The Herald, 1912-07-26, Page 7THE RUBY MINES OF BURMA STONES MORE VALUABLE THAN DIAMONDS. A. British Syndicate Controls the Mines on the Mogok Pro- perty. "Most people are of the impres- sion that the diannond is more valu- able than any other jewel stone, but, weight for weight, the Oriental ruby costs many times what the finest diamond of the Kimberley field will bring," said Henri La Vallee of Chicago, who has lately returned from a trip to the East Indies to a Daily News reporter. "For instance, an eleven carat ruby sold in London a few years ago for $35,000. An eleven carat diamond in the market would not bring any- thing like this sum. The smaller sized diamonds and 'pigeon blood' rubies are not so wide apart in .price, but real rubies are steadily in the lead in all gem markets. "Last fall I passed through that small district in upper Burma around Mogok, seventy miles north of Mandalay, from which nearly all the rubies of the world come. The pure ruby is corundum chemically oxide of .aluminum. The aluminum silicate is the basis of all clays and the sulphate is familiar as alum. The Mogok district was for three centuries owned by the Burmese kings. and in those days, I learned, the possession of a ruby by a pri- vate individual, if it was worth more than $350, was regarded as a crime. "Those of a larger value were mrt of the except ein those eases where thee in- dividual had sufficient cupidity to break them up and .sell them as SEVERAL SEPARATE JEWELS. "Some years ago ar British syndi- cate got a lease on the Mogok pro- perty for a period extending to 1932 and began bringing out rubies over a cart road sixty miles to the Irra- waddy River. The process of tak ng out the brilliant red stones is nique. A pit is sunk ten feet que feet deep nare a c ntriu fugal pump dis placed in • The ground all around is then radually loaded into trucks and wiled away to a washer, any wa- >encotrntercd being let into the t, from which the pump removes "This process continues until vel of the mine reaches the in of the pumping pit or the qu ty of water exceeds the cap the pump, in which case it mss necessary to sink the pit f er and increase the pump wer. Chinese in blue jackets ouser's, who eat rice, dried d salt pork, load the ruby gron to trucks, which are ;hitched to dless rope, drawn up' a slope a pped into screens, through wh ter b 'ing well shaken and disin 'ated it passes into washing pe feet in diameter. "`Rows of steel teeth set in r lying arms churn up the clay ass, the elay and lighter gray in off into a safety pan and t 'vier gravel, containing the pr ous stones, is left behind, abo per cent. of the original coetn the washer, "At the end of each shift a doo the pan bottom is opened and th posit falls into TRUCKS WITH COVERS, i•eh are locked until the sorter e ready to treat the loads. Th rters tip the deposit into a larg walso locked, from which i ly dribbles into a revolving ecu covered 'with various sizes meshing. The sand is eliminated once and the clean deposit falls in five sizes, the largest etly to a sorting table, the four rs to a pulsator, which further rates the heavier from the r stuff. eeause of the strong tempts. to theft no natives are allowed ibandle the larger sizes and the dish !sorters conduct the next ration of • working the stuff nd and round in a sieve im- .sed in a tub of water till the hes have gravitated to the hot- . The sieve is then smartly led upside down on a table so the rubies are at the top and be picked out by hand. he rainfall in the Mogok regionrrific. Twenty-five inches have registered in four .days there. great open pits to be kept from the results of such de- s the engineers often find thorn- s in great difficulties, so that decided to drive a drainage el through the hill on one side e valley which will not only the river flowing through but empty the water from the s by gravity. The tunnel will ore than a mile long. the bot- an - city be- wr- ing and fish nd an nd ich to ns e- cy el he e- ut is r e e e t TO STRENGTHEN WEAK NERVES The Blood Supply Moet be Rich, Red and Pyre When 'you build up the blood strengthen the nerves, beeaus nerves get their food through blood. You cannot reach nerves with medicine except thr the blood—this is a great me truth few people realize. Ner people are pale people. They nervous because they are pale. blood is so thin and watery th cannot nourish the nerves. Ste nerves mean sciatica, neural nervous prostration, paralysis. