaway Horse owned bee4
Oesah of the Goshen the ee
much excitement here ote Tet
tl'e animal took frig ht at a tea
engine whistle and pliingedi .l
The hold backs of the harne
started to run at a furione rat
absence of the holdbaokp' eau
the buggy to strike it on'the •1
After a run of nearly a snit'
t.driget got osantrol again
hita fora board feiiise The iinp tr.
leorsti'e''he s1•`wa.nd i iv'ki;
mer Shoe for
Only J1.00 Cash
Now is you Chance for a Good Sumrii r'Shoe for the small
sum of $1.00 cash.
These shoes are all new stook and are well worth the.money.
Men's Harvest Shoes, regular trice $1 50 for $1 00 cash
Boy's School Shoes, regular pric, ` 150 for 100 cash
Women's Everyday shoes reg. price 1 50 for 100 cash
Girls'' One Strap Slipper reg. price 1 35 for 1 00 cash
Bring your Feet and get them Fitted for the small sum
of $1.00
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
Feed. Oats
Feed. Wheat
Shorts and
Feed. Flour
1oarse and Fine Salt.
• Br n: your Pi:educe here for
Best Prices.
mils J erey
e Zurich .Turf Club are prepar-
a .their annual races on Labor
. The races will consist of : green.
00 class and Free -For -All
e will also be bicycle and foot
13i11s will beout shortly.
rains require careful treatment.
quiet and neply Chamberlain's
'eft, freely. It will remove the
'friers and quiff' y restore the parts
a eealthysoncl' on. For sale by
l' eaters.
Timothy e.,.,ghlin one of the
ii47id highly esteemed .residents of
en, died on Sunday after a short
.The funeral took place on
ny afternoon to Mount Carmel
Ciiiiietery and was largely attended.
Sweitzer, proprieter of the
ton Roller Mills, is improving
Tint by adding new machinery.
'taken out all the roll machin
dehas replaced them with the
iniptoved machinery and is
tieg his mill th roughout. He
d erected a new store house for
'ng of flour. The building is
f cement and corrugated iron.
of 150 acres of choice` im-
nd. 14 acres of good Bard
sir; balance all under culti-
vel1 drained and fenced; large
rps and good stone house;
s with windmill; 1 1-2 miles
urich, possession will be given
t 1918, but purchaser may go
do fall work. For further
err apply to william Fee,
P 0.
ist of . Special Attractio ns
or the C. N. E.
programme of special attrac-
or the Canadian National
on has.aust been issued. It
esl by the Imperial Cadet
rind Competitions with
be,ative corps from all parts
iiepire and the two famous
from England, the Scots
band and the Besses O' 'Th'
rid, but these are a small
the programme. There is
„vaudeville for half a dozen
r,y.shows, a historical spect-
ie.; Siege of Delhi, sixty
,of Imperial fireworks
,,„,,W'-ellington's Zouaves, the
Tattoo, Motor , Boat races,
lig races war canoe races,
A New Line
A Live Agent for ZURICH
and vicinity to sell for THE FONT -
HILL NURSERIES end take advan-
tage of the wonderful development of
the FRUIT BUSINESS in Ontario
at the present time which is creating
an extraordinary demand for fruit
trees, &c. Good territory reserved for
Start now. Outfit free. Pay weekly,
_Write for particulars
See Them
Prices Right
How About a Violin
Everything Guaranteed.
Jeweller, - ZURICH
,: to make some clean, honest money, giving information I
to those who have requested it, regarding an original
e Western townsite—not a subdivision. This is a gent- w
leinen's proposition, and we want only men of good •
standing who will not misrepresent. Address �*•
• •
Western Canada Deal Estate Co. I.
For a Live Man in Zurich
Just now we are selling out a lot of odd lines in Wo-
men's Tan and Black Oxfords.
Regular price $2.25 to $2.75 for • c
Cash or Credit.,.... 1050
Also a lot of Women's fine low and
high shoes for Cash or Credit.. .... w
'Watch our window for bargains. Nov is your chance
for bargains.
Repairing neatly and promptly done
FRITZ. -Zurich