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for People are a real nerve tonic. T supply plenty of nourishing blood to the exhausted nerves, t enabling them to do the work ture •intended they should do. is the simple secret of the sue of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in c ing nerve troubles. As to th value in cases of sciatica, Mrs. Palmer, Fenelon Falls, Ont., sa seven weeks I suffered told agony from sciatica. I tr everything to ease •the pain, but steadily grew worse. Linime had no more effect upon the tro ble than water. Then the doe told me to apply a •hot iron to t afflicted part and I did so morni after morning,, but my leg had b come so numb with the pain that could hardly feel the heat of t iron. I never expected to be ab to walk again, my leg was so draw up. I had tried so many thin that I had given up hope, yet at t urging of my brother I decided try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. T my surprise in two weeks I w able to stand on my feet with b little pain, and soon after I wa able to walk about again. I con untied' taking the Pills for abou two months, but some time befor I discontinued their use my leg h become ' normal again, and th agony of the trouble had disappear ed, and I have not since had twinge of it. Words fail to expf'es gratitudemy for me and I for strongly recom- mend them to all sufferers from Sciatica." The every day mission of Dr. Wil - Hams' Pink Pills is to cure cases like. the above, and they will not disappoint if given a fair trial. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock -vile, Ont. TOWNS WITIFOUT TAXES. Germany and France Have One Each.. Made you e the the the ough dical volts are The at it rved gia, Pale hey red bus na- This cess ur- eir Job ays: un- ied it nts u - tor he ng e - I he le n gs he to 0 as ut s t e ad e a s It was recently reported from Gtown within a a. little t thell was empirein which there were no taxes. The town pos- sessed benefactions, the revenues from which enabled it. to pay its way without the intervention of the tax gatherer. France never likes to be outdone. The Best Treatment for Itching Scalps and Falling Hair To allay itching bfllihihrovpreventry thin and ar, me crusts, scales and dandruff, and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, the following special treatment hs most effective, agreeable and economical. On retiring, comb the hair out straight all around, then begin at the side and Make a parting, gently rubbing Cuticura ointment into the parting with a bit of soft flannel held over theend of the finger. Anoint additional hplgescalphasbeentreated thepurt scalp skin rather than on the hal . It isnw 11 to the pill covering oossible the to nnext morning, shampoo with Cuticura soap used as often asSagreeable.abut may be twice a month is but once or this special treatment for womesufficient rr. ot- Withstanding Cuticura soap and ointment are sotreatmenty May everywhere, those without to try this sending to "Cuticura," expense by •II S. A., for a tree sample of pCuticu'rBoston, nd ointments with 32-p. book on skin and listcea by anything German, so contemporary has set itself of finding a parallel. Sor .. More than a parallel has bee.. covered, for not only are .there tastes but hte •timbers on .the co munal lands are sufheient to gra each person a small annuity, T happy land is Montmarion, in Midi. ': There are seven electors i the hamlet, so ,toavoid .anythin like rivalry the seven return • thein selves to the local council: Cuttih down the trees and selling th sufficient to provide a livelihoo+ fo' these simple people, whose taste are so modest •that they may b termed b'y some uncivilized. __._ e._-,.._._. TO THE MANOR BORN, Lord Charles Beresford and the Duke of Argyll were travelling to- gether on the Great Western Rail- way, in England, The only other occupant of their compartment was a prosperees drummer, whose suc- cess had been due to natural talent for business rather than to sound education. The noblemen found their , companion ' entertaining., s1) they listened to his talk until a small station in GI"oucester'ehire was reached. Here Lord Charles Ber esford alighted, and was met by a sel'va.it of the people with whom SUIMERTIME tae home. should be without a bottle of A-DRUMC Extract of Ruud Strawberry Compound It ,promptly checks Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantgm, Cholera Morbus, Nausea, Vomiting a and Summer Complaint... In 25e. and 5oc. bottles, at your Druggist's. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited 210 TIMES HAVE CHANGED Hoe-ell—Rowell doesn't speak to 'Iris wife. Powell—And I can remember when he thought it was worth one dollar to say a few words to her by long-distance telephone. T; 03 t Pill That Lightens Life.—To the Mari who is a victim of indigestion the transaction of business becomes an: added misery. He cannot con- eentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation attend him. To 'such a man Parmelee's Vege- table Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, according to direc- tions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are confi- dently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for them. Mother --There now, don't whip Johnny. You know the Bible says : "Let not the sun descend upon your wrath." Father—That's all right; but it•doesn't say not to let your wrath descend upon the son. FEATHER DYEING Cleantnc and Curling Sud Kid Glove cleaned These .can be tent by poet, 10 per 02. Tim best BRITISH AMERICANe Is Ca MONTREAL. REAL. They Soot of a Plane islthe Action. insist on the -OTTO O HIGEL" �..J Piano Action THE An/MOTOR 00. of Oanada, Ltd. 1,e FRA2aR AVENUE TORONTO ,aa CHALLENGE COLLARS eek nawkdee d to be the finest ere.. tion of Water- proof aterproof Collars ever made. Ask to see, and buy no other. All stores or direct for 251,. allfaMaammussagaatillnallialtuataaps When are you going to ask your grocer for r SCA ES? `Prado supplied by John W. Sickle & Greening; Hamilton FARMS FOR SALE. W, DAavSDN, Ninety Coibort» l/tryl, Toronto. E IGHT THOUSAND T1OItLA13S WILL buy beautiful hundred acres in Northumberland County, including Stock and Implements. There le in the stool 4 horses, le cows, etc This is a snap, an ran be bad on easy terms. Possession rt once, OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN, WELLAND. 'X Halton, Peel. York, Durham, North. nmberland, Prince Edward counties a9 TPA Rena ble Till OP a, A LBERTA, SARKATCHl WAN AND IA Manitoba lands in large or small blocks.. El TWIT `ARMS—ALL SIZES. EN run ■■' Niagara Fruit Belt. FL W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELD WANTED. AILWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPHERS and Clerks in great demand through- out Ontario and North West, Six Months will oualify you Day and Mail armors. Positions secured. Pree Book 18 explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. J Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. AY AND Reim SCALES. Wilson's d) ANGER, TUMORS, •LIMPS, ete. Ire pain tbynourahomexttreatment. Writeous before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collierwood, Ont. 'ITON SCALE GUARANTEED, Wilson's a ) Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. URi80SOTH Protect -- Preserve-- Beautify Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LAWIMUIR & CC" Limited 1374} Bathurs^ Street TORONTO �ava3p ;n,s':"y 1•AtT«•ni. ::."..,t�:S• _.,..n "INTERNATIONAL FLT 4 'AY12 Prevents the Tremendous Loss from files dollaarice rsannuallost ybye retard ngthearmers of growt fatda tening of animals and by greatly reducing the produrtlon of tun*fairy f rmer or etuc} also` noitvna'tluc etatenent to be true from his own experience. Mien also cause a great loam of life byPprosding Dioceses from farm to farm. International Fly Way will keep 'Mea off your animals and give then perfect rost fano tbeso pestiferous insects, which Will mato you mon, money in a larger production of milk or muds quicker growth of all animals. SAV YOUR STOO€t By Using "INTERNATIONAL FLY WAY" It le p'alt)vrly gnaranteel to ba effective in Driving Away Flies, hicouputos, and other inserts which worryetnckand reduce their atirnanzcnpCMty. It is harmless to the bale and skin and will be found perfectly satisfactory when need according . to directions. Wo phaco our twenty years of rcpntatica bark of 'International Aty Way, ,,*nk*Is4e, l.k0 Unliton ourpoalnV e. Fon S t a AT ALL Dnatans, INTERNATIONAL STOCK RIM C8. Limited,-ressaT0 No. 74 Lord Charles Beresford. he was going to stay. The drum- mer leaned out of the window,. open-mouthed and wide-eyed. He saw his lordship bowed into a .splen- did carriage and driven off down a country lane. Drawing hia'•he within the carriage again he turned to the duke and said: "Oos 'im 2" "He is Lord Charles Beresford," the duke replied. "Well, now!" said the drummer. "Fancy the likeseef''im 'obnobbin' with two cads like you and me!" SIEGE or DELHI. Greatest of Historical Spectacles at the C.N.E. this Tear. The Siege of Delhi will be. the historic spectacle at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. There is no more terribly pictur- esque scene in English history than this sketch from the great Indian mutiny. The rich and varied cos- tumes of the natives of different castes mingled with the uniforms of the English officers give to it color that cannot fail to delight the eye, while the tragic drama cannot fail to be of enthralling interest. Every detail is to receive the strictest at- st of thetmany on to historical pec spectake this the acles the Canadian National has become famous for. "'Yes," saki the humorist, ttit was enough to make a donkey laugh. I laughed till I cried." And he won- dered why every one smiled, Worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives. ' Simple and effective cure is Mo- ther raves' Worm Exterminator.` Some Meez. who know very little are not altog fiber sure of that. Minard's Liniment uries Diphtheria. TO DESTROY POBPCiJti':ia,,,cl. A new use has been found for tli+ry submarine by the French ministry of marine. The artificial porpoises•' are to fight and kill the natural porpoise. It has been discovered that hungry porpoises on the French coast have almost ruined the sar- dine industry, which mints millions for the people of the -coast towns and the Channel isles. To remedy this ,state of affairs, torpedo boats and the submarines are beingsent under "sealed orders" to scor the waters of the channel and make things so hot underwater for the blunt -nosed acrobats of the waves that those whosurvive will take to the Irish Sea, the North Sea or the. Bay of Biscay. Warmers Liniment ru s garage# in Comm Wire Wounds Musd'ncitbbeiga nadIrbried y ngeauh in wire fence. Some of the wounds would not heal, although I tried runny different medieine0. Dr. Bell advised inc to use MINARD'S LINIMENT, diluted at first, then stronger as the sores began to look better, until after three .weeks, the sores have healed, and best of all, the hair is growing well, and is NOT WRITE as is most always the ease in horse wounds. Weymouth. P. M. DOUCET. id "ones man on the street, slaking. tty if friend : "Well, money talks." "Maybe it does," answer- ed the other, "but all it ever said to me was `Good-bye.' " Oil for Toothache,—There is no pain so acute and distressing as toothache. When you have so un- welcome a visitor apply Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectrio Oil according to di- rections and you .will find immedi- ate relief.. It touches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once. That it will ease toothache is another fine quality of this Oil, showing the many uses it has. Heck--"lf I ever marry I'll rule the roost, or know why." Peck— "You'll know why all right." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. The excesses of our youth are drafts upon our old age, payable with interest about thirty years af- ter date.. There is no poisonous ingredient in .Holloway's Corn Cure, and it can- be _used without danger of in- jury. Mani a man gets a crick in his elbow role turning over new leaves, Minard' LInitrient Cures Distemper. "Th .me that your small boy 4s same unusually clever things.,}' ``Yes, yes. Did you hoar his 1atf'atl" - "Sure." "Why, you never 4et ,him." "True, but I've met a lett of doting fathers who in- variablir . tell the same old silly tales." STO T I COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER It pare to keep your stock free of files—contented cows,' I ve iR more milk; horses work harder and on loss feed. Costs Ices than .4 cent ahead per day, pas Center's Fly Rooster and Saye money. Easy t0 nee— economical—efficient —see. Quarts (Imperial) Gee; gallons (Imperial) 51.21,. Special circular free -tolls what others say about Cooper's. Any dealer or WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS - - TORONTO A DIFFICULT TASK. _r Betsy, an old colored cook, was moaning around the kitchen one day when her mistress asked her if she was i1I. "No, ma'am, not 'zactly," said Betsy. "But the fac' is, I don't feel ambition 'trough to git outer my own way." A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. --The secluded life of wome which permits of little health exercise, is a fruitful cause of d e- rangements of the stomach a liver and is accountable for t pains and lassitude that so mnnv then experience. Parmelee's getable Pills will `correct irreg larities of the digestive organs an restore health and vigor. The mo delicate woman can use them with safety, because their action, while effective, is mild and soothing. fuf ncl he of i Is guaranteed to keep Flies off your Cattle V0- Sam Paan GALLON' 11- Dilute with 4 gallons of water. d i write ter a gallon now to St THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE 00.. LTD., WOODSTOCK, ONTt1RIO. bole Mfrs.. -rhe Sapho trlanutacturiag Co„ Limited, Montreal. TWO C IJISES —ON TIIE— S.Sr CLEVELAND 1 ) From How ltYorkTOTISOct. 10, 1819 From San Fr,nsisoo Fob 6,1913 Wil *flit Madeira, Spain Italy, Egypt, ladle. Ceylon, Strait Settlemeatr, Jaya. C Caa..rapp*e, Saadwaci, 11:143:1001:113 wfOvetlandAtnrneeaTcura OPTIONAL if 1E7 pays in feaa . TOURS 11 rDaysiaJame Duration 110 Days Each csoand( includiae all mea. Up Sa aspancee ._., aboard sad aslloir, 'Ae.k• onyone mho 4oa mode the Writeruise for Mookle6 HAMBURG - AMERICAN 41.45 BROADWAY. ti. Y., or Ocean Steamship Agency, 63 Yongo St.. Toronto, Canada. NUPTIAL JOYS. Mrs, Backlot—Have a good time at Sadie's wedding? Mrs. Oldshawl—Fine; we just cried all evening at the awful match that poor girl made. When Your Eyes Need Cars Try Murtha Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Feels Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, 'Weal., Watery Eyes and Granulated .Eyellits. illus- trated Book in each Paeltage, Marine le emapounded by our Oculists—not a "Patent Med- Mine"— but used In suceessful Pitysicians' P:ac- tice for many years. Now dedicated to 1.ho ub- lic and sold by Druggists at 26c sed 600 per Bottle. XurIne Eye salve In Aseptic Tubes, 211e and F,Oc. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago "Is that plant I see in your gar- den a perennial or an annual?" "Neither ; a failure." Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D, Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a mire. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroeghly subdues the pain and disease. The destruction of the honse fly is a public duty. Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying on a crusade against 1. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body i s generally laden with disease -producing germs, makes him one of the greatest ene- mies of the human race. If the housekeepers of Canada will use IL ITS persistently, this peril will be tre- mendously reduced.